MTL - War in Heaven-Chapter 1294 Shocked discovery

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Lin Chi took a few steps back and picked up a stone and threw it to the next leaf.


The silver flashed, and the metal trap was snapped up.

Seeing that there was a real trap there, Jane surprised and widened his eyes: "What is this?"

It’s not surprising that he didn’t realize the trap because it’s beyond the “cognitive scope” of Jane:

What appeared in front of you was a rusty silver trap that looked like something dug in the tomb.

What makes Lin Chi wonder is that the way the clip works does not meet the technological level of the "nightmare dynasty".

“This is...spring and hydraulics?”

Checked the rusted clip, Lin Chi immediately found that this thing looks old, actually turned out to be a modern technology!

Lin Chi put his hand on the trap that was tightly snapped together, and waited for two seconds before the item appeared in front of him:

Corroded ancient traps.

Trap props, consumables.

Item level: Excellent.

Place it on the ground to set the trap.

"It is said that ancient science and technology is more advanced than modern ones. As long as you look at the cultural relics unearthed from archaeological remains, you will know."


After reading the introduction of the article and staring at the trap that clearly transcended the times, Lin Chi realized that the background of the map was not as simple as it was said:

People in the real world have also dreamt of ancient black technology cities like Atlantis. But this trap is obviously not from the hands of the Atlantis.

Compared with the legendary Atlantis civilization, this thing is too "simple", there is no trace of ancient super technology or aliens, it is a modern murderous trap.

However, the props that should have appeared in modern maps have become "ancient equipment" here, that is to say...

Lin Qiao raised his hand and raised the recurve bow. The left hand instantly pulled out a white feather arrow and completed the bowing movement in half a second.

At the same time, the black thing in the other hand also rang.


A gunshot, a mob with green leaves and vines on his body, was shot through the chest by the arrow. Lin Chi’s right hand hurt and the recurve bow fell to the ground.

"Be careful!" Lin Chi reminded the "girl" standing beside him.


The pungent smell of gunpowder hit, and Jane couldn’t help but sneeze. The expression on her face turned back to the cold look of the past:

"PS.M5.45 mm caliber pistol, produced at Tula Arsenal."

The teenager who recovered the status of the Soviet superpower soldier quickly judged the weapon model of the other hand: "Why do our weapons appear in such people?"

"There are other people lying in ambush." ​​Lin Chi reminded.

"They are already dead." The teenager's little face showed a proud smile, and looked at Lin's right arm, still bleeding. He asked, "How are you..."?

"Fortunately, it's just a bruise." Lin Chi smiled: "I didn't expect you to care about me."

"You are... that... the child of the benefactor." Jane is a little embarrassed and bowed his head: "Repaying the feelings, I still understand."

"All said that you misunderstood..." Lin Chi sighed.

Until then, Shen Wenchong rushed to the side of the two, saw the scar on the arm of the main, immediately took out the bandage and began to bandage him.

"I'm ok."

Seeing Shen Wenchong's nervous look, Lin Chi ordered several other members of the Guard to check the body of the gangster. He patiently waited for Shen Wenchong to finish the bandage, and then bent down to pick up the gun in the hands of the gangster:

Broken ancient pistol:

Firearms, long range weapons.

Item level: Excellent.

The gun's ammunition is limited and there is a risk of explosives.

"The strange metal objects excavated from ancient ruins are said to be used as weapons."

- This is also the so-called "ancient equipment"?

After reading the introduction of this weapon, Lin Chi is almost certain that the guess he had just made should be the "inside" of this map.

The so-called "nightmare dynasty" seems to be an ancient plot, but it is actually a map of the future. This future dynasty is the product of the re-emergence of human civilization after its near disappearance!

For some reason, the once-modern human civilization disappeared, the human beings who survived and reproduce, forgot the glory of the old days, and re-entered the old road that once passed through in ancient times.

And those powerful modern weapons, as well as various advanced technological products, are buried in ancient ruins and are gradually decaying.

If this is the case, then the "Ancient Feng Shui Engine" and "Ancient Organs" mentioned by the masters may not be the mysterious ancient black technology, but the real engine and exoskeleton technology!

Realizing that he seemed to discover the mystery of this map, Lin Chi’s face smiled again. Not long after, the two guards came with two **** pistols.

"Lord, we have never seen such a weapon, as if it was excavated from ancient ruins?" The guards looked down at the "unknown metal object" in their hands, and the voice was full of confusion.

"It may be that they have dug from the nearby tomb." Shen Wenchong's tone is low: "It is sad that these gangsters can't afford a sword and can only use this kind of trick."

"Actually, their weapons may be more powerful than ours." Lin Chi said seriously.

At this point, he still does not know the other players in this map, and also found the truth of the map. However, since you already know that there is "ancient technology", you don't have to say anything about what to do next:

Lin Chi recruited the soldiers and immediately ordered the engineering master who stayed in the city to ask him to send a team of workers to the forest.

Then, he began to personally search the jungle, looking for the gangsters who were led by themselves, to find out the location of the "ancient weapon".

The weapons that these guys carry are all Soviet-made pistols. If the nearby ancient remains are Soviet arsenals or military bases...

As soon as he thought that he could find a lot of modern firearms, Lin Chi speeded up again, and the members of the Guards circled the forest.

"Where is your father?" Jane asked Lin Lin.

Seeing the look of the child looking forward, Lin Chi suddenly thought of an idea and did not hesitate to open his mouth: "He came to explore the ancient remains of the forest, and we are now looking for his place."

"It is like this."

After listening to Lin Chi’s words, the teenager closed his eyes and the black long hair suddenly floated up. Under the watchful eyes of the horrified guard members, her head turned into an “octopus” and her hair was suspended in the air and shook slightly.

