MTL - Tomb Raider: Storytelling and Writing, The Mystic Nine is Confused-Chapter 192

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This question was asked by the Great Elder.

He also wondered why the bronze gate was guarded.

But it would be a bit embarrassing to say this, especially in front of this group of juniors.

"Why do you ask so much, then Zu Xun."

"If the old patriarch doesn't come back, we will pick another person with pure Qilin blood to go to Genting Heavenly Palace to continue guarding the bronze word of grace."

This said.

The young people below unconsciously tightened their clothes.

It is understandable to carry it in this tomb for ten days and a half months, but how can I bear it if I stay there for an unknown number of years.

But they were helpless about Zhang Chen, who was telling stories in the capital.

This family is just there to talk books.

Whether it's right or not.

Zhang Chen did not go to the tomb.

Is it possible to go up and arrest Mr. Zhang?

It's another matter if you can beat it.

Chapter 194 Chen Pi suspended animation, immortal!


Crescent Hotel.


The crowd raved about it.

"Before we suspected that Mr. Zhang went to this tomb, but now it's becoming more and more different. Even Mr. Zhang can describe the anti-chisel mark at the entrance of the hole."

"Let's see how the tomb raiding progress of the group of people in Changbai Mountain is going."

"Yes, as soon as the crack appears, that is, the interlayer appears. Basically, it can be confirmed that Mr. Zhang has said exactly the same thing."

"There are a lot of doubts about this. Can't the wooden planks of this spiritual palace hall have the ability to recover?"

"That's right, if this board has the ability to heal, Mr. Zhang didn't say it."

"That's right, it's very strange. Since Mr. Zhang didn't say it, it means that Mr. Zhang doesn't have this in his book, but in other words, since it doesn't, I really don't know where the stone bars in the main hall of the Spirit Palace are located. How did it get discovered?"

"Indeed, Mr. Zhang also said before that when he entered from the ice dome, there was an abyss below, and the Linggong pavilion was suspended in the air."

"Hanging in the air, it has now blown through the ground of the spiritual palace. Then this is not the bottom of the cave."

"This structure is really strange. Wang Zanghai is indeed a man of feng shui. Mr. Zhang is also very good. Wang Zanghai's careful layout has been cracked. Will people jump out of the tomb directly?"

"Hahaha, Lao Luo, I don't know if he can jump out or not, but what I do know is that even if he jumps out, he can't do Mr. Zhang."

Everyone around was laughing.

Mr. Zhang doesn't matter if it's a force of 490 or something.

In the Dragon Kingdom, it has long been a soaring existence.

"Hey, I don't know when the news from Changbai Mountain will come back."

"Don't think about it, Mr. Zhang's storytelling will not pass, and the group of people in Changbai Mountain will still not do anything."

"Are you so sure? I know that the boss of Xieling has already taken the people from Xieling to Changbai Mountain after listening to Mr. Zhang's story last time."

At this time, a man from the northeast mouth stepped forward and said.

"You don't know, Mr. Zhang is really amazing. When I heard Mr. Zhang say that the ghost image of Genting Tiangong has appeared in Changbai Mountain in the northeast, I was very excited. My father who is over 100 years old , I didn't believe it when I told it, I didn't expect it to be true."

"I didn't expect that Genting Tiangong really exists, woohoo!"

Just listen to the man continue to speak.

"Now the largest warlord in the Northeast has sent people to Changbai Mountain, and the Chao Kingdom has learned that it has increased its troops to Changbai Mountain. After all, the Three Sacred Mountains are there."

"Tsk tsk, I'm afraid this is going to happen. If you go into the Genting Heavenly Palace with a weapon, that person will have ten bullets, even if there are monsters, they can't stand it."

"That's right, although the corpse is a monster, it is a mortal body, and I don't know what abilities it has."

"In that case, where are our people going to suffer."


on the high platform.

Zhang Chen sat there thinking leisurely.

He was not surprised to hear the news.

As the saying goes, some things can't be done with infinite power, and some things can't be done with a lot of people.

Besides, the Changbai Snow Mountain is at the junction, and the two countries restrict each other.

Nothing big will happen.

This Genting Tiangong is not so messy.

