MTL - Traveling Through the Stars-Chapter 24 result

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  Chapter 24 Results

  A few people stood behind Luo Bi during the waiting time, still children. During this period, the little boy in front turned around to talk to Robbie again. Robbie was in a bad mood and chatted with him sometimes.

  The little boy finally arrived. The little boy waved to Robbie and went to test with the parents.

  Fengling came over, stood there for a while, looked up at the digital display above the hall and said: "It's you."

  Robi suddenly became nervous, and followed Feng Ling to the elevator to the test floor.

  There are not many people on this floor, and it is very quiet. A staff member in charge of testing first glanced at Feng Ling in military uniform, then set his gaze on Luo Bi, and then said, "Come with me."

  The three people walked to the place where some transparent stones were placed, and the staff said: "These are test stones. You can put your hands on them. You can try the one that tests your mental power first."

  Luo Bi pursed his lips, stepped forward and put his hand up, then stared at the test stone.

  Either soul source power or spiritual power is divided into seven levels, namely white, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple, white is inferior, and purple is the highest. Luo Bi didn't ask for the highest purple, as long as she could awaken, all the assurances in her heart became uncertain at this moment.

  Sometimes when people are too nervous, they are prone to gains and losses.

   Soon a faint white halo appeared on the test stone, which was too faint and looming.

   "Spiritual awakening, low level." The voice of the staff member sounded.

  Robi couldn’t tell if he was a little disappointed. He put his hand on the test stone and didn’t know whether to remove it. The staff member pointed to another test stone and said: “The mental power test is over, that piece is for the soul source power test.”

   So Robbie put his hand on another test stone, and again a faint white light appeared, with the intensity of the halo almost the same as before.

  The staff's eyes were slightly surprised: "Unexpectedly, you awakened soul source power at the same time. Although the soul source power level is also low, it is good to wake up both abilities at the same time."

  Fengling was standing next to him, and after hearing the words, he stepped forward and took a look.

  How much the two abilities would be awakened at the same time was in Robbie's expectation. The low level made her feel a little dazed.

  "Test the attributes!" the staff member said.

  Robi blankly put his hand on the designated test stone, and saw all kinds of light colors appearing on the test stone at the same time. The staff was really surprised. He leaned forward and looked, and shook his head twice.

  Feng Ling also frowned.

  Robi felt a little bit in his heart, only to hear the staff say: "It's so strange, all the attributes have been awakened, it's a pity..."

  What a pity, everyone present knows everything.

  If a person who has awakened his mental power has awakened water attributes at the same time, he is most likely to be a future energy master. Similarly, if a person who has awakened the soul source power also awakens the fire attribute, or the wood attribute and the earth attribute, then he will be a future alchemist.

  Whether it is an energy contractor or a medicine contractor, they are highly respected and respected throughout the galaxy.

  Korbi does not belong to any of them. Her various attributes have all awakened, but this is not a good thing. The so-called miscellaneous but not sophisticated, the attributes are too miscellaneous to specialize, this situation is terrible.

  In short, Robbie's awakening ability is low, and his attributes are completely useless. No matter where her situation will develop in the future, it is hard to say whether she can achieve something.

  (End of this chapter)