MTL - Transmigrated into a Parvenu’s Ex-wife in the ‘90s-Chapter 19 Rent facade

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"Mother Jingjing, today there is a little contradiction between Ye Jingjing and her classmates. You may need to come to my office." Teacher Zhang is the class teacher of Ye Jingjing. She stood at the door and waited for three parents.

"Is Jingjing not obedient at school?" Having said that, Shu Yan knew her daughter's personality and wouldn't be mischievous. She was the kind who was bullied and didn't know the snoring. Compared to Ye Tianbao, Shu Yan Worrying more about her daughter being bullied.

"Don't worry, just a little misunderstanding between the children." The teacher smiled gently.

Shu Yan first breathed a sigh of relief. When she entered the office, she saw an elegantly dressed woman coaxing a little girl who was crying. The other two children stood in front of the teacher's desk. One was a skinny little boy at the other. It is her daughter Ye Jingjing.

"Hello, are you Jingjing's mother?" The woman looked at Shu Yan without any traces, she looked like a normal girl, she looked fat, she looked like a village woman who was farming in the countryside, but she was wearing a well-fitting and well-dressed woman. It's not bad, small high-heeled shoes, hair neatly combed in the back of his head, his eyes are clear, and his temperament does not seem to come from the countryside. In short, it feels very contradictory.

"Yes, I'm Jing Jing's mother, are you?" Shu Yan glanced at the little girl next to her. This was the girl who was holding school with Jing Jing in the morning.

"I'm Wang Yitong's mother. My last name is Lin, with a single name. You can call me Lin Hui. What do you call?" Lin Hui heard her daughter several times at home, Ye Jingjing, and she would not interfere with her daughter to make friends, of course. It is better to make good friends.

"My name is Shu Yan." Shu Yan turned to look at Ye Jingjing and crouched down in front of her. "What's wrong?"

Ye Jingjing glanced at Shu Yan timidly, and found that her mother was not angry and could not help but redden her eyes.

"Mom." I didn't say anything else, and almost didn't die.

Just then, Mr. Zhang returned with a woman, apparently the parents of the little boy.

"Let me introduce to you, this is Wang Yitong's mother, this is Ye Jingjing's mother, and this one next to me is Zhang Chenghan's mother. In fact, it is not a big deal. At noon today, Zhang Chenghan wants to eat the braised pork in Ye Jingjing's bowl. Because Wang Yitong didn't want to eat with the boys, he made a little conflict. Then in the afternoon physical education class, Zhang Chenghan snatched Ye Jingjing's hat. Wang Yitong quarreled with Zhang Chenghan for this, but the physical education teacher was very Stop it soon. I also criticized Zhang Chenghan. He has realized his mistake and apologized to Ye Jingjing. Today I asked some parents to come and explain the situation to you. Told the three parents.

Shu Yan looked back at the three children. The little boy seemed to know that it was wrong and kept his head down. Ye Jingjing held Shu Yan's hand without saying a word, but the little girl Wang Yitong who kept sobbing opened Shu Yan's eyes. The fragile little girl will help Ye Jingjing.

"Tongtong, everyone is a classmate, and the dish is from Jingjing. How can you refuse? Does your mother teach you to be friends with your classmates." Lin Hui first criticized her child.

"But he is a boy. Dad said it is impossible to eat with the boy." Wang Yitong felt that he was particularly wronged. "And he grabbed Jing Jing's hat and made fun of Jing Jing without hair. Like a boy, he also threw Jing Jing's hat. Not at all good, so I don't want to be friends with him. "

"Well, I don't want to be friends with you." Zhang Chenghan was unhappy when he heard that.

"Han Han." Zhang Chenghan's mother yelled at him, and looked at Shu Yan and Lin Hui with a little embarrassment. "I'm so sorry, this child is very skinny at home. I must teach him well when I look back."

Teacher Zhang was relieved first. All three parents were justified. I was most afraid of encountering the kind of non-reasonable parents.

"Mr. Zhang Chenghan, didn't you tell the teacher just now, and forgot to promise the teacher?"