He didn't know what the last bronze door was.

If there is a virus that harms the common people, it will be a big game, and he always feels that there is something in it.

But now it's not so clear.

Forget it and take a step by step, maybe in the end, the system will be able to include a book about the bronze door.

was thinking.

Zhang Chen's fingers tapped on the table inadvertently.

This sound was immediately heard by the people under the stage and in the box, and they all stopped quickly.

He turned to look at Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen looked helpless.

If that's the case, let's continue.

"Everyone, let's talk next."

"After Wu Xie and the others were out of danger, they sat on the spot and looked around vigilantly while watching the other party discussing. No one was sure what was under this passage."

"Monk Hua said: 'First of all, we will use the exclusion method. First of all, this row of roads is built under the mausoleum of this house but still above the dragon veins. It must be inseparable from the craftsmen of Genting Tiangong. Secondly, this row of roads also has some It may have been dug all the way from the Tiangong underground palace on Sansheng Mountain.'”

"Before the words were finished, Wu Xie exclaimed: 'Impossible, how much work would it take to build this? Let's talk about 20 or 30 years.'"

"Monk Hua explained: 'One generation can't do it, but it's okay to bring several generations. Some of the ancient emperors ascended the throne in their teens and started to build mausoleums when they ascended the throne? What's more, this Wannu King is known as the immortal.' "

"As for why those craftsmen dug this row of roads from one mountain to another, I don't know, but they definitely have no intentions."

"Wu Xie looked at Monk Hua with a serious face: 'How sure are you?'"

"Monk Hua: 'My **** has been here before? How would I know, I can only know if I go down and take a look.'"

"At this time, everyone noticed that Chen Pi A Si, who was on the side, had been silent, and they were very puzzled. As the most knowledgeable person in the team, how could he not speak at this time? This is a bit unreasonable."

"Speaking, Fatty Wang stepped forward a little anxiously: 'Old man, you have to say something, it's better than pretending to be cool here, anyway, I will call you the fourth grandpa. Hey! Father!', Fatty Wang shouted again. When he realized something was wrong, he hurriedly stepped forward and shook Chen Pi A Si, but Chen Pi A Si didn't open his eyes, so Fatty Wang hurriedly touched Si Grandpa's neck with his hand."

"'It's over! Little innocent, dead! Four grandpas are dead.'"

"Everyone was stunned, their faces couldn't believe it, it wasn't good just now, why is it gone in a few minutes? Even if everyone didn't believe it, the sweat on the faces of Fatty Wang and Monk Hua was already pouring out, this is not Fake, it's still in the ice cave below."

"Everyone hurriedly gathered around, only to see the old man's body stiffened, his eyes closed, and he sat motionless, like an ice sculpture."

"Then Monk Hua broke off the old man's hand, and his face became more and more heavy. Everyone watched his face change constantly, and they knew whether it was the compound or the one who knew some medical skills. They should have seen how the old man died."

"Wu Xie said with a sigh on his back: 'I am old, my body is like this, and my grandfather died like this.'"

Speaking of which.

Wu Laogou, who was sitting in the box, suddenly pinched his hands on the youngest's **** in his arms.

Immediately after.

Zhang Chen continued.

"Wu Xie's voice just fell."

"Suddenly, the fourth grandpa in front of him suddenly stretched out his hand."

"With a sound of 'crack!', Wu Xie's neck was tightly pinched, and Fatty Wang hurriedly shouted: 'Cheat the corpse! Black donkey hooves! Quickly bring black donkey hooves!'"

"Then Chen Pi A Si said with some warmth and anger: 'What are you talking about, don't worry, my old man hasn't died so easily!'"

"Everyone's eyes on Chen Pi A Si were different at first. Just now, it was obvious that there was no pulse, and the whole person's body was already cold. Why did he suddenly deceive the corpse? Could it be that this is the resurrection of the soul?"

"Wu Xie and Fatty Wang exchanged their eyes, and they both carefully raised the black donkey's hoof and looked around." "The next moment, Monk Hua told Chen Pi Ah Si what he had just discussed. Chen Pi Ah Si did not listen to it. Said more, just nodded, indicating that you can go down and have a look."

