MTL - Traveling To The Last Days To Protect You-Chapter 61

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Lin Tantan didn't know that she had influenced Ye Xiao's thoughts to a large extent, and she received another person who was close to the awakening of supernatural powers. This was an old man in his sixties, with a high fever and dim eyesight. , can survive until now thanks to his amazing perseverance and the filial piety of his children.

The population of this shantytown is much larger than that of yesterday, so there are more critically ill patients. In the case of many patients and few treatment staff, we can only give priority to younger and stronger patients with higher chances of survival. After all, every treatment is very important. precious.

Originally, this old man should not be ranked high, but his children begged bitterly, and said that they were willing to be Lin Tantan's cattle and horses. Lin Tantan went to see the old man, and he saw the problem. .

Let’s explore the power again, um, on the verge of awakening, but because of his poor health, he may die from the high fever before awakening.

To avoid breaking the rules and causing riots, she quietly asked her children to take the old man home. After the day's treatment was over, she went alone to sort out the energy for the old man, and left a little food, which made the old man's family grateful.

Lin Tantan waved his hand and left. If there is no mistake, the old man may have awakened wood-type powers. Whether it is planting or healing, they are very precious and in short supply. She can't bear to lose such a talent. .

It was already dark at this time, because there were too many patients, so they were late to finish work that day, Lin Tantan also mentioned that the salaries of the bodyguards would be raised a bit, and the six people who lived with Jiang Zhongyi and the others were waiting for her and Xu Tianjin.

In the morning, Lin Tan asked Jiang Zhongyi to find out. Xu Tianjin was doing well. No matter how he asked about his relationship with her, Xu Tianjin would laugh and go.

"It's just that the technique of lying in Tai Chi is so bad that people with a discerning eye can see that they are changing the subject." Jiang Zhongyi commented in this way.

Anyway, it’s enough to be strict with your mouth, and after a day and a night, Xu Tianjin and Jiang Zhongyi got along very well, and they were willing to continue to live with them. Lin Tantan gave them a bucket of water as rent every day, and Xu Tianjin’s daily water and food were also the same. Very sufficient, after all, I am a fellow, and I have to take good care of my life in Shanghai.

The car sent Lin Tantan back to the villa first, and then back to the residential area. When he got off the car and went upstairs, Jiang Zhongyi released a fireball to illuminate, and he was keenly aware that someone was watching from the dark. He knew that the other party was coming for Xu Tianjin, and he appeared in the morning However, they would never let Xu Tianjin take orders, so the other party couldn't find a chance to do anything.

Jiang Zhongyi sneered, pretending he didn't notice, the group went upstairs with water and food, washed up after half a meal, and went to sleep again, because of Jiang Zhongyi's fire ability, they didn't have to worry about fuel, which was very cheap .

Here Lin Tantan entered the villa and found that everyone except Ye Xiao was there, the generator was working, the headlights were turned on in the living room, it was very bright, the whole living room was divided into several areas, everyone was busy, busy Looking for a lot to build a house, busy screening people.

Lin Tantan asked what this was for, and they told him enthusiastically that they were going to form their own team, and asked her if she had anyone to recommend.

Lin Tantan was greatly surprised, then happy, Ye Xiao finally figured it out, this is a good thing.

She leaned over to Bai Cheng and whispered, "I haven't said anything to him yet." She said this without thinking, and then said with an expression that I knew, "You are the one who persuaded him, so I will say You can persuade him."

When Bai Cheng saw her determined face and her flattering eyes, he felt very worried for Ye Xiao, and at the same time thought, luckily he gave up quickly at that time.

The girl is a good girl, but this brain... is it too slow or what?

Bai Cheng said slowly: "He said it was to prevent you from being angry, so he finally figured it out. He thinks it's better to have your own power. Do you believe it?"

"I'm not popular?" With a puzzled look on his face, Lin Tantan was shocked when he thought about what happened during the day: "You mean what happened in the afternoon, no, no, no, that's not the case. If you changed, you would still be Meimei or something else. If someone stood in my position at that time, he would be angry, but not just for me, he said it himself!"

Lin Tan Tan looks you have to believe me, I'm definitely not special.

Bai Cheng gave up, he didn't get involved anymore.

Lin Tantan asked Ye Xiao again, and said that she went to Lu Jianping to investigate the mutated plants. When she saw the dark night outside, she was habitually worried, but she also knew that Ye Xiao would protect herself.

Then the topic returned to the selection.

They want to form a group of people. Of course, they are already familiar with people of good character and ability at the beginning. There are quite a few such people. It took half a month in the west of Yangshi City, ten days on the road, and half a month in the base. , enough for them to reach enough people and gain a solid understanding of it.

Lin Tantan has no one to recommend, Jiang Zhongyi is one, but Jiang Zhongyi is already on Bai Cheng's list, and he can be vigorously cultivated. In addition, there are supernatural beings such as Yang Xinyu and Mingze, as well as Qian Feifei and others, but they are all on the list.

Lin Tantan thought it over and over again: "Does the patient want it too?"

"Well, it's not easy to attract people among strangers, but patients, especially those who are in a desperate situation, are easier to get their loyalty."

"That happened to be one today." Lin Tantan explained the old man's situation, "If it goes well, the wood-type ability should be awakened."

Bai Cheng recorded the name.

