MTL - Way of the Devil-Chapter 1190 Ceremony II

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The moment when the snakehead heard the sound, the whole body shook. The expression of ridiculousness quickly turned into panic, worry, and then instantly turned into struggle and pain.

"Come on the power of mathematics!!" Lu Sheng, who was upstairs in the distance, hurried to the three of Irene.

When Irene was awake, she jumped into the mathematics network and prayed loudly toward the snakehead.

"Like math!"

"Strong and versatile mathematics, please come down with great power and punish the existence of rules before the eyes."

"My Lord, the high number, you are the father of nature, all the pillars of the world, pray that you will treat everything like the Father, remove the heresy, and complete the future."

The three people quickly began to pray to stimulate the power of the mathematics network.

Lu Sheng stood upstairs and looked at his face with a painful look.

Although he is a prayer written by himself, there is always an indescribable sense of shame in his own voice.

"Treason it! Geometry!!"

Suddenly Irene slammed into the head of the snake. Then she began to sing a series of complicated and difficult numbers.

There was a slight shock in the air, as if something trembled along the syllables and passed on to the snakehead.

It sighed with pain and stepped back.

The power of the mathematics network established by Lu Sheng is naturally not resistant to a small animal in its area.

In just a few dozen seconds, the snakehead fell to the ground, twitching, and gradually gray smoke.

"Now, have you served?" Irene stopped to recite.

"Served the service" The snakehead was unable to move on the ground.

In the eyes of Irene, I was fortunate to have a good fortune. I quickly began to use a special mantra to record a guardianship contract with the snakehead.

The so-called guardian contract is to link the life of the snakehead with itself, and the two sides share vitality and strength.

This so-called guardian contract is what Lu Sheng got from the booklet optimization.

The original version is very backward, only the vitality of the summoned object, and can not share power.

However, the revised version of Lu Sheng is different, it can be used to divert the special power of the summoned to the summoner for use at any time.

But don't worry about being eroded by this force.

Because all of this has a mathematical network to undertake, Lu Sheng through this network, the power side effects optimization into a special source of power, converted into the power of the entire mathematical network.

That is, he is a strongman at this level, and he can turn it into a treasure and make full use of it.

This is also the skill he has learned from the ash that absorbs all things.

In this way, the high-level summoning ceremony after optimization has become the killer of the mathematics network.

With the constant calling of members, the more side effects, the stronger the motivation of the mathematics network. The more the summoning creatures, the stronger the strength of the members.

"Successful" Lu Sheng looked strangely at the scene that was happening in the distant cemetery.

The snakehead was turned into a fog, and quickly entered the shadow behind Eileen and disappeared.

Since then, it has died with Irene, and is lurking in the shadow of Irene. When needed, she can show her true body and protect her master.

"It looks like it is a success."

The blonde woman in the room pushed the door again.

Her name is Meng Lisha. On the status, she is only second only to Princess Ruolin in the soror, and her identity is a Piaget daughter. In fact, she talks about power and status. She is still above Ruolin.

After all, her father is in control of a vast territory of tens of thousands of square kilometers. Thousands of elite troops are invincible, and it is a giant of the Karls Imperial Army.

"Yes, success, the next step is to continue to summon new chaotic evils." Lu Sheng nodded, "Strive to let all members present, each contract a chaotic evil, get the power of self-protection. ”

"This is also thanks to the power of the mathematics network. As you might expect, these chaotic evils are extremely vulnerable to the suppression of the spiritual network of the mathematics network." Meng Lisha said with emotion.

"I am very happy that my research has really played a huge role. This is also the key to my personal presence." Lu Sheng smiled.

Next, a group of sisters began to summon chaos.

Then borrow the power of the mathematics network, suppress them, and start the contract with themselves.

There were six members of the Sisters who were present at the scene, and they were summoned six times in a row. Everyone had a chaotic evil belonging to them.

Only they want to let Lu Sheng also go to call, but he refused.

The reason given by Lu Sheng is that they summoned, and in case of problems, he can help to mobilize the power of the mathematics network to suppress.

But if he himself summoned the problem, he is the mathematics network, the mathematics network is him, and the rest can't help him with the power of the mathematics network.

The result is likely to be an accident.

When the persuasion is invalid, the rest of the people gradually give up.

This summoning attempt has yielded a highly successful result. The members of the Sisters who got the strength, and soon in another, launched a new summoning ceremony.

In less than a few days, the sisters who have mastered enormous wealth and resources, all core members have contracted a chaotic evil.

If it is not a spiritual burden limit, I am afraid that some of them are strong, and they intend to make a second call.

The sisters who tasted the sweetness also began to use the power of chaos and evil spirits to dare to take power in their own families.

