MTL - What’s Wrong With Seeking Death?-Chapter 27

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At this point, it is meaningless to worry about where Xu Tuoran got his courage from. After a brief shock, Yang Buqi quickly recovered his mood and turned his attention to the small schoolbag.

Xu Tuoran and Su Sui'er had already taken out things from inside and began to look through them one by one. Su Sui'er looked at the red pen in her hand with a livid face, and moved closer to Xu Tuoran. Xu Tuoran then raised one, turned it around like looking at a mercury thermometer for a long time, and finally understood why Su Sui'er's face was so ugly.

When you turn the transparent pen case to a certain angle, you will find that what is installed in the pen case is not a plastic refill, but a blood vessel that is still pulsating, even through the pen case, You can also feel the gurgling flow.

Recalling that not long ago he was still using such a pen to write **** literature in a serious manner, Xu Turan felt a rare sense of sin in his heart.

Yang Buqi wanted to go over to study together, but suddenly remembered something, he quickly stood up and walked to the door, opened the door with one hand, and raised a bright green light with the other.

Xu Turan looked over curiously, and saw Yang Buqi stretch out his hand, and painted the green light in his hand on the handle on the outside of the door.

"What is this doing?" She put down her things and looked over, "Are you doing protection?"

"Yeah." Yang Buqi closed the door, then turned and walked to the door on the other side of the room, "It's similar to applying poison. Don't the monsters here also need to open the door to move? Before that, if there is really a big guy approaching, I can also feel it."

Xu Turan nodded sharply without knowing it, and his eyes fell on the doorknob covered with a layer of shiny green light: "But what if the person who came to open the door is someone?"

"This kind of poison doesn't work on humans." Yang Buqi said, closing the other door, and a scream suddenly sounded behind them.

"Fuck!" Su Sui'er was leaning on an overturned sofa, flipping through a stack of papers in her hand, her face became more and more ugly as she turned over, "Come and see this! God, what the **** is this!"

The other two looked at each other and hurriedly leaned over. Xu Tuoran picked up the dropped one from the ground, glanced at it hastily, and also let out a "huh".

"What?" Yang Buqi frowned, took the paper Xu Tueran handed over, quickly glanced at it twice, and said uncertainly, "Is this... a reminder? Is it a reminder left by someone else?"

On the paper, the red pen handwriting was messy, but it was clearly written in a human voice, a reminder for others to survive.

"It's a reminder." Xu Tueran nodded, "The problem is, I have seen this reminder before. It is in another room—the content on it can be said to be exactly the same."

"There's more here—it's all here!" Su Sui'er slapped the paper in her hand on the ground, "It's all forged!"

"The handwriting is different?" Yang Buqi flipped through it twice, but felt that something was wrong, "This abomination is so smart? Can he imitate handwriting?"

Some of the people he encountered before couldn't even understand the concept of writing, let alone writing.

"...It may not be written by 'it'." Xu Turan thought for a while, and his tone suddenly sank, "Don't forget, these papers are put together with the composition paper."

The composition paper is full of praise for "it", which is a twisted word that has a brainwashing effect. They can't look through it. However, a general comparison can also be found that there are many similarities in handwriting in the two documents.

"Let the brainwashed people write false information to deceive people. It's really vicious." Su Sui'er had a gloomy face, thinking that she and her companions were injured by this, and her mood was even more complicated.

Xu Tuoran patted her on the shoulder reassuringly, his eyes fell on the stack of papers and the composition paper beside him, and suddenly thought of another thing.

Was the little monster with blood vessels that she encountered earlier transformed by a living person who had been brainwashed? If so, judging from the number of composition papers, there are quite a few people who have been transformed...

This is just a clue found by the little girl. If she guessed correctly, there is another child of Zha Ruoyu and his wife in this domain... Are they also responsible for brainwashing and transforming humans? If yes, how many humans are currently transformed into monsters? How many living people are left in this domain?

The short thought gave Xu Tuoran a bad premonition. And soon, they found the answer to this question.

Yang Buqi opened the pink notebook that the little girl used to record.

