MTL - What’s Wrong With Seeking Death?-Chapter 18

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Allin? Are you sure it's not fate?

When seeing Xu Tuoran's reply, the customer service's first thought was this.

Then he replied with a smile, sorry to kiss you, our shop is limited.

Xu Tuoran:?

Of course she, who pretends to be an expert, doesn't know that even the real customer base of this store will not take the initiative to buy this kind of thing unless necessary. And even if you want to buy it, you buy it one by one. Before you buy each time, you have to spend extra money to ask the boss to "evaluate" whether it is suitable for you to buy by yourself, and whether the risk is great—these weird items, even if they are low-cost etc., are full of threats to ability users. One carelessness may be seduced by the other party and go astray.

Because of this, when Xu Tuoran said the word "all things", the customer service on the opposite side thought about it seriously. Could it be that some newcomer used their place as a wholesale market and was about to resell it directly after buying it.

So the customer service politely reminded the "no transfer" rule. Xu Tuoran answered absent-mindedly, and then directly asked about the upper limit of one purchase, and picked out all the pictures of the products sent by the customer service that smelled the most.

【Then I want these. 】Xu Tuoran repeated again, 【All inclusive, when will it be shipped? 】

Where is "..." sent? Huangquan Road? Do you really know what you are buying?

The customer service was silent for a moment, followed the usual practice and asked if an "assessment" was needed, but Xu Tuoran flatly refused.

Although she is dressed as a rich woman now, she still insists that unnecessary money will never be spent indiscriminately.

Of course, her "necessary" standard may be different from that of ordinary people.

I don't know if it was Xu Tuoran's illusion, but after she refused to "evaluate", the customer service was silent for a longer time. Fortunately, the business finally came to fruition—the customer service staff asked Xu Tuoran where she was now, and asked her to bring cash to a nearby small park, where she would pay the money and deliver the goods.

This kind of trading method that should be called the police at first sight is too much to think about. Xu Turan didn't care, he went out to withdraw money and went to the park. According to the kidnapper... no, after putting the money bag under the park bench at the request of the customer service, it didn't take long for her to find what she bought under another bench.

It was a silver case, surprisingly cool to the touch. Xu Tuoran didn't dare to open the box in public, so he carried it home. In the elevator, he met a young couple with a little puppet lying on their backs in the cat bag, breathing at the silver box all the way.

Xu Turan hid the box behind her back with some guilty conscience. Fortunately, the couple just talked to themselves and didn't pay attention to her side—according to what they said, this seemed to be their second cat. They are worried about whether the original "big treasure" at home will be unhappy because of this.

Xu Tuoran, who not only adopted the "second treasure", but also adopted three, four, five and six treasures by the way: ...

The elevator door opened, Xu Tuoran returned to his room, and finally opened the box.

Inside the box were several parcels bound with silver colored paper. Xu Tuoran disassembled and checked them one by one:

There is a rag doll that is said to grow wild hair at night.

There is a horse puppet suit that is said to play the flute in the dead of night to capture the soul.

It is said that there will be a big old blood-stained hardcover hardcover book that will drag readers into the abyss.

It is said that there is a circular hand-held mirror that is connected to the snow ghost's lair and can attract the snow ghost's wraith.

It is said that the resentment of the abominable object remains (what is the abominable object? Xu Tuoran doesn't understand), no matter what you shoot, you can take pictures of the ghost Polaroid of the female ghost, there is.

The five supernatural objects she bought are all there.

After unpacking each piece, you can hear the sound of death value. After unpacking all of them, you can get a total of forty-five points. An average of less than ten points, according to past experience, this value is within the safe range.

Xu Tuoran's fingers touched the top one by one, feeling very satisfied. Suddenly caught a glimpse of a large shadow from the corner of the eye, and turned around, only to find that the black shadow following from the hotel had drifted into the room at some point, standing quietly in the corner, watching her side motionlessly.

For some reason, the conversation he heard not long ago in the elevator suddenly echoed in Xu Tuoran's head.

—"Hey husband, tell me, when we go back, will Dabao feel unhappy when he sees us releasing Erbao?"

