MTL - Traveling To The Last Days To Protect You-Chapter 82

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Ye Xiao's appearance was really miserable. Even though most of the wounds had healed, the tattered and blood-stained clothes still made him look like he had suffered a serious injury, so he didn't stay outside for too long and went back first. .

After getting in the car, Lin Tantan began to think about where to get supernatural ingredients.

Although Ye Xiao hasn't left the base for the past few days, other people have. But Lin Tantanbas basically knows how much they harvest every day, and I haven't heard of getting things with supernatural powers—supernatural animals and plants are like human beings. People with supernatural powers are rare in number, and it depends on luck to meet them.

However, with the rise of hunting, several trading markets have also been set up in the base. Every day, people buy something outside, and if they have no way to deal with it, they take it here to trade. There is a market very close to here. Lin Talk about wanting to see it.

Ye Xiao said that he asked others to buy it, and Lin Tantan shook his head: "Ordinary people can't tell whether they have supernatural powers." Lu Jianping has a lot of people and money, so he can buy a lot of all kinds of mutated animals and plants that have flowed into the base and go back slowly. They choose differently, but they can't do it. It really makes people sweep up several markets in the base. I'm afraid the ingredients with supernatural powers have not been bought, and the family's wealth will be wiped out first.

So Lin talked about going to see for himself.

Ye Xiaomoran, sure enough, the human and financial resources are still too poor.

He said he wanted to accompany her, Lin Tantan asked him to go back to rest first, but Ye Xiao refused, this was originally to go shopping for him, how could he let her go alone, and he was not at ease.

Ding Jinbo and his party have been resolved, but it is hard to say whether there are other malicious people in the base. It is unknown whether Ding Jinbo has other accomplices. Bai Cheng will question Wang Shuo and He Fan respectively.

Seeing his persistence, Lin Tantan asked him, "Can you hold on?"

"It's okay, I'm fine now." Ye Xiao looked at himself, his image was not very good, but it didn't matter, there were spare clothes in the car, he dug out the clothes, Lin Tantan immediately turned his face out of the window.

Ye Xiao laughed, and quickly changed his clothes, but he didn't change his pants. A girl was sitting on the side. It would be too rude to change his pants. Fortunately, there were few wounds on his legs, and the pants were just a few holes. It's fashionable, and because the pants are black, the blood stains are hardly visible.

After I changed my clothes, I arrived at the nearest market. This is a vegetable market-like existence, very big, very lively, and very messy. Various stalls were placed back and forth in many lanes, leaving a path for people to walk in the middle. People either put their goods on the ground directly, or spread a piece of cloth on the ground first, and then paid more attention to it. , Just build a platform with wood or adobe.

The items sold include books, jewelry, clothing, cosmetics, mobile phones, bags, quilts, tents, large and small furniture, and even home appliances, which are more common and low-key. Various knives, hammers, and axes are more in line with the background of the end of the world. , guns without bullets, compound bows, homemade weapons, etc., but what people frequently cast envious glances and look at are some food stalls.

After the huge mutated pig was disembowelled, its body parts were laid on the cutting board; the bald pigeon the size of an adult rooster was locked in a cage and waited for buyers; all kinds of pigeons could fetch sky-high prices before the end of the world Ordinary pet cats are skinny and dirty and locked in a box. On the box, it says that they are only for sale, and one cat is exchanged for three catties of fine food.

There are also all kinds of messy weed-like things on the shop, the stems and leaves are very fat, it should be a mutated wild vegetable, but I don’t know if it can be eaten; Some yams are like cassava; there is a stall selling all kinds of fungus mushrooms, there are ordinary mushrooms with normal heads, and there are also things that look like mushrooms with super large flowers.

However, there is nothing particularly normal about the things that can be eaten, and people can know that they can be eaten at a glance. That kind of thing can be successfully sold at a high price, and everyone is asking for it. Naturally, it will not appear in this chaotic market. inside.

But even if it is some weird food, there are still many people around those stalls, even if some people can't afford it, they like to take a look there. On the contrary, the stall owners of those stalls are also very vigilant, most of them are several men guarding.

Lin Tantan and Ye Xiao attracted a lot of attention as soon as they came in. Without him, they were too clean, and they were not at all different from the majority of people struggling to survive.

