MTL - What is It Like To Be Summoned As a Giant?-Chapter 11 mission impossible

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  Chapter 11 Missions that cannot be completed

  Light and shadow changes, dizziness, Tang Lin once again traveled to another world.

   This time, he did not appear in the mountains, but came to a forest. Tang Lin still descended in the form of a giant, nearly two hundred meters tall, and the forest in front of him reached his ankles.

   Tang Lin didn't move around this time, for fear of accidentally trampling someone to death.

  Being summoned to this world by Magneto, Tang Lin's heart is broken. In his view, the Marvel world is a pit. With black technology, superpowers and magic, any superhero can give himself away in seconds. Moreover, he was such a big target that he couldn't dodge it even if he wanted to.

   And Tang Lin's only weapon to protect himself is the toilet brush and an enamel cup for brushing his teeth before crossing.

   As a result, the purple sweet potato who was about to snap his fingers didn't see it, and none of the members of the Avengers showed up. The surroundings were as quiet as death.

  Tang Lin looked down and saw the corpse lying on the ground in the woods. Magneto, who summoned Tang Lin, was holding the corpse of his wife and daughter, looking at Tang Lin in shock.

   Magneto's wife and daughter were pierced by an arrow, and it seemed that they had completely lost their life characteristics.

  Tang Lin found that his eyes had improved, and he could see Magneto's expression, and confirmed that the person in front of him was the young version of Magneto.

   That is coming to the new version of the X-Men world. Most of the members of the Avengers in this version should still be children.

   He relaxed for a moment, at least he didn't want to fight the Avengers. It's a pity that he has only watched "X-Men: First Class" and "X-Men: Days of Future Past". The scene in front of him doesn't seem to match the plot he knows, and he doesn't know when it is part.

   Besides, Tang Lin felt something was wrong when he saw the corpses all over the floor. He was late, so he had already finished the fight? Is it delayed so much by just grabbing a toilet brush? Could it be that this toilet brush enamel cup is still some kind of artifact?

  The soul asked three times, but how Tang Lin looked at the two pieces of equipment in his hand, he couldn't see anything special except that they were new.

   Putting the suspected artifact aside, Tang Lin squatted down as slowly as possible, but still brought a gust of wind that made Magneto unable to open his eyes.

  Take out the phone and prepare for voice translation, Tang Lin said: "How can I help you? (How can I help you?

   Magneto seemed to have just recovered from his grief and shock, and said something to Tang Lin, which was a little unclear.

   But looking at his excited expression, and the posture of holding his wife and daughter's corpses tightly, one can guess that it should be Tang Lin who rescued his family.

  Tang Lin is a little bit blind, and he still has a little experience in fighting. If he is asked to resurrect the dead, he has to wait until he buys the resurrection technique with his wish power.

  The system will not issue missions that cannot be completed... no wonder! The ghost knows if the logic of the person who designed this system is so strict, even if there is, what if there is a bug, what if the author eats the book?

   Tang Lin now felt that the system was bugged, and he didn't have any resurrection skills, so how could he revive the dead? It was impossible to complete the task.

   Magneto seems to pin all his hopes on the mummy giant who suddenly appeared in front of him. Since it is a giant summoned by praying to the sky, and it is a mummy shape related to life and death, it is only natural to resurrect the dead.

   It’s just that the staff in Egyptian mythology seems to be a little different from the magic weapon held by the mummy giant. Why does it look like a bristle brush and a water cup? Maybe it's a visual problem.

   I don’t know what the cost of resurrecting the dead is. If you want to replace it with someone else’s soul, then you have to kill two people yourself. Even if he had to sacrifice his soul, Magneto would not hesitate to do so.

   Tang Lin was thinking hard about the solution to the problem. This is the world of the X-Men, and various superpowers emerge in endlessly. We should start from this aspect. It's just that if it's just the movie world, it doesn't seem to have the ability to resurrect the dead.

  How to save the dead? Unless, Tang Lin can change the past. As soon as this idea was born, Tang Lin had an idea.

   Tang Lin decided to appease Magneto first. After all, his giant body is inconvenient to move. Even if he thinks of any solution, he has to rely on him to implement it. Only a calm Magneto can do it.

  Thinking for a moment, Tang Lin checked his phone by the way, and then said to Magneto, "Resurrection, yes."

   Hearing this, Magneto was refreshed.

   "However, it takes time and a price." Tang Lin tried his best to speak word by word, mainly because he was afraid that Magneto's ears would bleed if he spoke too fast, and also because he was afraid that his pronunciation would be inaccurate.

   But Magneto sounds very special. Zhen is the way of speaking of Egyptian mummy giants. It would be strange if he had a fluent London accent.

   "How long will it take, and what will the cost be?" Magneto continued to ask.

   "The time is uncertain, maybe one month, maybe twenty years."

   "Why is there such a big gap? And what is the price?" Magneto asked.

  One month is fine, twenty years is too long.

   This is not Tang Lin talking nonsense. If he wants to change history, he needs to find two key figures, one is Wolverine and the other is Phantom Cat.

  Phantom cats can transfer people's consciousness to their past self, but the longer the time span, the more serious the brain damage will be caused.

   Therefore, it is necessary to find Wolverine, a mutant who can heal himself, in order to achieve long-term consciousness transmission.

   But Phantom Cat was about sixteen years old in 2004, just a little girl who was just beginning to develop her abilities, and now it is the eighties.

  Of course, Tang Lin didn't plan to spend twenty years in this world, and there wasn't even a change of clothes in this shabby place. Tang Lin just wanted to wait here until his physical injuries were completely healed, and then tell Magneto about the way to change the past.

   As for whether this counts as completing the task, Tang Lin can't care so much, the worst is to give up the task and run away.

   Facing Magneto's question, Tang Lin was about to explain, but heard the sound of propellers. Turning his head, he saw two armed helicopters flying towards Tang Lin.

  Although Tang Lin landed in a forest, his size could be seen even a kilometer away. Coupled with the troubles Magneto caused here before his arrival, it is normal to be discovered by the authorities.

  Although a helicopter is only as big as half of Tang Lin's finger, this is Tang Lin's first time facing modern weapons. These armed helicopters are equipped with machine guns and rockets, and it is unknown how much damage they can cause.

   Tang Lin stood up abruptly, grasping the toilet brush in his hand, which was the only weapon he could use to deal with the enemy. Unexpectedly, when he stood up, Tang Lin's body brought out a hurricane, rushed to the sky, and blew away the clouds.

  Before Tang Lin discovered that the gigantic body did not seem to have a dull feeling, and he could tear the air and break through the sound barrier with every gesture. The hurricane caused by this caused the two helicopters to shake violently, as if there were signs of falling.

  At this moment, Tang Lin could destroy the two helicopters with just a flick of the brush.

  But Tang Lin put down his "weapon", stretched out his hands, and carefully grabbed the landing gear of the two helicopters.

  (end of this chapter)