"After all, Pan Zi dropped a light stick, and saw that the light stick bounced on the ground a few times, and then disappeared. In fact, according to the trend of the mountain, it can be seen that this should be down first, and then go down again. Up, that's right."

"After everyone discussed it, it was decided that Pan Zi would explore the cave, and everyone else took up arms and followed behind."

"Fatty Wang yelled as soon as he stepped into the hole: 'Naive, what the **** is this, is this a rock? Why is it so soft? And what is this sticky liquid? It's **** disgusting' said. Fatty Wang moved aside in disgust.".

Chapter 195: Zhang Chen walks through the abyss like walking on the ground

"Pan Zi smiled and said: 'This is the body fluid of the corpse that kissed you just now. It's dark. You can taste it, and don't let the corpse's love for you.'"

"Fatty Wang is about to come up and fight Pan Zi when he hears it."

"Chen Pi A Si coldly snorted, both of them stopped their movements, and everyone continued to move forward along the road. The further they went, the narrower they felt."

"Wu Xie said suspiciously: 'Isn't this the escape channel for craftsmen? Why is this getting narrower and narrower?'"

"Monk Hua on the side obviously knew, and he explained: 'This is a channel formed by the melting of the volcano. You can see that this basalt has become somewhat transparent. This row should be dug out by the craftsmen at that time using the natural volcanic channel. aisle.'"

"It should be wider and wider at the back."

"As expected, everyone slowly walked to the back, and the space behind was getting bigger and bigger, which was unimaginable. There were also many steps, and these steps kept going up, but these steps were very narrow, and everyone walked. It is very careful, and it will turn into a bottomless abyss after a while."

"'Now that we are halfway up the mountain, the end of this stone ladder should be the Genting Temple.' Monk Hua speculated."

"Everyone was walking, and suddenly, the sound of water flow sounded, and Fatty Wang suddenly felt that he was finally hungry and thirsty. On this mountain, this water should be clean~ snow water."

"So, Fatty Wang greeted loudly: 'Innocent, I'm going to drink some water, I'm dying of thirst.' After saying that, Fatty Wang was about to walk over there. On the way, the brittle volcanic rocks didn't squat. It fell down, scaring everyone to fear."

"At this moment, Monk Hua said sternly: 'Come back!', Fatty Wang looked dissatisfied: 'Come back? I'll go wash my face and it'll be fine, don't worry, just this little water can't help me.'"

"Monk Hua put away his anger and said, 'See for yourself what it is.'"

"I heard that, everyone looked at the hot spring, but I didn't expect that there were things about the thickness of the thighs lying on the rocks on the surface of the hot spring, densely packed."

"Fatty Wang said in a trembling voice: 'How the **** can there be so many scorpions!'"

"Fatty's voice reverberated vigorously in this narrow space. Monk Hua's expression changed. He quickly went up to cover Fatty's mouth and said softly, 'Turn off the flashlight.'"

"Wu Xie and others just compared their flashlights when a magical scene appeared. On one side of the stone steps, under the cliff, there were densely twinkling green eyes, crowded together like a beautiful galaxy. The same, it can be described as a fairyland, full of stars."

"Suddenly, these green eyes were swollen, and a few pairs of red eyes appeared. They appeared in the green star sea for a few times and then disappeared."

Zhang Chen picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea, stroked his sleeves, and sat down.

This storytelling is not tiring, it is the dry mouth that is said every time, it is really uncomfortable.

Everyone in the audience saw Zhang Chen resting.

Immediately release the seal on his mouth and start talking.

"This, this, who can explain, where did the corpse go? I thought that Mr. Zhang would say that the corpse was a hindrance from Wu Xie and others on this road, but I didn't expect it to be."

"Hahaha, didn't it say in Mr. Zhang's book that this corpse found two men in a row, and neither of them were willing. I guess they were hiding in that hole and crying!"

"That's right, this Fatty Wang is too impersonal. He is a woman who has cultivated into a monster, and he doesn't know how to take pity."

Everyone around them felt their scalps go numb and their bodies trembled. People with such hobbies were terrifying.

"It can be confirmed now that at the end of this row is the Genting Heavenly Palace, there must be no one."