MTL - Virtual World: Conquering the World-Chapter 1167 Goodbye wind chaser

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At midnight, the area of ​​Hell Castle is full of human and elven alliances, with flags and swords, and legions from the main cities such as Hero City, Holy Helm City, Beast Soul City, and Baiyun City are stationed around Hell Castle. Waiting for the next great battle.

Standing on a bare hill, I looked around and said: "Let's get started first? Or ... let; all the major players in the Baiyun City Alliance level are here, and Qixing Dengang said:" Why wait, we Just go straight, I don't believe that the abyss of destruction can have three heads and six arms! "

Hellfire grinned: "Last time, someone was also killed by the sword of the abyss? Didn't it take you a month to become the Supreme Master of Sunflower?

Qixing Deng sneered coldly: "Hellfire, has your kid been arrogant a lot since he flew up?"

Hellfire held its sword flat: "My arrogance, only for you."

Ling Xue sighed, "It's a peerless jealous ..."

The seven-star lantern and hellfire were violently cold, and they didn't say anything. As for being rude to Ling Xue, it was something they couldn't even think about. Snow Moon players present, War Temple, Ice and Snow Temple, Wisdom Temple, and Light Temple , The Temple of Thunder, the Temple of Purgatory, a total of six masters of heaven, this is the strength of a strong enemy country, by no means the seven-star lamp, **** fire and other people can challenge.

Although the Temple of Hellfire's Chaos is ranked second in the Seventeenth Temple, but in terms of personal strength, Hellfire is not my opponent and Ling Xue. At this point, he knows it well, no matter how strong the field ability is, it can't stand the best Fury of equipment.

At this time, Lin Shuang came forward with a scarlet sword and said, "Let the Corps come up first. I am a bit worried. Once we attack aggressively, we may disrupt Princess Feia's advanced plans. In that case, the Holy One will come. This version may be our tragedy version. "

I nodded and said, "Sister Frost is very reasonable. Let's wait a bit. Once Feiya attacks, we start to cope. The player's task is to contain the main force of the Dark Legion and try to earn as much experience and equipment as possible."

"Well, just do it!" Gufen nodded likewise.


At three o'clock in the morning, the army surrounded Hell Castle.

Under the big banner, the British and upright Feiya held up his long sword and shouted, "For the right to survive, for the glory of the race, Silvermoon Alliance, attack!"

Suddenly, countless ethnic armies killed the **** castle in a row, and the sound of horseshoes thundered through the sky.

On the one hand, Hell Castle opened the gates of the city, and arrogantly dispatched a large number of undead iron riders to kill them. In a blink of an eye, they fought with the human army.

"Are you ready to attack?" Qixing asked eagerly.

"Go, no one is stopping you ..." I nodded.

The Qixing Lantern immediately entered the transformation of the heavens and screamed, "Brothers of the soul returning to the battle robe, charge me for the glory of the guild!"

High-level players such as Xiaofeng Canyue and Xiaoqi have all pulled out their long swords, and declared before the war: "For dreams, for glory! Four directions, **** battles, martial spirits, relentless return to the battle robe!"

The all-out yak iron rode the charge, and the momentum was amazing!

My eyes were cold, and I slowly pulled out the Northern Sword. The sword edge of the sword was dazzlingly cold and raised the blade. I said loudly, "Silver cymbal iron ride, give me, for the snow moon, for Baiyun City. ! "

Suddenly, the shock of the horse's hoof sounded loudly, more than 100,000 elite silver cricket irons rode on the charge, inserted from the right wing of the undead legion, and the saber flew and kept cutting. Even a level purgatory monster couldn't withstand this lingering Strangling has been turned into experience.

In the rear, the silent rain, Nangong Lexi, and the cube of fate led the long-range professions of wizards, archers, summoners, and priests to suppress and resupply. A large number of soldiers carrying heavy shields stood in front of the camp, approaching them step by step. Let's fight with the defenders of Hell Castle.

A whole front stretched for more than ten kilometers, and the sound of killing echoed in the canyon. The color of blood almost reddened the sky.

In the distance, players from the American area of ​​Hero City and Holy Helm City also appeared, and the sky suddenly became dark, which was the effect of the transformation of Dark Roar Heaven. Earth Shrine, which improves the attack power of soil skills. Therefore, the most popular skills in the American camp are ground slash and meteorite skills. Of course, there are also many masters who are performing high-level group methods-meteorites fall, blockbuster. Meteorites fall in the monster group, the fiery sea of ​​fire is extremely lethal!

A division with a piece-killing magic is an awesome existence even in the game. /

The entire Hell Valley has almost become a sea of ​​fire, and the dense army of ethnic groups has almost drowned this towering main city, but the monsters in Hell Castle are like an incessant killer, killing a batch and pouring out a batch, a whole After killing for more than three hours, the eyes of each player are almost red.

Three heavyweights also appeared. Unfortunately, all of them were killed by group attacks. Now the players' levels are very high and the equipment is extraordinary. As long as they are not level, they will basically be killed by group attacks.