Xu Turan: ...

No matter what you look at, you are also asking for unhappiness.

She glanced at Hei Ying coldly, then turned her head and put several supernatural objects on the bedside table one by one. It was just after nightfall, probably before these things became active, and the supernatural objects obediently let her play with them.

If time permits, Xu Tuoran is quite willing to spend some more time on them. It's a pity that she has other things to do - the housekeeper's adoptive brother recommended her a very reliable person. In the past few hours, the other party has already selected several houses, and she is waiting for Xu Tuoran to make the final decision.

Two of them are in the local area and two are in the next city. The farthest set is in City A. The person who helped her find a house was very strict, and even gave her a special form for the performance of the house as a "haunted house". At a glance, it was clear at a glance how fierce it was and how.

After chatting with the other party, Xu Tueran realized that he was actually the assistant of the housekeeper's adoptive brother. He usually had to help the domineering president with countless affairs. For him, this kind of thing was a habit.

Xu Tuoran was amazed, and then silently clicked on the pictures sent by the other party. After feeling for a while, he designated one of them.

[The others are fakes. ] She replied earnestly, 【I only want this set. 】

[... Plum Blossom Apartment? 】The assistant seemed to want to say something, the "typing" sign popped up several times, 【May I ask, why do you need a haunted house? 】

[I'm going to do self-media, and I want to do a special topic in this area. 】Xu Tuoran babbled confidently, 【Plum Blossom Apartment is pretty good. I want room 1501. 】

The photo sent by the assistant is a 360-degree view. Originally, what he introduced was actually 1502 on the same floor, and 1501 was just incidentally photographed. Unexpectedly, Xu Tuoran knew the haunted house with his eyes, and immediately fell in love with 1501.

Assistant: 【…1501? Ok, I see. 】

Assistant: [But please allow me to remind you that the Plum Blossom Apartment, as an Internet celebrity haunted house, has passed the limelight on the Internet. If you really want to do related programs, it is better to choose other new haunted houses. 】


Internet celebrity haunted house?

Xu was startled in vain. She just picked a house purely based on her breath, and this was the first time she had heard of internet celebrities.

After hurriedly thanking the assistant, she quickly opened the browser and typed "Plum Blossom Apartment"—the next second, she was dazzled by the entries on the screen.

Plum Blossom Apartment in F City.

Like the assistant said—it was really popular.

Related discussions are basically concentrated in various strange forums. The earliest appearance can be traced back to two years ago - when the police broke out a vicious incident that shocked the whole country. A perverted murderer killed six passers-by in three months, and hid some of the "parts" in his home after dismembering the corpses. Later, he frantically killed his long-ill wife and two children who were still studying. He was eventually arrested by the police and committed suicide in prison.

When the police announced the news, they withdrew part of the real information and did not mention the murderer's address. In the largest strange talk forum at that time, someone quickly broke the news, saying that the murderer's family lived at the Meihua Apartment in F City, and the house number was accurate to 1501.

But at that time, the management of the forum was chaotic, and the posts posted were mixed. Coupled with the fact that there were quite a few posts about the fanaticism of perverted killings at the same time, not many people took this revelation seriously.

Until half a year ago, another problem occurred in Meihua Apartment—a group of young people rented the apartment together, lived in it for less than a month, and disappeared one after another. So far, no clues have been found. The relatives of the victim asked for help online and disclosed that the house they lived in was exactly No. 1502 of Meihua Apartment.

Some good people searched the Internet and found old posts from two years ago. There are only two rooms on the 15th floor of Plum Blossom Apartment, one has become a hiding place for a perverted murderer, and another mysterious disappearance broke out.

Now that she has become an Internet celebrity, there will naturally be more people chasing after her. In the past six months alone, many network anchors have gone to Meihua Apartment, sneaking into two houses on the 15th floor under the banner of haunted house exploration. Some people actually photographed some strange things, but many more people did not photograph anything. Some people were pointed out as fakes, and some people found out that they had actually captured a strange figure after the video was released... The mixture of real and fake things made the mystery of the 15th floor of Meihua Apartment more and more serious.

