MTL - Tomb Raider: Bandit Chief-Chapter 115

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Hearing Wei Chuan's words, the three soldiers looked at each other, suddenly realized, and saluted Wei Chuan.

"So that's the case, no wonder I don't remember anything!"

"I don't remember anything either, thank you Master Wei!"

"Thank you, Master Wei!"

Seeing this, Wei Chuan also waved his hands and said, "Since you're fine, let's go back."

"I waited for you for half an hour, and I don't know what's going on in the main tomb."

The three soldiers were also taken aback for a moment, then nodded hastily.

"Yes, I don't know what happened to Buddha and the others."

Afterwards, Wei Chuan took the three of them, boarded the Iron Chain Bridge again, and walked towards the stone platform in the main tomb.

From a distance, Wei Chuan could see the scene on the stone platform.

Zhang Qisan's demons had disappeared without a trace.

At this time, Zhang Qisan and others had discovered the mechanism in the main tomb, found Qingwuzi's coffin, and were gathering in front of the coffin to investigate.

Seeing this scene, Wei Chuan touched his nose with a strange expression.

That's Qingwuzi's coffin, that's right, it's just that there is a fake Qingwuzi hidden inside, one of Qingwuzi's inner demons.

They probably couldn't find anything from that coffin.

He also ransacked the entire Qingwuzi tomb.

"Hey! Master Wei, nothing happened to you, did you?"

Seeing Wei Chuan boarding the stone platform with a few soldiers from the Zhang family, Qi Tiezui came up to him, holding a piece of jade brocade in his hand.

Wei Chuan shook his head, pointed to the bronze coffin in front of him and said:

"It's okay, the few of them encountered demons, that's why I guarded them outside for half an hour. What about you, did you find anything?"


Qi Tiezui didn't answer, instead he exclaimed, glanced at Zhang Qisan who was sitting on the ground with a pale face, and then said to Wei Chuan:

"Master Wei, you don't know that something happened right after you left Buddha."

"I reckon Buddha also encountered a demon, and that demon is still a unicorn!"

"Buddha turned into Qiongqi and fought that unicorn..."

"Old Ba!" Seeing Qi Tiezui talking more and more vigorously, Zhang Qisan staggered to his feet and gave a low shout.

Seeing Zhang Qisan's displeased face, Qi Tiezui also smiled sarcastically, and stopped mentioning the demons.

Wei Chuan looked at Zhang Qisan, took out a jade bottle, and threw a Qi and Blood Pill to Zhang Qisan.

"Are you all right? Has the matter in the tomb been resolved?"

Zhang Qisan took the elixir and swallowed it directly, his face became warmer within two breaths.

"It's just a small injury."

"This meteoric copper is indeed unique. In this way, it is even more impossible to let the meteoric copper come into contact with it."

Hearing this, Wei Chuan nodded in agreement.

He also thought so, this meteoric copper is really powerful, it is better to bury it deep underground.

Even if someone digs up the entire mine in the future and finds this big meteorite copper, it is impossible to enter the meteorite copper space again.

Because two pieces of meteoric copper, one large and one small, represent one true and one false, and the energies attract each other.

The small meteoric copper represents the truth, and the large meteoric copper represents the mirror image.

As long as he leaves the mine with the small meteorite copper and stays away from the large meteorite copper, the entrance to the meteorite copper space will disappear.

The small meteoric copper in his hand is the real key!

But in order to prevent someone from researching something from the big meteoric copper, it is best to destroy this place.

Speaking of which, that small piece of meteoric copper is also peculiar, it can't even be stored in the space ring, so it can only be put in the pocket.

Make a necklace after you go back and put it on your body first.

"Since the matter has been investigated, let's go back first. As soon as we return to Changsha City, I will bring people to blow up the mine!"

After standing up, Zhang Qisan glanced at the large meteorite copper on the stone platform, and said in a cold voice.

Because the small meteorite copper has been taken by Wei Chuan, Zhang Qisan thought that the big meteorite copper in front of him was the real meteorite copper....

No.. This big meteorite copper was originally a real meteorite copper.

It was this large meteorite copper that Li and Jude Kao had been looking for all along.

It's just that no one could have imagined that Qingwuzi would split the meteoric copper into two and suppress the miraculous effect of the meteoric copper.

After the separation of the two, there are more restrictions on use.

If you only have the big meteoric copper in your hand, you won't even be able to enter the meteoric copper space.

If there is only small meteorite copper, then life cannot be manifested.

"The question is how to get out, there is no way out on this meteoric copper!"

Hearing that he could go back, Qi Tiezui became excited instantly, but his face changed immediately.

"Master Wei, you brought us in earlier, can you still take us out now?"

Hearing this, Wei Chuan also nodded.

