MTL - Urban Carefree Immortal Emperor-Chapter 249 "Ex-wife" missile!

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"Even if you are four iron tortoises, I will definitely unload you eight pieces today!"

As soon as Yanhuang's voice fell, suddenly, there was a howling in the empty space next to it!

An Iron Man's feet were full of fire, and the flames burst into flames, rushing towards Yan Huang!


While he rushed to Yan Huang quickly, the six rounds of organs on his shoulders buzzed and roared, and a dragon snake jumped wildly!


This Iron Man was extremely fast, and rushed to Yan Huang in an instant. The shield on Yan Huang's body resisted the six-machine gun fire, but he could not hold his fist!

"Accelerate punches!" Smashing a straight punch with a huge charge of Iron Man, Yan Huang immediately flew out!

"Beam bombardment!" The first Iron Man No. 1 who was cut by Yan Huang with a Yulong sword also responded. The left and right palms merged together. An energy cannon with a diameter several times larger than the "beam impact" was directed Out!

"Boom !!" The beam bombardment caught up with Yan Huang's figure instantly, and slammed Yan Huang's body straight on the aircraft carrier's hard deck!

"Good job !!" Iron Man No. 1 and Iron Man No. 2 happily punched each other and whistleed at each other: "It's too easy to hit these uncontrollable monkeys!"

"That is, I also translated what he said just now. This stupid monkey actually said that he wanted to hit us four by himself, and he laughed at me!" Iron Man No. 1 laughed mercilessly on the radio channel!

"No," Iron Man 2 shouted exaggeratedly, "Why don't these primitive monkeys say they are going to heaven!"

"Haha!" Iron Man No. 1 replied, "We are just sending them to heaven now!"

"Hey man, you still have a fire on your head." Iron Man No. 2 looked at No. 1 and said: The palm of his hand fired a freezing light to help him extinguish the fire.

"Thank you, I have to say, this monkey's sword is quite sharp ... Oh my god, that monkey can even get up!" Iron Man No. 1 glanced on the deck and yelled immediately.

He found that Yan Huang, who had eaten so many attacks on them, seemed to have no injuries except for his gray face.

"Damn monkey!" Iron Man 2's right arm popped open, revealing a row of six small red missiles!

"Go to death, look at my armor-piercing bomb !!" Iron Man 2 roared, and all the 6 small red missiles on his arm flew towards Yan Huang Wuthering!

"Let me add another fire!" Iron Man No. 1 also sneered, with a thought, a black arm-thin missile slowly rose on his left shoulder!

"Look at my" ex-wife "missile, fire! "Iron Man No. 1 roared, and his ex-wife missile carried a scream of screams, and he went straight to Yan Huang!

The "ex-wife" missile carried on Iron Man's power armor is not ordinary goods. Although it looks ordinary, a Sidewinder missile with high-strength explosives can automatically aim at the target and comes with a cyclone explosive!

"Ex-wife" missiles are powerful enough to blow up a bunker and hide in a more underground bunker!

So although it looks small and inconspicuous, it is actually the latest high-powered missile developed by the Stars and Stripes Army. One top ten ordinary missiles are iron box power armored box weapons!

"Hey, brother, we only equipped one" ex-wife "missile with one armor, and you just ran out of it! "No. 2 Iron Man said distressed!

"Who taught this **** monkey to annoy me, I think he is just as abominable as my ex-wife!" Iron Man No. 1 yelled: "I want my ex-wife and this **** monkey to die together!"

"Well, brother, the man who has been hurt by the female watch is the bravest. I can only pray for this monkey, God bless him!"

Iron Man No. 2 patted the shoulder of No. 1 Iron Man and comforted.



As soon as Yan Huang bounced off the deck, he saw 7 missiles, one large, six small, flying towards him!

Yan Huang was not afraid and did not retreat. He took the Yulong sword and flew towards the 7 missiles above!

Here ~ You Longjian burns a raging silver flame. Under the idea of ​​Yan Huang, You Longjian squeaked softly, and a sword-length more than 2 meters was sprayed out from Youlong Sword!

Yan Huang raised the You Long Sword, and hurriedly slammed 7 swords into the air!


The 7 swordsmangs and 7 missiles collided together, and the carrier once again issued an explosion roar!

"Boom !!" A small mushroom cloud actually emptied above the aircraft carrier!

Unexpected huge impact force Yan Huang again on the deck, Iron Man No. 1 and No. 2 were also flying down a few meters.

The steel No. 3 and No. 4 under the siege of Broken Flowers, Bai Qi, and Ximen could not help but shouted: "The two of them are really too wasteful, even the ex-wife missiles were used!"

The three people on the other side of the aircraft carrier were also a little surprised to watch the scene on Yanhuang side. They just felt that the shock wave of the explosion continued to strike like a huge wave. A large number of fighters and soldiers on the aircraft carrier were all thrown away!

If it hadn't been for the aircraft carrier's surroundings, they would all be blown into the sea!

Just then, several people suddenly discovered that just above the bulging red mushroom cloud, a figure suddenly burst out!

Broken flowers are shocked, that person is Yanhuang!

After being baptized by the "ex-wife" missile, Yan Huang was safe except that his clothes had a lot of burn marks.

Simon and Bai Qi are also full of shock. They have also heard the power of the "ex-wife" missiles. Facing them face to face, they may be able to rely on magic instruments and true element barriers, but there is absolutely no way to make Yan Huang so easy!

Not only blocked the terrible explosion power, but also passed through the center of the explosion, and continued to attack the two Iron Men!

Iron Man Nos. 1 and 2 were also shocked. In such a fierce explosion, they could not see Yan Huang's voice at all. Only the system's screen kept prompting them crazy, Yan Huang was approaching them quickly!

"Changhong Guanri !!!" Yan Huang yelled, his body spread out, silver flames boiling, wrapped him and You Long Sword together, the sword man united, passed through the explosion center, straight toward No. 1 and No. 2 No. Steel went straight to death!


The turbulent sword intention directly penetrated the outwardly expanding clouds into a large hole!

You Longjian issued a soft humming sound, and the sword awn on the tip of the sword swelled again. From two meters to five meters, the sharp sword cuts life pain, and straight down to the two Iron Man power armor!

"Let's go!"

The two Iron Man wanted to escape, but Yanhuang appeared too fast. Even if the two had a systematic prompt, Yan Huang had rushed to the chest with You Longjian!

Yan Huang's wrists were rotated, and the You Long Sword in her hand was changed to an inverted lift, holding the You Long Sword and cutting straight down to the two men's chests! !!