The person in charge of managing the order of the market also recognized the two of them, and ran over: "Captain Ye, Ms. Lin, why are you here? Tell me what you want to buy."

Lin Tantan looked at this person suspiciously, then looked at Ye Xiao, Ye Xiao only nodded slightly at the other party: "Let's see for ourselves."

The other party was also very understanding, and said a few more words to tell him to call himself or his subordinates, and then went back to his post.

Lin Tantan asked who it was, and Ye Xiao said, "I don't know, anyway, it's Lu Jianping's people. This market was originally managed by Li Qun's people, but today it was taken over by Lu Jianping's people."

Lin Tantan nodded and went straight to the food stall.

It is also very easy to judge whether these things have supernatural powers. You can touch them with your hands and use their supernatural powers to detect them. Anyone with supernatural powers, even if they are dead, will still have energy in their bodies. This kind of energy may be felt by ordinary people with supernatural powers. No, but Lin Tantan could feel it.

Touching everything with your hands will naturally cause dissatisfaction with the stall owner. One stall owner who doesn't know what kind of animal meat he sells immediately wants to talk, but Ye Xiao glances over, and the other party immediately falls silent.

Lin Tantan suddenly stopped in front of a red liver on the stall, touched it with his fingers to confirm that it contained wood energy, and asked, "What kind of animal liver is this?"

The stall owner hurriedly said that the liver of ordinary calf is definitely not a mutant variety, and it is absolutely safe to eat with confidence.

Lin Tantan glanced at him, neither agreeing nor denying it, and only asked how to sell it.

The stall owner saw that she was so white and clean, so she didn't have to worry about eating and drinking, so he wanted to kill her, but looking at Ye Xiao's tall, tall body and particularly intimidating eyes, his back was covered with sweat, and tried Said: "Two catties of fine grains, rice and millet flour are fine, and three catties of coarse grains."

Lin Tantan looked at Ye Xiao. Ye Xiao was carrying a bag in his hand, which happened to be a bag of rice. He weighed two catties of rice in exchange for the beef liver. The little hamster on Lin Tantan's shoulder looked eagerly at the stolen Rice, it's rice!

Lin Tantan pinched it amusedly and put it in his pocket.

After the two left, the stall owner couldn't help but ask the people next to him if they knew who they were, and one of them said: "You don't know, does Ye Xiao know? Ye Xiao doesn't know, the initiator of the free flu clinic, Lin Tantan You know, right? It's that girl."

The stall owner was stunned for a moment, it was Lin Tantan, and then he thought that he had heard about something, Chief Lu's favorite general had been poisoned, and he wanted to eat supernatural plants to detoxify, so Lin Tantan was specially invited to find out the strangeness can plant.

It was at that time that people knew that plants also had supernatural powers. Animal abilities can also be determined by the abilities they release when they attack, but right now many mutated plants are non-aggressive and stick to the soil without moving. Can only rely on guesswork.

But this person who can judge supernatural powers bought him a piece of beef liver alone.

He took a breath, and hurriedly said to his partner: "Did those offals say they want to feed those two dogs? Hurry up and stop them. There is still beef. Tell the buyer if you can buy it back. Forget it." Forget it, I'll go myself!"

Lin Tantan didn't know that she caused this episode, she walked for a long time before stopping at a booth where there was a field of things that looked like white radish, big and small, Lin Tantan stared at one of the arms The ones that are thick and thin and look particularly ugly are of the earth type.

"You want this?"

"En." She nodded, so Ye Xiao settled the bill again and took this ugly carrot.

They walked around again without encountering any other supernatural ingredients. Seeing that there were more and more people, they went back to the car, and the car drove towards the villa. The little hamster crawled out of Lin Tantan's pocket and pounced on the bag containing the rice. The bag squeaked loudly.

Lin Tantan was a little speechless: "You hoarder, go ahead, put away the rest."

The little hamster was happy, and quickly swallowed the remaining rice and the belt in one gulp.

This little guy was not as big as Lin Tantan's fist, but he could open his mouth wide, and the rice bag disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Yes, this guy has spatial abilities and the ability to find people, so Lin Tantan would carry it with him, but its space is very small, less than half a cubic meter. Considering its size, this space is already very large, and it can store enough food for it to eat for several years, but now most of the space in this space is used by Lin Tantan to store crystal nuclei, weapons, food and other things.

