MTL - Top Savvy: Starting From Basic Boxing-Chapter 17 If you are restless, you will kill someone!

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  Chapter 17 If you are restless, kill someone!

  The night is as cool as water.

   On the ground of Miaoshouyuan square, there are dozens of corpses!

   There was a strong smell of blood in the air.

  Many apprentices, pharmacists, doctors, and warriors of the guards stood in the square, silently looking at the corpses on the ground.

  The whole square seemed to have fallen into a deathly silence.

  Lu Changsheng was in the crowd, his eyes fell on a mutilated corpse on the ground, Mr. Wen!

  Among dozens of corpses, one of them was Elder Wen.

  Wen Lao's chest collapsed, and it looked like his internal organs had been shattered by the mighty palm force.

  This kind of power can only be possessed by at least visceral warriors.

   One of Old Wen’s arms was also cut off, but it can’t be found until now, and I don’t know where it fell.

   His face also showed panic, fear, and pain.

  Lu Changsheng didn't speak, but his eyes became colder and colder.

  Although Wen Lao is not Lu Changsheng's master in name, in fact, Wen Lao almost imparts his own abilities to others.

  It is better to be a mentor than a mentor.

  But now Elder Wen is dead, and his death is so miserable.

   "Patriarch, the traitor has been caught."

  At this time, two guards escorted a man with a bruised nose to the square.


  Countless eyes fell on the man with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

  Zheng Renxin's eyes narrowed slightly, and his tone was as cold as ice, and he said slowly: "It's you, Zheng Yihai! As a disciple of the Zheng family and a warrior in the guard team, you are supported by the Miaoshouyuan. Why do you want to collude with thieves and harm the clansmen?"

   There was a "plop".

  Zheng Yihai knelt down on the ground, begging for mercy constantly: "Patriarch, please forgive me, I was confused for a while."

   "I... I owed a lot of money from gambling, and in the end I was approached by those thieves."

   "They promised me that they will give me money to help me pay off my debts as long as I provide information about the viscera cultivators in the Miaoshou Garden."

   "I thought that the thieves would not dare to do anything to Miaoshouyuan, and they only provided some information, which is not too difficult, so I agreed."

   "But I really didn't know that group of thieves were so bold that they dared to enter the Miaoshou Garden."

   "Patriarch, please forgive me, please forgive me..."

   Zheng Yihai was obviously beaten badly, his teeth were knocked out, and he even couldn't speak clearly.

  However, everyone still understood what he said.

  A traitor!

   This Zheng Yihai is a traitor!

   It was because Zheng Yihai revealed the news about the visceral warriors in Miaoshouyuan that the gangsters felt that they had an opportunity, so they entered Miaoshouyuan.

   Zheng Renxin's eyes were red. He stared at Zheng Yihai, gritted his teeth, and said word by word: "Forgive me? You killed so many people, and you still want to live?"

  The next moment, Zheng Ren drew his knife fiercely and slashed.


   Zheng Yihai's head fell to the ground, and blood sprayed all over the ground.

   Zheng Renxin was covered in blood, but he didn't care at all.

  He looked ashen, and said coldly: "The thief ransacked my Miaoshouyuan medicine shop last time, but he didn't escape. Instead, he went into Miaoshouyuan. It's too deceiving! Do you really think there is no one in Nanyang Zheng's?"

At this time, a warrior of the guard team said in a deep voice: "Patriarch, those thieves ransacked the silver treasury of Miaoshouyuan, so much money, they will not be able to take it away for a while. And our people have been watching everywhere No suspicious person left the city gate, so those thieves must still be inside the city."

   "Then search for me! Even if you dig three feet, you must find the gang of thieves."

   "At that time, I will personally lead the guards and kill the thieves!"

   Zheng Ren's heart was full of murderous intent.

  Nanyang Zheng family, that is also famous, how has it ever been killed by someone into the Miaoshou Garden?

   Unexpectedly, the Miaoshou Garden was bloodbathed by a group of thieves.

  If this revenge is not avenged, how can the Nanyang Zheng family gain a foothold in Nanyang Mansion?

  This time, Zheng Renxin made up his mind to eradicate those bandits!

  The people in the square dispersed after all, and Lu Changsheng also returned to the courtyard.

  He brought up the properties panel.

  Host: Lu Changsheng

   Comprehension: 211 (quite potential)

   Mangniu bone forging skill: the third floor

  Lu Changsheng's mang ox bone forging skill has reached the third level.

   Even, the fourth attempt at bone tempering has already begun.

   At that time, Lu Changsheng's mang ox bone forging skill will be completed.

   Calculate the time, whether it is today or tomorrow.

  Therefore, Lu Changsheng continued to mobilize Qi and blood to temper his bones as usual.

   Once, twice, three times...

  Lu Changsheng's qi and blood are very thick, and he can temper his bones over and over again.

