MTL - Warlord of Chaos-Chapter 11 woman

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Chapter one chapter one woman

Han Jin was closing his eyes and adjusting his interest. He suddenly faintly heard a scream that seemed to be suppressed. He couldn’t help but open his eyes immediately. Everyone was resting. The Siniel, who was responsible for the whistle, was hidden in the foliage. In this direction, you can see two feet that are swaying, as if... nothing happened.

Han Jin waited for a moment, just wanted to fall, the screams rang again, and he stood up and walked in the direction of the source of the sound.

Because Mosike and Hilna used to go together when they slept, so when they went to sleep, everyone always separated their areas, at least to separate men and women to avoid similar situations. Fortunately, Mo Xinke and Hilna, they have known each other for many years, the relationship is extremely embarrassing, did not regard this as a major event, if you change someone else to roll together, how to solve it?

Julie and Hilna rested in their temporary tents. Hilna slept soundly, and she seemed to be a nightmare. She saw her eyelids tremble quickly, and the mouth opened slightly, giving a long list of low. But the clear cry is like a sea monster singing.

Han Jin saw that her forehead was covered with sweat, and she understood that she was stunned. She couldn’t wake up on her own. He reached out and patted it on the beautiful cheek. The call stopped, but the beautiful mouth was still In the open, the scene is a bit weird.

Han Jin turned and walked. Who knows that Julie is screaming again. It seems that she was disgusted by the two bodies. Han Jin is very clear that she did not drink. If she really drank the spring, she would definitely stay. Some psychological shadows.

"Beautiful, sober and awake!" Han Jin said while patted his forehead on the forehead.

Julie jumped up and hurriedly hugged Han Jin. Han Jin was so scared that he clenched his fists and almost hit the beautiful body. It’s not that Han Jin has been guarding against beautiful people. The instinctive reaction of people in fright is often inseparable from his character. Some people will be scared and screamed, or they will flee indiscriminately, but some people will When attacked and attacked at the same time, Han Jin belonged to the latter.

"It's me, don't be nervous... relax..." Han Jin whispered.

The shade shed with the branches behind it was opened, and Siniel looked curiously inside. The other side of Hilna also opened her eyes and said in a confused way: "What?"

"Nothing, Julie has a nightmare." Han Jin is very embarrassed. Strictly speaking, people have nightmares and have nothing to do with him. This is one of them. Also, because when you sleep, you don’t wear much. Now hugged with him, he can even feel the beating of a heart, let alone other feelings.

"Oh..." Hilna rolled over and fell asleep.

Here, Julie just woke up, pushed Hanjin into the room and lay down on the straw mat. Xiannier asked with concern: "Beautiful, is it okay?"

"Nothing, have a nightmare, thank you." Julie ambiguously replied.

Han Jin shrugged and retired. Xiannier looked at Han Jin’s face seriously and suddenly said, “Raphael, have you touched many women?”

"No." Han Jinyi.

“No?” Sunil came over and looked up and down Han Jin. He smiled and said, “If you really don’t have it, do you know what it will look like?”

"What is it like?"

"Blushed red, dry mouth, still can't see others, just like the present beautiful." Xiannier frowned: "What do you think is not like a young man."

"Crap, she is a woman, I am a man, can this compare?" Han Jin also noticed that he was too calm, and had to find some other reasons to block. If it is really a first brother, after I have embraced Julie, I have to have some problems. It is impossible to be calm and calm.

"Then tell me, have you ever touched a woman before?" Sunil added the word 'many' this time.

"I have touched you, I have touched you. Is there anything to ask?" Han Jin said.

"You... I am talking about that..." Xiannier's face was red.

"What are you talking about?" Han Jin humbly asked.

Xiannier was finally dismissed by Han Jin’s shameless question, or shamelessly asked to defeat it. It contained a few ambiguities and went straight to the distance. Several vertical jumps returned to the tree.

When it comes to women, Han Jin has a feeling of tears and tears. In his view, women are only divided into two types. One is responsible and the other is irresponsible. He always has a special liking for the latter. . Only young people who don’t understand what is responsible are willing to be responsible for all the beautiful women in the world. They can’t wait to spread their seeds all over the world. People who have experienced will naturally understand that responsibility is enough.

Han Jin certainly understands this, so he has little interest in Julie and Siniel, even though their looks are so beautiful. Moxike is the most crowded person. When he was in the city of Lonely, he first used all kinds of tempting words to outline Hanjin’s style of bar women, so that Han Jin was curious about the world’s 'professional players' and then vowed. To bring Hanjin to open his eyes, the result is that Moss is staring at Hilna, don't mention eye-opening, and even the number of drinks is extremely rare.

