MTL - When a Fanfic Protagonist Transmigrated into the Original Novel-Chapter 62

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Long Sun Zijun and Yi Xichen rested for one night, and they got up early in the morning the next day, and told the innkeeper about the murder of Mo Xiu Mo Lingbo last night.

Mo Lingbo's house was fiddled with by Mo Lingbo last night, Yue Xiaorou's attack, and grandson Sun Zijun's assassination of the devil, which was very messy. The innkeeper of the inn glanced at the door of the room, and suddenly his head became big.

Yi Xichen apologized: "Sorry ..."

The shopkeeper waved his hands and sighed: "It's strange that I felt the magic faintly scattered last night ... except that the magic guardian should have been, what are you sorry about. I'll clean it up."

The treasurer entered the room and packed it up. Yi Xichen and his grandson Sun Zijun are about to leave, but they listen to the shopkeeper: "Well? This is ..."

The two turned back, but saw the shopkeeper pick up an ice flower from the ground. The weather in this winter and spring town is already cold, so it's normal for Binglinghua to stay overnight.

Yi Xichen said, "What's wrong?"

The shopkeeper said: "This is the ice flower in the northern ice and snow valley. Has the magic repair ever been to the ice and snow valley?"

They were busy and went into the room again. Yi Xichen asked, "Why do you say that?"

The shopkeeper showed them the ice-cream flower: "Look, this ice-cream flower is a seven-pointed flower. Only the ice tree in the ice-snow valley in the north will bear such a seven-pointed ice-flower. The snow in our town, There is no such ice flower. "

Grandson Sun Jun said: "In truth?"

The shopkeeper laughed: "Why should I lie to you? The Ice Demon tribe in Frozen Valley is very fierce and does not welcome outsiders, so monks rarely go there, and I do n’t know what the demon repair goes to."

Long Sun Zijun and Yi Xichen looked at each other. If this Bingling flower was really brought from Bingxue Valley, it may not have been Mo Lingbo, but it is also likely that the younger Xiaorou has been and fell from her when it struck yesterday.

Yi Xichen said: "Ice demon? Don't welcome outsiders?"

"Yes." The shopkeeper sighed and chatted with them while packing up the mess in the house. "Actually this wasn't the case. The Ice Demon have lived in the Ice and Snow Valley for two or three hundred years, and there are a lot of ice properties. Xiancai, many monks went there before, and they did not infringe on each other with the Ice Demon tribe.

He lifted up the chair that had been knocked down: "About ten years ago? The Ice Demon clan suddenly disappeared. Everyone thought that they had offended someone, and they were destroyed. In recent years, the ice demon clan has been in ice and snow again. The valley appeared and became very cruel, excluding foreigners, so there are fewer people in that ice and snow valley.

Yi Xichen groaned, "There is such a thing ..."

With a smile, he said, "Thank you shopkeeper, we still have something, so let's go first."

"Hey, go."

When they left the inn, Yi Xichen said, "Go to the ice and snow valley."

Grandson Sun Zijun also meant this: "Let's go."

The Bingling flower is likely to be left by Xiaorou, even though Mo Lingbo has been to the Ice and Snow Valley, but he has been with them the day before, and his body should really be stained with Bingling flower. At the moment, they didn't have any clue to find Yue Xiaorou. They had to go to the place where she had been and hit their luck. Maybe they could find something.

Out of Dongchun Town, all the way to the north, the snow on the ground is getting thicker and thicker, and there is no white people or monsters. From a distance, there are peaks standing on both sides, and the terrain in the ice and snow valley is flat with occasional raised hills.

It wasn't snowing at this time, but there were many tall ice trees growing on the valley. From time to time, the ice flowers fell down, just like a small snow scene everywhere, very beautiful.

Yi Xichen stepped forward, reached out to catch an ice-cream flower, and took a closer look: "It really is a seven-corner."

The snow here was very soft, and when I stepped on it, the snow spread to my knees. Because the snow was too thick, in order not to miss any useful clues, the two did not have a royal sword and slowly moved forward in the vast valley. Walking and walking, they also felt strange in their hearts, didn't they say that the Ice Demon tribe here hated foreign invaders, but why didn't a demon see it now?

Suddenly, Yi Xichen's feet were empty, and his body fell down: "Ouch!"

