MTL - We Are Still Farming, Have You Become a God In the Whole Country?-Chapter 548

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Otherwise, he might have already become a prisoner of the Eastern Alliance just like Qin Hui!

"The foundation of the Tang Empire is really terrifying..."

Chapter 689 The Thunder Comes! you have one last chance

Cheng Yaojin's terrifying strength that could elevate himself to the king rank really frightened Keynes.

Fortunately, this time he brought a more powerful existence.

Looking at the demon leader in the air, who still didn't seem to be moving much, Cairns breathed a sigh of relief.


After an unknown amount of time, the trembling black eggshell finally completely lost its movement.

"The it over?"

Farther away, looking at the deep pit that had completely stopped moving, the hearts of Xiang Yu and the others also sank completely.

In the battle just now, the leader of the Demon Race was restrained by Cheng Yaojin, and they finally gained some freedom.

However, the surrounding space has been completely blocked by the demons.

They can't even leave.

As for that QH, they had already taken advantage of the time when they couldn't move, and ran all the way...

After another few minutes, the black eggshell finally peeled off slowly.

Immediately afterwards, a figure whose whole body had become pitch black, and even his eyes were completely covered by black liquid, slowly appeared in front of everyone.

At this moment, Cheng Yaojin's body was completely devoid of any breath.

The flame that had been burning had also completely disappeared.

Even the most basic heartbeat is already weak!

Even after using Datang's last trump card, Cheng Yaojin couldn't resist for long in front of the real king.

In fact, if it is an ordinary king rank, Datang's hole cards may still play a role.

However, this time, Cheng Yaojin was not facing an ordinary king...

"Okay! Okay! The truth has said it, and the truth is the one who has the last laugh! Hahaha!!"

Among the piles of rubble, QH couldn't help laughing out loud!

Before Xiang Yu and others were suppressed, he struggled to break free from the control of Xiang Yu and others.

Now that even Cheng Yaojin has turned into this half-dead appearance, he is even more excited!

"You can be proud of your ability to let this seat go all out."

In mid-air, the Demon Race leader looked down and said indifferently.


Just when the leader of the Demon Race was about to give an order to bring Cheng Yaojin and others back, a cold voice suddenly sounded.

Immediately afterwards, under the gaze of dozens of people, in the sky above the farm, a vertical crack that was only less than three meters from a height suddenly appeared!

Immediately afterwards, the cracks continued to expand!

It didn't take long for the crack to expand into a black hole with a diameter of three meters.


When the black hole appeared, one after another subtle footsteps quietly came out from the black hole...

The sudden scene made everyone stunned.

The head of the Demon Race leader narrowed his eyes slightly, and the tentacles on his body began to move restlessly!

For some reason, in this black hole, he felt a palpitating aura!

It seems that there is some kind of horror in it!

"Pretend to be a ghost! Get out of this seat!"

Until dozens of seconds passed, there was still no figure in the black hole, and the demon leader finally felt impatient.

With a cold snort, the next moment, several pitch-black tentacles burst out towards the black hole in an instant!

Wherever the black tentacles passed, the space was torn apart every inch!

One after another fine cracks appeared one after another in the void!

However, just as the black tentacles were about to touch the black hole, a silver light suddenly emerged from the black hole!

Almost in an instant, the silver light hit the black tentacles of the demon leader head-on.


Not as earth-shattering as imagined.

On the contrary, at the moment of contact, the black tentacles in front of the Silver Snake Thunder Snake, like hot oil above the fire, began to evaporate rapidly!

In the blink of an eye, the black tentacles that were enough to tear apart the space were completely wiped out!

After destroying these black tentacles, the silver thunder snake did not stop, but followed the black tentacles and quickly spread towards the position of the demon leader!

Seeing this scene, the Demon Race leader's expression changed slightly.

Without hesitation, he cut off the connection between himself and the black tentacles.

Intuition tells him that if he is approached by this thunder snake, even if he is not injured, I am afraid that he will face a lot of trouble!

