MTL - Tianjiao Retired, I Extracted the Entry To Practice-Chapter 314 Shi Yuezhu is here

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  Chapter 314 Shi Yuezhu Comes

  In the entire Yunfu, there are still red lanterns hanging everywhere.

  These lanterns were all hung when Tianyi Academy announced Shen Han's promotion to the fifth-rank early snow realm last time.

   It's almost the end of the year, so I just don't bother to take it off.

  Sitting on the banquet, there is really a feeling of Chinese New Year.

   After eating some meals, the topic of the whole banquet fell on Shen Han.

   When asked if I came back early, is there something wrong.

  Shen Han found a reason, saying that he wanted to learn some alchemy knowledge, especially the understanding of medicinal materials.

  I often practice outside, and when I encounter treasures, I don’t know them.

   Some good luck was wasted.

  Hearing that Shen Han wanted to learn alchemy, the Patriarch of the Yun family couldn't help jumping up, with a serious look on his face:

   "Xiao Han, are you serious? Are you sure you weren't joking?"

   "Grandfather, you don't have to be so surprised.

  I want to learn some pills, but for me, it is to broaden my knowledge. "

  Grandfather didn't care, as long as Shen Han wanted to learn alchemy, he was already happy enough.

   Halfway through the banquet, the Patriarch of the Yun Family asked if he was full.

   Seeing Shen Han nodded, he immediately got up and pulled Shen Han into the alchemy room.

  In the eyes of the Patriarch of the Yun family, Shen Han is an alchemy genius descended from the sky.

  Besides him, who can see through a Dan Fang overnight.

  Shen Han is willing to learn alchemy, not only the Yun family pills will rise again, even Dawei alchemy will take a big step forward.

  Since that night, Shen Han has been entangled by the head of the Yun family.

   Mrs. Yun wanted to see Shen Han several times, but was pushed out by the head of the Yun family, not to let her disturb her.

   He also said that during the practice time, even visits are not allowed.

  Following by the head of the Yun family, this time, Shen Han really didn't refuse again.

   Simply learn the alchemy, the method of refining medicine.

  This technique is actually a very detailed technique.

   There are great similarities with the array in the level of precision.

   But in actual use, the difference is very big.

  The refinement of alchemy and medicine mainly lies in condensing, extracting, and gathering.

  It depends on the application of the heat and the length of time for each step.

  The same requirements are detailed, but the aspects to be paid attention to are very different.

   It was still early before the end of the year, so Shen Han followed the head of the Yun family to improve step by step.

  In the past, the Patriarch of the Yun family always suspected that Shen Han knew some alchemy.

  Otherwise, you shouldn’t be able to understand those prescriptions overnight.

   But after learning, he realized that Shen Han was really a beginner.

  Although it is a beginner, but the learning speed is really fast.

  The Patriarch of the Yun Family guided for two days, and when Shen Han went back to rest, he took a classic book of alchemy to study.

  Basically, in one or two days, those difficult techniques can be learned.

   It's just that learning to return to learning, and the techniques of refining medicine still need a lot of time to hone.

  After the basic technique, it is a simple practical operation.

   Taking advantage of this opportunity, Shen Han began to insinuate.

  The medicinal properties of various medicinal materials, warm or cool, violent or soft.

  Shen Han flipped through the classics of medicinal materials and asked casually.

  The Patriarch of the Yun Family also has an extremely solid foundation, and if Shen Han asked a casual question, he would be able to answer it immediately.

  Finally, Shen Han "accidentally" turned to Yunrongcao.

   "Grandfather, there is a medicinal herb called Yunrongcao on it. From the name, its medicinal properties should be milder, right?"

  The Patriarch of the Yun family naturally didn't take it seriously, he just thought that Shen Han found it casually.

  When the name Yunrongcao was mentioned, the head of the Yun family couldn't help but smile.

   "It is not only softer in medicinal properties, but also extremely soft itself.