Lin Tantan touched the little guy, and said to Ye Xiao: "That piece of beef liver has wood-type energy, and the white radish has earth-type energy. After a while, you can eat it and see if it works."

Ye Xiao smiled and said, "Okay."

Back at the villa, Ye Xiao went to wash up thoroughly first, and Lin Tantan watched the invited chef process the two ingredients.

When the chef heard that it was an ingredient with supernatural powers, he was not calm, and asked Lin Tantan repeatedly if it could be treated as an ordinary ingredient. Lin Tantan told him to just make it boldly and make it delicious.

The chef felt reassured after eating it. The beef liver had a strong fishy smell, so he sliced ​​it into thin slices and stir-fried it with garlic slices. He added heavy ingredients to suppress the fishy smell, and stewed the earthy radish with pork.

While Lin Tantan was watching the two ingredients turn into dishes, Ye Xiao received a message from Bai Cheng upstairs. The rest of the accomplices. And after repeated questioning, He Fan couldn't hold on at first, and revealed all their plans.

In fact, there is no plan, the main thing is to mention that there is a magic machine nearby.

"The 'magic machine' flew here from the capital specially to catch the conversation and fly directly to the capital." Bai Cheng said, he was also a little scared, since it is only a few hours away from the capital, if it is really caught They succeeded quietly, and then they didn't find anyone here for several hours. It was time for Lin Tantan to arrive in the capital, and it was too late to say anything at that time.

Ye Xiao looked at the far corner of the construction site outside the balcony, his face was extremely cold, and he squeezed the walkie-talkie-like communicator: "Did he say where that thing is?"

"He doesn't know either. They don't have a channel to directly communicate with the pilot of the magic machine, and they need to go through the capital as an information transfer point." Bai Cheng sighed, "What is certain is that this magic machine is still in Ning City, and They were sent by Min Yande, and these five people were indeed employed by Min Yande's side."

Ye Xiao sneered silently, it was really great.

Bai Cheng continued: "He Fan also knows one more thing. The capital seems to have discovered that the core of the power lies in a certain structure of the brain. They wanted to know the part of the brain of the person with the single-line, double-line, and three-line powers. What is the difference between the organization? Second, I want to use the method of surgical transplantation to make people without superpowers have superpowers. It is said that it is feasible in theory, and clinical experiments have been done on dead superpowers and ordinary people. "

So why did I hear that Tan Tan is a three-line supernatural being, so I can’t wait to catch her? I can study her brain tissue, of course, it must be under the condition of ensuring her safety. Second, multi-line supernatural powers are the most important. I'm afraid it is the best donor when the transplant surgery technology is mature.

Because she is a multi-line power user with huge potential, she can be seen how powerful she will be in the future, so of course, the sooner she is arrested, the better, the sooner she is, the weaker she will be.

Ye Xiao's eyes were filled with darkness, and he sneered, "It's really a dream!"

Then he said, "Don't let He Fan come into contact with outsiders."

"I know." Bai Cheng paused, "He said that he is a five-line power user, is it true?"

Ye Xiao was silent for a moment: "It's true."

Bai Cheng took a deep breath: "This is really... No wonder Min Yande made such a big deal, Ye Xiao, it seems that our development speed is too slow now, and it doesn't match the grade of your little girl at all."

Ye Xiao laughed: "I know, everyone will be called for a meeting tomorrow."

"it is good."

Ye Xiao stood for a while, then turned and went downstairs.

At this time, the two dishes were already on the table, Lin Tantan hurriedly greeted him: "Come down, it's ready, come and eat, it happens to be almost dinner time, let's have dinner together by the way."

"Okay." Ye Xiao sat down opposite her with a smile, and ate those two dishes under her expectant eyes. She was so nervous that she forgot to move her chopsticks, and couldn't help asking: "How do you feel?"

Ye Xiao didn't feel anything, so he ate a little more to feel it: "My body is very warm and comfortable, like drinking a big pot of hot tonic soup." As for other feelings, it was gone.

Lin Tantan checked it and found that the poison in his body was still there, and he was a little disappointed.

Ye Xiao comforted her with a smile: "Don't worry too much, come, you can eat too."

