MTL - Warm Wedding, CEO Loves Me-Chapter 2756 Father-son relationship

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To be honest, Feng Xinglang was really angry at the fifteenth!

On the surface, the Fifteenth Fifteenth was about to be engaged with President Chen's daughter, and he was full of approval and even expressed blessings; but the Fifteenth Fifteenth was so angry!

In Cong Gang's words, Feng Xinglang is such an awkward guy!

Chasing your daughter, you doubt this and that; you are more suspicious of and look down on the fifteenth seal!

People don't chase your daughter anymore, Feng Xinglang feels uncomfortable anymore!

In other words, no matter what you do for the 15th seal, Feng Xinglang will not be satisfied!

That's why Feng Xinglang said that he was going to seal the fifteenth to help him soak his feet!

Even he himself felt abrupt, but the fifteenth seal was full of promise.

"Oh, good! There should be a basin in your lounge. I'll get you some warm water."

Feng Shiv knew that his adoptive father Feng Xinglang's left leg was interrupted by Hetun; therefore, when Feng Xinglang said that his leg was suffering from a chill, Feng Shiv had no doubt at all.

I don't think Feng Xinglang is cheating him!

Not to mention Feng Xinglang is just his adopted son of Feng Xinglang; even if it is Feng Xinglang's own three children, no one would be willing to help him soak his stinky feet!

Seeing Feng Fifteen who really went to the lounge to receive warm water, Feng Xinglang's heart was mixed.

Is this kid really going to get warm water like that?

Does he really want to soak his feet?

Feng Xinglang seemed to have some expectations, but he was not convinced of such expectations; because he knew that even his own children might not be able to do such a thing!

Or is it just... the fifteenth front cover is just trying to put on a tone and make a gesture? After a while, he will use this or that kind of excuse to say that there is no way to soak his feet?

Just as Feng Xinglang was thinking about it, Feng Fifteen came out with the connected warm water basin. There is also a towel on his shoulders to wipe his feet.

Feng Xinglang seemed stunned. I almost couldn't believe my eyes.

"I...I'll do it myself! Thank you for helping the foster father to catch the water!"

The warm water from Feng 15th was received, and Feng Xinglang felt that he had to soak his feet, or soak if not.

When he was about to bend to take off his shoes, he didn't expect that Feng Fifteen had already knelt on one knee beside his feet, and reached out to help Feng Xinglang take off his shoes. Then there are socks, from one foot to the other.

This time, it was Feng Xinglang's turn to be cramped and embarrassed.

Don't talk about your own children, I'm afraid that even his wife Lin Xueluo has never served him so considerately.

Just when Feng Xinglang wondered how to alleviate such embarrassment, Feng Fifteen had already picked up some water from the basin with his own hands and gently sprinkled it on the back of his feet.

"Foster father, how is the water temperature?" Feng Shiv raised his head and asked warmly.

Everything is so natural, you can't see the slightest reluctance at all.

"Just right!"

Feng Xinglang's voice was very hoarse.

To be honest, he was a bit shameless to face such sincere filial piety to him by Feng Fifteen.

If it were changed a few years ago, if Feng Fifteen would please him in this way; Feng Xinglang would definitely feel that Feng Fifteen had a certain purpose!

But now and then!

Feng 15 is now in Shencheng, everyone is calling him Xiao Feng! But he didn't cling to Feng Xinglang's forces, and he worked hard all the way to the status of today's technology leader.

In other words, with the current status of Feng Fifteen, there is no need to seal him with false sentiment!

Because the various strengths of Feng 15 are placed in front of Feng Xinglang, there is no need to use his money; there is no need to use his power and connections! He can already stand on his own prestige in Shencheng!

But at this moment Feng Fifteen, but knelt in front of Feng Xinglang on one knee, soaking his feet.

He also thoughtfully wrapped Feng Xinglang's left calf with a warm towel, where there were still some scars.

"Foster father, the weather is getting cold. Keep your feet warm."

Feng 15 gently pressed Feng Xinglang's calf wrapped in a warm towel.

Sitting on the executive chair, Feng Xinglang can see the top of Feng Fifteen's head. Suddenly, there is sourness in his nose!

What's wrong with yourself?

For so many years, I have been misunderstanding this child!

Let him beat, let him dislike, let him yell... But this kid has never shown even the slightest rebellion!

"Fifteen, remember the first time we met?"

As if intentionally wanting to get closer to Feng Shiv, Feng Xinglang started his reminiscence mode.

"Of course I remember! Also unforgettable for life!"

Feng Fifteen raised his head and smiled at Feng Xinglang sullenly, "The happiest thing is that you asked me to call your father... and also said that Da Nuo likes to call your father..."

Suddenly, Feng Xinglang really wanted to hold a pack of Feng Fifteen!

But it seems that due to some kind of face, I am not embarrassed to be too sensational.

At this time, the secretary opened the door and walked in; naturally, he found Fengda Fifteen, kneeling on the ground, washing his feet for President Feng.