The notebook was mostly used up. At the beginning, it was an intermittent diary, written with a dark blue fountain pen, with immature handwriting and brief content.

[It was sunny on X, X, XX, and today my mother went to the hospital again. My father is going to accompany my mother and let me take care of my younger brother at home alone. The younger brother is very obedient, holding the doll his mother gave him all the time, not making a fuss at all. 】

【Year X, X, Qing, Dad was secretly crying in the room today, he thought I didn’t see it. The second uncle came to the house, and I heard my father talking to him. While talking, they suddenly quarreled and drove the people away. 】

[On X, X, XX, Qing’s mother went to the hospital again. Dad didn't come back until very late, and sat holding me for a long time, his eyes were red. Every time, the second uncle came again, and this time my father didn't let him go. They talked for a long time in the room. The second uncle gave him a lamp. 】

[Year, X, XX, Father Yu doesn't know what's going on, he's been very busy recently. Talk to him and ignore me. It was said in the news that someone died near our house and was "cut into pieces". I asked my father what "cut into pieces" meant, and he said it meant loyalty and dedication. 】

[On X, X, XX, there was a strange smell in Yu's house, and my father said that there was a dead mouse. It's disgusting. If mom was still at home, she would never let a dead mouse live in the house. 】

[On X, X, XX, Yu's father picked up his mother from the hospital. Mom looks much better. Dad said it was because of the blessing of the stars. He asked me to go out with my younger brother and fall in love with my mother at home. He thought I didn't understand and was ashamed. 】

[My younger brother Qing told me mysteriously on XX, XX, that he discovered that there was an extra person in the family, and asked me to keep it a secret from my father. But I searched everywhere for a long time, but I couldn't find the person he mentioned. I knew he must be lying to me again. 】

[On XX, XX, Mother Yu fell ill again. But Dad didn't send her to the hospital this time. He said that he has a way to cure my mother, but he must cooperate with my brother. He left me alone in the room, locked my brother in the bathroom, and said he couldn't come out at night no matter what. But I've never slept alone, I'm so scared.

Dad said not to be afraid. After tonight, we'll be in a place of bliss. He will be late, but he will come. He said that Xing Xing promised him four keys, and each of our family happened to have one, and no one would be left behind. 】

The dark blue pen writing is over here.

Turning another page, there is a shocking large red.

[I love my father, my great father! It can do anything—]

Yang Buqi closed the pink book with a snap.

"What?" Xu Turan looked over curiously, and Yang Buqi shook his head, "It's nothing, I almost saw something brainwashing again... I'll keep flipping, if something goes wrong, remember to kick me twice."

After speaking, he took a deep breath and opened the book in his hand again.

He forcibly emptied his head, skimming through the little girl's meaningless chants and praises for "it", and finally found some more valuable content after a few pages:

[Father still didn't show up today. But I heard it. It says it loves everything I do...I'm so honored...]

[Today I heard my brother's voice, not far away. I really want to go out to see him, but it's too cold outside, I can't go out... It's angry, it sees the door I didn't close... I can't, I can't close it, I can't close it no matter what...I want Do more and more things to please it...]

【Mom ate my brother. Father was very, very angry. It ordered me again, but I would have done it even if it hadn't said so. I am different from my brother, I am obedient and I will not run around. 】

[I heard my mother's voice. She is crying hungry. Why is she always so hungry? The great father has given us eternity, what else can she not be satisfied with? 】

[Mom is locked up. Because of disobedience, he was locked up forever. 】

[Believers can be food. Food can become a believer. Everyone's death is adding color to it, and every believer's eating can make it stronger. 】

[It's a pity, I'm not allowed to eat. Here, my eating is a waste. 】

[I received another satisfactory composition today...There should be three more in this batch...Father will be happy...]

