MTL - Traveling To The Last Days To Protect You-Chapter 39

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Lin Tantan immediately understood that this was a dark ability.

There are also different manifestations of dark powers, such as the poison system summed up by the Academy of Sciences, which can spray black mist, and those black mist are all poisonous, there is such a power in the west of the city Or, it's just that the person's toxin can't even poison a mouse.

There is also the ability to dye the space around the body into darkness, forming an existence called a "field". When other creatures enter this field, their actions may be hindered, their minds may be affected, and their five senses may be shielded.

It also has the same effect on non-living things. For example, countless bullets will sweep the dark system into a sieve, and he will immediately release his own domain, which will instantly slow down the speed of the bullet.

In short, this is a kind of ability that is generally speaking, defense is stronger than attack, and it is more of a control type. Lin Tantan feels that this ability does not seem to match Mei Baisheng very well. Of course, there are no bad abilities, only people who can't use them well, as long as they study hard, they can find out the most suitable way to use them.

Mei Bosheng didn't know this at this time, he knew that he had a supernatural power, and he was very happy, but he just fainted after playing for a while.

"I still prefer fireballs, how fierce and handsome they are when they hit them all at once!" He said dejectedly.

Lin Tantan patted him: "It's good to have supernatural powers, go back and get some black crystal nuclei, and I'll teach you how to absorb them."

"Oh." Mei Bosheng came back after taking two steps, "Are you sure it's black? Wouldn't it be too hasty to classify it by color?"

"I've researched dozens of supernatural beings, more than 80%, the supernatural powers correspond to the colors of the crystal nuclei, the broadcast has been sent out, hurry up."

Watching Mei Bosheng running towards his residence, Lin Tantan looked at the direction of the city.

The army is here. If the survivors who have not left Yang City want to leave, they only have this chance. They should do everything possible to join the rescue force. People, should go all out and try.

I hope that the experience she "summarized" can help.

Somewhere in Yang City, in an ordinary family, grandparents, uncles, uncles, and several relatives who were still alive gathered in this house. There were more than a dozen people, old and young, surrounding a radio and listening to the local station seriously. The rescue information was broadcast, which mentioned that 50 rescue teams would enter Yang City, and their town was assigned to the No. 11 team.

"The 011 team arrived at Jiangxi No. 3 Primary School at 9:00 in the morning. The route they will pass is: Wutong Village-Donghe Road-Chenqiao Village-Jingyue Garden-Convenience Center-Central Kindergarten-South Bus Station... Please survive The survivors should bring their daily necessities, medicines, weapons, etc., and prepare for evacuation. They should stay at each site for two minutes, and they will not wait until the expiration date. The rescue team has limited vehicles. Survivors should try their best to drive their own vehicles. The vehicle performance requirements are as follows..."

After listening to this broadcast, a young man in the family also took notes and drew a simple map on the paper: "Mom and Dad, we will wait at the convenience center when the time comes. Come on, we have to go there early."

The young man's mother looked worried: "But we have to walk 20 minutes from the convenience center, on the way..."

"This is the latest. It will take more than half an hour to go to the kindergarten." The young man said firmly, "We have waited for so long and missed this rescue. There will be no next time."

The elders in the room looked at each other worriedly.

These relatives live close to each other. After the disaster, they managed to get together. They also tried to leave Yang City before. They heard that there was already a large survivor base in the provincial capital. They wanted to go there, but they were rejected after a long time. A group of zombies blocked back.

In the process of escaping back, one of the cars was surrounded by zombies, and no one in the car survived. There were two elderly people, a couple, and a three-year-old child. Two other youths were bitten and turned into zombies.

The heavy blow made them no longer dare to speak lightly and act lightly. They just spent time at home, waiting, and now rescue finally came. This is indeed their last hope.

After hesitating for a moment, the young mother said first, "I'm going to pack my things."

Her sister-in-law also stood up: "I'm here to help. You can't bring too much. We only have three cars. You must bring food."

The two old men also moved: "The guy we made before, let's check to see if it's solid, and we'll have to kill a few zombies later!"

The children also got busy ignorantly.