After being cut off and the black tentacles destroyed, the thunder and lightning also seemed to have lost its medium and stopped spreading.

It's just that before the demon leader could breathe a sigh of relief, an indifferent voice suddenly sounded in the ear of the demon leader—

"Tell me how you got here"


In an instant, the scales on the Demon Leader's body could not help but stand upright.

The tentacles on his body burst out in an instant!

However, in the next moment, all his movements stopped completely.

A pair of green pupils also shrunk into needle eyes in an instant!

"You have one more chance!"

The icy voice appeared again from the ear of the demon leader!

It's just different from before, this time, on the top of the demon leader's head, there is already a palm that is completely wrapped in thunder!

The thunder that carried the unparalleled destructive power constantly exploded in the ears of the demon leaders.

The incomparably rich aura of death caused his body to tremble slightly.

But then, thinking of the people behind him, the demon leader quickly returned to normal.

The bloodthirsty and cruel colors in his eyes were restored.

"Human, now that the trial battlefield has been broken by my demons, how long do you think the remaining ants can last?"

After regaining his composure, the Demon Race leader sneered.

"wrong answer!"

boom! ! !

Thunder, suddenly blooming in the void!

"Do not!!!"

Feeling the terrifying aura that suddenly erupted above his head, the smile on the Demon Race leader's face instantly froze.

boom! ! !

In the mournful howl, the endless thunder covered most of the sky!

Even the surrounding demons were shrouded in thunder!


The sudden scene made everyone in the Eastern Alliance, as well as QH, who was still laughing wildly, were stunned.

Immediately afterwards, a bone-shattering icy cold shot from the soles of QH's feet to Tianling Gai!

QH's whole person was completely frozen in place.

After a few minutes, the thunder dissipated.

In the sky, there is no trace of the demon leader.

All that was left was a slender young figure.

"This is... no... gone??"

Looking at the sky that had been completely emptied, Xu Chu and the others were stunned.

This sudden change made them somewhat unable to react.

A minute ago, he was still turning his hands for the clouds and covering his hands for the rain. He easily used the trump card and had temporarily promoted to the king rank, the demon leader who had been suppressed by Cheng Yaojin.

When was there such a powerful existence among the human race?

"Fake... Fake it..."


Many people couldn't help swallowing their saliva, their throats were dry for a while, and they felt a little unbelievable...

Chapter 690 Want to die? how easy is it

Qin Hui, who was still cheering for breaking out of confinement and regaining a new life, even started to tremble.

Even under its feet, there was a wet trail that vaguely appeared!

" could this this?"

Intermittent, with an unbelievable voice, trembling came out of Qin Hui's mouth.

Until a certain moment, he finally couldn't hold on any longer, his legs were weak, and he slumped directly on the ground!

He knows he's done!

No matter who came this time, now that his backstage is gone, what he will face next is the cruel methods of the Eastern Alliance!

With what he's done in the past, it's not enough for him to die a hundred times a thousand times!

"No! I cannot fall into the hands of the Eastern Alliance!"

Thinking of the possibility of life and death, Qin Hui suddenly shuddered and reacted suddenly.

He glanced around in horror, then retracted his gaze and placed it on his palm again.

After struggling for a while, Qin Hui used all his strength and slapped his head with a slap!

puff! !

With a sound like a watermelon shattering, Qin Hui's head burst instantly!

Red and white things splashed out towards the surroundings.

Although Qin Hui's strength is average, he is still at the level of heaven.

Under the full force of the explosion, his ordinary body and head were completely unable to withstand the strength of his entire body.


The sudden sound made Xu Chu and others who were still in shock also startled.

When they saw Qin Hui, whose head had completely disappeared, Xu Chu, Xiang Yu and the others, their faces became extremely ugly!

The purpose of their coming here this time is to capture Qin Hui back!

Not only to make Qin Hui atone for his sins, but also to get more information about barbarians and demons from Qin Hui.

However, repeated changes have caused their plans to fail again and again.