"You can't bully female classmates. I know the wrong teacher, classmate Ye Jingjing. Sorry, I shouldn't grab your hat and make fun of you, I won't do it next time." Zhang Chenghan's attitude of admitting a mistake is very good.

"No ... it doesn't matter." Ye Jingjing glanced at Shu Yan and said boldly.

"Where is Wang Yitong?" Teacher Zhang looked at Wang Yitong.

"Zhang Chenghan has already apologized, Jing Jing also accepted his apology, so I forgive him and will be friends with him." Wang Yitong said with a mutter.

It ’s not clear what a few children thought about Shu Yan. At least it looked very harmonious. The three of them led the child away. The three mothers talked more and more speculatively. I heard Shu Yan now lives behind Xuefu Street. In the old community, Zhang Chenghan's mother Wu Xiuyue smiled suddenly: "That's really fate. My home is there. Which building are you in?"

"Such a coincidence, I'm in the 301 in Wudong, and I often move around so near."

"That's a coincidence. I'm in 202 in Qidong, and I'm just a few steps away. I'm going back to my house. This is your son. How old is this? Where is this going to kindergarten?" Seeing Shu Yan, he followed a small schoolbag Wu Xiuyue asked.

"Three and a half weeks ago, I just entered the kindergarten of Nanfu Mansion. This child is also very skinny. Now I'm born to you, Tianbao, please call Auntie." Shu Yan pulled out Ye Tianbao hiding behind her.

Ye Tianbao whispered twice, and his courage slowly zoomed in. He trot to Ye Jingjing's side. Children love to play with older children. Especially now that there is an older brother Zhang Chenghan, Ye Tianbao is even happier.

"You bought your house in Nanfu Mansion?" Lin Hui looked at Shu Yan with joy, "then we are neighbors too."

"You are also at the Nanfu Mansion? How many are you in?" It was a coincidence that Shu Yan never expected that the called parents once discovered two neighbors.

To be honest, Shu Yan didn't know anyone in Nancheng. The child went to school without a talking person. Occasionally, he felt very lonely and empty. The reason why I used to have a mobile phone in my house was that there was no entertainment to pass the time. It's really important to know two people who talk. The most important thing is that both of them look at people who are good at talking, and they should get along well.

"I'm on the 12th floor of two buildings, how about you?" Lin Hui was actually very surprised. I didn't expect that Shu Yan could afford a house in Nanfu Mansion. Even the smallest 60-square-meter apartment would cost more than 200,000. Many. Two-employee families do not necessarily pay.

"I'm also on the 12th floor of two buildings. I'm 1201." Shu Yan thought it was going to goosebumps, how could it be so clever.

There are 4 households on their floor, Shu Yan is 1201, and next door is 1203. Lin Hui is either her door or oblique door.

"I'm 1208. How can I count as a neighbor? It's a coincidence." Lin Hui was very happy. She always felt that her daughter was too lonely. I didn't expect to have a neighbor's classmate in an instant. Can play together.

Lin Hui bought it earlier than Shu Yan, the house has been renovated, and you can move in when it is ventilated. Listening to Shu Yan is still renovating, and gave a lot of comments on the renovation.

After hearing what they said, Wu Xiuyue was envious. "Is the Nanfu Mansion's house very expensive? I was going to buy a 60-square-meter apartment. Unfortunately, my husband didn't agree and wanted to wait until the house price fell a little."

A large number of people in Huaguo will look straight away and want to wait for the house to fall before they buy it. Shu Yan feels that if investment can wait and see, if you live in a house that you just need, you don't need to think that much. The community they rent is small and old. Wu Xiuyue also said that his in-laws lived together. How crowded?

However, the house price was very stable for many years. By 1997, Shu Yan would fall a lot, so Shu Yan would not advise the other party to buy a house, so as not to blame her on it.

Lin Hui didn't say anything. Buying a house is a big deal. They just met. Some things are not easy to say.

Of the three, only Shu Yan is two children, and they are both children. Lin Hui is because she and her husband both work in the unit. The policy stipulates that they can only have one child. Wu Xiuyue is because the first one is a son and cannot be reborn. Second child.

