MTL - Wasteland Commander-Chapter 162 Recruits and Contribution

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 Chapter 162 Recruits and Contribution

 Ye Fan has always been a little worried about the spy Duanmu Xiaoyu, wondering whether a woman can stay with Rakshasa.

 Unexpectedly, not only did he stay, but he also did well.

 It didn't take long to penetrate into the enemy's interior and enter the barracks.

 For Ye Fan's entire system, this is not a simple matter, but a major event of great significance.

 From now on, all soldier units will automatically have stars.

Taking the mobilization as an example, the starless mobilization with thirty rounds of ammunition is actually not easy to use, but one star is different. The number of bullets becomes ninety, and the combat effectiveness increases directly.

And this is not just the mobilization troops, but also the combat units of all other barracks. This can be said to directly take Ye Fan's future strength to a higher level.

 Furthermore, this spy has also obtained a technology and an additional production unit, which is not available in the game.

 Ye Fan opened the barracks page expectantly.

 Sure enough, all the soldier units wore a star.

 Scrolling down a bit, Ye Fan quickly discovered the newly added combat units.

 “War Bear: Cost 1,000 gold!”

Ye Fan was stunned for a moment and suddenly remembered what happened to the war bear.

This seems to be a combat unit in the third generation of the game.

Because Rakshasa is located in the north and has harsh natural conditions. After many combat practices, it was found that it was difficult for military dogs to complete some tasks well under harsh conditions, so they looked for combat units to replace military dogs.

 A brown bear from the north replaced the military dog.

This kind of bear is huge in size, has a very good sense of smell and endurance, its running speed is not too slow, and it can be tamed.

 More importantly, the power of this thing is simply astonishing.

The Rakshasa people train these bears from an early age to adapt them to being covered with armor.

It is originally a giant beast with rough skin and thick flesh. After it is covered with armor, ordinary firearms have almost no power against this kind of thing.

When performing various tasks, even when facing enemies on the battlefield, war bears are much stronger than military dogs.

 And this thing can also fight in the water and is amphibious.

But these are all introductions in the game, and Ye Fan doesn't know what the situation will be like in reality.

With mining income coming in every day, Ye Fan now had almost 20,000 yuan in hand. He immediately produced two war bears.

 A few minutes later, Ye Fan looked at the two big guys who were rubbing their heads against him.

 Two tall brown bears, and many vital parts of their bodies are covered with a layer of armor.

 The armor does not look particularly heavy. It is made of alloy and protects their heads, internal organs, joints, etc.

 The big head came over, making Ye Fan a little unsteady.

 “You two stand up and let me take a look.”

 Two big bears stood up, three meters high!

“Good guy, it looks like a King Kong zombie.”

Although the overall size is still slightly smaller than the King Kong Zombie, the War Bear can rise to a star. It is estimated that even the King Kong Zombie may not be able to match it up to three stars.

Ye Fan immediately called a few three-star military dogs over to test the strength of the war bear.

 One war bear VS three three-star military dogs.

 The cost of building a war bear is 1,000, and the cost of a military dog ​​is 300. Three dogs cost 900, which is about the same as a war bear.

But three fierce three-star military dogs couldn't take down a war bear!

 You must know that they are already three-star units, and the War Bear is only one-star.

 The war bear's powerful strength, sharp claws and fangs make it difficult for military dogs to seriously injure it.

 Ye Fan conducted several more tests on the war bears. One war bear could overturn an ordinary off-road vehicle, and two war bears could even shake an armored vehicle.

Ye Fan asked them to go on the scale again. The test results showed that the male bear weighed 600 kilograms and the female bear weighed 500 kilograms.

  And this is not their final weight, it will increase as the stars rise.

 A series of tests made Ye Fan very satisfied. The two war bears felt the joyful mood of their master, and grinned innocently, very slyly.

 “Go and try swimming!”

The two war bears bumped to the edge of the water pool that had never frozen, but suddenly came to a sudden stop.

Backed up again and again, and finally ran back to Ye Fan, hiding his huge body behind Ye Fan.

 Ye Fan's physique was barely able to block the heads of the two war bears, but he couldn't block his body at all.

“How arrogant are these two cowards when facing military dogs?”

Although the war bears dare not approach Xiaoba's territory, Ye Fan believes that the two war bears have been upgraded to three stars, and they will not be afraid of any land creatures.

Ye Fan gave them two names. The male bear was called Big Fat and the female bear was called Xiaomei.

Ye Fan did not let these two bears idle. Now that they are created, they must improve their strength.

 Let them join Shen Ruihui's team and continue hunting zombies.

With Wang Huining here, Ye Fan seemed to be cheating when hunting zombies.

 When you find some small groups of zombies, you don’t even have to go there. Wang Huining will automatically summon them and let the red alert unit hunt them down.

So Ye Fan's team rose to star level very quickly. Even though the number of people was not particularly large, its combat effectiveness was surprisingly strong.