Under the coordinated operation, some members with weak family powers quickly succeeded in mastering family rights.

Based on this, the Sisters will unite these small families and become alliances to incite large and medium-sized family forces. Help members of higher identities gain an advantage.

Step forward step by step.

Just one month later.

A new steel sister meeting finally came to the world.

The plan of Lu Sheng has finally reached the final stage.

The highest spiritual will in the soror's meeting has reached the fifth level.

This level is enough to summon a lowest level of Chaos.

At this time, the Holy See finally noticed this huge and huge organization. It is a pity that the steel sisters at this time have developed into a huge organization that is important in the entire Kars Empire.

After the sorority really won a certain welfare and rights for many female elites. After integrating the power of all core member families. The strength of the Sisterhood has really expanded to the monster level.

The number of people involved has made the Holy See less willing to do it at will.

Soon, the real chaos summoning ceremony, under the impetus of Lu Sheng, will finally be held.

The venue of the ceremony, in the hinterland of the Kars Empire, a place called the Baiteng Valley.

The sacrifices that are needed are all borne by the sisters. Ten strong dead prisoners, three live black bulls, ten healthy wild boars, and one black goat. A special sacrificial offering made of thirty sterling silver.

The person who presided over the summoning was the leader of the sorority, that is, Princess Ruolin.

Lu Sheng stood in a forest on the edge of the valley and observed it far away.

Although everything is ready, Ruolin has begun to recite the summoning words under the guards of the sisters. Once the summoning is successful, the crack of the anti-empty will open, and he can actually get in and devour the numerous fogs inside.

But Lu Sheng’s intuition told him that things might not be that simple.

He does not trust Xining and the existence of alliances. If you have only seen it a few times, you will completely listen to the advice of the other party. Then he has not known how many times he has died.

To know that he has been able to grow to this point so far, relying on his cautious approach along the way, relying on wisdom to smash the mind.

Many times, he seems to be rough, but in fact every action he takes is well thought out and finally decided.

"If you think that my road victory is the kind of coward who only knows how to be discouraged, then it is a big mistake." Lu Sheng’s eyes sneered, "I’m someone, never fight the battle of uncertainty. Chaos Although strong, it is not the dish of this super-energy world."

A wonderful plan slowly formed in his mind.

"Hey, wait for me to summon some chaos to the world and help them to stand firm in this universe. At that time, I have to see what you think of Xining and the existence of alliance."

He has long seen the jealousy of Xining and the existence of alliance against anti-empty.

If the ash tower is just a small trouble, then the other things hidden in the anti-empty space are the key to making them extremely cautious.

"When the anti-empty sky is firmly established, you can't wait to get up and fight, it's when I really get started."

To this end, he did not bother to design the mathematics network.

The fundamental purpose of the mathematics network is not to focus on the Sisterhood, but to use the Sisterhood and gradually bring the Chaos Demon into control.

The essence of the mathematics network is actually to use the road to win its own spiritual will, and slavery engulfs the outside world. The sisters and others are just skilled workers who helped Lu Sheng develop the mathematics network.

This is his real purpose.

It is not impossible to deduct a new force from scratch, even if it has a near-infinite power.

This is also the root of Xining and the existence of the alliance is completely unimaginable.

As long as the realm is up, and there is an undead road victory, you can use a lot of sentimental power to grow into a level of strength equal to the realm in a very short time.

The greatest role of sending power and dark blue is to shorten the time of accumulation and practice.

Suddenly the sky clouds change. The large gray clouds do not know where to fill in, covering the area where Princess Ruolin is located.

Lu Sheng returned to the gods and carefully looked at the summoning ceremony area.

There was a huge gray ball like never before, which was slowly suspended in the air, and the surrounding sacrifices were constantly swallowed up.

"it has started"


A thick, dark arm, slowly protruding out of the gray ball.

Followed by the second arm, the third arm

In less than half a minute, a dark bald giant with twelve pairs of arms slowly emerged from the gray ball and stood on the ground.

The giant's face has only one eye, and the edges of the pale yellow eyelids continue to flow down the viscous acid.

The acid droplets land on the ground, causing the ground to erode into pits of different sizes.

"Flock!!" Ruolin screamed.

The five members who had already prepared around quickly stood in their respective positions.

"Change function calculation result!"

"Great and versatile math, please listen to my prayers."

"Strongly building the geometry of all things, please listen to my prayers."

"To reveal the algebra of all the laws of the world, please listen to my prayers."

Wherein we are coming business, the strong glitch!!!!


Lu Sheng is speechless, although it was only a bad taste for a while, but now it sounds really shameful.