  This kind of medicinal material is basically not found in other places except the extreme south~"

  Shen Han pretended to be curious: "Is this medicinal material very unique? What does it look like?"

   "Well, counting it down, there is no medicinal material that is more fragile than it, and it is indeed unique.

  The wind blows a little bit more, or some animals pass by, and its stem will basically snap off.

   This kind of medicinal material can't survive outside at all.

  Only in the extreme south, the kind of place where poisonous things are plentiful and birds don’t shit, can they exist.”

   Speaking of this, the head of the Yun family still has some regrets.

   "Grandfather, have you seen this Yunrong grass?"

   "Of course I have seen it before, old man, please draw a rough outline, in case you encounter it outside in the future.

   Pick up a plant, although it is not worth the treasure of heaven and earth, but it is also very precious. "

   While speaking, the head of the Yun Family drew the Yunrong Grass for Shen Han.

  Following that, he talked with Shen Han about the habits of Yunrong grass in detail.

  He didn't know that Shen Han was really planning to pick this thing.

   Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't say anything.

  The time for practicing and studying flies especially fast.

  When the twelfth day of the winter month arrived in Anyang City, it was already the end of the new year in a flash.

  During this period, Shen Han learned a lot about refining medicine.

  The head of the Yun family also showed Shen Han his manuscript.

  In just two days, Shen Han pointed out many fallacies to him.

   Seeing the mistakes he had pointed out, the Patriarch of the Yun family was stunned for a long time.

  Hiding in the alchemy room together with Shen Han, it was finally confirmed that he was really wrong.

  Several fallacies were uncovered, which was another huge improvement for the Yun family's alchemy.

  In the past, there were several kinds of elixirs, but loose elixirs always appeared.

  I can't find the reason, but now, I finally found it out.

  On the night of Chinese New Year, the Yun family was very lively.

  The head of the Yun family asked the servants in the mansion to call all his family members together to have a lively year together.

  Yun’s family last year hadn’t been closed for several months.

   At that time, many people bad-mouthed the Yun family, saying that the Yun family was going to collapse, that it was ruined.

  These domestic servants never leave. This year, the Yun family is thriving.

  Rundown, broken down?

  The Yun family is now a first-class alchemy family in the Wei Dynasty!

  Even the court began to pay attention to the Yun family, and began to discuss and communicate with the Yun family.

  At the New Year's Eve dinner, the Patriarch of the Yun family was a little emotional and said a lot.

   An old face, almost crying.

   Said a lot of words of gratitude, and at the same time, thanked Shen Han again.

  Many don't know where exactly Xie Chenhan means.

  But those who know, they understand, just remember this feeling.

  At the banquet, the head of the Yun family distributed red envelopes one by one.

   It is a domestic servant, who has a huge red envelope.

  The harvest of this year can be equivalent to several years of work in other prefectures.

  Just after the New Year's Eve, Shen Han bid farewell to everyone on the second day and prepared to go to the extreme south.

  Of course, the excuse is to go back to the capital to practice.

   After noon, Shen Han rode a steed and set off.

   After declining the company of the guards, Shen Han just took a few steps when a familiar figure appeared in front of him.

  Behind him, Mrs. Yun, the head of the Yun family who saw Shen Han off, also saw someone coming.

   "Xiaoyao Peak Master Shi, why is she here?"

  The new year has just passed, and many people visit other homes at this time.

   Even to celebrate the New Year, we have to wait a few days.

   "Father, let's go back first"

  Mrs. Yun naturally knew that the two should leave some space at this time.

   "What others say, Master Shi is also a strong person in the Immortal Realm.

   If my patriarch doesn’t go to receive him, I’m afraid it’s not good.”

   "My good daddy, why don't you go home first

  Daughter, I beg you."

  Madam Yun did her best to assist Shen Han.

   When pushing the head of the Yun Family to leave, he even winked at Shen Han~

   There are only three chapters today.



  (end of this chapter)