MTL - Warlord of Chaos-Chapter 82 set off

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Chapter 82—Starting

"Even if he is confused, do you think he will say it? After getting along for so long, you still don't know him?" Han Jinhe smiled and said: "The guy will never allow others to insult his wisdom! Even if you don't understand He will pretend to understand very well."

"Yeah..." Sasio laughed too, and then Lei Zhe, whose eyes fell on one side: "Yes, are you called Lei Zhe?" There is one thing that everyone has talked about many times. The lack of a qualified thief in the team has caused inconvenience in many ways. The emergence of Lei Zhe satisfied their wishes. Just now Han Han used the magic to seduce what Lei Zhe’s purpose was. Sasio knew it.

"Yes, hello." Lei Zhe smiled.

"My name is Sasio. We will be friends in the future. Please take care."

Lei Zhe squinted a little and smiled: "If you don't dislike me, I will try my best."

Sasio turned to Hanjin, and he used his eyes to lick Lei Zhe. That means, can you see this person? In the past, Siniel had had concerns and could not just pull people. So far, this small team is still very united. Although everyone has kept certain secrets, everyone can trust each other, in case they have a stink. Fish, the result is a pot of soup!

Han Jin thought for a moment and slowly nodded. Lei Zhe's old servant can calmly go to death with that kind of staunch gesture, proving that Lei Zhe and his father have certain excuse. The loyalty of this thing is very flexible, and there is not much loyalty. Take himself and Steelberg as an example. If he does not fight for Stilberg every day, enjoy the things he has come to, and Stilberg, who has been sinned, can be short-lived. Will Tilberg always endure inhuman life? Any feelings in the world are two-way!

Sasio believed in Hanjin’s judgment and then changed the subject: “Raphael, what do you say we will do in the future? Beit League will soon be in a mess, oh... what is this world, looking for a Quiet places can't be found!"

"We have no ability to change anything, so we have to take a step and see the flow." Han Jin said slowly.

"Bet League? What happened to Beit League?" Lei Zhe was taken aback.

"Zaguned's Vampire Guard and Dark Elf have broken into the Bayer League."

"How could it be..." Lei Zhe wanted to get up and ask for a clear question. The result was a tear and a sigh.

"Don't be excited, this kind of thing is not only that we can't do anything, you are the same." Han Jin smiled and said: "Wait tomorrow morning, ask Xiannier."

"I can't help it either." Sendier's voice came over: "The Vampire Guard is similar to the Silver Pegasus Corps. They are known for their quickness, flexibility, and change. With the troops of the Bayern League, there is no way to deal with the evasive battle. The Vampire Guard."

"If you are the commander of Beit League? What do you do?" Han Jin asked.

"I..." Senilton paused: "Do you notice that? The Vampire Guard is using a tactic of zeroing out, so we only met those dozens of vampires. If you let me direct, I will spend a lot of money. Employ a large number of mercenary squads, disperse and disperse, die and consume, the regular army is responsible for side-by-side, and when the vampire guard feels that the sacrifice is too great, he will withdraw himself. However... in the action style of the Vampire Guard, Beit League The loss will not be small, at least hundreds of small villages and towns will become ruins, and even more."

"Is there any other way besides this?"

"You can go for the help of the dragon." The look in Xiannier's eyes is very complicated, ridiculous, and hateful. She should have remembered the battle that caused the silver Pegasus army to collapse across the board: "But... watch the various ethnic groups in the mainland Killing, this is something that the dragons are very interested in. I guess they will not control the life and death of the League, although they also hate those dark creatures."

"Forget it, don't talk about it." Han Jin whispered: "Everyone sleeps early, and you have to hurry tomorrow." Can't talk about this topic anymore. Lei Zhe's emotions seem to be getting more and more excited, obviously paying attention to worship. The safety of the special league, and then talk about it, the idea of ​​recruiting Lei Zhe may be lost.

Nothing in the night, the next morning, Moxico yawned and slowly opened his eyes, and when he saw the scene around him, he could not help but be shocked.

Everyone has already woken up, and everyone’s eyes are concentrated on him, and that kind of eyes are very weird.

Moxico discovered that Hilna had half his body on him, and his hand did not know when he hugged Hilna’s waist. Moss was too shy at the time and pushed Hilna back. .

However, the strength of the Moxico branch was too great. Hilna’s body flew more than a meter high, and it slammed into the ground and fell there in a very unsightly position.