Since it can't be used as an antidote, Lin Tantan also stretched out his chopsticks, not to mention, the taste is really good. Because it was the first time they ate supernatural ingredients, they left a lot ready for others who hadn't come back to try something new.

But as it happened, the others didn't come back that night.

Bai Cheng still needs to check the things in the arsenal, Xu Qin is mixing with people from the research institute, and is researching the supernatural power detector, Jiang Xiaotian installed a comprehensive monitoring system for the construction site, and other people have their own things He had to be busy, so when the chef left, only Ye Xiao and Lin Tantan were left in the villa.

Oh, and a litter of mutant mice.

But that can be ignored.

For the first time, it was just the two of them spending the night together in the same house.

Lin Tantan felt that this feeling was a bit strange, and it made people a little nervous and flustered. When he went to see Ye Xiao, he seemed very at ease, and dug out the wine from the wine cabinet.

Two bottles of Wuliangye, one bottle of 39 degrees, one bottle of 56 degrees.

While taking it, he said, "Fortunately, Bai Cheng felt that the empty wine cabinet was not good-looking, and it would be more appropriate to put some wine, so he stuffed a few bottles in, otherwise it would be really difficult to find good wine in a short time."

Hearing the word Bai Cheng, the weird tension in Lin Tantan's heart suddenly dissipated, and was replaced by a two-point depression. She was silent for a while and lifted her spirits and said, "It's fine as long as it's wine. How about better wine?"

Ye Xiao smiled and said, "It's rare for me to drink alcohol. If all I drink is of low quality, isn't it against me?"

Lin Tantan was a little worried: "Do you seldom drink? How's your drinking capacity?"

Ye Xiao said confidently: "You can rest assured about this."

It seems to be very good, Lin Tantan was relieved, and suddenly thought of something: "You may have to soak in the water at night, do you need a big container? A big barrel? A bathtub?"

None of the three bathrooms in this villa have bathtubs.

If you have a big bucket, you can't find such a big bucket for a while.

The two of you looked at me and I looked at you, and seemed to find that this was a serious matter.

Lin Tantan tapped his palm: "Let me make one for you!"

So in Ye Xiao's room, the bed was moved to one side, and a large enough space was cleared. Lin Tantan used earth-type abilities to surround a hollow cylinder in the space, half a person's height, like a bathtub, but the bottom It is connected to the ground and cannot be moved, making it extremely round and smooth without a trace of roughness. Although the whole body is made of clay, it feels as smooth as porcelain to the touch.

She spent a lot of thought on this, and after finishing it, she felt that something was missing, and asked if she needed a place to sit? Then without waiting for Ye Xiao's answer, he built a step inside, allowing people to sit inside.

She was worried at first, and her mood was a little dull, but her mood improved after doing this thing, and asked Ye Xiao to go in and try it now, to see if she could just put her arms on the edge of the "barrel" when she was sitting .

"How about it, isn't this more comfortable?" After asking, he looked at the round "bathtub" and was a little dissatisfied, muttering to himself, "It should be shaped like a long bathtub so that you can lie in it."

Ye Xiao couldn't laugh or cry: "I'm not here to take a bath, I can do whatever I want."

"Then how do we do it? We are likely to fight a long-term war, of course, how to save effort." Lin Tantan waved his hands and began to fiddle with the "bathtub" again.

The elongated oval shape needs to be made ergonomic, and there are no books and pictures for reference, and the mobile phone cannot access the Internet, so Ye Xiao's role is manifested again, and she asks him to lie down to try it from time to time. Ask if this is okay, and will it knock you off.

Ye Xiao felt that he had become a prop.

Of course, he also enjoyed the process very much.

It was getting dark and the night was getting darker. The two of them were just messing around. Finally, after eight o'clock, Lin Tantan finally made a bathtub that she was satisfied with. How comfortable, and finally put a huge water bag on top, spread a few soft blankets, and live together!

She started pouring water into it.

There is no need to worry about even the water source and pipes. As soon as she puts her hand in, the water will rush out.

Ye Xiao just smiled and watched, then suddenly stretched out his hand to the stream of water she let out, and took a handful of water, the clear and clear water was just like tap water, but it was not as clear as the water from the pipe. The feeling is like a clear spring in the mountains.

