MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 93

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After the two packed their suitcases, they stopped in the middle of the room.

Everything in the room has been packed, and there are two boxes on the ground. These two small boxes carry everything Wen Yao has from the past to the present.

Jiang Shuyi glanced at the empty room, then quietly turned his head to look at Wen Yao, "It's incredible."

She looked at the room and felt as if she was watching the flow of time in this room.

"I still remember that it was snowing the day I first came here..." Jiang Shuyi recalled the events a few months ago in a low voice.


Wen Yao also seemed to recall that day, she glanced at Jiang Shuyi, "You always seem to be waiting for me in snowy days."

"Don't do this in the future, you'll catch a cold."

Jiang Shuyi put his face on Wen Yao's shoulder, smiled and hugged her tightly, "From now on, if I wait for you, you pick me up early, so I won't catch a cold."


"By the way, you also taught me to study in this room, and you also cooked for me."

"You eat everything you do." Jiang Shuyi felt a sense of happiness in his heart.

Wen Yao listened to her talking about the trivial things in the past, and felt nostalgic in her heart, "It's all very common things."

Jiang Shuyi coughed, then continued, "I also made porridge for you here."

"Hey, Wen Yao, do you still need me to feed you?" Jiang Shuyi whispered next to Wen Yao's ear.

Wen Yao turned his back, intentionally trying to stagger the topic, "I don't know what you're talking about..."

Jiang Shuyi watched her turn her back, and felt that Wen Yao must have not forgotten.

She moved her throat slightly and put her head next to Wen Yao's ear, intending to help her recall, "It was the day after I cooked porridge for you, didn't you ask me?"

Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao with a mischievous expression, "Did you really forget?"

"I've long since forgotten."

Wen Yao frowned, took Jiang Shuyi's arm away as if nothing had happened, and lifted the handle of the suitcase beside him.

"..." Jiang Shuyi coughed, and imitated Wen Yao's tone and asked Wen Yao, "'Aren't you going to feed today'?"


Hearing her words, Wen Yao was silent for a few seconds, put down the suitcase and turned around to hit Jiang Shuyi, but Jiang Shuyi smiled, didn't dodge, and directly hugged her into his arms again.

"Hey, I knew you remembered."

"Noisy." Wen Yao frowned.

Jiang Shuyi smirked, "Actually, at that time I never thought that you would be with me..."

Wen Yao looked at Jiang Shuyi holding her arm quietly, and smiled slightly, "Indeed."

She used to think that the future was always within her control, and she knew what her future would be like, so she never looked forward to it.

It's just that Jiang Shuyi was beyond her expectations.

"Let's go."

Wen Yao took a look at Jiang Shuyi, raised his eyes and looked around the room, finally took out the key, and dragged the suitcase out together with Jiang Shuyi.

"Go home." Jiang Shuyi held Wen Yao's hand and smiled straightforwardly.

— went home.

Wen Yao did not raise any objection to the word.

It's not yet night, the sky is dyed a beautiful purple by the setting sun, and the dilapidated old building has a golden afterglow under the orange setting sun.

The two walked on the way home, shoulder to shoulder.

"Jiang Shuyi," Wen Yao looked at the purple sky, feeling that the afterglow of the setting sun was also dazzling, "You have a lot of things, and you have given me a lot of things."

"Perhaps, I can make it up to you in the future, but there are still very few things I can give you."

"I'm older than you, I have no relatives, and I don't have any close friends."

"With me, you probably won't be blessed by many people."

"So," Wen Yao continued to walk forward quietly, "I often think that one day you will say goodbye to me—"

The street lamps started to light up one by one, Jiang Shuyi glanced at Wen Yao's face illuminated by the lights, and interrupted Wen Yao.

"I don't say that."

"..." Wen Yao turned his head to look at Jiang Shuyi, Jiang Shuyi's eyes were still very clear.

"I only liked you," Jiang Shuyi's tone was very clear, "I can't think of how to hate you."

Jiang Shuyi looked into Wen Yao's eyes seriously, "I will not do anything to hurt your heart... nor will I separate from you."

"Really." Wen Yao looked at her expression quietly.

"Yes." Jiang Shuyi spoke eloquently.

"But, what if I do something that hurts your heart?" Wen Yao looked at Jiang Shuyi.

Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao, her heart was empty, she lowered her head angrily, her tone became aggrieved,

"...Are you going to do something to break my heart?"

"I'm just asking." Wen Yao said quietly.

Jiang Shuyi looked at the two people standing next to the street light

"As long as you don't neglect me, don't stop eating with me, like me, always like me, then I shouldn't be sad..."


She pursed her lips and said reluctantly, "If you have a legitimate reason to snub me and not eat with me, just tell me the reason, and I can understand."

"If you don't have a legitimate reason, I'm only willing to forgive you once, but even if I forgive, I will be very wronged, and you have to comfort me then."

"But, I won't let you not like me..."

Jiang Shuyi lowered his head, and stretched out his arms to hug Wen Yao like a big dog with drooping ears.

Wen Yao was held in her arms, feeling that the lemon balm seemed to wrap her tightly.

Because she felt happy, she leaned into Jiang Shuyi's arms.


It was already seven o'clock when Tang Wenzhen and Jiang Haichao returned home. The two of them have been flying around by plane for the past few days, and they haven't been home for a long time.

As soon as he entered the corridor, he heard Jiang Shuyi's noisy voice coming from the living room.

Tang Wenzhen felt a lot more relaxed in her heart. She took off her coat and put it aside, and walked towards the living room.

But as soon as she turned the corner, she leaned against the wall and did not move.

Jiang Haichao glanced at Tang Wenzhen who was leaning against the wall, "Honey, why don't you leave?"

He followed Tang Wenzhen's gaze into the living room, and saw Jiang Shuyi holding a spoon to deliver food to Wen Yao's mouth, and Wen Yao who was being fed the food opened his mouth reluctantly.

Seemingly aware of the movement of someone by the wall, Wen Yao raised his head vigilantly and looked towards the other side of the wall.

Jiang Shuyi watched Wen Yao's movements, and also looked in the direction of Wen Yao's line of sight.

Tang Wenzhen was leaning against the wall in a very elegant manner. She was wearing a black turtleneck sweater, showing no expression.

Jiang Haichao looked very capable in a dark suit.

The two looked at the two children who were Qingqing me with peaceful eyes.

Several people fell silent tacitly.

"Hey, Mom and Dad, why did you come back so early today?" It was Jiang Shuyi who spoke first.

"The meeting was over, so we flew back early."

Tang Wenzhen walked into the living room.

As she took off her gloves, she squinted her eyes and looked at the two of them.

"That's it." Jiang Shuyi said without embarrassment at all, the spoon in his hand seemed to be about to send it to Wen Yao's mouth.

Wen Yao gently pushed Jiang Shuyi's hand, and said in a decent manner, "I will eat by myself."

"But, it's already half-fed..." Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao, but didn't take the spoon back.

"I'll do it myself, thank you."

Wen Yao spoke bluntly and put Jiang Shuyi's spoon back into her own bowl.

Jiang Shuyi withdrew his hand somewhat disappointed, and reluctantly put the spoon into his mouth.

"We came back with presents for you two."

Jiang Haichao smiled at the two of them, and took out some snacks and souvenirs from his bag.

He sat on the sofa and turned on the TV, which played today's evening economic news.

Tang Wenzhen asked her aunt to bring new bowls and chopsticks, and sat across from them to pick up vegetables.

She glanced at Jiang Shuyi and Wen Yao, Jiang Shuyi still looked like he was eating or not, while Wen Yao was sitting more upright than before.

When Jiang Shuyi was eating, he started talking non-stop again, and they all got used to it, listening quietly and coping with a sentence from time to time.

"By the way, Mom and Dad, I'm going to study in Beijing in the future."

Jiang Shuyi stuffed his mouth with rice, and said abruptly, "Because I have to take the A university entrance examination, I may have to stay in Beijing all the time in May."

The hands of Tang Wenzhen and Jiang Haichao froze at the same time.

Tang Wenzhen raised her eyebrows, looked at Jiang Shuyi, her tone was serious, "Well, are you going to really take the exam for A University?"

Jiang Shuyi also stopped his hands, and was a little stunned, "...Is there a fake A?"

"Oh, I knew we could do it with ease." Jiang Haichao was overjoyed after hearing this.

Jiang Shuyi laughed when he heard this sentence.