"It's still best like you, with children and children." Both envy Shu Yan.

"One is also very good. The pressure is not so great." If Shu Yan gave birth by herself, one would be enough. Fortunately, she doesn't need to be pregnant or give birth to her. A ready-made mother.

I went out with them for shopping on the weekend. Shu Yan took the children home. When she got home, Shu Yan said Ye Jingjing, "You child, others bully you and you do n’t know how to resist. Today, if it ’s not Wang Yitong to help you, are you Just standing there being bullied? "

"Mom, don't be angry." Ye Jingjing lowered her head. "I will not cause you trouble next time."

Looking at the small and cautious child, Shu Yan felt uncomfortable for a while, "What's the point, mother is not angry that you are causing trouble, and it is not your fault that mother is angry, mother is angry that you do not know how to protect yourself. Jingjing, mother cannot be always with you There are always times when I can't take care of you, then you must learn to protect yourself, otherwise you will be bullied, and your mother will be sad. You must tell your mother about anything at school, as long as it is not your fault, your mother must be On your side. "

Ye Jingjing laughed and nodded hard.

"Mom, I will be very good, don't be sad." Ye Tianbao said suddenly beside him.

Shu Yan couldn't help rubbing his head. "You are all good, mothers are good children. Hungry, let me cook for you."

I do n’t know if there is a rice cooker? If you have one, buy one, cook it directly before picking up your child, and cook it when you come back to cook, and the pressure cooker is really difficult to deduct. It is either hard, soft or soft.

It is still divided into two. She is kelp soup today. She originally liked to drink kelp soup, but the kelp soup with little oil and salt is really not good. The taste of hungry stomach is not good. It can be said that it is very tormented and countless times in my mind. Shouting Shu Yan gave up.

When I woke up in the morning, Shu Yan had a feeling of being unable to keep up, dieting was painful, and exercising was more painful. So why lose weight? No, it's really difficult to stick to it, go back and buy a mirror, and see that you've lost weight a little bit to get motivated.

Watching the child enter the kindergarten, Shu Yan deliberately left later and talked with Ye Tianbao's parents about the class.

"That? I have seen it. All foreigners are teaching. I play games and learn things. Children like to learn. I can speak a few words. The main thing is to be in the kindergarten. After school, the teacher directly Take it, we will be able to pick it up after work, and also in the training class on weekends, anyway, children are crazy at home, it is better to play and learn something at school, how good. Grandma.

Shu Yan: It was so good that she was told.

I have asked several other people, most of them have signed up, and a few are also on the sidelines like Shu Yan. Shu Yan went to the side study class again. The environment is very good. It is not particularly strict to ask for rote. Hard back, children are very happy to learn.

"The teachers are all for our children. We parents ca n’t hold back. You can sign up too. I have time to accompany the children to learn together and make progress together." Another parent laughed.

Now that they have signed up, Shu Yan naturally follows the trend, and he can't let his children place orders, which is not a good thing for children.

The training class was one hundred in January. At present, the cost is actually very high.

As usual, I saw the renovation process of the house. Near noon, Shu Yan went to Lao Hu to inquire about the facade. The door of Lao Hu's house was closed. Shu Yan knocked on the door. No one was inside. Convenient, otherwise it can be solved by a phone call, and we can only come back another day.

On the way home, Shu Yan bought the evening dishes, and bought a dressing mirror by the way. I simply took a little lunch, took a nap, and started a daily bobby jump. Today I feel more strenuous than the previous two days, especially my thighs. There was a faint pain in the stomach, and Shu Yan clenched his teeth and insisted on it. At the end of 10 minutes, he was breathing heavily and slowly doing some soothing movements.

Looking at myself in the mirror, compared to looking in the mirror on the first day, she really lost a lot, Shu Yan turned her back, her life was not successful yet, continue to work hard!