【again. It's a silly old man with glasses. 】

【again. She is a lovely young lady. I like her so much. It's a pity that she is too weak... Transformation takes time. The seeds need to grow slowly...I don't know if she'll live long enough to really understand it all. 】

【the last one. When is the next batch coming? There is no food available for transformation. 】

[Useless guy. Fragile rotten flesh. Boring moth. Once in it is dead. What should I do, so that my father will not feel the fun. 】

【again. She said she did [live broadcast]. What is a live broadcast? 】

[The last two. 】

[No more, none of them. There are no new food sources. How to do? So boring. 】

[Great, I can feel that a new batch is coming again! 】

Finally, there are three [another one] lined up together, each with a short description - one is [a beautiful bad woman], one is [a bad man who can't read], and the other is [knows a lot The powerful sister].

Judging from the time,... and description, it should correspond to the three of them.

In other words, before the three of them entered that room, no one had entered that room for a long time; and the group of people who entered this "domain" before Su Sui'er and the others either turned into food or slowly turned into monsters , has been completely consumed.

"...This is really..." Su Sui'er looked at the contents of the last few pages, was silent for a while, closed her eyes and sighed, "Although I guessed that there were not many people alive here, I didn't expect..."

Unexpectedly, now, their group of ability users, together with Yang Buqi and Xu Tuoran, became the only survivors in this domain.

"No wonder. Since we came here, we have seen more monsters than living people." Xu Tuoran was thoughtful, "Looking at the meaning of this record, brainwashed believers will gradually become monsters, and monsters that can devour each other .”

"Believers eat food, or other believers, and it eats believers. This corresponds to the sentence in the diary 'every believer eats, it can make it stronger'." Yang Buqi pondered, "But why is the girl who is the companion creature not allowed to eat?"

"Maybe it's because... it can't eat companion creatures?" Xu Tuoran turned his eyes lightly and clapped his hands, "No matter how the believer eats, he is its food, and everything will go into its stomach in the end. But because For some reason, it cannot eat companions, so eating companions is a waste for it, and it is meaningless!"

So here comes the question again - why can't it eat companions?

The existence of the companion is maintained by the power of the abomination, so there is no possibility that it cannot devour the companion. The only possibility is...

Xu Tueran and Su Sui'er looked at each other, and they both remembered their previous guesses at the same time:

"In order to maintain the 'domain'!"

"Yes, yes, it must be so!" Su Sui'er almost jumped up from the ground, "As we guessed before, the accompanying creatures are the 'nails' that maintain the existence of this domain! So it can't eat them no matter what! "

"To draw an important point—mother also ate my younger brother." Xu Tuoran raised his eyebrows slightly, "This at least shows two things."

Yang Buqi said thoughtfully: "First, although companion creatures cannot be killed, they can devour each other."

"Second - After the accompanying creatures are swallowed by each other, it will definitely affect the domain." Su Sui'er held her breath involuntarily, "That's why it is so angry."

Xu Tuoran clapped his hands again: "Very good, now that I have an idea, why not?"

According to the information disclosed in the diary, there are still two accompanying creatures in the "domain", she and her mother. And her mother is being locked in a certain room—as long as she finds this companion creature and tries to lead her to the room where the girl is, then the existence of this domain may be destroyed.

"But there are still two questions." Yang Buqi pondered for a moment, then shook his head, "First, how can we be sure that when the accompanying creatures kill each other until the last one is left, the domain will definitely collapse? Second, the companion creatures themselves risk issues…”

Although the little girl didn't directly attack them, judging from the aura of chasing and killing Xu Tuoran at that time, if they were tough, they would probably have the difference between early death and late death; and her mother had not only devoured another companion creature, And it's very "disobedient"...

According to Yang Buqi's experience, this kind of companion who dare not even listen to the words of an abomination is either stupid or strong.

He prefers the latter.

On the other side, Xu Tuoran lowered his eyes and pondered for a moment, then slowly said: "I can't give a definite answer to your first question. But judging from the information I have so far, it's obvious that the 'abomination' is trying to avoid the 'companion'. Creatures cannibalize each other until there is only one left. On the other hand, once this happens, it will definitely be bad for it.”

"From this perspective alone, it is necessary for us to try."