The person who slept and died will be awakened by this kind of attack. Hilna opened her eyes, but she still kept moving, and she should have not figured out the situation.

The next moment, Hilna felt sweet in her mouth and a pain in her lips. In the collision, she broke her own lips. Hilna rolled over and yelled, "Who? Who? His mother dares to fall to the aging mother!!"

About half of the people reached out and pointed to Moss in the same place. Hilna stepped forward and grabbed the ears of Moxinke and said, "You want to die?!"

Moxie is crying and mourning. He is a reasonable person. If Hilna licks her ears for no reason, he will never let Hilna's temper, but now he is wrong, want to explain, and do not know should How to explain, want to be soft, say a few good words, but in the eyes of the public, how can a man who can stand on the ground be soft to a woman?

"Cough..." Han Jin coughed: "I see, we need to buy some tents, or it is too inconvenient at night."

"Yeah yeah." Sasio nodded and said.

"Hilna, don't blame Mo Xinke. I think he is a nightmare. Just mad and kicked, just as you kneel on him. It happened to throw you out." Xiannier softly But her voice is full of smiles.

"Yeah... sister, I didn't mean it." Mo Xinke laughed.

"Nothing! How old is it? Will you be afraid of a nightmare?!" Hilna's face is not steel.

Han Jin and Sasou are relatively silent. In fact, the focus of Xiannier is not a nightmare, but you are on the body of Mo Xinke. Who knows that Hilna has no enlightenment at all, or... she thinks this is very normal? Gossip, gossip! It is said that Hilner’s father has been dead for a long time. Later, their sisters and brothers have been living together. Should there be many stories in it?

Hilna let go of the ears of Moxico, and then found a wrong place. The leather on her chest was wet by something. She just fell on the ground and was covered with dirt: "I hate it, How is the tide here? Yesterday's dew is so heavy!"

Now, everyone can't help it anymore, and they laughed aloud. In fact, camping in the wild, there is no reason to talk about it, because the posture is not proper, sleeping drooling is nothing wrong, the problem is that it should not be put on the table.

Moxie sighed and turned to sleep on the ground. He could only use the ostrich tactics. Can't he not work?

"What are you laughing at?" Hilner angered.

"Okay, okay." Han Jin rushed out to play the round: "Michelle, should it be almost?"

"Well, it's already cooked. I have some bread here. Let's make it up." Michelle laughed back.

When he heard that he was going to eat, Moxike climbed up reluctantly. As a melee professional, he must not go with his stomach, otherwise his combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

Michelle did not have much food, but in this winter, Han Jin’s cultivation has grown substantially, the sum of energy is close to the hundred, and no longer depends on food to supplement, less such unfathomable consumption. Those foods are enough for everyone to eat, and Michelle's workload has become easier.

Han Jin thought about what he was eating while eating bread. He suddenly asked: "Lei Zhe, you are a person from Beite League. You should be very familiar with this place. Do you think that we should go there at this time?"

Joseph was feeding Lei Zhe to eat. When he saw Han Jin asking questions, he shrank his hand back to the side. Lei Zhe hurriedly swallowed the food in his mouth, and then indulged for a moment: "Go to the ninth town."

“Is it safe?”

"The ninth town is in the rear of the capital and should be safe, and I have a friend there who will take care of us."

"In your capacity... are you not afraid of him?" Han Jin asked softly.

Lei Zhe's face changed, and then sighed: "Then we still go to the capital, although Beit City is known as the city of betrayal, has been ridiculed for a long time, but the defense is still very strong, the Vampire Guard is impossible Put it down."

"Actually, what we need is a quiet place. The city of Beit is too big and there are a lot of inconveniences." Han Jin said with a smile: "As long as we don't openly contact your friends, it should be no problem."

"What do you mean... go to the ninth town?" Lei Zhe asked.


Lei Zhe is somewhat puzzled. Since he decided to go to the ninth town, why should he say so much?

"Everyone cleaned up, we will leave immediately." Han Jin said softly. He always thought that it would be too late to see a person and not wait until the moment of life and death! In fact, from a small place, you can fully produce the big section of your people. If Lei Zhe just explained how his friend is capable, how to talk about loyalty, then he would think that Lei Zhe is untrustworthy, and Lei Zhe immediately changed his mind and did not want to drag his friends, which is enough to prove the spirit of Lei Zhe. It is.