  In the past, Lu Changsheng could temper it dozens of times. With his current vigor and blood, it is not a problem at all.

   Work hard, maybe you can completely complete the fourth bone tempering tonight, so that Mang Niu's bone forging skill can reach a perfect state.

  However, Lu Changsheng stopped suddenly.

  The scene on the square just now appeared in his mind, especially Wen Lao's corpse, and even Wen Lao still had his eyes open, dying with regret!

  Memory was churning, and his mood couldn't be calmed down, so Lu Changsheng's bone-hardening exercises naturally had no efficiency at all.

   "My heart is restless!"

  Lu Changsheng murmured in a low voice.

  The restlessness is because of Mr. Wen, and Mr. Wen died a miserable death!

   "If you are not calm, you should kill someone!"

  Lu Changsheng touched the dagger in his arms.

  With a sharp weapon in his body, he is willing to kill himself.

   What's more, he wanted to avenge Mr. Wen!

  At this moment, Lu Changsheng's blood seemed to be boiling.

  Lu Changsheng put on night clothes, a bamboo hat on his head, and a black scarf to wrap himself tightly.


  The next moment, Lu Changsheng disappeared into the night.


  In the west of the city, outside a deserted temple, there are dozens of figures looming.

   "Bang bang bang."

  The voice of a beating watchman came from afar.

   "The sky is dry and the things are dry, be careful with fire candles."

   It was already midnight, but the figure outside the temple remained motionless.

   "Patriarch, it's three o'clock, and there seems to be no movement inside..."

  Miaoshouyuan guard team warrior, said cautiously.

  Zheng Renxin's eyes were gloomy, and his expression was extremely stern. He didn't speak, but stared closely at the deserted temple.

  In the deserted temple, there were lamps before, but now the lamps are all extinguished.

   "The gang of thieves are hiding in the deserted temple?"

   Zheng Renxin asked again.

   "Yes, the thieves are in the deserted temple. And there are only thirty or so thieves, but we have seventy or eighty good players, and the strength is superior..."

   Zheng Renxin was weighing.

   Maybe it's because he has been rich for a long time, but he still can't make up his mind.

   After all, this battle is critical.

  Miaoshouyuan's masters are almost all out, once they fail, the consequences will be disastrous.

   "Do it!"

  Finally, Zheng Renxin made up his mind.

  He has mobilized the four major viscera refiners this time.

   While the group of thieves entered the Miaoshou Garden during the day, there were only two viscera cultivators.

  In any case, Miaoshouyuan has the advantage.

   Zheng Renxin gave an order, and immediately, dozens of black shadows slowly approached the deserted temple.


  The dilapidated gate of the barren temple was knocked open at once.

   Dozens of masters from the Miaoshou Garden entered in an instant.

  But the next moment, countless crossbow arrows flew out of the pitch-black barren temple.


  Using the darkness of the night, these crossbow arrows were almost impossible to defend against, and instantly shot and killed many masters in the Miaoshou Garden in the barren temple.

   "Crossbow arrows?"

  Zheng Renxin's eyes widened.

  Aren't the crossbow arrows only available to the army?

  But, how could there be such a group of thieves?

  Suddenly, Zheng Renxin thought of a certain possibility.

  The group of bandits who once blocked the trade route were wiped out by the imperial army, but some bandits escaped.

   Those bandits may have taken some crossbow arrows from the imperial army.

   "Hahaha, since you're here, don't leave, stay here!"

  Suddenly, there was a loud shout.

   Immediately afterwards, many torches appeared in the deserted temple, illuminating the deserted temple like daytime.

  Zheng Renxin took a closer look. A tall man with eyes like copper bells and a strong body like a bear was standing quietly in the middle of the deserted temple, carrying a large knife like a door panel.

  The qi and blood on his body were blazing, and the heat wave was billowing, making everyone in the deserted temple feel as if they were in a furnace.

  Especially the man is still bareheaded, with a very striking scar between his eyebrows.

   "Drag Sword King Li Ji! You didn't die?"

   "Impossible! Last time the imperial army encircled and suppressed, didn't it mean that the bandit leader had been wiped out? How could you still be alive?"

  Zheng Renxin seemed to think of something, and exclaimed.

   "Hey, how can the imperial court eagle and dog kill this king? It's just killing the good and pretending to be meritorious, and lying about the military exploits."

   "Zheng Renxin, this heavenly king just took some money from you, but you don't know how to send it to your door."

   "Since this is the case, then this Heavenly King will take care of you together. When the time comes to kill you, the Nanyang Zheng family, it will be regarded as revitalizing this Heavenly King!"

  It turned out that this Li Ji was actually the leader of the group of bandits who blocked the trade route back then, and he was known as the "Drag Sword King".

   It is said that he is so powerful that he has even escaped his life under the hands of those in the divine power realm.

   With this person present, how could the four major viscera cultivators in Miaoshou Garden be their opponents?

  (end of this chapter)