He turned her hand over curiously, only to see water bubbling out from the palm of his hand. He was just surprised: "So it is like this. I have always been curious about how water-type supernatural beings release water, but I can't take a closer look at it." .”

"Wood-type abilities release vines, and fire-type abilities release fireballs, aren't they all the same?"

Ye Xiao shook his head: "No, I'm not surprised by those. Some of them are just illusions produced by energy. I'm most curious about this, because this is real water. It can be eaten and used, and it can last for a long time. How does the power change? into something like H2O."

When he was talking about his doubts in a serious manner, he had a strange sense of innocence, and Lin Tantan felt a little cute with the slightly puzzled frown between his brows, and couldn't help laughing: "You also have this kind of confusion! "

Ye Xiao said: "It's normal, the thirst for knowledge and curiosity that ordinary people have, of course I also have it."

Lin Tantan couldn't stop laughing, and after laughing, he said: "Although I have the ability of the water system, I can't answer this question. There are some things that cannot be explained by science. What we can do is to grasp them as much as possible." Regularity, allowing myself to obtain greater convenience and benefits."

Ye Xiao looked at her steadily, his eyes sparkled slightly.

Lin Tantan felt a little uncomfortable: "What are you looking at?"

Ye Xiao leaned over, put his chin on her shoulder, and said with a sigh: "I was thinking, it's really smart to talk about it, and you can see many things clearly and thoroughly."

The breath came over, and a soft voice rang in his ears, Lin Tantan couldn't help trembling, and his face slowly turned red.

She subconsciously wanted to hide, but only moved a little before holding back.

Her eyelashes flickered, she didn't look at her, she focused on letting go of the water, and said in a low voice: "Why, everyone understands these principles, and, don't you blame me for hiding the fact that I am actually a five-line supernatural being from you? "

Ye Xiao saw that she was not used to his touch, so he sat back with a smile, one arm resting on the edge of the "bathtub", looking relaxed and happy: "Everyone has a secret, if you are careless, you will say that you are a secret to everyone." Five series of supernatural beings, I have to worry about getting bald, you are very good, but I am really ashamed of myself."

Lin Tan looked at him, and he said angrily, "You have so many abilities, but I only have one. I must work harder."

Lin Tantan couldn't help but rolled her eyes, and saw his face suddenly changed, she immediately realized: "What's wrong?" Thinking of what, looking at the time, it's nine o'clock, and it's so punctual?

She asked in a low voice: "Has it started?"

Ye Xiao blinked, took a few breaths before saying: "Well, it's started."

"What does it feel like?"

"That's right, I just feel like there are countless ants running in my body." He spoke slower than usual, as if he was worried that his tone would change if he got up soon, or he would leak a sound that shouldn't be made. He held the bathtub with both hands. On the edge, blue veins protruded slightly, and the artery on the side of his neck also swelled with the pulse, which was several times more obvious than normal.

Lin Tantan was terrified to see it, so he hurriedly filled up the bathtub quickly: "Hurry up and soak in it."

Ye Xiao shook his head: "Wait a minute, don't worry." He spoke at a normal speed and intonation, but his face became more and more ugly. He took a long breath and let it out slowly, and said with a wry smile: "This is indeed a bit powerful."

Lin Tantan looked at him worriedly, and put his hand on the back of his hand.

Ye Xiao said: "Talk with me to divert your attention."

"Hmm." Lin Tantan thought for a while, thought of a topic, hesitated and asked, "Why do you like me?"

Ye Xiao was stunned, turned to look at her, and pondered: "Why do you like it? It's hard to explain. Do you remember when we first met?"

"I remember." Of course she remembered, she didn't recognize him at first sight, but after hearing his self-introduction, Ye Xiao was almost scared to death.

She will probably never forget the mood at that time in her whole life, and she simply feels that she is so stupid.

But at this time Ye Xiao said: "The first and deepest impression I have of you is that you must be a girl who is easy to deceive."

"?" Lin Tantan, "Huh? Why?"

Although I felt a little silly at the time, it's not the same as being easy to cheat, right? Lin Tantan puffed up his face a little unconvinced.

Ye Xiao couldn't help pinching her face, but when he pinched her back, his hand suddenly convulsed, he relaxed, and he sighed, "Come here and let me hug you, and I'll tell you why."

Lin Tantan stared, and finally saw that beads of sweat were forming on his forehead, looking very hard-working, so he leaned over softly and distressed.

