MTL - Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!-~ 021 people

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"His father said that before he heard Feng Hao Li call someone, he mentioned one thing. When his father asked him, Feng Haoli also made a big temper, and the reaction was the same as Chen Yuke said. Sugar novel network] I suspect that these two things are actually one thing." Qi Youxuan's long, pointed fingers hold two lines of water and draw the line of ink and the threatening text message, and then turn thick The thick pen, "This is the business card of the cycling club. You can contact me and ask who went to Medog. I want to go to the list. If you have a photo, it would be better if you have photos."

"In addition, you just missed a point." Qi Youxuan put down the pen. "Not only Feng Hao's laptop is gone, but his mobile phone is gone. The smart phone is convenient but also very unsafe. Many people Cloud automatic backup will be set up, even if the content in the phone is deleted, but the cloud still exists."

"Yang Shaozhan, after you cracked Feng Hao's WeChat account password, go to his Apple account to see." Qi Youxuan said.

Yang Shaozhan listened to the side while cracking the WeChat password. This time, "oh", but my heart was vomiting. Don't just crack the password of someone's account and unlock it with the thief. So simple!

Not long after, Yang Shaozhan raised his hand behind the computer screen, "WeChat password came out."

Then write a string of numbers to Jiang Yuecheng, and continue to attack Feng Hao Li's Apple account.

They took the mobile phone and switched to Feng Hao's WeChat account, and turned it down for a long time before they found a photo of Feng Haoli's trip to Xiqiao in a circle of friends a year ago.

Turning down to the first one, they are about to set off, three men and two women, riding on the bicycle together, wearing neat equipment, the left toe on the ground, the action of the same back. Facing the sun, their backs are not clear, and there is even a faint glow in the whole body. It is very beautiful, like a poster.

Later, there are some scenery along the way, as well as photos of local residents’ homes, ordinary houses and tents.

When it comes to inaccessible places, most of the photos are empty roads, grasslands and mountains.

These records are not available every day. It can be seen that there is no time. That is because there is no signal, and the mobile phone simply does not go. [Super good looking novel]

Then, as the scenery became more and more desolate, the text on the picture became sad, and there was no excitement at the beginning.

On July 3, Feng Haoli wrote: "The mood is very heavy. I thought that this trip would be difficult, but I didn't expect it to happen."

On July 5th, it was seen that there was a fire in the unclean cement floor in the yard of a family, with the words: "People's heart."

The more backward, the more depressing literature.

Finally on July 11, the photo shows that he arrived in Lhasa.

The photo is not the famous sign of the Potala Palace in Lhasa, but another Jokhang Temple. Feng Hao Li photographed the believers who devoutly worshipped on the ground in front of the Jokhang Temple, and the row of prayer wheels in the photo. In addition to the maneuvering cylinder, there is only one man's hand. The angle is Feng Hao's own, and the hand is dialing on the prayer wheel.

With the text: "Is my soul not cleaned?"

And this is Feng Hao’s last photo about the trip.

Qi Youxuan had a feeling that he must have arrived at Medog. After another two months, after the start of the school, Feng Hao Li gradually launched a circle of friends, but not as much as before.

"It seems that it was really a matter of that trip. I am afraid it is not small. I think that these words he made are all cautious." Zhang Ming licked his chest, but it was not really serious. He is born with goose bumps.

"You found that no, from July 3, there have been no photos or selfies. Before that, there will be a group photo or selfie of five of them." Qi Youxuan said.

Everyone noticed that the previous photos and selfies, the smiles on the photos are very bright.

"Feng Hao Li's account has gone in." Yang Shaozhan said, exhaling a breath, and relaxed.

Everyone quickly went to see and found that the photos in the cloud suddenly had several photos.

"This is not just on the phone, Feng Hao Li, are they going to Xiqiao Road?" Wei Muran pointed at the screen, surprised.

"Look at the time, how was it last week." Zhao Yiyang also said, "After a year, he re-imported the photos into the mobile phone? But watching his performance on WeChat, obviously do not want to Look at these photos. And according to the analysis just now, he doesn't even have a home, how can he see it on his mobile phone at any time?"