"Oh, um... I found the ancient ruins."

When the child opened his eyes again, Lin Chi immediately asked: "Where?"

"It's over there." Jane raised his right hand to the west: "There is an entrance."

"let's go."

From Zhen, he scammed the detection information. Lin was rushing to the position detected by the child, passing through the deep jungle to find the legendary "ancient ruins."

If your guess is correct, there is a good chance that there will be more than one grade of "black technology" that is more advanced than Flamewind City. If you can find those things and mass production and development, then the city of Flamewind fights against other territories. In, you will get the advantage of rolling grade!

"Just in front." The super-powered teenager, who floated to the ground with his feet, pointed to the woodland in front.

The crowd rushed into the woodland and saw a collapsed building wreck under the dense trees. The walls were already covered with moss, giving off a moist atmosphere.

Thanks to the green "moss camouflage camouflage", this building is almost integrated with the forest, and it is difficult to identify without paying attention.

"Is the gangsters searching for weapons from here?" Shen Wenchong frowned and stared at the wall.

"Yes, it should be here."

While talking, Lin Chi came to the wall, pulled out the short knife he wore, and began to scrape off the moss on the wall.

Looking at his extremely inefficient movements, Jane took the first step and raised his right hand. The moss covered on the wall was suddenly cleaned up, revealing the scissor pattern of the sickle hammer that had been eroded halfway below, and a line of ambiguous Russian.

Those words are already difficult to identify, and Lin’s own player welfare – the Chinese system has not started. But Jane quickly recognized the building and made a trembling voice:

"Kursk Army Factory..."

"Have you been here?" Lin Chi asked.

"This is the secret military factory of the Soviets, which is specially equipped for special forces. Some of the equipment I use is from here..."

Jane’s lips kept shaking, and her hands were loose for a while, and it seemed like she was crying out: “When I was away, what happened to the motherland? How could this military factory become like this?”

As an ace soldier of the Soviet superpowers, Jane is very clear. Since this military factory is here, he must be standing on the land of the Soviet Union.

What shocked him was that he did not even recognize what it was when he woke up in that strange city.

The city that seems to be called "Flame City", except for the flag is red, has nothing in common with the Soviets!

Jane knows that in the territory of the Soviet Union, it is impossible to have that kind of city.

Since the city has appeared, that is to say -

"Do you understand?" Lin said softly.

He stood in front of Jane, staring at the green eyes of the other party, and said in a word: "Your country has already..."

"This is impossible... impossible!"

Tremfully stepping back, the body leaned on the thick tree, and the explosive power in the body blew the crown down by half, and the branches and leaves of the wreckage fell down in a row:

"The great Soviet cannot be destroyed like this! This must be something wrong, I am still dreaming..."

The child looked up desperately and stared at the dark sky. The mouth muttered something, but the voice was getting smaller and smaller.

"Is she crazy?" Shen Wenchong blocked in front of Lin Chi and watched Zhen Zhen with vigilance: "Less master, forgive me, from what you said, what are you talking about?"

"It's all past events, we are old friends." Lin Chi gave a perfunctory answer.

He had no time to care about Shen Wenchong, but he stared at Jane intently.

The child's mental condition is not stable enough, and suddenly suffered such a strong impact, maybe it will collapse again!

If the worst happens, you can only evacuate here...

Under the protection of the Guard, Lin slowly retreated to a place 20 meters away and continued to observe the situation of Jane.

The body of the "girl" sticks to the trunk, slowly slips down, falls into the leaves, and keeps talking to herself.

"Not so good..." Lin Chiyi looked at the child with an eyebrow: "Ready to retreat."

His voice just fell, and Jane suddenly raised his right hand and pointed to Shen Wenchong who was guarding Lin Chi.

"Less Lord, be careful -"

Shen Wenchong slammed into the ground and pressed Lin Chi under his body.

But Jane did nothing, and the hand that had just been lifted quickly fell down powerlessly.

"He passed out."

Seeing that Jane has fallen into a coma, Lin Chi finally breathed a sigh of relief, spit out two leaves in his mouth, and stood up to photograph the dirt on his body.

After suffering a strong stimulus, the precious image at this time lost consciousness. Lin Chi knows that if this guy is really mad and releases all his strength, he and the members of the Guards have to be accounted for here.

"How should this girl be disposed of?" Shen Wenchong watched the treasure that fell to the ground.

He has seen all kinds of abilities that the boy has shown. In Shen Wenchong's view, this child exists like a wizard or a Taoist, and can manipulate bizarre abilities.

For this guy, Shen Wenchong has always been very taboo.

If Lin Chi is not here, he should immediately kneel down to the other's head.

"I will take him back to settle down." Lin Chi said, looking back and looking at the jungle behind him: "Shen Wenchong went back with me, others stayed here, don't let any idlers besides the workers wait."

"Follow." The guards nodded immediately.

Lin Chi went forward and picked up Jane's light body and smiled at Shen Wenchong: "Let's go."

Although I would like to see the interior of the Kursk military factory, the entrance to the factory has collapsed and it is necessary to wait for the workers to dig a passage to reach the depths of the factory.

In addition, the problem of Jane is still to be dealt with now. It is not safe to leave this child outside. As long as he is put into a safe house, his super power cannot be destroyed.

“Do you really want to leave this child?” Shen Wenchong whispered, “I’m blunt...”

“Shen Wenchong, how many times have I said?” Lin Chi took a look at the “beautiful man”: “Don’t question my judgment.”

"You are so dictatorial, it is easy to make mistakes..." Shen Wenchong still wants to argue.

Lin Chi was completely too lazy to pay attention to this worrying guy, just holding Jane to the outside of the jungle and moving towards the flame city.