He was stretched out and embraced.

Ye Xiao sighed: "When we first met, you unreservedly shared your knowledge and experience of supernatural powers with me. Who would do such a thing? I wonder if you trust strangers too easily? Will it be easy to be deceived? I thought, if I have the opportunity, I should thank you well, and then pay more attention to you, so as not to let you be deceived."

Lin Tantan frowned: "I don't treat others that way, I just want to see you as trustworthy."

"Yeah, let's talk about good vision." Ye Xiao laughed, "Afterwards, we went to Peking University City, and we cooperated very happily. Except for the female soldiers in the army and a few women, I always have the impression that women are a little weak Yes, but you are completely different, you... you are not chaotic, you can help a lot, you are very powerful, it is completely different."

Lin Tantan was a little embarrassed: "It's not that exaggerated." But he understood in his heart, it turned out that she acted too differently. But if you behave indifferently to everyone, even the delicate ones can only yell and yell, you will definitely be disgusted, how can you get his approval?

She asked: "Just because of this, you like me?"

Ye Xiao looked down at the little girl in his arms, of course it wasn't like this, knowing that she was capable was just pure admiration, the first time she was truly moved was when she retreated from the university city, Xu Qin told him that she had to turn back when she left the convoy When looking for him. For the first time, a girl turned her head to look for him even in the face of danger from all directions.

During the day and two nights when she treated Mei Baisheng, he was always concerned, seeing her working so hard, he was full of worries. At that time, he told himself that no matter whether the treatment succeeded or failed in the end, he was grateful to this girl lifetime.

The most shocking thing was to find her broken hand, kneeling in a pool of blood but still smiling at him. I still feel heartbroken when I think of that scene. Gratitude and guilt are intertwined. After that, he looked at her all day and night on the first floor of the cafeteria. He slept peacefully and peacefully, but his mind was in a mess.

It was around that time that a trace of affection arose.

But he suppressed these emotions and didn't think about what to do, at least not in such a hurry.

After all, at that time, they were full of plans, and they had only known each other for more than ten days.

And there are so many things to do, he doesn't care at all.

But Bai Cheng made things clear.

Ye Xiao knew that he couldn't hesitate anymore, he thought about it calmly and quickly, and then he gave Bai Cheng and himself an answer.

He likes Lin Tantan, she is decisive and calm, she is brave and generous, she is capable but not arrogant, she obviously pays a lot to herself but doesn't take it seriously, she doesn't feel sorry for herself when she hurts her hand and doesn't want to trouble others because of it, she has a broad mind She is willing to teach and promote other supernatural beings. She has a lively and cute personality, and sometimes she is a little confused. She is easy to talk to her own people and is not polite to those who don't like her. She...

In short, she is different everywhere, and she is lovable everywhere. He is curious about her, feels distressed, responsible, and has a deep affection for her. He will be chased away by others, even if that person is his good brother Bai Cheng, he will feel jealous and anxious to like him.

He has always believed that he will overcome all difficulties to complete any matter, but in this matter, he dare not act rashly. Facts also proved that he was right, his little girl avoided him very much, if he had pointed it out at the time and was rejected explicitly, he would probably give up right away?

After all, he didn't like her that much at the time.

Fortunately, he chose to hold back. In the days that followed, the more he got in touch with her, the deeper his liking for her, so deep that he was no longer willing to let go, and would rather lie and act than press on her every step of the way.

It should be...somewhat annoying, right? Fortunately, not only did she not hate her, she actually came to his side as he wished, and now she was leaning on his arms quietly and obediently.

Ye Xiao felt very satisfied.

Lin Tantan didn't hear the following, so he raised his head and asked.

He met her gaze with a gentle expression, but his voice lowered unconsciously. Instead of continuing what he said earlier, he said: "Actually, from the beginning, I was very unfamiliar with things like supernatural powers. In front of them, I acted very calm and confident, but I was empty in my heart, but I couldn't show it in that situation. If even I panicked, what should everyone do? Until I met you and you told me about the difference All kinds of abilities, share with me everything you know, I really began to understand these, stepped into the new field of abilities, and stepped into it steadily."

I have heard and seen with my own eyes how others approached the crystal nucleus cautiously and apprehensively, and even died on it, and how they felt perplexed and confused in groping for this thing.