Tang Wenzhen frowned, and glanced at Jiang Haichao, "Don't be too happy."

"There is no such thing as a horoscope. Anyone can apply for A University, but can anyone be admitted?"

"You don't even think about your daughter's virtues." Tang Wenzhen immediately poured cold water on the two of them.


Jiang Shuyi and Jiang Haichao looked at each other, their mouths shrunk and they didn't speak.

Tang Wenzhen glanced at Jiang Shuyi, "When you're done eating, go wash some strawberries and bring them out."

"...Oh." Jiang Shuyi replied, obediently got up and went to the kitchen to wash strawberries.

Tang Wenzhen looked at Jiang Shuyi who walked into the kitchen, and then at Wen Yao.

Wen Yao sensed Tang Wenzhen's gaze, and silently picked up the vegetables.

"Xiao Wen, Jiang Shuyi said just now that he is going to take the entrance examination for University A, is that true?" Tang Wenzhen asked.

Hearing Tang Wenzhen's question, Wen Yao quietly put down his chopsticks and nodded, "Yes."

"Will Jiang Shuyi pass the exam?" Tang Wenzhen looked at the shadow in the kitchen, a little worried.

Wen Yao looked up quietly, "If she is not careless, there should be a 70% chance."

Jiang Haichao stood aside and smiled with satisfaction.

"Hey, this rounding up is 100%, it's no different from the last one."

As he said that, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket, as if he was going to make a call, "I will arrange a banquet for you after you pass the exam."

Jiang Haichao was really happy. When he held meetings with those ministers in the past, those ministers could always show off their children, such as the second prize in the league, the champion of the programming competition, and the international representative...

He actually thinks that his own baby is also very good, but it seems that he can't stand up to these champions.

Occasionally, I heard others praise a few words, "Ling Qianjin is so beautiful."

Hearing this makes me angry, as if there are no advantages other than the face.

But in fact, all members of their family have a high degree of education.

Jiang Haichao graduated from a well-known foreign university, Tang Wenzhen has a double degree from a famous domestic university, and Jiang Jinnian even went to university in that rare era, and he even worked as a chief engineer in his early years.

Although no one graduated from University A, speaking of which, their family can be regarded as a serious scholarly family.

However, the Jiang family adhered to the concept that no matter how hard it is, the child should not suffer. From the old man to Jiang Haichao, Jiang Shuyi has been given a free-range education. Tang Wenzhen often said that this family is not as good as one generation after another.

But Tang Wenzhen who said this sentence is actually a person with a sharp mouth and a bean curd heart.

Although the couple also hope that their son will become a dragon, they still hope that Jiang Shuyi can grow up happily.

Therefore, Jiang Haichao and Tang Wenzhen never thought about the possibility of Jiang Shuyi going to a serious university, and they also thought about sending Jiang Shuyi to any place abroad in the future so that he could be plated with gold.

However, if Jiang Shuyi is admitted to University A, then he will have confidence, and he will pull a banner in the company to brag about it.

Tang Wenzhen knew Jiang Haichao's character, so she patted Jiang Haichao's shoulder and reminded her with a frown, "Don't tell your relatives and friends, if Jiang Shuyi doesn't pass the exam by then, won't he be ashamed?"

"It's not just your face that's lost, it's also my face."

"Oh." Jiang Haichao obediently put down his cell phone.

After thinking about it for a while, Tang Wenzhen added, "Just tell grandpa alone, the old man likes to hear happy news."

Wen Yao watched their reactions without speaking.

After a while, Jiang Shuyi came out with strawberries in her hand. She walked briskly and looked very happy.

She put the strawberries in front of several people, with the juice of the strawberries in the corner of her mouth, it seemed that she had already eaten a few.

"You eat strawberries."

Tang Wenzhen looked at her face that could smear anything on her face, and pressed the center of her eyebrows.

Wen Yao wiped her face with a tissue.

Jiang Haichao coughed, and said seriously, "Shu Yi, if you really get admitted to University A, Dad will reward you."

"real or fake?"

Jiang Haichao nodded aside, "Didn't you want a car before? When you have a driver's license, Dad can buy any car you want."

Jiang Shuyi immediately asked, "Is that house okay?"

Jiang Haichao smiled, and nodded graciously, "Yes, as long as you can get into University A, it's fine."