MTL - Want to Ascend? Then Fall in Love-Chapter 214 Twenty-four

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Chapter 214

Gu Jianshen thoroughly followed the brain circuit of Shen Qingxian, and he suddenly understood everything!

Not together, but must be together!

Shen Qingxian wants to understand the heart, and he wants to understand the heavens, so that he can walk on the ladder.

The 30th task they have to do.

Why do you want to announce to the people all over the world that they are together?

Because this news is enough to incite the sacred sea of ​​the heavens and the hearts of the stars - not the true Xinghai 妄烬, but the "Xinghai" in the hearts of the heavenly monks, the "妄烬" in the hearts of the monks in the heart.

Gu Jianshen was completely silent, and his thoughts were turbulent, all ecstasy.

Shen Qingxian said to him: "No more push me." He said that he was close to him...

Not waiting for Shen Qingxian to kiss his lips, Gu Shen was already holding his waist and kissing him.

On the peak of the fire, the two people who embraced each other became a classic scene that would not fade after tens of thousands of years of comprehension.

When the next generation, we don’t mention it, let’s interview the parties at this time...

Heavenly people: "!!!"

People in the heart: "!!!"

Looking at each other, I saw a word from each other's eyes: I have confirmed my eyes and are a person who is forced together.

Then... collective explosion!

Ye Zhan spurted out a blood: "Gu Jiuyuan, you are a madman, dare to... dare..." He couldn’t tell the word thin.

The first guardian of the heart, the sword, and the sword guardian: "Shen Qingxian, you are enchanting, actually... temptation..." He said that he had forgotten the words.

Shen Qingxian was not willing to swear Ye Zhan, and even quietly gave him the tempering blood.

It is a pity that the old leaves were too scared, and the wave was turned over and the wave was turned up.

Don't talk about him, even Zeng Ziliang was so scared that he sat down on the ground and his legs were not looking like.

Cheng Jing has been calm for a lifetime, and at this moment, he can stuff a duck egg in his mouth.

Luoyin is the apprentice of Mu smoked. It was originally a new generation of "Pizu". This wave is also suspected of Pi Sheng, and he feels that he is too far from the skin.

The "old ancestors" are like this, and the disciples of Heaven are...and they are even more at a loss.

There is no good place to go here. They see that Emperor Zong actively kissed Shen Qingxian, and he still had a feeling of self-sufficiency and his desired wish.

what does this mean? The heart is only ideal! Shen Qing's string is to seduce his majesty, deceive his majesty, and attempt to break his mind and let him do his best for the year.

Insidious, deceitful, vicious, mad!

In order to destroy the heart, this Shen Qing string does not hesitate not hesitate to seduce with color!

The people in the mountains are all ruined, and all the messy thoughts are coming out.

Shen Qingxian still cares about the overall situation. He closes his eyes and the blue mist covers everyone.

Everyone in the heart of the heart shouted, and the last second felt that they had finished the finished meal. After a second, they felt the gentle and heavy spirit of the majestic...

Shen Qingxian’s test, a lot of peace of mind.

He said to Gu Jian: "It's okay."

Although Ye Zhan vomited blood, it was not a bad heart, but... the mood was too fluctuating.

Others were also frightened, there was no problem in the realm, and even because they were too excited, they accelerated the spiritual flow, and Lingtian was washed more thoroughly.

Sure enough... they are "not out of the cabinet", but a good thing.

Since everything is fine, Shen Qingxian is too lazy to care for them. He leads the deep hand: "We are going to cook."

It is quite interesting to look at this supplementary task at this time.

Because of climbing the mountain, Shen Qingxian remembered the Xinghai theory that he had participated in when he was young, and then thought about everything; then cooking and entertaining the grandchildren, it was a calm time for them to calm down.

Followed by alchemy, this is more practical, like Ye Zhan's emotional excitement, it is more than a few big pills.

The last refiner... Shen Qingxian also understood that he and Gu Jianshen will be soaring, and it is okay to leave some artifacts to guard them.

