MTL - Warlord of Chaos-Chapter 542 Harley's legend

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Chapter 542—The Legend of Halley

After a few hours of talks, it finally came to an end. The dragon knight Dick showed a reassuring look. He clearly conveyed Nikola’s intentions, how to settle the hatred between the two, or whether the two could coexist. These problems should be put down temporarily, and everything will have to wait until the invasion of the abyssal race is defeated. Fortunately, Han Jin is not the kind of person who only looks at the eyes. If Han Jin is not interested in Nikola's plan, he can't ask for such details. He believes in his own judgment.

Subsequently, Dragon Knight Dick did not stay, and directly quit, the battle of the country of Xiongguang is not optimistic, Nikola is facing the main force that Donald personally led, of course, before and after the war, he also made a clear statement to Han Jin. In vain, because Nikolay passed him, if he really met Han Jin, he would like to tell the truth about the country of Xiongguang. There must be no lie.

Honduras sent people to empty the square, and the dragon knight Dick jumped on the golden dragon. One person and one dragon slanted into the sky and flew in the direction of the male empire.

Looking at the back of Dragon Knight Dick, Gail’s manager suddenly said, “You don’t want to leave them?”

"That's too small to be a family." Han Jin smiled: "Not to mention Nikola's strong men like clouds, even if I kill them, it can't affect the overall situation."

"But... Nikola's forces are expanding too fast!" said Gail, worried. When Jeddes went to the Holy Crown, there were only four dragon knights under Nicholas. In this war, the seven princes of the glory of the glory of the glory have fallen, but they still have to compete with the main forces of the abyss. The strength, obviously, after Nikolay captured the city of Moonlight, there was great gain, Lola fled, the various lords in the alliance had surrendered to Nikolay, and those who are strong also of course returned to Nikolay, and, here In the past two years, Nikolay has definitely received strong support from the Dragon Field. The number of dragon knights in the Xiongguang Empire is also too much!

"This war is equally unfavorable to Nikolay. He also completely digested the fruits of victory." Han Jindao.

"Forget it, the guy has already flown far away, and it’s too late to get started." Gail’s manager shook his head. “How do you see Nikola’s plan?”

"He is very courageous."

"Do you really cooperate with him?"

"I have told the dragon knight, I will cooperate, huh, huh... Unfortunately, Nikolay will not believe me."

"How do you know that he will not believe?"

"Some words, certainly not what Nikolay told him." Han Jin Shen said for a moment, slowly said: "For example, the news of the ice dragon An Qi Ai Su wakes up. Longcheng and Longyu come together, then, I The traps that were previously set up will be dismantled by them one by one. Then they will suspect that I killed the Incident of Green, and I really sent someone to the Holy City to investigate, and I will soon be able to clarify the truth, then?"

"Even if they know it, it is impossible to come to us now."

"I said after the war." Han Jin whispered: "Defeated the abyss army, do we wait for peace? No! Dragon City and Dragon Field hate me hate the bones, Nikolay is also impossible to stop Even though I joined forces with the Grand Duke of Solomon, the strength is far worse than them. In this case, how can I follow Nikola’s plan?"

"But you just said that you will."

"I will, but can Nikolay believe me? If he is replaced, he will follow the plan?"

"Isn't that plan become a piece of empty talk?" Gail’s general manager said in a hurry.

"I don't care what he does, but I will do it according to plan." Han Jin blinked at the head of Gail: "This is also a wish of the Grand Duke."

"How can the Grand Duke interfere with the matter between you and Nikolay?" The more the Gail manager is, the more confused he is.

"This has nothing to do with Nikolay." Han Jindao: "I will do it even if Nikolay does not make this plan, and I have long wanted to do it."

The Gail manager gave up, and Han Jin obviously didn't want to say it. He was so confused and confused that he would never understand it and simply shifted his sight elsewhere.

Suddenly, a magic signal rose from the countryside of Esnoli, and Han Jin stared for a moment, saying: "Leonardo is back, I will go out first."

"Good." Gael’s manager nodded.

In a moment, Han Jin’s figure has appeared in the countryside, and Leonardo circumvented from behind the tree and said with respect and respect: “Adult, you are here.”

"How? What did you hear?" Han Jin asked.

Almost a dozen dragon knights came around, they saw the magic signal, want to come over and see what happened, see Han Jin here, they change their direction of interest, and fly back.

"The commander of the army is Prince Johnson, and the demon squad that belongs to him." Leonardo whispered.

"Prince of Johnson?" Han Jin frowned.

"Donald has two brothers, Donald is the eldest brother, and he has the strongest strength. Hanni, who is ranked second, is Johnson." Leonardo explained: "In Donald's original plan, It was supposed that Hanni and Johnson attacked the male empire, and then Donald personally decided to go there. Which way he got to the hard bones, he would support which way, and later did not know for what, Donald suddenly turned Hanni out and changed Johnson is united by himself."