The latest hot event related to it happened half a month ago. A well-known live broadcast team went to film these two rooms. Nothing happened during the shoot, the problem was after the shoot—the whole team—disappeared.

There is no sign, no trace, and the world evaporates in the true sense, and it all happens overnight.

Undoubtedly, some people have linked this incident with the Plum Blossom Apartment, and some even swear that the soul of the perverted murderer is actually still wandering in the Plum Blossom Apartment to this day, and that the filming team was taken away by his ghost one by one. up.

As for why there are so many popular anchors, only this team has an accident, and no one knows about it, and there is no way to verify it. In short, after this incident, the heads of the two houses were no longer willing to lend the house to other people for filming.

… Of course, if the money is available, the rent is still available.

Xu Tuoran didn't know how that magical assistant did it. She just finished checking the information about Meihua Apartment, and he sent a message to inform that the renting procedures have been completed, and Xu Tueran is going to move. Just talk to him, and he'll send a car over to pick it up.

Xu Turan was amazed. Is this the necessary universal assistant for the domineering president in the novel? It's ok, I've learned a lot.

She didn't think it was a big deal to do something, so she made an appointment with the other party to move in the next afternoon. The assistant responded, and asked casually if there was anything else he needed. Xu Tuoran thought about it, and really shamelessly sent a request.

[If you are free, can you help me collect some more information? Mostly about cases of sudden death of young women. 】Xu Tuoran boasted, 【This is a social phenomenon worthy of attention, I want to make a special topic. 】

Do not ask. The question is that she is collecting materials for her self-media account that has not yet been opened.

As a mature assistant, the other party did not ask, and only responded very simply. Xu Tuoran was very grateful, and handed over a big red envelope.

The matter of the house was settled, so Xu Turan got up and took the time to organize her luggage for a while, then went to bed early, and didn't care about those supernatural items for the time being—she just put them all together. After thinking about it before going to bed, I conveniently set up a video camera opposite the bedside table.

She could feel that these things were not very friendly to her, in other words, they were all within the influence of "confusing". According to the skill description, the more targets this skill covers at one time, the deeper the impact on non-human minds will be.

Xu Turan didn't know if six non-human beings were too many, but she was really curious about what it would be like if so many spiritual beings went crazy together.

Unfortunately, that night, the camera didn't capture anything—or rather, it captured it, but it was "painted" out. The middle part of the recording video was covered with mosaics for quite a while, and nothing could be seen.

But Xu Tuoran knew that something must have happened last night.

The most intuitive example is the doll’s hair—it was originally braided with two braids, but when Xu Tuoran woke up, the braids turned into instant noodles, scattered randomly on the doll’s shoulders, even with some curls, As if burned by something.

The mirror that was said to hide the snow ghost was cracked, and Xu Tuoran didn't pay attention when he took it, and almost broke on the spot. Fortunately, she reacted quickly and quickly glued it with adhesive tape. Those little puppets on horseback also became a little dim, and the corners of their eyes sparkled a little. Xu vainly touched them with his hands, and they were actually wet.

Xu vainly froze. Is this crying or something?

As for the photo she took with the Polaroid before going to bed, it was simply torn into pieces. And that heavy blood-stained old book looked fine. When Xu Tuoran picked it up and stuffed it into the suitcase, he realized that the spine of the book was a little crooked.

…so what the **** were you guys doing while I was asleep?

Xu Tuoran, who slept soundly until dawn, couldn't figure it out... Is the skill called "Complicating and Confused" so powerful?

Xu vainly was shocked.

Because she was going to move soon, she didn't have time to pay attention to these things, so she could only stuff the two, three, four, five, and six treasures into the suitcase, and directly pulled away the matter.

She always felt like she had forgotten something, but she couldn't remember it for a while. It wasn't until she was about to go out that she realized that since she woke up until now, she hadn't seen the black shadow who followed all the way from the homestay.

