MTL - Tomb Raider: Storytelling and Writing, The Mystic Nine is Confused-Chapter 216

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"I'm afraid you don't know, Mr. Zhang said in his book yesterday that the Wang family is not a good thing from their ancestors."



Crescent Hotel.

The weather was gloomy, as if the rain last night was about to pour down, still holding back, waiting for an opportunity.

"What the **** is the weather today? The capital is really weird these days."

"Beijing Morning News!"

"Last night, the nine gates were cleaned up!"

"Mysterious people showed how to detect Wang's family, and Jiumen found many Wang's family members."

"The Wang family died tragically!"

"A mysterious incident occurred, and someone poisoned the Wang family who was arrested and killed!" Jiu.

Chapter 221 Didn't the Wang family die?

The people who were chatting quickly got up and walked to the newspaper seller.

"Come here, I dare to brag, I'll smash it for your newspaper, I don't believe there is such a cool thing, and a mysterious person told the imprint of the Wang family, isn't this nonsense, Mr. Zhang didn't say these things, why is it so crowded? Can fool."

"That is, Mr. Zhang didn't say anything. I don't believe that there are people who are more knowledgeable than Mr. Zhang."

"Could it be the same as the Zhang family in the northeast that Mr. Zhang said? There are tattoos on his body/"

"Damn it, don't speculate here, let me tell you, as long as Mr. Zhang doesn't speak, these things can't be trusted. I find that the current newspapers are becoming less and less interesting, and the whole person is false information. "

"Why do you write? I don't think you can even get any news. Maybe Mr. Zhang hated the Wang family even more, and sent someone to tell them in the middle of the night."

"Come on, Mr. Zhang is invincible. How can you do such a thing?"

"If Mr. Zhang does this kind of thing, it's not over, and then our families will become that kind of "fifty-seven", and we don't know how to die."


in a corner of the capital.

Several people squatted in the corner with gloomy expressions, covered by a few baskets above.

"Come on, this storyteller can't stay, maybe he really knows all the secrets of our Wang family, and he must deal with it as soon as possible."

"It's a good idea, but have you considered, can we fight?"

"Yeah, it's still up to you to say whether you can beat it, but yes, it doesn't need to be said at all, we are designated to be unable to beat it."

"You can't say that, what if you beat it?"

"By the way, how many people do we have in the capital now?"

"Hey, look at me, that aristocratic family is really ruthless. They raised a few big wolf dogs in the grass, and they almost didn't get bitten to death."

As soon as the man finished speaking, he quickly touched the blood on the wound with his hand, which looked really scary.

"Let's take a long-term view at this time, although not many people died last night."

"Hehe, as far as he returned Mr. Zhang, there were a lot of people who rebelled last night. In fact, few of us died."

The person next to him said.

"Well, let's disperse for now, and talk about it later. Those who are scapegoats have really wasted such a good poison as me. They are simply blind."

An extravagantly dressed man patted his shoulder and said.

"It's a good job. I don't know what they heard from there. After they are really detected, they really can't eat and walk away."

"Hahaha, looking at your cowardly look, even if they know what's the use, they have to die. They are doing useless work here."

"By the way, we are all hurt. Today, we will arrange unfamiliar faces to go to the Crescent Hotel."


Crescent Hotel.

In the hall on the first floor, everyone was talking.

"I didn't expect the people from Jiumen to move so fast, and they found it so quickly."

"It's true, it's true, I slept too early yesterday, and I didn't remember it."

"Hehe, be careful with your head, Mr. Zhang reminded him not to lose his head and come to complain about Mr. Zhang."

"I will listen to Mr. Zhang's words in the future. It's just a warning."

"By the way, do you know? Yesterday, the Boss Yin of the New Moon Hotel also conducted a thorough investigation, and there was no Wang family."

Everyone looked in disbelief.

"Mr. Zhang said that the Wang family is all over the place, but I didn't expect there to be so many now."

third floor.

Boss Yin smiled slightly as he listened to the discussion below.

My heart is even more calm.

There may be the Wang family elsewhere, but they must not have the Wang family here.

"Father, are we sure we won't check?"

Yin Xinyue said worriedly on the side, after all, she got the news of Jiumen early in the morning.