Cleaning, washing clothes, washing vegetables and chopping vegetables, it was already four o'clock at a glance. Shu Yan helped the old waist and lamented the difficulty of the housewife. She must find the store as soon as possible to do business. She must be relieved from these trivial matters. Such a good time, such a good opportunity, wasting life on these things is a waste of life.

It was supposed to pick up children at the kindergarten at four o'clock. Now the child has signed up for a study class and can go at five o'clock. This can be regarded as helping many parents.

"Mom, the teacher praised me today." Ye Tianbao said proudly.

"Really? Why did the teacher praise you?" Shu Yan asked with a smile, seeing the little red flower on Ye Tianbao's forehead.

"I have carried down the words that the teacher said yesterday." Ye Tianbao held his small chest proudly.

"Our Tianbao is so smart and rewards you with a big chicken leg at night." Shu Yan squatted down and looked at the little red flower on his forehead carefully. "The little red flower is so beautiful. I will try to get more red flowers in the future."

"I will." Ye Tianbao raised his head, confident.

Sometimes children are actually very easy to teach, so the environment is really important. Shu Yan thinks the kindergarten is good now, Ye Tianbao is more polite and loves to clean.

Ye Tianbao enrolled in the study class. Ye Jingjing also had to put on the agenda. She had been in kindergarten for half a year in her hometown. She had n’t learned anything. The teacher taught simple counting and pinyin, which could n’t keep up with Nancheng. Fortunately, my child is in the first grade, and now I can keep up with some lessons.

"My brother is going to tuition in English classes on weekends. Jingjing, my mother wants to report you a tuition class in English, as well as Chinese and maths. I also need to make up for a while, so you do n’t have to work so hard to keep up with the school progress. "It's really tiring to make up three courses, but the sooner the better, the harder it is to catch up later.

"Does my mother also enroll in cram school for me?" Ye Jingjing looked at Shu Yan happily. "Tongtong has a cram school for math and English. At noon, she also asked me if I would go together. Can I take a cram school with her? "

"Okay, when I see Wang Yitong's mother tomorrow, I will ask her which tutoring class, and I will take you to sign up. Other than this, do you have anything you want to learn? Just singing and dancing are those talents. Wang Yitong has Did n’t learn? ”Shu Yan thinks it ’s a good thing for children to learn talents, such as singing, and going out to socialize is really a plus.

Talent? Ye Jingjing's eyes brightened, and many girls in the class had learning talents, especially the artistic committee members in their class, not only looked beautiful, but also sang and danced, played the piano, and painted. Other female students also signed up to study, Wang Yitong Also, every time they chat, Ye Jingjing can be envious.

"Tongtong is learning to dance." Ye Jingjing shook her head. "I'll go to the cram school first, so I won't go."

"Of course, step by step, after one of your three courses has followed, I will go to sign you up to learn talents. I was just glad to see you, why didn't you go suddenly?"

"Mom is trying hard to support me and my brother."

Shu Yan didn't expect Ye Jingjing to refuse for this reason, her heart was a little bit astringent, "Relax, mother can afford you and your brother, you can talk to your mother about anything you want to learn. But there is a mother who wants to tell you clearly. Once You choose what you want to learn, you have to stick to it, don't you know halfway? "

"I will definitely insist." Ye Jingjing grinned, "I also want to learn to dance."

"Okay, go and sign up when you learn to keep up." Shu Yan went to school to dance for a few days when she was a kid. It was too hard. She didn't lie in a few days, and didn't know how long Ye Jingjing could last.

The two children have become accustomed to the fact that their mother ’s dinner is different from what they eat. Ye Tianbao himself took a small spoon to eat the fragrant incense, taking a look at Shuyan from time to time, “Mom, this meat is delicious, do you want it?”

Shu Yan rubs his teeth and dies, so filial piety at this time, he must pretend to be happy, "Thank you Tianbao, but mother can't eat it, you eat it quickly."

At this time, Shu Yan felt that she really couldn't survive it. Hunger made her tremble, panic and weakness, and she didn't want to give up all the time. The kitchen and living room went in and out a dozen times, and finally stood in front of the mirror and looked at the fat on the stomach. If you insist, persistence is victory, you can wear beautiful skirts, everyone will envy you, persist ...