"This is not the one he took at the beginning." Qi Youxuan said slowly.

Everyone looked at him with surprise. Qi Youxuan explained, "The people who take pictures are not the same. They may not be able to look at them. They can find someone to shoot them. But if you look at the self-portraits, the self-timer will definitely stand. In the middle of the forefront, but these few, obviously not Feng Hao Li took the phone to shoot. The people in this position are different."

The people discovered that they just saw Feng Haoli’s photos. They were already very impressed by their pedestrians, and they were preconceived.

"And the phone is not the same, the effective pixels are different." I don't know when Yang Shaozhan has imported the photos on Feng Hao's WeChat into the computer, and extracted the photos from the cloud. The photos on Hao Li WeChat were compared.

"Pixels, brightness, are different." Yang Shaozhan pointed to the screen.

"The photos were last week, and some people sent them to his mobile phone." Qi Youxuan said affirmatively, "According to Feng Haoli's attitude, the photos will be deleted immediately, but the photos will be automatically uploaded and uploaded. The cloud."

"This girl... is a bit familiar." Wei Fanran frowned.

"Have you seen?" Jiang Yuecheng immediately asked.

Wei Muran shook his head. "I have definitely never seen it. My face is quite powerful. If I have seen it, I will not remember it. I have never seen her, but I feel that she is familiar with it. Maybe it is with someone. Personal looks like it."

Wei Muran frowned, but I couldn’t think of it for a long time.

Yang Shaozhan went to work on the computer that was moved from the Feng family. Zhang Ming went to the cycling club according to the phone number on the business card. No one answered it. It was discovered that this time had already left work.

Qi Youxuan stretched out a lazy waist and received a call from Qi You Ning. "How come you haven't come out yet? We are all waiting outside for a long time."

Qi You Xuanzhen stood up, "What trouble are you coming to?"

"How is it trouble? You don't tell me when you are with Muran. It's more common. I don't know. I saw it this morning. Isn't that coming to see you? Let's eat together at night. A meal?" Qi You Ning's voice is soft, and listening to the sound will know that she will laugh at this time with a thief.

"When I play, I am going to officially date with Mu Mu for the first time today. What kind of chaos do you follow? I am going to play with you!" Qi Youxuan said.

Qi You's anger is broken, and she still swears at her attitude when she is a child. Is she so stupid?

"I came with my aunt. If you are not happy, I will do it alone." Qi You, said happily, the voice sounds simple and cute. "I will always be alive later. Use the facts to let you know that you are sure to play with me, or play with you!"

"You, you!" Qi You announced, if you are not looking at the temperament in front of Jiang Yuecheng, they really want to jump, he looked at Jiang Yuecheng, they ran to the corner and secretly said, "Your brother, I just chased my wife, you Can't you give me a scorpion like this. Are you still a sister?"

Qi You Ning turned a white eye. "I am here to contact the aunt's feelings of the future. How can you drag the body and then the legs? How important is the relationship between aunts and aunts! How are you so mother-in-law? Then call and hang up!"

"Wait!" Qi Youxuan hurriedly called her, and took a sigh of relief, only to vent his anger, "What do you want to eat at night? Brother treats, you just promise me, just once, don't join in the fun!"

"Hey!" Qi You Ning did not say that he did not agree.

"You... If you have been messing up, I can't improve my feelings with Mu Mu. If you have anything to do with Wen, don't come to me!" Qi Youxuan threatened.

Qi You Ning snorted and expressed his anger clearly.

Qi Youxuan will see you well. "My brother is not such a stingy person. My brother still hurts you! Brother hurts you, do you have to hurt your brother? I know that you have recently optimistic about a set of emerald necklaces and earrings, brother. Buy it for you!"

Qi You's eyes are bright, his face is red, and his eyes are softer.

Did not hold back, reached out, the index finger poked on her red tender face.

Qi You Ning's face suddenly became reder, and he grabbed his face, and his black and white eyes widened and looked at Wen Yan, so that he would not make trouble.

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