After cleaning up a group of people last night, I was shocked.

What kind of a group of people is the Wang family? There are so many people everywhere.

Boss Yin shook his head.

"No, Mr. Zhang is here. Even if there is one, it will not be a big fish. On the side of the couch, even if there is one, it will not be any dangerous person."

"Besides, Mr. Zhang is not afraid. What are we afraid of? Isn't that what it is."

Yin Xinyue thought for a moment.

Also, if Zhang Chen had a problem here, he would have solved it long ago.


Zhang Chen walked up to the stage with a displeased face.

Looking at the system panel, I didn't expect this storytelling point to be like a tortoise, rising slowly.

Not only was there a little annoyance, in the past, storytelling could be drawn ten times in a row. Now, it seems that everyone has become accustomed to how magical the tombs in the book are, and naturally they are not so surprised by the content of the storytelling.

He also understands what this is called aesthetic fatigue.

When a group of people often listen to something, they will get used to the way the person speaks, and there will be correct guesses about the expectations of the content.

no way.

Zhang Chen sighed inwardly.

Sit on the seat.

When the sharp-eyed people saw Zhang Chen, they were overjoyed.

They turned around hastily.

"Thank you Mr. Zhang! Helped us find the Wang family. The Wang family is really hateful. I didn't expect my second-room concubine last night to be the Wang family. The Wang family who kills without blinking an eye."

"You're not bad. I found out last night that my old father was from the Wang family. It's so angry that my heart, liver, spleen and lungs are shaking."

"If it weren't for Mr. Zhang, how would I know these things. Thank you, Mr. Zhang, for being my great benefactor."

Everyone on the side opened their eyes and mouths wide, looking at this man.

"Brother, you didn't expect your Wang family to hide so deeply, so aren't you the heir of the Wang family?"

Suddenly, a group of people all around looked at him fiercely... 0

"Don't wrong a good person, my father is me and I am not, and besides, I have already killed my relatives righteously!"

and many more.

Righteous annihilation.

Damn, this is too cruel!

If you say it will be destroyed, it will be destroyed?

"Ai, I hope the Wang family can be more honest, don't blame us for being rude if they do things in Changbai Mountain and bury our people."

"That's right, when Mr. Zhang exposed the Wang family, we went to find the Wang family's nest and watched how the Wang family hid."

at this time.

Box on the second floor.

Master Zhang got up and walked to the box.

"Thank you Mr. Zhang for pointing out yesterday, but I have questions, and I would like to ask Mr. Zhang to give some pointers."

Zhang Chen turned around and looked over.


Immediately afterwards, Master Zhang took out a net-like thing.

"Mr. Zhang, please look, this is the net bag used to catch the Wang family last night, and we were watching the whole process. There was no poison on the net bag, but why did the person turn black when he caught him? Died from vomiting blood?"

"I waited and studied all night, but I really don't know how to explain it."

"It just feels very weird."

At this time.

other boxes.

Wu Laogou and Huo Sanniang came out one after another.

More or less holding something in hand.

Obviously these are the things to arrest the Wang family.

"Mr. Zhang, we also have the same doubts. Why is there such a thing? These people died very strangely. When they died, there were no objects or people around."

on the high platform.

Zhang Chen glanced at the things in everyone's hands lightly.

Thinking about 0.9 for a moment.

Then said with a smile.

"It's not just your thing. You really caught the Wang family. According to this, it may not be too simple."

"In case, the Wang family are all death squads, and their mission is to bring you down. That's not it. One person coaxes three or four normal people to go out, commit suicide, and successfully escape your eyes."

Everyone in the New Moon Hotel felt nervous. What Mr. Zhang said was well-founded, and there was absolutely no way to refute it.

Could it be that none of the Wang family died last night?

Immediately after.

Zhang Chen smiled and said.

"The Wang family is not so easy to find out. Did you use a trick to coax the Wang family to escape? Could it be that the netizens are all deceived?"

When Master Zhang heard this, he fell silent.

If he were the Wang family, he would definitely not do this.

Running away in this way is obviously a fear of sin.

In contrast to last night's arrests.

It's a bit too much indeed.