I do n’t know what ’s going on tonight. I have been unable to fall asleep. When the sleepiness came, the sky was slightly polished. Shu Yan washed her face with cold water and went out to buy breakfast. She just drank a cup of soy milk when she arrived at the breakfast shop. I was really hungry all night and couldn't sleep, I felt like my feet fluttered when I walked over, just like flying over.

After having breakfast, I finally felt a little human, and Shu Yan made two lunches for school, and it happened that Lin Hui was also there.

"I'm looking for you." Shu Yan called Lin Hui with a smile, "My daughter has been following her grandma in the countryside before, and her classmates can't keep up with her classmates. She wants to give her a tuition class and listen to her. Tong is also tutoring, where is it? I'll take a look. "

"Not far, the community behind the school is run by several retired old professors from Nancheng University, and teaches children a lot. Many people sign up there. I'm going to work right now, so wait until the afternoon. Pick up the child, I'll take you there. "Lin Hui still has to go to work. She can't chat with Shu Yan for too long, so she will leave first.

I didn't expect to be a retired professor at Nancheng University, and when I saw it in the evening, there was no problem to register my daughter directly.

After sending Ye Tianbao, Shu Yan did not go to see the house decoration, went directly to Lao Hu, and finally did not go out.

"Oh! Ms. Shu, I'm planning to find you soon." Lao Hu hurriedly welcomed her when she saw Shu Yan.

"How about? Is there a facade for sale?" Just buy two as appropriate, and set up a small business with peace of mind, save money to buy two small broken yards in the suburbs, and then relocate the two children and one and a half. She can also be fair to them Already.

"Now the house is renting well, with thousands of rents per month, that is, the golden rooster, who is willing to sell it." Lao Hu ran all over Chengnan West Road in the past two days, looking for various relationships, but no one sold it. . They all say that there will be three generations of one shop. Who will sell it? "But I found a clothing store that I want to transfer. Would you like to see it?"

Shu Yan was not disappointed. She didn't have much hope at first. It was so easy to buy a house. Even if someone sold her, she had to look carefully.

"How about the location? How does that boss plan to change?" Most people do business in renting houses. Shu Yan thinks that as long as the location is good, the landlord can pass, and renting a facade to open a store is also good.

The store where Lao Hu is looking is very good. It takes two to three minutes to go to the intersection. There are two in total, which add up to 100 square meters, but the clothes sold inside are a bit difficult to say. How to say it feels a little cheap.

Chengnan West Road is a mid-to-high-end route. Most of the shopping here is a good family, or they have women who work, the positioning of the clothing store itself is problematic. Since you plan to take the cheap and beautiful route, you should not be in gold. There are also many clothing stores in the streets and alleys. How good it is to open there.

"My clothing store business is very good. If it wasn't because of something in my hometown, I really couldn't bear to turn it off." The boss lady had a big wave, a red dress, painted with light makeup, and she was pretty stylish.

It ’s good to hear these words. How can a real business be reluctant to turn around? If you do n’t look at anything else, you can see the problem just by looking at the employees in the store. The boss of such a large shop and an employee are lazy. And the lights are n’t turned on. When you open the door to do business, you have to turn on the lights. Only when you look bright and dazzling will people walk in. No one will come in if you look so dark. It looks good.

"Lady, I was here yesterday. This is my friend who is looking for a storefront. Let's not say these polite words. How can you transfer it directly? How much?" Lao Hu said in person.

"The two transfer methods are 3,000 yuan for the empty store and 10,000 yuan for the whole store. I still have so many goods. I really lost money."

"Ma'am, you can't be too authentic. How can there be 7,000 yuan in this house?" Lao Hu said with a smile.

Although he didn't make enough clothes, he would see that none of the clothes here were good goods. It cost 3,000 yuan a day.

"Clothing is not valuable, but the cash register, hangers, and sofa are all valuable. It cost me a lot of money to buy these things."