Ye Fan used the gains in the past few days to make up for the losses suffered in the battle in Pinggang Town, allowing the warriors without stars to gather together and complete the star upgrade as soon as possible.

 At night, the men who transported the car wreckage returned.

This time, Ye Fan sent multi-purpose infantry vehicles and engineers over to repair the damaged vehicles on the spot.

 There were more than 20 cars when we went there, and there were more than 40 cars when we came back.

 This includes five restored tanks and twenty armored vehicles.

These can be repaired, but some have been completely scrapped. Engineers cannot repair them and can only pull back a lot of scrap metal.


 Now Ye Fan has entered a stable stage.

 The threat from foreign enemies has temporarily disappeared, and the population of survivors in Dawn City has reached 7,000.

Three thousand of them are prisoners, two thousand are from the cave base, and two thousand are following Ye Fan from the beginning, as well as some survivors who arrive sporadically.

The area in the outer city area is sufficient for the time being. It covers an area of ​​16 square kilometers and is a square with a length and width of four kilometers.

The inner city and the core area are both rectangles four kilometers long and one kilometer wide.

 Three cities connected together form a rectangle with a width of four kilometers and a length of six kilometers.

 The Seven Star River passes through the city, providing sufficient clean water to the Dawn Army.

At present, the city walls in the outer city area are only a little low and do not have strong defensive capabilities. Construction cannot continue until tomorrow spring.

During this period, Ye Fan assigned some tasks.

 He personally led the Thousand Dawn Army and continued to go to Qinghe to slay zombies.

Qinghe is the county closest to Shuguang City. There are still more than one million zombies there. If they are eliminated as soon as possible, Ye Fan will definitely be able to make a big fortune in Qinghe.

 As for the survivors in Dawn City, Ye Fan gave them a task.

 That means going out to find other survivors and collect supplies.

 Based on the survivors’ usual labor income, material harvest, gold contribution, etc., they can obtain corresponding materials in Dawn City.

 For example, if a survivor contributes a kilogram of rice, he will receive a contribution degree.

 Contribute a barrel of diesel and get 100 contribution points.

 Gold and jewelry can be exchanged for high-level contributions, and high-level contributions are specifically used to exchange for weapons.

 As long as your high-level contribution is high enough and you are not a troublemaker after being reviewed by the Dawn Army, you can exchange tanks.

Those who contribute can not only exchange for the materials they want, but also obtain residence qualifications in the inner city.

 You can also get a stall in the trading market and the right to operate Shuguang Hotel.

 Of course, those things require a high degree of contribution, and it will be difficult for some survivors to complete them in a short period of time.

But this still aroused a lot of enthusiasm among the residents of Dawn City.

Shuguang City’s infrastructure is already very good, with clean streets, complete water supply system, sewage system, heating guarantee, etc.

 Sufficient electricity is a major feature. As long as survivors pay contributions, they can even install water heaters, air conditioners, computers, etc. at home.

 Some residents with high contributions can even use their computers to connect to the local area network to play games.

Although the TV is still not available, compared to any other survivor base, this place is already like paradise.

 After defeating 300,000 zombies and the Survivor Alliance, the safety index and livability index here have skyrocketed.

 No one wants to leave at all.

Furthermore, the Dawn Army does not require that the materials collected by the survivors must be turned over. They can also take them to the trading market and trade them on their own.

 However, people will still turn over most materials in exchange for contribution points to obtain better supplies.

  However, there are also many people who will not exchange weapons or anything else. They would rather stay in the city and choose productive labor.

 After all, fighting zombies is not something ordinary people can do. Ordinary survivors are in danger of losing their lives at any time when they go out of the city.

 Those who are keen on exchanging weapons are basically evolutionaries or people who have gone through many battles.

For example, Qin Yumo from the airport base was the first to choose to exchange a few firearms and a large amount of ammunition, and then exchanged them for an off-road vehicle and a heavy truck, and led several people from the airport base to form an adventurer team named Apocalyptic mountains.

According to her own explanation, she hopes that her team can make a name for herself in the last days and rise like a mountain.

Ye Fan had a vague feeling that she might be a little resentful of her airport figure.

Following Qin Yumo's establishment of the Mountain Team, Dai Yu from the Hot Spring Base also gathered a group of people, and the second team was formed, called Snow Fox.

 Then Chen Hao from Dawangzhuang Village formed a third team called Avengers.

According to what he said, he wanted to kill all the zombies and avenge his father and fellow villagers.

In addition to these three teams, a number of teams have been born in Dawn City one after another, but the scale is not large for the time being.

  Ye Fan expressed his support for the team organization of survivors.

Of course, each team must be reviewed by the Dawn Army. The review is as simple as letting the military dogs smell it. Those with malicious intentions will never be treated well.

 In this way, the pressure of collecting materials from the Dawn Army was relieved, and the enthusiasm of the survivors was greatly mobilized.

 Although it is the coldest winter, the entire base shows a sense of prosperity.

 (End of this chapter)