MTL - Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher-Chapter 3380 Collision

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Among the channels, the top ten chaotic saints in Panyu's chaotic world stepped into the realm under the leadership of the Devil Cloud Supreme. When they appeared, the thoughts of the people were endless.

Panyu chaos world, the chaotic sage only feels the tears of his own movement, the heart is fortunate, fortunately, the magic cloud is coming early, otherwise, I don't know what to do.

And Tongtian and Taishang are frowning, looking at the ten chaotic saints, their eyes with a strange color, with their vision, all of a sudden, the strength of these ten chaos saints is very strong, absolutely It is not comparable to the general chaos sage.

"The Panyu chaotic world has brought several powerful chaos saints."

Tongtian Shengzun could not help but open the way.

While talking, he looked at Xiangyang, but he saw Xiangyang’s face with a strange look at the ten chaotic saints on the opposite side. No, it should be said that there are two of the ten chaotic saints. The very beautiful female saint of one of the female saints.

"Bad boy."

Seeing Xiang Yang regardless of the strength of the ten chaotic saints, but staring closely at the female chapel among the ten chaotic saints across the street, Tongtian couldn’t help but scream, “I really don’t know how to live and die, face the chaotic world of Panyu. The female saint can also reveal this look. Don’t you know that the other is his enemy?"

Not only is he surprised, but the opposite, the Magic Cloud Supreme also looks at the Magic Fair and Xiang Yang.

At this moment, he clearly saw that the face of the magic fairy with a happy smile seemed to be a little bit eager to move, and wanted to rush forward.


The magic cloud has a complex look and looks at the magic fairy.

However, before he opened his mouth, he listened to Xiang Yangxuan and shouted, "Hey, the girl who is opposite, come over, I will fight you for three hundred rounds."

"Okay, don't cry when you wait."

After the magic fairy listened, he smiled and smiled. The figure flew out of the top ten saints and went straight to the distance.


Xiang Yang haha ​​smiled, his body shape flowed, and the whole person directly turned into a streamer, and in the blink of an eye, two men and one saint were confronted in the air.


"what's going on?"


At this moment, both the strong ones of the Pangu chaotic world and the strong ones of the Panyu chaotic world were all shocked.

"Xiang Yang looks at the little lady, hey, it’s a good thing to have dozens of wives, this kid is really amazing."

"This is his, cough, true temperament."

Sun Monkey and Yang Lan both reveal the strange color. Only Xiang Yang is sure to look at the other party and will find an excuse to lead the other party, and then they will be born.

The Magic Cloud Supreme is a low drinker. "Fairy Care, Devil, help your sister, remember what the teacher said."

"Yes, the teacher is assured that the disciple will not let him succeed."

The devil has responded with a glimpse of his body, which directly turned into a streamer and rushed toward Xiangyang.


However, when he just moved, Sun Monkey volleyed and held the wishful gold hoop in front of him. He said with a smile, "You, this person, is not paying attention to the old grandson. People are talking about love and love. What are you doing, don't you bother?"

"Get out."

The magic screams and screams.

"How to roll? The old Sun does not understand, you roll one to show me." Sun Monkey still smiles, but the wishful golden hoop in his hand is directly used as a streamer to kill the past.

"Since you are looking for death, then this holy saint will kill you first."

The magic screamed, and his body was volley. The whole person seemed to be a supreme master at this moment. He shot in one palm, and the black palm print broke out with the power of horror. The infinite rune was imprisoned. The void made Sun Monkey’s eyebrows pick up and couldn’t help but say, “It’s no wonder that the last time of the war, the strong people of Pangu’s chaotic world have repeatedly lost their battles. It’s because your means can blind the heart.”

"It's too late to know."

The sacred cold drink, the power of this palm is so vast that it is no less than a hit by any sage.

"It’s finally come to an interesting one."

After Sun Monkey saw it, he was not shocked and laughed. He laughed and held the wishful gold rod directly to kill him.


In the blink of an eye, the Sun Monkey and the Magic St. confronted each other. The attack that broke out by the two people made everyone feel trembled. They only felt that the strength of the two was extremely powerful. It was definitely not comparable to the general chaos.

Moreover, several chaotic sages present at the scene can be seen at once, although the strength of Sun Monkey is also very strong, but it is still a little worse than the Magic St.

However, in a short period of time, there is no need to worry that Sun Monkey will be defeated.

As for the remaining eight chaotic saints, they are chaotic saints in the chaotic world of Panyu, ranking chaotic saints from the third to the tenth, and they all look at Sun Monkey.

However, at this time, Yang Lan stood silently, and the three-pointed and two-edged sword in his hand crossed his eyes and looked at the eight chaotic saints opposite.

The eight strong men, and among the saints in the Panyu chaotic world, rank among the top ten, and each one has no more combat power than the strong one who proves the power.

In other words, each of the eight powerhouses is comparable to Yang Lan’s existence, and even has a stronger presence than him.

However, Yang Lan is a cold-faced look, with a cold color. "If you want to deal with them, you must pass me."

"And I."

Kong Xuan also stood up and stood side by side with Yang Lan.

"Two rubbish, but also dare to block our eight roads, you are looking for death." The eight peaks of the Panyu chaos world were all cold after seeing them, one of them came out and sneered, "This saint You can pinch you with your hands."

"is it?"

Yang Lan sneered, and the three-pointed and two-edged sword in his hand went straight out, sweeping together and actively attacking the other side.

"Since you want to find death, it will be yours." The chaotic saint sneered, and pointed to a sword, a sword surrounded by infinite runes, directly toward Yang Lan.

After Yang Hao met, he did not fear at all and killed him directly.

In the blink of an eye, the two men fought together, leaving only Kong Xuan's face to look stiff and looked at the remaining seven chaotic saints.


At the moment, Kong Xuan’s mood is very bad. He wants to marry a little girl. Xiang Yang first took away a woman. Even the monkeys took one. As a result, Yang Lan took one and left the remaining seven to him. And his strength is the weakest.

With his strength, blocking one is a little bit hanging, let alone facing the super master of seven powerful so-called chaotic saints.

"You, are you coming to die?"

The seven chaotic sages looked at Kong Xuan with a weird color. Although the first three were taken away, they were bullied by Kong Xuan. It seemed to be a bit interesting.


Kong Xuan’s face was bitter, and for a while, I didn’t know what to do.


However, at this time, a huge roar came from afar, causing everyone's attention. When they turned their heads, they saw that this movement was caused by Xiangyang and the magic fairy.