Shu Yan had already come back in a circle, and she smiled when she heard the words from the boss. She didn't want any of these things, and she would definitely need to renovate, at least now she can't see it.

"I don't want anything, and I'll empty the shop if I want to." Shu Yan said firmly. "How long is the rent due? What does the landlord say?"

The biggest problem for her was the rent. If the landlord couldn't do anything, it would be nothing.

"The rent has expired in a few months, and the landlord is quite good at talking. You don't have to worry about this. You can transfer the empty shop. I will let people move things back later." The boss laughed.

"Is there a rental contract? I want to take a look. I also need to see the landlord before the transfer." Jokingly, what you say is what, you must see the landlord in person anyway, and you can take over after talking to the landlord, otherwise she As soon as the money is taken, who will I go to?

The lady boss froze and smiled: "You are too careful, do I look like a deceiver?"

The contract stated that it would expire in more than one month and three days, but she was said to be months. This was the biggest liar. Shu Yan glanced at her and determined to see the landlord.

Unfortunately today, the landlord went on a business trip and said that he could only return the day after tomorrow.

"Ms. Shu, do you want the facade of Chengnan West Road? In fact, there are several streets on the side that are also very good. I have observed for a long time. The business is not much worse than Chengnan West Road. There is also a house for sale. Would you like to see it? Lao Hu carefully observed Shu Yan's expression.

"It's okay." In fact, it is not necessary to have Chengnan West Road. If there is a good facade, the nearby facades will be turned hundreds of times in the future, and they will never lose money.

The old nonsense street Shu Yan knows, but there are many restaurants in this place, and the business of opening clothing stores is very general. He said that the location of the facade is good. When asked, good guy, one million, the lion ca n’t open this big. mouth.

"I didn't expect the boss to make such a high price." Lao Hu said sorry.

"It has nothing to do with you. Please help me find the facade for me. You can use it at Chengnan West Road, anywhere else, as well as the store at Chengnan West Road. You can also help me pay attention. If there is no problem, I will Take over. The other is the problem of the clothing factory. You can help me see which one is better. I'll go and see. "The house has been bought, and the children are going to school. These days, the money can't come in, and you need to do business early. Make money.

There are also clothing factories in Nancheng, but most of them are in Hangzhou. Many people go there to buy goods. The place is a bit far away. Shu Yan plans to go there to buy goods in the early stage. Later, he cooperates with the local clothes factory to produce clothes and sell them himself. .

Lao Hu went back in advance, and Shu Yan stayed here for a while. There was basically no change, but the small place changed. Generally speaking, it did not have much impact. In fact, a jewelry store can be opened here. Unfortunately, there is no other facade transfer. It seems that business on this street is really good.

There are seven or eight bus stops from Chengnan West Road to Xuefu Street. On such a hot day, Shu Yan is too lazy to go back and find a bowl of noodles at a small shop.

In the afternoon, I ran around the place. Many places are short old houses, which will turn into high-rise buildings in the future. Unfortunately, she has no capital, otherwise it will be the most profitable to buy a plot of land to build a house.

Go pick up Ye Tianbao first, wait until Chengxi Primary School is just out of school, Lin Hui rides a bicycle, and sees Shu Yan with a smile: "Go, take you to the cram school."

It is not a regular tutoring class, or a room in your own house is used as a classroom. Many tutors come here, and a small room is crowded with children.

Wang Yitong's Chinese scores are very good. He did n’t need extra tutoring to study mathematics and English. Ye Jingjing had a weak background. The three main courses required tuition. The tuition fee was 30 yuan a month. The three courses were 90 yuan. It's not low. Shu Yan paid the money and will start class tomorrow.

The next day Shu Yan just returned home, Lao Hu came to the door and said that the landlord of Chengnan West Road had returned early and the house must be rented out, but the other party did not sign a long-term lease and could only sign once a year, and the rent was based on the person next door. It depends, that is to say how much he has around.

Then how can this business be done, once a year, she renovates, the business is done, and the landlord suddenly doesn't rent it to her, then she won't lose money, so it definitely won't work.

