MTL - Wasteland Commander-Chapter 100 bridge sniper

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Chapter 100 Bridge Sniper

Qinghe is about 80 kilometers away from Shuguang Army Base and is not within the radar range.

 So after arriving at the edge of Qinghe River, Ye Fan still had to rely on his portable radar.

 A river passes through the city from Qinghe, dividing most of the main city area on the other side.

 The direction Ye Fan entered the city was the same direction he came to collect money from the jewelry store.

Most of the zombies here have been cleared away, and there are only sporadic zombies active in the surrounding streets.

 The convoy drove straight in, killing some sporadic zombies, and soon reached the river.

 Arrived at the river, Ye Fan once again saw a scene that shocked him.

The densely packed zombies on the river bank are simply endless.

Even though he has brought more than 400 people here, there is still no hope if he fights these zombies.

Moreover, Ye Fan did not intend to shoot across the bridge, otherwise the corpses of the zombies would either fall into the river or be swallowed by their companions, not only spawning more powerful zombies, but he would not get any supplies.

 “Prepare to build fortifications at the bridgehead.”

The engineer and the engineer platoon immediately took action.

The crawler-type wrecker truck also arrived for emergency construction.

 Temporary defenses were built using broken bricks, cement piles and the like found from around.

The defenses were not built tightly against the bridge, but were set back about a hundred meters, leaving an open space.

This empty space is the grave prepared by Ye Fan for the zombies.

After all, we are fighting on the bridge. The corpses of the zombies will roll into the river, and Ye Fan will not be able to collect the loot.

With more people and greater strength, fortifications were quickly erected.

 Four heavy machine guns were set up, four armored vehicles and three Xiaolongs were all deployed, and the heavy machine guns blocked the entire bridge.

 Snipers occupy the commanding heights, ready to snipe mutant zombies that appear at any time.

 The soldiers spread out along the fortifications. The first wave of main force to resist the zombie attack was the first company.

 After everything was arranged, the engineers were dispatched.

Huang Jie, Luo Jiaxin and other four engineers ran to the bridge, picked up the tool box and started building it quickly.

 Amidst the clanging sounds, a temporary bridge maintenance hut appeared.

 In the Red Alert game, after the engineer enters the bridge maintenance hut, he will not come out, which means that the unit is lost.

But now four engineers can work together to avoid this loss.

 Something strange has happened, the bridge is being repaired quickly.

Seeing the movement here, the zombies on the other side of the river whirled and roared anxiously, eager to pounce on them and devour their flesh and blood.

 Ye Fan was also a little nervous.

Hand holding his microflush in his hand, he was also waiting for the moment of battle to arrive.

 Since the establishment of the Dawn Army, any battle has been child's play compared to this one.

 Judging from the radar screen, the number of zombies in this urban area is roughly estimated to be between three and four hundred thousand.

 But fortunately, they only had this bridge, and other nearby bridges were also blown up.

 “Sir, the bridge still has thirty seconds to repair.”

 “Everyone is ready!”

“The guard platoon is ready to cover the engineer’s retreat!”

 “Heavy machine gun warriors prepare!”

 “Sniper ready!”

The sound of pulling the gun bolt made the atmosphere on the scene become solemn.

 The broken bridge is closing rapidly. This supernatural phenomenon belongs only to Red Alert engineers.

 The repair of the bridge was extended from Ye Fan's side to the opposite side, which made it easier for engineers to retreat.

Just when the bridge on the opposite side was about to close with more than one meter left, the situation suddenly changed!

 Two agile zombies jumped directly over the unclosed bridge!


 At a sprint speed of 100 meters, he rushed straight towards several bridge repair engineers!



 Sniper Chen Chuan of the guard platoon opened fire.

With a dull gunshot, an agile zombie fell headlong onto the bridge.

 But another agile zombie is approaching quickly.

Red alert engineers turned a blind eye and worked quickly to repair the bridge, which was their mission.

 They also trust their teammates and will never let them be in danger.

 Xiaotian and Zhentian rushed out.

Two three-star dogs rushed out with lightning, one on the left and one on the right, and grabbed the arms and ankles of the agile zombie.

The zombies roared and wanted to fight the big dog, and Ye Fan raised his gun.

Yummy practice these days is pretty good, I'm 60% sure of hitting flying bricks, and I'm no problem hitting zombies pulled by dogs.

Hold the gun in your right hand and aim with your left eye!

 A shot was fired, and the bullet penetrated directly between the eyebrows of the agile zombie!

 The bridge was repaired at the same time.


The engineer quickly picked up his toolbox and ran with his helmet on.

The zombies behind them were like floods opening, spreading quickly along the bridge.

The roar was earth-shattering, the ferocious face, and the stench that hit his face. If ordinary people were guarding here with a gun, they would not even have the courage to shoot.