Below the city, Xiaoqi will suddenly pack up six undead skeletons with an ice axe, and ca n’t help but be so proud of it, he laughs: “It ’s a group of dead vegetables, alas, a good experience! O Lord, let ’s just go into the city, this It ’s so cool to earn experience. It is estimated that I can rise to level 285 after one day and one night! "

The Qixing lamp snorted coldly: "Be careful, the real thing hasn't come out yet!"

But at this moment, the sky suddenly turned into a blood color, the seven-star lamp was hit, and the real thing finally came!

Yunxia was like blood, and an undead warrior wearing a blue armor and a portable wind-blade sword appeared. A pure black cloak swayed behind him.

"Is it the destruction of the abyss?" Xiaofeng Yueyue was surprised.

"No." Qixing Deng shook his head: "It is not this kind of sword in the hands of Destruction Abyss, it is a long sword with moonlight glory. This one ... I don't know what it is ..."

And Ling Xue, who was next to me, opened her mouth in surprise: "This ... this is not ..."

I nodded and Shen said: "Yes, Windrunner Karen!"

"What?" Ice Tea was shocked: "Did not Karen the Windseeker hang up in the Battle of Scarlet Fortress? Why ... why would he be resurrected?"

"God know, maybe this is the unique attribute of the undead!"


At this time, the wind-chaser Karen's vibration armor fell on the city wall, looking at the ocean-like army below with majestic gaze, shouting coldly: "The realm of wind!"

Suddenly, there was a cold forest, and the wind-seeker Karen was covered with wind energy. The whole person turned into a lightning, and the sword rose!


Like a shock wave, a sword gas broke into the air, forming a fan-shaped death space. Hundreds of thousands of yaks and irons groaned among them and fell to their deaths.

Even seven or eight silver cymbals and iron riders in the distance were also affected. They screamed and stunned, all of them were spiked!

I gritted my teeth and whispered, blood red wings spread behind me, galloped forward, and slammed into the head of Karen the wind-seeker!


The wind chaser turned suddenly to block a sword, a pair of **** eyes stared at me: "Hey, boy, I know you! Newborn Dragon Whisperer, let me see you again!"

I grinned, Jianmang burst out: "Go!"


The dragon shattered and blasted the body of Karen, the wind chaser, deeply trapped in the city wall, and now my field power is no worse than Karen.

Taking advantage of the Stars, the attributes of Karen the Windseeker suddenly appeared in front of him-

Windrunner Karen 1V-285 God level; specific properties are unknown and cannot be read!

It seems that this puppet has also been upgraded a lot, but the strength is not enough to enter the ranks of the top ten gods.


Along with the huge bricks and walls falling, Karen the wind-seeker fluttered easily, looked at me coldly, and yelled, "Dragon Whisperer, I did not expect that you have grown to this point. Hey ... But that's not much. I haven't come up with real strength yet. Master Mingyu's resurrection is not only my soul, but also my overbearing power. Come and experience the taste of fear, boy! "

"Fear-your sister!"

I have already stepped forward to the conflict, sweeping the Qianjun army and evoking the five 凛冽 jianqiqi standing on the shoulder of Karen the Windseeker!


Five consecutive blasts, Karen's blood dropped a little, my attack still had some effect.

However, he is not the master who was beaten and not beaten. One big hand, the cold current surging!

"Drink, cold snap!"

Strong winds are raging, and Ice Blade Flurry!


The nearly five million injuries caused me to breathe in the air. After the resurrection of Karen, Karen's strength has definitely increased geometrically, otherwise I'm afraid it will be difficult to even break my defense.

Immediately counterattacked, the ruling skill fell, and even with a mighty dragon-strike, the blue dragon glowed the blood of the Shrine of War and slammed into the chest of Karon the Windseeker. The sound of the dragon was trembling, and a series of damage numbers flew up— —





Too strong, for ten consecutive attacks and damage, a simple dragon lifted and killed at least a quarter of the blood of Karen the Windseeker!


Breathing heavily ~ ~ Karen, the wind-seeker, raised his sword, eyes full of fierce light, and suddenly sang loudly, "God of the wind, please guard the natural laws of heaven and earth, I ask Begging-a thousand miles away! "

Suddenly, the whole earth turned blue, and the cones full of wind blades burst out of the ground!

"Boom boom!"

The earth cone brought out numerous wind blades, which exploded in the crowd like a bomb. Suddenly the sea became blood on the ground. A large number of players were buried in the cold blades. The blood stained the wild field, countless equipment, The potion burst, but no one had time to manage it.

I could see that my eyes were red, but there was nothing I could do. Several interruptions failed to work. Karen, the wind-seeker, was different.

"Fuck, I fight with you!"

The seven-star light flew open with wings flying, eyes blood-red, and a large number of players were killed, but the player who returned to the robe with the soul lost the most. A lightly forbidden curse from Karen of the Windseeker killed tens of thousands of players who returned to the robe. How can the seven-star lamp as the leader not be angry?