"You don't know why?" Han Jin asked, he didn't believe in Leonardo, just strange.

"I don't know." Leonardo shook his head. "I thought about it before, but I can't figure out what else. What is more important than attacking the male empire?"

"You have not asked?"

"I know, Donald will naturally tell me, I shouldn't know, I can only ask for it." Leonardo laughed: "I still have this self-knowledge."

Han Jin’s silence for a moment shifted the topic: “Are they really going to attack the holy crown city?”


"Do you estimate when they will be able to reach the Holy City?"

"I haven't walked this road..." Leonardo smiled.

"It's okay, you probably estimate it."

"If you are fast, less than two days, if you are slow... it should be about ten days."

Han Jin stunned. If he changed to Harley, he would have a thunder in the palm of his hand. It was two days, and the other was ten days. What is this **** guess? !

"Adult, Johnson's character is very tyrannical, not only the enemy, even the devils are afraid of him, not to mention there is a demon squad around him, the number should be more than ten, this is a very powerful combat, even without the help of the army, They can also easily destroy the command centers of most cities.” Leonardo said: “Johnson has just been defeated by Nikolay. I can’t guess what he will choose. If he wants to vent his anger, he knows that you have Most of the strong men have come here. He is very likely to lead the demon squad to the holy crown city. If he can keep calm, or for other reasons, he may go along with the army, and the time will naturally grow."

Han Jin is immersed in meditation. If it is the former, he will not be able to go back now. Moreover, the city of Esnoli cannot be ignored. As long as he leaves, it is difficult to ensure that the tyrant of the flame, Long Col, will not make a comeback.

"Leonardo, do you estimate which situation is more likely?" Han Jindao.

"He should be working with the army." Leonardo said.


"He was seriously injured, and the Holy See was in the Holy City." Leonardo laughed: "I want to come to you already know, the abyss devil is most afraid, not the strong people of the various races on the ground, but the Holy See."

"The Holy See?" Han Jin paused and said softly: "I have a monk in the Holy See. Do you know the monks?"


"I used to think that he was very, very strong, but these days... I am a little bit..."

“Some disappointments?” Leonardo asked while observing Han Jin’s face.

"Oh... it’s really worse than what I imagined." Han Jin smiled and nodded. "However, his great prayers and great blessings are amazingly powerful, and they can bless thousands of fighters at once, but... Dealing with the abyss demon, those fighters become stronger and harder to pose a threat to the abyss demon.” Han Jin is worried about the holy crown city. If Johnson really chooses the former, Jedice and Guevara can block the demon squad. Attack? Only by pinning his hopes on Lennon, he promised that he should not lose his faith, and Lennon’s shot, then the fallen angel Catherine will also shoot!

"Haha, adults, against me, this abyssal demon, light magic does not pose a threat, but if you deal with the abyss demon, do you know what big blessing and big prayer mean?" Leonardo laughed: "Abyss The devil will also be blessed, but the result of the blessing is continuous bleeding, persistent severe pain, their muscles will split into pieces, or even rot! And, as long as the magic light curtain is wide enough, their moments Mobile loses meaning!"

“Oh?” Han Jin also laughed: “It seems that I should find an opportunity to let Adolf do sports in the future.”

"Adult, are you worried about the holy crown city?" Leonardo asked.


"I have already spread the news, and your holy crown city will get the news one step at a time."

"What do you use to deliver the news?" Han Jin asked.

"Usually, we will send a messenger. If there is something urgent, I will use it." Leonardo took a crystal from the space ring. The shape of the crystal was a bit weird, like a ball was From the neatly cut into two halves.

"what is this?"

"This is the resonance crystal." Leonardo said: "Look, as long as I use magic to write characters on the mirror, the text will appear on the other crystal, and the message will pass."

"How many crystals do you have?"

"A total of twenty-one." Leonardo laughed: "Because Hell Aster takes the entire continent into twenty-one districts."

"Who did you pass the message to? Where is he?" Han Jin asked, concerning the safety of the Holy City, he must ask clearly.

"I have forgotten some names. I have to check it, where is it... in the Acropolis of Acropolis, Tiger Rock Fort." Leonardo said: "He will leave immediately after receiving the news, and should be able to arrive in two days. Holy Crown City."

"I used to deal with Hell Aster in the Holy City, and I also caught a lot of people. Why didn't I find this crystal?"

"The person who masters the crystal is pollen. His task is to leave the flower early and float in the air without notice. Once the flower is destroyed, he will float down, root and sprout." Leonard I laughed a lot: "Adult, your means must be very powerful. Our pollen didn't dare to stay in the Holy City, so we moved quietly to Tiger Rock Fort."

