MTL - Transmigrated To Ancient Times To Farm And Build A Kingdom-Chapter 15 Warm-hearted Shen Rong

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"Chang Xia, can you still eat bird eggs like this?" Shen Rong said in surprise.

Seeing Shen Rong's handsome face, a shocked expression appeared. Chang Xia laughed out loud, and waved his hands covered in wet mud, "It's delicious, you wait... Taste it and you'll know. I used to be unaccustomed to tribal barbecues and stews, and roasted bird eggs are mine. The only comfort and everyday pleasure."

This body is too weak.

Lying in the animal den all the year round, sick in bed.

Occasionally, when he wakes up, he will be carried by Nanfeng out of the animal den to bask in the sun.

At that time, let alone eating barbecue stew, she could only drink some fruit paste. Before becoming an adult, what Chang Xia ate the most was soup and fruit powder. Even though she has thousands of ideas and is limited by her unsatisfactory body, she can only be raised by the tribe like a waste.

Baked bird eggs are the only rebel in Chang Xia.

The bird eggs were secretly hidden by her. When the patriarch and the others were not paying attention, they buried the eggs in the stove.

"Does the patriarch know?" Shen Rong asked.

Based on the importance they place on Chang Xia, most of these unknown things will not be allowed to Chang Xia. Otherwise, why did Chang Xia have the opportunity to leave the tribe when he was an adult? Beast cubs are the heart of the orcs, and any cub is the lifeblood of the orcs.

Not to mention, someone as frail as Chang Xia.

Even more, they will be stared at by all the orcs, fearing that they will die prematurely.

"What do you think?" Chang Xia rolled her eyes and rolled her eyes at Shen Rong playfully. If she knew that she was eating indiscriminately, would that be okay?

In a way, Gen is more nagging than Xylophone Nanfeng.

Outside the animal den, the horizon is covered with sunset, and the red sunset is dazzling and colorful, making the entire Heluo tribe red.

"Changxia, are you anxious to build a kiln because you are worried that the rainy season is coming?" Shen Rong said solemnly.

He has been away from the Dusk Forest for many years, but... the impression the rainy season brings to him is no less than the terrible cold season.

During the rainy season, the area of ​​river water in the forest skyrockets.

Floods, mudslides, landslides, etc., all kinds of natural disasters follow the rainy season.

At the same time, along with natural disasters, there are all kinds of ferocious beasts.

"The rainy season, is it scary?" Chang Xia hesitated.

Before becoming an adult, she was confined in a corner of the Heluo tribe.

The rainy season is mostly heard from the mouths of the clansmen, and Chang Xia has not experienced it personally.

"It's scary." Shen Rong said with a serious expression: "The earth recovers in the warm season, and all things are alive. When the rainy season comes, the forest will be submerged, and the orcs will reduce the time they spend hunting."

In fact, it is not easy for orcs to reproduce.

In addition to the orcs themselves, there are more environmental factors.

The harsh living environment constantly squeezes the living space of the orcs. Cubs don't have much survivability, and once lost in the wild, they rarely have a chance to survive.

Chang Xia's ability to live to adulthood benefits from her hard life and the careful nurture of the Wu and Heluo tribes.

"These... the witch and the patriarch never said anything." Chang Xia murmured.

No wonder Gen was so excited when she came up with how to make fish balls, and didn't ask much about Jianyao at all. Although the rainy season is rich in food, it is limited by various natural disasters and beasts, and its danger level is no worse than the cold winter.

"Most of them don't want you to worry." Shen Rong comforted.

In private, in addition to the patriarch Gen, there are several tribesmen who have approached Shen Rong in the name of discussing and exchanging feelings. In fact, it was to explain that Shen Rong should take good care of Chang Xia.

Even the south wind is no exception.

Yesterday, the two fought at White Lake in the early morning.

The bruise on Shen Rong's belly was left by Nanfeng.

However, neither Shen Rong nor the tribe mentioned these matters.

"We have to repair the kiln as soon as possible." Chang Xia said seriously.

Looking at Chang Xia's worried expression, Shen Rong regretted not mentioning the rainy season.

"Don't worry, you've lived in the tribe for many years, and you haven't heard anyone say that something happened in the rainy season. How could something happen suddenly? I'll just talk about it casually..." Shen Rong comforted.