"I also met a few in the clinic before, and I marked them a little in the electronic file, but they are all rich people, so it shouldn't be easy to win over."

"That's unnecessary." Bai Cheng tapped his notebook lightly with the hand holding the pen, and said, "Talk about it, when you face a patient, how do you know whether he is generally ill or is about to awaken?"

"Some can be seen with eyes, and some need to be tested with supernatural powers." Lin Tantan said with a smile, "Why, do you want to find leaks on a large scale?"

Bai Cheng said: "There are currently more than six million people in the base, and there are more than four million people living in shantytowns. Even if one out of ten thousand people is selected, there are more than four hundred people with supernatural powers. Such a large resource, Who is not envious?"

At this stage, the proportion of supernatural beings is still very small, and there may not be even one supernatural being among a hundred people, and once a supernatural being appears, it is easy to be divided up by various forces. Bai Cheng set up an intermediary and recruited many free people with abilities, but if he really wanted to turn these people with abilities into his own, he would have to pay a huge price, and other forces would not sit idly by. Happening.

So if you can pick up the leak, the cost is small and the resistance is small, isn't it the best of both worlds?

They only have 100 tons of food now, and the number of people they can support is limited, so they naturally want to maximize their profits. The early stage development is the most important, they have already missed the moment of dividing the cake for the first time, and now they have to catch up.

Lin Tantan thought for a while: "With the current prevalence rate, there should not be one out of 10,000 people who is about to awaken, but it's not far off. I will pay attention to it. I won't go to the clinic from tomorrow onwards. In a shantytown."

It's a big deal for everyone who comes to seek medical treatment to touch it.

Bai Cheng smiled and said, "Talk about it, thank you."

"Hey, I'm also a part of it! Everyone does what they are best at." Lin Tantan was a little embarrassed, and she also found that she was getting more and more integrated in this team. This time is a new starting point. You need to work hard, otherwise there will be more people in the future, and the stalls will grow bigger. Everyone will definitely not be able to live under the same roof like this, and meet every morning and evening. What if a bad relationship is alienated?

In short, we must show our own value and sense of existence and become an indispensable part of a team.

Thinking of the sense of presence, there was a sudden squeaking sound of mutant mice outside, and several of them screamed at the same time, the sense of presence was very strong.

"What's the matter, these mice usually don't bark much?" Some people said that they are very used to mutant mice of different sizes, coats and colors. They are not troublesome at all. Running, although I haven't found much use for them for the time being, it's quite interesting to raise such a litter of little things. Everyone is also used to sharing some delicious food with them. The most common thing is that when everyone eats fruit, they throw the peel and core to them to taste, and they will be very happy to chew.

These mutated mice are obviously also very satisfied with the living environment, and they are not disturbing at all.

It was obviously unusual to cry suddenly at this moment.

Everyone immediately put down what they were doing and got together as much as possible.

Lin Tantan said, "I'll go out and have a look."

"I'll go too." Mei Bosheng said, and then Zhong Xiong and Xu Li came out with their own guns. Xu Qin's body hadn't fully recovered, so he stayed by the door with Bai Cheng. Jiang Xiaotian and Cheng Qinan still needed protection. .

Cheng Qinan closed his eyes and his eyelids trembled, and said after a while, "It should be a mutated plant."

"How could it be?" Bai Cheng frowned, he checked it during the day, and there was not a single piece of grass around. He looked at the marble under his feet, did he really run to the ground?

He immediately notified the private person who went outside the villa through the walkie-talkie, it might be a mutated plant.

At this moment, Lin Tantan turned on the flashlight, looking at the fresh dirt on the outer wall of the villa, as if something had just come out of it, and his face was also ugly.

The hole is very deep and round, the cross-section is about the size of two fists, except that it is a little broken near the ground, and the bottom looks like it was smashed by a column-shaped thing, um, it is still bent, and a few mutant rats are standing next to it. The mouth of the hole squeaked non-stop.

For such traces, she has only two guesses, snakes or mutated animals like giant earthworms, or mutated plants.

She would rather be the former, but Bai Cheng's notice shattered this hope.

Holding the hilt of the sword, Xu Li reminded in a low voice, "Be careful."

He talked with Lin as a group, and Mei Bosheng and Zhong Xiong as a group, because he was worried that some emergencies could only be dealt with by supernatural beings.

"En." Lin Tantan moved a little away from the entrance of the cave, but kept his eyes on him for a moment, and informed the others of the discovery here. After a while, Mei Bosheng and Zhong Xiong, who hadn't been found elsewhere, came over, and then the other four also followed suit. coming.

Everyone looked at the hole in silence, and asked Cheng Qinan unwillingly: "Are you sure it's a mutated plant?"

"Not sure, but my gut tells me yes."

"There are no plants around here, are there?"

"With the villa as the center, there is no grass growing within 100 meters. In fact, there are at most a few bushes in the entire villa area."

What kind of shrub can have such roots?

They all acquiesced that this was the root of the plant, and they quietly poked it up from the ground, and then quickly shrank back after being discovered by the mutant mouse, and then stopped showing up.

According to the thickness, it is seriously suspected that what Lin Tantan and Bai Cheng encountered in the afternoon is the same kind of thing.

"Crazy, this is it." Zhong Xiong, the oldest and very stable person, murmured while stroking his hair.