"Speaking of this, I have a very incomprehensible thing, they are human beings, why should they work for the abyss race?" Han Jin asked.

Leonardo was silent for a moment, whispered: "With wisdom, there will always be an irresistible love for life. God sees our shortcomings. Therefore, the light **** says, believe me, believe me for eternal life; death Say, believe me, believe me will get undead life; even the Great Lich Denver is using the same things to confuse believers, he said, we do not rely on the sky, not on the ground, not on the gods, only on their own The Eternal Road, haha... In fact, believers need his guidance and need to rely on him. Then he is God, of course, a pseudo-god."

Han Jin gave a sigh of relief and did not speak.

“It’s just a kind of faith.” Leonardo laughed: “Paradise is out of reach, and only the soul can go to heaven and get eternal life. The problem is that no one has ever returned, no one knows heaven. What is the day, maybe... that is an unusually dull place, can't drink, can't fight, can't play with women, what is the difference between eternal life and death? In contrast, the promise of death is more real, Without enduring the pain of death, they can get longer lives and stronger physical fitness. Even if they only extend for decades, why should they refuse?"

"Faith...hehe..." Han Jin laughed and then shifted the topic: "You have betrayed Donald, how can Hell Aster spend your orders?"

"When Donald gave me the order, I already knew... I didn't look back." Leonardo whispered: "So, I ruined all that could be destroyed, and all the resonant crystals are in me. Here, now Donald has become a blind man and a blind man. In a short time, he can't regain control of Hell Aster."

"But Hell Aster flowers are for Donald, after all, they have their own minds, will you do what you say?"

"Adult, I am not a fool, can you tell them the truth directly?" Leonardo laughed. "My command is that General Lang Ning of the Holy City is our person. Prince Johnson will attack the Holy City in more than ten days." , notify General Lang Ning, ready to answer."

"You are a little smart." Han Jin laughed.

"I deliberately read some of the information of the Holy Crown City, with the ability of General Lang Ning, should be able to respond immediately." After that, Leonardo hesitated, whispered: "Adult, I recently got a message. , but... I can't evaluate the credibility of the message, don't know if I should say it?"

"You say, what is the news?"

"The big lich Denver is acting."

"Have he acted?" Han Jin was shocked and dealt with the abyss demon Donald. The ground race has already paid a huge price. If the big lich Denver reappears, it will inevitably cause an unimaginable threat.

"The strange thing is that his goal is not the male empire, not the Dragon City Dragonfield, nor the Freewealth and Tribal Alliance."

"Where is his goal?" Han Jin asked: "Is it a holy crown city?"

"No, but the distance is not far." Leonardo said: "Denver wants to attack Yehliucheng."

“Yehliucheng?” Han Jin made a mistake for a moment, and asked inexplicably: “What did he go to Yeliucheng?”

"Not very clear." Leonardo smiled bitterly: "Adult, I can't even judge whether the news is true or not. How can I know? But... I heard that there seems to be a dead soul in Yehliucheng. If Denver really went to Yehliucheng, it must be to reclaim the holy things."

"The undead holy thing?"

"Yes, adults." Leonardo said: "A lot of years ago, a disciple of Denver betrayed him and stole the sacred objects. Denver was furious and even chased himself, but the disciple was very embarrassed. Denver just came to the ground, but the disciple fled back to the ground. When Denver chased the ground again, the disciple suddenly disappeared completely. The wrathful Denver almost searched the entire abyss world and never found anything. Many abyssal races have been harassed by undead creatures, and even almost broke out."

Han Jin’s expression has become extraordinarily wonderful, Denver’s disciple? Is it Harley? ! However, can Harley’s IQ really relate to ‘狡猾’? Or, Harley has eliminated all his memory, so it will become like this?

It can be judged that only two years, Harley can gradually become familiar with the Dafa and control the Five Elements of the Ares. His talent and understanding are very good. Does this mean that Harley has a very wonderful past?

"Adult? Adult??" Leonardo saw Hanjin not talking for a long time, whispered.

"Cough...cough..." Han Jin reacted: "You said that Denver wants to attack Yehliucheng? Uh... well."

"Adult, are you kidding?" Leonardo sneaked and asked.

"Leonardo, there are some things that you need to do." Han Jin transferred the topic. He is very satisfied with today's conversation and is equally satisfied with Leonardo. Imagine if there is no such a **** aster flower head. The purpose is to be honest, he can never understand so much information. It’s hard to do it, knowing that you know yourself and your own.

"Adult, you are told." Leonardo hurriedly laughed.

Han Jin whispered a few words, and Leonardo’s eyes grew bigger and bigger, and finally rudely interrupted Han Jin’s words: “Adult, you want...”

"Yes, I will give you five days!" Han Jindao.