The young man rubbed his head and opened a recording file in his phone. This was a broadcast he had recorded before. Although this broadcast was broadcast repeatedly every day, he was worried that the broadcast would be paralyzed at any time, so he recorded it directly. As soon as it was turned on, a solemn yet soft female voice came out.

"The next thing to broadcast is some information about abilities. According to research, the abilities that have been discovered so far have the fire element, and their manifestations include fireballs, flames, and fire chains... The flame is roughly red, and the person with the ability can absorb the corresponding red crystals. The core replenishes energy... the wind system, the supernatural person can blow the wind and release the wind blade, which corresponds to the cyan crystal nucleus."

"Each power has a corresponding crystal nucleus, and random absorption will be life-threatening. If you are not sure which crystal nucleus you should absorb, please do not try it rashly. When absorbing the crystal nucleus for the first time, be careful, let The people around me avoid..."

The young man listened, and took out a colorless and transparent crystal nucleus from a small bag.

A younger girl saw it and asked nervously: "Cousin, do you want to absorb the crystal nucleus? What if you absorb the wrong one?"

The abilities in her form are rather peculiar, not any of the ones mentioned in the broadcast, but manipulating objects from a distance, so it is very uncertain which one to absorb.

The young man smiled and comforted her: "Didn't it be said on the radio? Space and perspective absorb this kind of colorless, so this kind of thing without actual form should be like this. Besides, other crystal nuclei can't match what."

However, words such as "should", "maybe" and "roughly" are used in the broadcast. Who can be 100% sure?

The young man muttered to himself: "Someone has to try, this risk must be taken."

In the last operation, his elder brother, cousin, and cousin all died. He was the only young man with more than a dozen members in his family. He had no idea whether he could bring his family to the convenience center. Be stronger... He can now manipulate the knife within a five-meter range, but it consumes a lot of energy. Basically, if he kills two zombies with this method, he will collapse. If he can be stronger, the hope of surviving will be greater.

He held the crystal nucleus tightly: "I'm entering the room, you all don't come close."

At this time, the voice of the upstairs resident came from above the balcony, it was the young man's mother, and she kept it low on purpose, so as not to be heard by the zombies downstairs: "Sister Zhang, the army is coming, can you go away? "

The young man's mother quickly responded: "Let's go, let's go, can your family go?"

"Of course we're leaving, let's go together, there is strength in numbers."

"Success, we are going to the convenience center, you should come down or we should go up, let's discuss it."

In another part of Yang City, on a certain building, more than two hundred people were sitting on the ground with their hands tied, as if robbers were holding hostages, and there were two people pointing guns at them, one on the left and one on the right.

In the front, a bald old **** with a swollen face was sitting on a chair, and several younger brothers waited on him attentively, while in front of them, several people who had been beaten to the ground fell to the ground.

The bald head snorted coldly: "You want to go, you want to follow the army, right? You guys are all short-sighted!" With a cigarette in his hand, he pointed and looked at you with such a stupid expression on his face, "The whole Yangshi is dead! Count how many people you have, count how many people have left, and now this city belongs to us! He Ning City can set up a base, why not our Yang City? You have to travel so far, you cheap, you, Stay and follow Brother Long!"

The bald head became more and more excited as he talked. No one dared to say anything. The bald head escaped from the prison after the end of the world. He has the power of lightning, so he easily killed the prison guards, stole the gun, and dragged a few vicious people. The woman finally pretended to be a good person to trick some unsuspecting survivors into this building, and also pulled hundreds of people.

Of course they will not go to the base established by the military, their identities will definitely not be concealed by then, they would rather stay in Yangshi and perish with the zombies.

Of course, they don't think it's sinking. Zombies are so stupid. If they kill a little every day, they will kill them all one day.

So when they learned that the army was coming and the people in the building were ready to leave, they showed their true colors and stopped these "people and slaves" who ensured their quality of life. Those who were beaten beyond recognition were the ones who secretly wanted to leave after being warned.

"Listen to Brother Long, eat soup and meat, or you will end up with these few." The bald boy said triumphantly, then pulled out his gun and fired at several people on the ground, some were hit and some were missed. Yes, the smell of blood immediately filled the air, everyone screamed, and many people cried in fright.