"The house is signed for at least three years, and it is increased by 10% every year. After the house expires, I have the right to rent. In addition, I have the right to transfer." Shu Yan and Lao Hu said good conditions, let him talk about it.

It wasn't until three days later that Shu Yan received news from Lao Hu, saying that he could agree with Shu Yan's conditions, and that he had to interview face to face in detail.

"The house can only be transferred to the same industry. If it is another industry, I must agree to it. My house is so new, you must not transfer it to someone to open a restaurant. The rent is increased by 15% every year." He is a middle-aged man in his forties, wearing a pair of glasses and looking smart.

Shu Yan groaned a little and said, "Yes, another breach of contract should be added. During this period, if either party breaches the contract, the other party should pay ten times the rent."

"Double it." The landlord frowned and said.

After Lao Hu's consultations, the decision was tripled.

The clothing store is due to expire in a month. She died biting the empty store for the transfer fee of 3,000 yuan. This price is a bit high, and Shu Yan naturally will not go to be the head of injustice.

Lao Hu finally talked about 1500 yuan, and the boss gave a cashier as a supplement.

"Is this sofa unnecessary? I only bought it for a year, and I have n’t sat much. It ’s still 90% new. If you want, take it for fifty. And these hangers are just bought for a short time, and they are packed for one hundred dollars. Here you are. "The wife recommended enthusiastically.

The red sofa is quite new, and she really needs the hangers, but it is not a good habit to not bargain.

"I've packed all one hundred dollars for you. It's not very useful to take these things back with you, and it will cost you money to move them."

The boss didn't look very good, and finally agreed to one hundred dollars, leaving everything to Shu Yan.

"Want clothes? I've given you all a thousand dollars." She has thousands of dollars of goods here, and I feel distressed.

Shu Yan shook her head. Even if her clothes were to be renovated, all the clothes would be put back on the shelves. Her eyesight wasn't too prominent, she must be more fashionable than the current people.

The boss didn't make up today, her face looked very embarrassed, went out of the door and looked back at the clothing store, sighing: "Several bosses in this store are unable to open, all say that Feng Shui is not good, so please do it yourself."

"Don't talk nonsense, now there is a new society, who is still feudal superstition." The landlord took a careful look at Shu Yan, fearing that she believed it, "I have absolutely no problem with this house, because she can't do business herself, why? You can blame it on the head of the store. "

Shu Yan's face is not good-looking. She didn't believe these things before. Since she found that she wears books, she has a lot of awe of ghosts and gods. Of course, she knows that there is a problem with the boss's business, but she is still a little uncomfortable.

"I have absolutely no problem with this house, and I will call the police if I talk about it." The landlord stared fiercely at the boss.

"I'll just say that." The boss smirked, and she lost a lot of money and was in a bad mood.

The house was 811 months, and the 800 in 1992. Calculating the cost of utilities and miscellaneous expenses, no business would really be lost.

Lao Hu nodded, approached Shu Yan and whispered, "This price is fair."

In fact, Shu Yan had already inquired about yesterday, and it was fair, "Can't you sign for longer?"

"It's been a long time in three years, and I've been signed next year, and my rent has increased so little." In the past two years, their street has been rising year by year. I don't know what will happen next year. He now feels that he has lost a lot. .

"Okay, then sign the contract." Shu Yan was a cool guy and decided to do it.

The author has something to say: I have entered v, I hope my parents can continue to support it, Moda (づ  ̄3 ̄) づ ╭❤ ~

Follow the file and ask for advance collection: the grandmother who is dressed as a heroine

Copywriting: Upon waking up, Xin Xin was not only a mother, but also a legendary grandmother holding a five million cheque to let the heroine roll ...

Holding the check just written, Xin Xin calmly withdrew it: "I thought about it, it is too vulgar to use money to solve the problem, and it has also stained your noble and pure character. Since you only love his people, then the next day , Please work hard together, come on! "

Hostess: ...

An accident in which an elderly woman left to cross a noble woman, how noble and elegant it was before, and then there are many people who fail ... 2k novel reading network