There is also an auction, which is to continue to lift the entrenched barriers that have been tens of thousands of years.

Use the artifacts of their names to break the knots of the two sides, reinventing the realm of comprehension that was independent but not hostile, but arguing but not defying, but also able to understand each other!

It is said that cooking together, in fact, all are deep-eyed characters, Shen Qingxian is responsible for...

“Is it a little less? So many people.”

"Red, I want red!"

"Golden, golden rice is great!"

"Hey... is this sweet?"

Gu Jianshen ate his mouth, Shen Qing string anger, and couldn’t help but kiss him.

Shen Qingxian disliked him: "Who wants to eat you..."

Gu Jianshen said: "Sweet." Not that sweet fruit, but the sweetness of Shen Qingxian's lips.

Shen Qing’s string snorted, and the cold cheeks had a little more blood on his cheeks.

The cooking of the two of them is a "live broadcast". After all, Yu Jian is so required, and must complete the task before everyone.

They have no scruples now, no matter what the mood of people watching "live".

So Ye Zhan sprayed two more blood, and the old man had fallen down again. The old process may need two duck eggs...

In short, the descendants of the grandchildren are like the children of small classes in the kindergartens of the world. They can only look at their ancestors with helplessness and weakness...

What is this done? It is dog food! Hot! Hot! Don't want to eat, you want to die!

It is necessary to treat everyone with good meals.

Shen Qingxian finally spoke to Ye Zhan: "It's good for the body to eat more." He added the drug directly.

Ye Zhan looked at him, opened his mouth... The words didn't say it, and the corner of his mouth began to bleed.

Losing is a monk, or if there is such a spray, a few lives are gone.

Shen Qingxian comforted him with a sentence: "Well, don't think too much, I will be together soon."

Together, I have been together for a long time, and I have been together for a long time!

This also makes them not want too much! ! !

Shen Qingxian is also embarrassed, how to explain with them? It’s nothing to say, it’s better to do it. Anyway, it’s already like this, let’s accept it slowly.

Later, the sons and daughters of Mu smoked out of the book.

He "archaefied" the Xinghai theory and named it "the turning point in the realm of comprehension." This is the beginning of the common prosperity of heaven and heart, the beginning of the glory of the comprehension, and the eternal "dark period". "The fireworks that broke out after the explosion!"

Shen Qingxian and Gu Jian have spent hundreds of years holding auctions in Tiandao and Xinyu.

They made nine artifacts, all of which were written by two people. Later generations called them "Nine Hearts." Because each artifact is decorated with a heart carved from beautiful rubies, and there is a pole in the heart. A very delicate white lotus flower.

Hearing this artifact, when he meets someone who loves, the little lotus will flash slightly, even more beautiful than the stars on the horizon.

"Nine Hearts" is the most beautiful gift left by the Supreme Master and the Jiuyuan Emperor.

Shen Qingxian and Gu Jianshen only turned back after finishing their 30th to truly face this twenty-nine.

Shen Qingxian bent his eyes and said: "Please advise."

Seeing deep eyes is also a smile: "Please advise."

Shen Qingxian is a half-baked understanding of the heartland, and Gu Jianshen is also a half-baked understanding of Tiandao.

The two men retired together and spent two hundred years and finally thoroughly understood each other.

The heart is looking for balance in the sway, and the heaven is the cornerstone in nothingness.

At this time they arrived at another mysterious realm.

Gu Jianshen got rid of the uneasiness, because his balance has a strong fortress for Shen Qingxian.

Shen Qingxian also gave birth to a pair of wings, and he gave him a deep look at the wings of the sky.

They both blinked and stood in front of the intact ladder.

What will happen when you go up?

What is the world after the ascent?

Gu Jian Shen asked Shen Qingxian: "Are you afraid?"

Shen Qingxian took his hand: "What are you afraid of?"


If you are together, what are you afraid of?

The new world is good, the old world is worth it, and your world is the real world.

The text is finished.