Xu Tuoran thought it ran home by itself. Turning his head around in the living room, he finally found a shadow curled up in a corner—compared to before, this black shadow was much smaller, and it just curled up so quietly in a corner where no one was paying attention. The long arms hugged the curved legs, and she looked so lonely.

Xu Turan: ...

Just at this time, outside the opened door, the newlywed couple passed by again, holding a limp orange cat in the husband's arms.

"Look, I just said it. You can't pick up the second treasure at home casually. You see, the big treasure is stressed now, isn't he? It's all vomited. Poor little boy." The wife said complainingly, and smoothly I rubbed the listless fat orange.

Fat Ju meowed cooperatively, his voice was pitiful.

Xu Tuoran listened to the footsteps of the two leaving, and his eyes fell on the black shadow huddled pitifully in the corner.

no? so fragile? Show off your killing spirit in the homestay!

Xu Turan felt a little troubled. She didn't care if the other party was stressed or not. She was only worried about what if the other party broke the pot and didn't plan to follow her?

If you can go home to find your mother by yourself, then forget it; I'm afraid that if you stay in this house, it will be bad if you harm other people in the future...

"Are you going to go with me?" She thought for a while, and said as calmly as possible, "If you don't go with me, I'll call and let 'industry people' come and arrest you?"

After she finished speaking, she deliberately shook the silver wrapping paper that had been removed from the supernatural item—since she only received the reminder that the death value had increased after unpacking, Xu Turan had reason to believe that this item should be used against evil things. There is a certain restraint.

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, the black shadow shrunk down to the size of a child twitched and stood up reluctantly.

Seeing this, Xu Turan secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The next second, he saw the black shadow swaying in place, and his head hit the wall next to him.

Xu Turan: ...

This, is this an attempt to show one's ambition by death?

Xu was stunned in vain.

However, she soon realized that she was thinking too much.

The shadow hit the wall, but nothing happened. It shook its head, seemed a little confused, took two steps forward with its left foot mixed with its right foot, shook its head, and knocked its head against the corner of the table again...

Xu Turan: ...

Yes, I see.

It's not about dying. Maybe it's just being fooled by a gu.

at the same time. In an office building.

Yang Buqi was arguing with his immediate superior, and the point of the arguing was precisely Xu Tuoran.

"We need this girl's information. She is in a very dangerous situation!" Yang Buqi frowned, "A group of light-level mad dancing shadows are following her... We don't know what that thing will do !"

"I said, I will submit the application." On the screen of the mobile phone, the middle-aged lady wearing gold-rimmed glasses replied seriously, "It is just the approval of the application and the retrieval of materials, which will definitely take time... You know, we Not an official organization, some things must be noticed..."

"Then... trouble as soon as possible, okay?" Yang Buqi closed his eyes restrainedly, "It's a human life after all."

There was a deep tiredness in his eyes. No wonder, he slept for three hours last night.

The main reason is for Xu Tuoran and Dancing Shadow—after taking Dancing Shadow into custody, it needs to be returned to the Institute of Humanity, and a series of report forms must be filled out in the middle, because this matter involves the ability users of the other organization. Reporting is more cumbersome. In addition, as a team leader, he still has to deal with Zhong Sijia's corpse and remaining abilities... It can be said to be quite troublesome.

And then there was Xu Tuoran. Yang Buqi spent most of the night looking for her. They originally planned to get Xu Turan's information from the owner of the homestay, but they didn't expect that the homestay was very, very informal. The owner of the homestay only had the identity information of two party organizers. How many people did he even attend this time? I don't know... Yang Buqi was so angry that he called the report number.

No way, they can only start with the two party organizers. The two party organizers happened to be a man and a woman. Because the only person in charge of communicating with the homestay owner was the girl, so they only had her phone number. Who would have thought that this girl was very vigilant, when she heard that they wanted to inquire about Xu Tuoran, she immediately asked them to report their work unit and job number, and threatened to call the police, and immediately blocked Yang Buqi after the incident.

Yang Buqi: …

I couldn't communicate on the phone, so I had to go to the door to ask. However, the old address was recorded on the boy's ID card, and he had already moved away, so Yang Buqi was in vain; as for the girl, he simply didn't open the door.