There was no panic or embarrassment on the front cover of the fifteenth letter; what should I do, the movement in his hand did not slow down at all.

"President Feng, are you soaking your feet?" The secretary asked instinctively.

"Yeah! Enjoy the filial piety of my godson!"

Feng Xinglang smiled warmly. It's not difficult to see that he has a show off.

Because Feng Fifteen is in Shencheng, he can be regarded as a big man with a head and a face; but he can still let such a big man kneel on the ground and wash his feet... It is enough for him to become Long Dese!

"Oh, then you can enjoy it slowly! When you are done enjoying, sign these documents! I want it in an hour!"

The secretary dropped a large stack of papers and left the president's office.

"Isn't it embarrassing to be seen?"

Feng Xinglang gently asked Feng Shiv, who was massaging his feet.

"What's embarrassing? Give me this opportunity to be filial to you... I'm very happy! When you don't need me, I won't regret it!"

Seeing that the water temperature was a bit cold, Feng Shiv wiped Feng Xinglang's other foot first, and then took out a pair of clean socks that he had just found in the lounge to put on Feng Xinglang from his pocket.

Seeing such filial piety to himself, but being suspected by him for so many years, Feng Xinglang was really uncomfortable!

An uncomfortable feeling of boredom and congestion!

My own is too shrewd, too calculating, and too doting on my own daughter, who has completely rejected the Fifteenth Fifteenth as it is today! !

"Foster father, the weather is getting cold, and your leg injury is an old injury... Go to my master for a systematic pre-treatment! Then your feet can feel better this winter!"

Feng Shiv put the socks that Feng Xinglang had replaced in the basin; and laid down the corners of his pants.

When Cong Gang was mentioned, Feng Xinglang's brows drooped.

"Do you often wash your feet like this for your master?"

This kind of questioning is full of sourness.

"This is my first time soaking people's feet! Isn't the technique okay?"

Feng Shiv stood up and said, "I'll get you a pair of slippers and put them on. It will be more comfortable."

Seeing Feng Fifteen raising the basin and walking towards the lounge, Feng Xinglang's heart was really mixed.

Suddenly I feel that I am so selfish! Also trample on the dignity of others casually!

But Feng Fifteen has been silently bearing all this!

The sentence "Wait someday you won't need me, I won't regret it anymore", and even more slapped Feng Xinglang in the face!

When he came out of the lounge, Feng Fifteen had a pair of soft-soled cotton slippers in his hand. Kneeling on the ground again and put Feng Xinglang on his feet.

Feng Xinglang wanted to say ‘sorry’ to Feng Shiv, but he swallowed after the words reached his lips.

He was born with a good face, and he really couldn't say it!

The mistake is already wrong, do you have to bite the bullet and make the mistake? !

"Fifteen, I was only fourteen years old late that year... As a father, I beat you cruelly... I hope you can forgive your adoptive father's beloved daughter!"

It is impossible to apologize; Feng Xinglang can only force Feng 15th to forgive himself!

"Foster father, I really haven't been angry with you! I just hope you don't be wary of me..."

The fifteenth seal sighed slightly, "Actually, it is reasonable for you to beware of me...but next time you have something you need me to do, even if you tell me to do it! I know that there are a lot of errands around you, but I want to run the fastest The one!"

Feng Xinglang was startled at first, then stood up without saying anything, and directly took Feng Shiv into his arms!

After a while, Feng Fifteen choked with a weak voice.

"Fifteen... I'm sorry... In recent years, the foster father has made you wronged! It is because the foster father is too suspicious... and because the foster father spoils his daughter too much... and makes you wronged!"

Feng Xinglang gently patted Feng Shiv's trembling shoulders, hugging him tighter!

"Silly boy... don't cry! Don't let the foster father feel bad!"

Feng Fifteen stopped his choking, and hugged Feng Xinglang back tightly.

Perhaps from the day the two met, he was doomed to have a deep affection for Feng Xinglang!

For an orphan, Feng Xinglang's paternal love for one or two months is enough to make him remember for a lifetime!

"Fifteen, do you say that the foster father is always confused? Ever since I had the daughter Wanwan, he has become blind and blind! All the men who are interested in their daughters are classified as enemies, even dead enemies Category!"

Feng Xinglang is trying to justify his'crime'!

"Foster father, don't say that... you love night and night, it's not wrong! It's me... it's what I covet and shouldn't covet! Please believe me, I will never again..."

Before Feng Shififteen could finish speaking, Feng Xinglang stopped what he said.

"Speaking of being late... the foster father wanted to discuss something with you!"

"Foster father, say."

Feng Shiwu pinched the water vapor from the corner of his eyes.

"In the morning, I was angry, and I drove Wanwan and Xiao Mumu out of the house if I made a mistake!" Feng Xinglang patted Feng Shiwu Jinshi on the back, "The girl was angry and said that she would go out and find a job to be self-reliant... Where do you say she took a child to find a job? This is the sequelae of my spoiling her too much, and it is also my own cocoon!"