He has never experienced any of this.

Because he met a Lin Tantan.

He held Lin Tantan's hand with his backhand, intertwined his fingers tightly with her, his eyes were extremely gentle, and with gratitude and solemnity: "Tantan, I never told you, it was my lifelong dream to meet you. fortunate."

The light was soft and the water was shining. His face was covered by the light and reflected by waves of water, giving him a dreamlike handsomeness.

Lin Tantan was stunned.

Ye Xiao lowered his head slowly, as if he wanted to kiss her, but he paused halfway, and finally turned his forehead to her neck, and let out a heavy breath.

Lin Tantan regained consciousness, and heard his heartbeat beating like a drum, fast and anxious, she worried: "Can't take it?"

"A little bit, I'll bear with it." If anyone can see the situation in his body, they will find strands of black hair-like fragments of energy crazily wandering in him, completely ignoring the blood flow of the skeletal muscles resistance, completely free to come and go.

However, where these energies pass, there will be almost imperceptible distortion and reshaping of the bones, muscles, and blood vessels. Because the energy travels too fast, this distortion and reshaping will fill the whole body almost all the time. And it brings the terrible touch of insects and ants crawling, and makes the body temperature rise steadily.

This endurance lasted until ten o'clock. Ye Xiao was so hot that his mind was a little confused. He couldn't tell whether it was burnt or itchy. He couldn't hold it anymore. He began to drink water, drink water It was indeed able to relieve a little bit, he relied on drinking water for a long time, and finally soaked himself in the water.

At this time, his pulse was already over one hundred and eighty, and his body temperature was even higher. He had no strength to speak, and even twitched from time to time. He clenched his hands tightly, as if this was the only way he could control himself not to scratch. .

Lin Tantan was in a hurry, she couldn't feel his pain, but just looking at it made her anxious, so she could only hold his hand to comfort him.

After soaking in the water, he seemed to feel a little more comfortable, but after a few minutes, he became restless again. Lin Tantan touched the water, and the cold water began to heat up. Once outside the balcony, splash it to the first floor, and then quickly pour in new water.

The icy water seemed to make Ye Xiao more comfortable. Lin Tantan asked, "Is the ice more comfortable? Do you want me to find an ice-type power user?"

"No..." Ye Xiao's voice was trembling, "That's good."

Lin Tantan endured and endured but still couldn't hold back a few tears, quickly wiped them away, and said softly, "Let me talk to you."

But what to say, my mind is empty, why not tell a story, when she was a child, the five-element energy tortured her so much that her parents told her fairy tales, which really worked, so she recalled it and started Talking about it, he continued to change the water while talking, so repeated, Ye Xiao survived until three o'clock just by changing the water.

No wine was used.

When the time came, Ye Xiao regained his composure. Lin Tantan immediately leaned over to pick him up from the water, and carried him to the bed. At this time, his skin was wrinkled and he was very sleepy. He opened his eyes and looked at him. Lin Tantan, Lin Tantan's eyes were red, and she looked extremely loving. She drained all the water on his body with water-type abilities, touched his forehead, and said softly in a hoarse voice when she was telling a story: "Go to sleep." ,never mind."

Ye Xiao blinked his eyes a bit dullly, stretched out his hand to surround her, buried his face in the crook of her neck, Lin Tantan let him hold him, patted his back, and patted his head , like comforting a wronged child.

Ye Xiao quickly fell asleep, and Lin Tantan was also extremely tired. She was not as relaxed as Ye Xiao for the past six hours, and her mind was tense. Just fell asleep.

This sleep was very heavy, and when the sun shone into the room the next day, Ye Xiao woke up first. When he woke up, he felt that his posture was a bit wrong, and he raised his head to meet a sleeping face. Ye Xiao was slightly stunned, thinking of it What happened last night, my heart was soft and hot, and then I found that he was actually pillowed on her arm, and was hugged by her in a caring posture.

Then more memories flooded into my mind, such as being held by him like a child, such as being comforted by her touching the head, and, her red eyes full of distress and love, slowly speaking one after another in a soft voice... fairy tales?

"..." Ye Xiao's expression suddenly became a little weird.

Although he would still hug her to comfort her if the two exchanged situations, he still felt that something was wrong.