To make the enemy uncomfortable is to make yourself comfortable, Xu Tuoran's thinking is so simple and rude.

"As for how to reduce the risk..."

Xu vainly fell into silence.

Yang Buqi: …

He had reason to suspect that if he didn't mention this point, she might not think about similar issues at all.

...No, according to Xu Tuoran's usual style. If it really came to the moment when it was necessary to lure the two accompanying creatures to kill each other, she might just dance a small flag in front of "Mom", and shouted while dancing, "Go this way if you need food—"

Yang Buqi was amused by his own imagination, and suddenly heard Xu Tuoran "hey".

"By the way, what's the matter with the aisle sign of the Plum Blossom Apartment?" She asked the other two, and the topic flew away, "Is that thing difficult?"


Yang Buqi was stunned for a moment, and instantly understood Xu Tuoran's thoughts, his eyes lit up. Su Sui'er's eyes widened slightly:

"what do you mean?"

"I remember that in Plum Blossom Apartment, when the sign was triggered, the entire corridor was sealed off, right?" Xu Tuoran described to them with gestures, "There are still many forks in the road...Can those forks be removed? Just keep it." A closed space that traps companion creatures and allows them to turn around by themselves..."

"...I don't know about that." Su Sui'er opened her mouth slightly, "The mark is actually a product of the ability of one of my companions. He is also in this domain now, so it shouldn't be difficult to make it..."

But she really can't guarantee the specific effect. You have to try it yourself to know.

— So now the question is, where are they going to find someone?

"I remember that you should have a special emergency phone inside, right?" Yang Buqi looked at Su Sui'er, "That thing can't be used either?"

"If it can be used, why should I search for it with my feet for so long?" Su Sui'er gave him an annoyed look.

In fact, she's tried it before. The machine still had electricity and could make calls, but when the call was connected, what came from the other end of the machine was not the voice of the companion, but murmurs and strange laughter that seemed to be absent. As soon as the phone was hung up, there was a strange noise outside the room, afraid that she would run away on the spot in fright—that's it, who would dare to try it a second time.

When Xu Tuoran heard her description, he had the urge to try it. It's a pity that Su Sui'er even threw away the emergency phone while running away because she was worried that she would be targeted by "it". Xu vainly had no choice but to give up.

Xu Tuoran: "..."

She leaned on the sofa and pondered for a while, then suddenly said: "Confirm again, there are still living people in this domain, only capable people, right?"

"Judging from the description in the notebook, this is the case." Yang Buqi nodded, "What is written in that notebook is the truth."

At least from a young girl's point of view it's true.

"Okay." Xu Tuoran sat up straight, "Then I have a way to find someone. It may be a bit troublesome."

Facing Su Sui'er's surprised eyes, she slowly said: "First of all, the monster will not close the door, right? The content in the diary also confirms this. This means that when the monster crosses the room and However, if no one closes the door, then the rooms connected to that room will not change."


Yang Buqi raised his eyebrows slightly, and for some reason, an ominous premonition floated in his heart.

Xu Tuoran ignored him, and continued on his own: "So, we can make such a hypothesis - if we have a monster, tie a rope to it, let it go out of this room. As long as there is no interference in the middle , then other people can follow the rope tied to it and find our location in reverse."

"..." Su Sui'er took the trouble to understand, and said suspiciously, "It sounds feasible...but first, you need a monster."

Second, you have to have a long enough rope.

This sounds difficult to achieve!

Su Sui'er retorted solemnly, who would have thought that Xu Tuoran took off the messenger bag that he had been carrying all the time just as he finished speaking.

The bag contained several items wrapped in silver colored paper. Su Sui'er had also noticed this before, but she didn't care much about it. Seeing that Xu Tuoran started to remove the packaging manually, she couldn't help but have question marks in her head.

Xu Tuoran was very fast, and quickly took out two things - one was a rag doll with long hair, and the other was a blood-stained Polaroid.

Su Sui'er: "...???"

"This Polaroid, every time a photo is taken, a female ghost can be produced."