The Red Alert soldiers were unmoved at all, and no one even took the lead in shooting.

The engineer ran back quickly and jumped into the position.

 Xiaotian and Zhentian ran back to Ye Fan easily.

 “Wait until they rush out of the bridge!”

The bridge is nearly a hundred meters long. Driven by the food, the zombies were not very fast and rushed across the bridge in less than twenty seconds.

The feeling was like a tube of glue being squeezed out of the mouth.

 Erupt with a bang!


 Before the voice fell, gunshots were fired!

The gunshots, which were like exploding beans, were not discontinuous at all and were completely connected.

The black blood of the zombies was like an erupting volcano, exploding from the bridge at once!

Hands and limbs are flying all over the sky!

 The bullets from the heavy machine gun are like a golden torrent, and one bullet often penetrates the bodies of several zombies.

 Heavy machine guns are the main force of sniping. Ye Fan has four heavy machine guns and eight vehicle-mounted heavy machine guns.

 Work in groups of two and take turns firing.

 Dang Dang Dang Dang~~~~!

 The army soldiers and conscripts started firing accurately.

 The smell of blood rose into the sky at the bridge!

 The corpses of zombies were piled up on top of each other almost instantly.

If it were a human being, he would definitely not have the courage to charge towards the machine gun, but zombies have no fear and they move forward stepping on the corpses of their companions.

Even the zombies in front can't stop at all, because the zombies from behind are coming in a steady stream.

The corpses fell down one layer, and then another layer quickly covered them.

 After repeated several times, it piled up into a hill.

On the hill, zombies kept emerging. After being shot by the soldiers, they rolled down and formed new piles of corpses.

 If you look down from a high altitude, you can see such a shocking scene.

The torrent of light spots formed by countless bullets shot towards the zombies crazily.

 The zombie swarm spread forward with a slow but unstoppable momentum.

 The mountain of corpses is getting higher and higher, and gradually the bullets fired can no longer keep up with the advancing speed of the zombies.

 The first company has used up two-thirds of its bullets, and four heavy machine guns have been replaced.

 “Second Company! Enter!”

 The Second Company Changqiao Sanyou waved his gun, and all the soldiers of the Second Company pressed forward and quickly took over the combat position of the First Company.

 The bullets became denser again, suppressing the crazy momentum of the zombies.

But it was just a suppression. Dozens of zombies could come over this bridge almost every second, making it impossible to kill them.

Some zombies were obviously knocked down, but they were not hit in the brain. The remaining half of them were still crawling and howling, which also distracted the defenders a lot of energy.

 The group of corpses has spread to 30 meters in front of the position!

 An armored zombie rushed up to the mountain of corpses, slipped and rolled down from the top.

But this roll avoided many fatal shots.

 It got up and was already only ten meters away from the position!

 The soldiers guarding the position had to raise their guns and shoot.

  Intensive firepower hit its head like a rainstorm.

Tiejia's head was instantly hit with pockmarks and then exploded with a bang.

Although the armored beast was killed, the firepower layout was affected. It attracted some of the firepower, and the zombies behind it advanced further.

 Concentrate your firepower to destroy the approaching zombies. The influx will be faster on the other side of the bridge.

 “Bazooka, set fire at the bridge!”

“Mortars, focus fire on the bridge opposite!”


Zhongjing gave an order, and several fireballs erupted at both ends of the bridge.

The flames shot into the sky, and a large number of zombies were swallowed up.

The crazy zombie offensive has finally been curbed.

Ye Fan let out a sigh of relief. Sure enough, professional people command better.

 But he still had questions.

“Chief of Staff Zhong, this suppression is only temporary. Zombies will rush over soon. What should we do next?”

Zhongjing patted his chest: "Sir, don't worry, everything is planned."

Ye Fan relaxed a lot when he heard this: "Oh, it seems that the chief of staff is confident, let's have a listen."

"It's very simple. The commander will go there in person later and build a wall to block the bridge. We will collect the spoils first."

Ye Fan was stunned, looking at the hell-like bridge on earth, thinking that this was really a good idea for him.

 Thanks to the book friend (孑guaJ乚) for the 20,000-coin reward, and I was promoted to Grandmaster! Thanks to the book friend (Sakura Blossoms Falling in Tokyo) for the 1,500-coin reward, to the book friend (Fu Vqiang) for the 1,000-coin reward, to the book friend with the last number 427 for the 1,000-coin reward, and to many book friends for the reward.

 Many book friends asked when it will be put on the shelves. It will be put on the shelves on August 1st. Now two updates a day are required by the editor. Once it is put on the shelves, it will explode. Monthly tickets will reward you with additional updates.

 (End of this chapter)