There are two ways to get out of Meteorite Copper Space.

The first way is to get rid of the demons, see through illusions, and calm the brain waves.

If these three points are achieved, the real mirror image of Meteorite Copper Space will be closed, and everyone will be spit directly into the real world.

The second method is simpler, that is to open the circuit with small meteorite copper.

When two pieces of meteoric copper touch together, the function of meteoric copper will be fully revealed, and the passage will appear again.

"Actually, it's not that the channel disappeared, it's that your minds are disturbed and your brain waves are abnormal, which is why you're trapped here."

"It's still the same, put the shoulders of the previous person one by one, and follow me out."

After casually finding an excuse that could not be explained by common sense, Wei Chuan walked directly to Meteorite Copper.

In the blind spot of everyone behind him, Wei Chuan took out a small meteorite copper from his pocket and held it in his palm.

Seeing this, Zhang Qisan and the others followed one by one.

As soon as the two pieces of meteoric copper came into contact, Wei Chuan felt a huge energy generated on the meteoric copper.

Feeling that the energy was still increasing rapidly, and there were several energies condensed around him, Wei Chuan suddenly shouted:

"Let's go!"

I don't know whose demons are gathering again.

After finishing speaking, Wei Chuan directly led everyone into the meteorite copper.

After everyone walked out of the meteoric copper space, Wei Chuan took the palm covered with the small meteoric copper from the large meteoric copper.

As soon as the two pieces of meteoric copper were separated, the energy on the large meteoric copper disappeared rapidly.

Wei Chuan breathed a sigh of relief after putting the little meteorite copper back into his pocket.


(Fans of the original book and the drama should not complain, the plot has been changed a lot by the author, for the convenience of writing. Ask for a wave of free data!).

Chapter 203

"Ghosting.. It really is a mirror space.."

Only then did Wei Chuan realize the difference in front of him.

With the small meteorite copper on his body, he can already sense the magnetic field of the meteorite copper around him.

Everything around is covered with a magnetic field energy.

After a closer look, it can be found that those things have produced energy ghosting, which is the mirror world in his understanding.

The two similar worlds overlapped with the Great Meteorite Copper as the junction point.

"Three-dimensional collection? Four-dimensional?"

"It's really hard for Nima to understand..."

After thinking about it for a while, Wei Chuan felt a little headache.

This kind of problem involving space and magnetic field energy may not be explained even by scientists in previous lives.

"Hey! It's really changed back, the road is reversed!"

"Should we return to the real world now?"

"Master Wei?"

Qi Tiezui said a few words with some excitement, and when he saw Wei Chuan looking at Meteor Copper in a daze, he asked suspiciously.

Wei Chuan waved his hand and said, "I'm fine, you're right, we've already walked out of the meteoric copper space."

"Continue to go back, and you will be able to walk out of the tomb."

Simply, Wei Chuan didn't think about things like Meteorite Copper Space any more.

13 If the cultural level is not up to the mark, it is useless to think about it.

All he knew was that this trip to the tomb would be a huge profit!

After resting in the main tomb for ten minutes, everyone returned the same way.

However, the speed of the return journey will be much slower than the speed of the arrival.

Zhang Qisan was very imaginary now, and the rest of the Zhang family's soldiers who had been knocked out by Wei Chuan also looked constipated while clutching the back of their necks.

(Readers, have you ever slapped yourself **** the back of your neck? The author has tried it. The world is spinning, I can’t spit it out, so stupid..)

An iron chain bridge, like walking a tightrope, it takes four or five minutes to walk a hundred meters.

After arriving at the front hall of the tomb, except for Wei Chuan Er Yuehong and Adjutant Zhang, everyone's legs were weak and they couldn't breathe.

Seeing Zhang Qisan's weak appearance, Adjutant Zhang looked worried.

But at the next moment, Adjutant Zhang gave a jolt, clapped his hands suddenly, and said to Zhang Qisan:


"Maybe we don't need to use it a second time, this time we can directly blow up the mine!"

"Isn't there a passageway outside the tomb that was filled with explosives by himself!"

Hearing this, Zhang Qisan's eyes lit up immediately and said: "That's right!"

"We can't waste time, we should act as soon as possible."

"A while ago, Kai himself was active in the mine, so he must be preparing to leave the mine."

"It's been two days since we came out, and those Japanese must have heard some rumors."

"Maybe they're already eyeing us now!" Zhang Qisan took a deep breath and stood up from the ground with a solemn expression.



Next, everyone returned along the same route, took the explosives and left behind them.

Kai himself had prepared a lot of explosives, enough to blow up the mountain.

After all, most areas in the mine are mine roads, and the entire mountain has been hollowed out. As long as a few points are blown up, the mine and ancient tombs can be completely destroyed.