Xu Tuoran picked up the camera solemnly, and his tone was as sincere as if he was making a sale, "And Yang Buqi once said. This Polaroid itself is not high-level, and the female ghosts it produces are weaker. For those with abilities, It should be very easy to deal with. If you are eaten halfway, you won't feel bad."

Polaroid: ...

After Xu Tuoran finished speaking, he picked up the long-haired doll next to him: "And this doll—although it may look ordinary, it actually has a unique advantage. Its hair can grow infinitely."

Su Sui'er: ...

No, I didn't find it mediocre. The level of this thing is obviously higher than mine, okay?

Su Sui'er was instinctively nervous because of the doll's appearance, and on the other side, Xu Tuoran took out the business card that came out of Yang Buqi's room in a serious manner:

"As for this, it can be used to write some reminders, so that people who can see it can do things. Isn't there a torch symbol on it? It's also more convincing. As for what to write with, this... um..."

First, those quirky red pens must be ruled out. The problem is, besides this, they don't have any other suitable writing tools at hand, so they can't write **** books on such small and slippery business cards...

Xu Turan thought for a moment, then suddenly got up and walked to the side of the room, opened the door and looked.

I saw the "poison" that Yang Buqi had smeared on the doorknob before, but now it was still shining bright green, very conspicuous.

Xu Turan: ...

She was silent for a moment, then turned to look at Yang Buqi: "Well, Mr. Yang..."

She used honorifics.

She actually used honorifics.

Yang Buqi's heart hung in an instant.

"I remember you said that this poison is only effective for monsters, right?" Xu Tuoran said thoughtfully, then turned his head and smiled at him.

Coupled with the naturally exquisite facial features, the smile is pretty good.

Yang Buqi: …

At this moment, he suddenly understood the mood of those supernatural objects.

ten minutes later.

In another room.

With both hands, An Nai forcefully twisted the neck of the man in front of him. The man rolled his eyes and fell to the ground. The long blood vessels on his chest slapped the ground like an elephant trunk, and began to shrink and dry up little by little.

An Nai panted, closed her eyes, and bowed to the other party with her palms folded. Turn around and walk quickly to the next room—the next door is also ajar. This made his heart skip a beat.

Another monster... Could it be that there are no living people in this place?

He cautiously pushed open the door and found that there was no one inside, Fang Chang was relieved.

He couldn't remember how long he had been separated from his companions. Every time the door is opened, it is accompanied by great shock or loss. In the endless cycle of rooms, it seems that I am the only one left to keep turning around, hopes are constantly being frustrated, exhaustion and secret fear grow like vines.

He knew that there was no need to eat in this space, but when he saw the beer on the table, he opened it and took a sip. Halfway through drinking, I suddenly heard a click from the door behind me—

The doorknob turns.

Something is opening the door.

Is it human? Or a monster?

An Nai's heart sank, she put down the beer immediately, and quietly hid at the door against the wall, holding her breath and concentrating.

The door was pushed open, and a figure crawled in.

That's right, it's crawling—An Nai looked at the twisted limbs, full of disappointment welling up again.

Not human.

However, he soon realized something was wrong.

The monsters in this place have a uniform format. It looks not much different from a living person, except that there will be one or two extra blood vessels on the body - I have never seen this kind of model crawling on the wet ground.

And this one seems to be weak...

An Nai frowned slightly, and with the idea of ​​further observation, she moved a little closer.

…and then he froze.

Because of the angle, he could clearly see that there seemed to be something attached to the female ghost's hair... a thread? It hangs down its dirty hair, dragging a long trail behind it.

This is not the point.

The point is, there are still a few pieces of paper hanging on the thread.

Scraps of paper trailed on the floor, each separated by a small distance, like bunting that people hang up at a festival. There are a few words written on each piece of paper, shiny green. An Nai's eyesight is not very good. After squinting for a while to recognize, the expression became more subtle.

I saw the words on those pieces of paper, connected together, it happened to be one sentence.

[Please go along this line to meet up. 】

[The living do not lie to the living! 】

An Nai: ...

ha? ? ?