The bald head was very satisfied with this effect, and they laughed, as if they found it funny that these people reacted like chicken cubs.

A woman lying on the ground was shot twice, and a pool of blood soon flowed out from her body. She couldn't feel the pain anymore, she could only feel that her life was passing by rapidly. Looking at the smug and ugly smiles of these people, she only had despair and hatred in her heart. There was a red crystal nucleus in her clenched hand. She was too timid before and had never killed zombies. This red crystal nucleus was also picked up. But she awakened the water ability the day before yesterday.

She dared not tell others that she was a supernatural being, because none of the female supernatural beings here escaped the poisonous claws of these people.

The broadcast said that the water system corresponds to the blue crystal nucleus. She thought, after following up with the rescue team, she would find someone to replace the red crystal nucleus with a blue one. With this ability, she would be able to live a good life, but it is impossible now up.

Never again.

She smiled, madly absorbing the energy in the crystal nucleus with instinct, a huge and unstable energy was hooked out from the crystal nucleus, the girl threw herself towards the bald head with all her strength, with a bang, the girl and The bald head exploded, and all the younger brothers around were affected, and blood and flesh flew all over the hall for a while.

People were stunned, and some of the more than 200 people who were held hostage had a flash of inspiration and shouted: "Kill them! Kill them!" The people jumped up and rushed towards the stunned gunman go.

In this city, death is happening all the time. Everyone is trying their best to survive, but not everyone can do so. The news of the arrival of rescue gives them hope and makes them more urgent. .

Many people gritted their teeth and picked up the crystal nucleus in their hands. Some succeeded, while others failed.

Some people carried their bags alone, while others mobilized from door to door, and united to form an objective team.

As the sun shifts from east to west, the rescue teams are getting bigger and bigger, and the pressure of zombies is getting bigger and bigger.

On the west side of the city, I have been busy all day, and I have finally arranged for 150,000 people, all kinds of supplies have been loaded into the vehicles, and vehicles of all sizes are also lined up. As long as people get on the vehicles, they can leave .

As the twilight gradually approached, this side began to wait in full force, and then the first team came back, bringing a large group of survivors, followed naturally by many zombies.

Lin Tantan also participated in the battle.

It was different from the past. In the past, a group of people had to be busy for a long time, doing inspections, registering, grouping, dealing with the wounded, arranging temporary resting places, and distributing necessary food and items to those who did not have enough food.

Even to the vehicle maintenance, refueling.

Bai Cheng is very careful and has taken care of every aspect. Chengxi has not had any problems for more than half a month, and he has contributed a lot.

But this time Bai Cheng didn't organize these things any more, he only led some combatants to participate in dealing with the zombies, and after the zombies were killed, he would take everyone back to rest.

Zhu Xin's expression was a little gloomy: "Bai Cheng, I heard that you didn't treat survivors like this before."

Zhu Xin was that hedgehog. Among the 20,000 troops, there were one or two thousand left. The temporary leader was this Zhu Xin. Zhong jumped up and down and wanted to reach out to the personnel affairs on the west side of the city.

Bai Cheng's reaction to this was very flat, and he was allowed to intervene, except for two points, one was that the materials were firmly in his hands, and Zhu Xin would not want to touch them; He really wanted to get these people there for his own use and command, but Bai Cheng refused to let go.

So Zhu Xin found that he was in charge, and could only take care of some messy things. He skipped several times, saying that Bai Cheng was too obedient, and that he was not good at thinking and engaged in individualism.

Hearing what he said at this time, Bai Cheng said, "Didn't you say that I am not ideologically enlightened? When I take care of these people, you think I am plotting and greedy for power. If I go to the people you brought back Reach out, don't you chop off my hand?"

When he said this, he still had a smile on his face, with a gentle and harmless appearance, but Zhu Xin felt that his face was full of sarcasm.

Zhu Xin choked a little, and said with a straight face: "What kind of attitude is this? We are all serving the people, and you still have personal emotions? Not to mention anything else, someone among these people was injured, you have to let the medical team Come here and treat them, as well as that wood-type power user, that woman, what's her name?"

He scanned around, saw Lin Tantan, and pointed at her: "That's her!"