And continued to threaten to call the police. Yang Buqi felt very helpless.

It happened that the girl in red who was traveling with him had the ability to bewitch, so Yang Buqi wondered if he could let her bewitch the girl. The girl in red smiled embarrassedly when she heard the words.

"But my skills can only be used on one person a day, one time." She pointed to the closed door in front of her, "I've seen the girl inside. I tricked the board game out of her hand. Already used it on her once."

Yang Buqi: …


In desperation, he could only call the immediate leader, hoping that she would use special means to find Xu Tuoran's current location as soon as possible.

"Don't worry, I'll get back to you as soon as possible." Seeing his anxiety, the boss gave a guarantee, and looked over thoughtfully after speaking, "But you should know that even the lamp level can't directly harm the target. Yes...they can only shake the opponent's sanity continuously until the moment when the opponent's psychological defense line is completely disintegrated, and then they will really make a move."

"So, what are you in a hurry for?"

Yang Buqi: …

No hurries? To be honest, he didn't quite understand either. It's just that his intuition tells him that if he doesn't intervene quickly, things will probably develop into a situation beyond his control...

Yang Buqi was silent for a moment. He was not a liar, but at some point, he felt that some exaggerated language was necessary in order to achieve his goal.

He coughed, and said bravely: "It's just pure worry. After all, that Xu Tuoran, she is just an ordinary girl, innocent and weak..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the girl in red holding a mobile phone swaying from behind him, as if she was on the phone with someone:

"Oh yes, let me tell you, that girl is really fierce! You know the toilet? She just swung it and smashed it on the female ghost's body! Bang! Then her wrist was dislocated, and she didn't even blink. She also said something super cool! She also successfully tricked a capable person from the Nishinin Academy... Hey, that guy is not a good person..."

Yang Buqi: …

In the video, the boss raised his eyebrows, showing some obvious interest: "Who is she talking about?"

Yang Buqi is dying: "The fairy in the TV series."

Boss: "Which TV show is it? And Ren Xin Yuan?"

Yang Buqi: …

"You should understand the specific situation after reading my report." He raised his hands and covered his face. "In short, I think it is necessary to intervene as soon as possible."

"Okay. Don't worry, I will help you." The boss nodded, and the conversation suddenly changed, "By the way, there is something else that needs you to deal with."

Yang Buqi:?

"F City, Plum Blossom Apartment." The boss said calmly, "There is another person missing over there."

"Where?" Yang Buqi frowned, "How come? I just came back from there."

Before going to the B&B, he happened to be dealing with the accident at the Plum Blossom Apartment. A domain appeared there for no reason, trapping several residents who were still in the apartment. It took him a lot of effort to break through and send people out one by one.

He should have stayed there to finish. Expect to spend a few more hours getting the domain down completely. But a few people from Renxinyuan suddenly appeared, saying that this was their responsibility—it happened that Yang Buqi received the accident report from the homestay, so he handed over the matter to them and came here by himself.

"At that time, the domain was actually very weak. There were many people in the Renxin Academy, so it was not difficult to deal with it." Yang Buqi was puzzled.

"That domain has indeed been resolved. But the abominable thing in the generated domain has nothing to do with the past events of the Plum Blossom Apartment." The boss said, "It just happened to pass by there and was caught by someone."

"The ability users of the Keren Heart Academy didn't know about this. After subduing the abomination, they submitted it as the instigator of the series of accidents in the Plum Blossom Apartment. In order to collect more information, they entered the 15th floor."

Yang Buqi slightly changed his expression: "Then they disappeared?"

"We still don't know the secret on the 15th floor of Plum Blossom Apartment." The boss sighed, "The Renxinyuan is very angry. They think you are responsible for it."

That's not a fair statement. After all, at that time, it was the people from Renxinyuan who asked to take over - but Yang Buqi only pursed his lips and did not speak.

"...I understand." After a moment of silence, he nodded earnestly, "I'll pack up my things immediately and head to Plum Blossom's apartment."