Hey... Han Jin sighed and sighed on the straw mat, looking at the blue sky, and suddenly he couldn’t sleep.

Until dark, in the shouts of Michelle, everyone opened their eyes, and the rest of the time was not upright. From the rising sun to the sun, the sun was falling. In fact, everyone sleeps for a short time. It is not enough to sleep.

The bonfire rose, and everyone was sitting around the campfire. Han Jin lazily pulled out a tree demon wood and began to engrave it. Now the sacred martial arts curse has become a daily course, no way, because of the luxury It’s hard to get into the catastrophe. Everyone is used to sitting on the back of the turtle. If they let them go with their feet, they must strike.

Julie yawned out of the shade and was seeing Han Jin, her face was not red, and then her eyes followed.

"Michelle, how is it still bread? Can't change it?" Moxie called.

"We have nothing else?" Michelle said in a dilemma: "Only bread."

"Can't you bring something else out?"

“Where are you going to put it?” Han Jin said with no anger: “Do you put it in the space ring of me and Siniel? Or are you responsible for carrying it?”

"Right, space ring!" Moxico looked at Sasio: "How about the space ring? Can you open the space?"

"No, this has become a waste." Sasio shook his head.

"If you are looking for an alchemist to work together? Can you fix it?" Moxike had some disappointment.

"Then I don't know, at least we should try."

"Right, Mo Xinke, take the quick jade to show me." Han Jin said.

Hilna handed Yu Pei to Mo Xin Ke, and Mo Xinke handed Yu Pei to Han Jin. Han Jin took it over and observed it carefully. Yu Pei's shape is very simple and the material is excellent, but it is not like ornaments. Yu Pei only has the upper part, which is difficult to distinguish.

"Have you ever seen a similar jade?" Han Jin asked. To be honest, the two people who died did not have any relationship with them. They tried their best to find out the inside story. This was only because of Han Jin’s occupational disease.

"I'll take a look." I don't know why, the first one who has been quietly avoiding Hanjin's first outstretched.

Han Jin explored and handed Yu Pei to Julie. Soon, Yu Pei turned a big circle in the hands of everyone, but no one could tell the information about Yu Pei.

"Raphael, how are you so interested in Capri?" Sasio asked: "We and he... seem to have only seen one side."

"I couldn't sleep during the day, I turned around in the woods and found a lot of traces left by the battle. They always hit there." Han Jin reached out and pointed to the flow of spring water: "Then Kabri was subdued. His companions were also killed, and then Kabri suffered a long torture, torture, and finally died, I can not find the reason for his death, do you think he hides a big secret?"

"Come on, give me two more." Michelle began to bread, and the Moxin Branch, who was extremely disgusted with the bread, even reached out and grabbed a few pieces. No one was interested in Han Jin’s judgment. This is no stranger to anyone else. It’s Han Jinyu’s unknown, no temptation. If he says that Kabri knows the treasure of a dragon, these people will let Han Jin know what is the real passion.

Han Jin is somewhat embarrassed, and Siniel said slowly: "Carbri is a high-ranking sage. Since his enemy can seize him and take his life in a way we don't know, then his enemy. It can also deal with any of us. We have a lot of troubles, is it necessary to get into another group of enemies?"

" said something makes sense." Han Jin smiled and put the jade in the space ring. Although he thought that Xiannier made sense, he still couldn't bear to throw away the only clue.

"Lei Zhe, what fun is there at your home?" Hilna asked.

"See what you want to play." Lei Zhe thought: "Have you seen the waterfall?"

"What I want is weird."

"The village in my hometown has only a hundred villagers. Do you think there will be a lot of strange things?" Lei Zhe smiled bitterly.

"I heard that when the head of the Conrad army was a child, I met a very poor old man. The head of the Conrad army was kind and ran home to find some food for the old man. The result became a student of the old man. Is this legend true?" asked Sasio.

"It is true. I also saw his old man when he was a child." Lei Zhe whispered: "My grandparents are very ordinary farmers. How can they cultivate a ten-order powerhouse?"

"Wow..." The atmosphere of the discussion has suddenly become warm, and this dramatic story is more appealing.

"Have you seen his old man when he was a child? Then what?" asked Sasio.

"He has been missing for many years." Lei Zhe sighed. He knew very well that his father’s skills were learned from the old man. If the old man was still there, he could point his father from time to time. His father also It won't end in the prime of life.