The Heluo Tribe, a famous and powerful tribe in the Twilight Forest.

It will never be defeated by the rainy season.

"I understand." Chang Xia waved his hand, no longer wondering whether the rainy season is dangerous or not.

Build kilns, identify plants, and collect supplies.

These are the most important things.

The rest, as Shen Rong said. The Heluo tribe has spent thousands of years in the Twilight Forest, and naturally has a set of methods to deal with the rainy season.

"Come, have a taste—"

Shen Rong smiled and handed the barbecue to Chang Xia.

He could see that Chang Xia likes to eat, especially delicious food.

This time, Shen Rong used the ginger, onion and garlic that Chang Xia mentioned in the barbecue. The barbecue was better than before. He believed that Chang Xia would definitely like it.

"This tastes amazing!" Chang Xia restrained his thoughts and took a bite of the barbecue.

Without saying a word, he gave Shen Rong a thumbs up and praised him again and again.

Shen Rong is too smart, he knows how to draw inferences about everything. Fortunately, she didn't have much ambition, otherwise she would be suffocated to death.

"If you like it, eat more if you like it. You've been busy all day today, so you're tired! I've boiled hot water. After eating, you can take a bath and then go to bed." Shen Rong gave Chang Xia another bowl. Soup, next to a washed stone pot with hot water. He remembered what they had said, Chang Xia was not in good health.

Even in the warm season, you have to wipe yourself with hot water.

Orcs don't take a bath for ten days and a half, that's normal operation.

However, the Heluo tribe has a strange flower called Changxia. Even in the cold season, I would take a shower every other day. Not to mention, the warm warm season.

Shen Rong is not particular about it. The animal den is near Baihu, so he can go to Baihu to take a bath at any time. Chang Xia couldn't do it. There was a large wooden barrel in the innermost corner of the beast's nest.

It can be said that the bathtub is one of the few large pieces of furniture in Changxia.

"Who told you about this?" Chang Xia was slightly embarrassed, and a faint red tide appeared on her face.

It's not that she's squeamish.

The love of bathing is one of the few hobbies that she has retained in the last days.

It has become a habit for so many years.

Before becoming an adult, he was looked after by the patriarch and Nanfeng everywhere.

Taking a bath has become the only thing Chang Xia can enjoy.

"I saw that... the bucket." Shen Rong pursed his lips and pointed to the bathtub in the corner. They didn't expose their existence, after all, there is no need to say such things. UU reading

Chang Xia blushed and explained, "Having frequent baths is good for your physical and mental health. The same is true for you, you need to rinse your mouth and wash your face frequently..."

"After dinner, I will go to Baihu." Shen Rong replied.

Just like Chang Xia, Shen Rong is a bit of a clean freak.

It's just that it's not very obvious.

For the time being, it has not been discovered by Chang Xia.

"This good habit will be maintained in the future." Chang Xia smiled and said, "We will build a bathhouse and toilet in our kiln."

Speaking of the toilet, Chang Xia showed an indescribable expression.

She fought with the tribe for half a year to get the tribe to get used to going to the toilet. Instead, dig holes everywhere.

In this regard, she was often teased by witches and clansmen.

"Listen to you." Shen Rong subconsciously repeated these three words.

The longer you know Chang Xia, the more you can discover her different side from other orcs. If you change someone, you may be curious and ask questions.

However, Shen Rong would not.

This happened to be Chang Xia's favorite place.

After the meal, the two didn't bother about anything else. Chang Xia took a bath in the animal den, and Shen Rong turned around and went to Baihu. When he came back, Chang Xia laid the rattan curtain and animal skins ready to sleep.

These two days have been the busiest in Chang Xia's history.

Although the body has gradually adapted, the spirit is still somewhat unable to keep up.

After taking a hot bath, I fell asleep.

When Chen Rong stepped into the beast's nest, Chang Xia muttered hello to him, and then fell into a deep sleep.

"Good night!" Shen Rong said good night, imitating Chang Xia.

Then he lay on the rattan curtain beside him, breathing lightly, making Shen Rong, who had been insomniac for a long time, feel more at ease. Someone once said to Shen Rong: Home is where the heart is at ease.

He finally has a home of his own.

so good!