The grandson Sun Zijun grabbed him quickly with his busy eyes.

Yi Xichen retracted his feet, and used a technique to blow away the snow in the place where he was standing, and found that there was a small hole under the snow, which was just large enough to sink. There was nothing at the bottom of the cave.

Yi Xichen muttered, "Why is there such a hole here."

The two continued to move forward, and grandson Sun Zijun stepped out and realized that he had not stepped on the ground, and withdrew his feet. He blew away the snow, and sure enough, there was a small hole like that trapped underneath.

The two exchanged a look. A hole may also be a coincidence. Both holes appeared on their way, so they were just the right size. It seemed weird under the snow.

They stopped and looked closely at the white snow.

Soon, they noticed the snow trembling slightly ahead. They hadn't noticed just now, because the wind and their footsteps could shake the soft snow.

Yi Xichen put his hand into the bag, squeezed a few spirit stones in his hand, was about to set up a small array to force the guy under the snow to show up, and suddenly heard a sound above.

They were standing under an ice tree, and the thick snow cover on the ice tree suddenly fell towards them like a small snow mountain!

Seeing that they were about to be restrained, long grandson Zi Jun grabbed Yi Xichen's waist and jumped up, flying out from under the ice tree. Just listening to the bang, the snow cover smashed to the ground, raising the sky with snowflakes!

A snow-white demon hawk flew from the ice tree and flew away. Apparently, the snow cover that just dropped suddenly is his masterpiece.

Yi Xichen couldn't laugh or cry: "The ice monsters ... are really naughty."

Making holes in the ground and smashing the snow cover, these small means will not hurt them, but a means to expel them.

They also didn't care about the fleeing eagle, Yi Xichen threw a few spirit stones towards the slightly trembling snow and meditated on the spell. I saw that tremor gradually moved north, but reached the boundary of the spirit stone, it stopped, as if hitting a wall. After a while, it turned to the south again and hit the wall again. Then it started to panic, and snow tremors became more and more obvious.

Yi Xichen looked with great interest, but was not in a hurry to catch the troubled little guy out.

I saw the little tremor getting stronger and faster, bumping left and right, obviously it was getting more and more panic. Finally, with a soft "snack", a small snow ball popped out of the snow!

Yi Xichen and his grandson Zijun took a closer look. What popped up was a snow dumpling, but a white little demon rabbit! The ice monsters are all white hairs, and their anger is not very strong. They are hidden in the snow, which is really difficult to find.

The demon rabbit emerged from the snow, and when she saw Yi Xichen and her grandson Zijun, she was panicked and turned to run. It was trapped by Yi Xichen in the formation, and he couldn't get out of the boundary of the spirit stone, so he had to dig down into the snow again.

Where did the grandson Sun Zijun allow it to escape, he jumped up, grabbed his two ears, and lifted it up.

The little demon rabbit's ears were choked and he was desperately kicking his legs. However, his four legs were short and round, and he couldn't touch the long grandson.

Yi Xichen stepped forward with a smile: "Rabbit, why do you dig a pit and let us step on it?"

The little devil rabbit kicked his legs for a long time and found that he couldn't get rid of it. He closed his eyes and started to play dead.

"Well, then another question." Yi Xichen said, "Have you ever seen a beautiful sister who has an ice-blue sword."

The little devil rabbit opened his eyes violently, his **** eyes filled with panic, and began to struggle again.

Long Sun Zijun frowned slightly: Obviously, this demon rabbit has seen Yue Xiaorou, and I am afraid that it has not only been seen.

Suddenly, the demon eagle that flew away flew back again, and dived down towards Yi Xichen and his long grandson Zijun!

The demon hawk came fiercely, and his claws scratched at the grandson Zi Jun and grabbed the ear of rabbit! Yi Xichen quickly grabbed the soft hair of the demon rabbit, and soon the grandson Junsong let go.

The demon eagle swooped away, and the demon rabbit regained its freedom, and immediately went into the snowdrift and disappeared. The demon rabbit ran away, and the demon eagle circled for a while, knowing that it was not their opponent, and flew away again.

Yi Xichen nodded to his grandson, and Lingxi said, "I put a listening bug on it." The little demon rabbit obviously knew Yue Xiaorou, but somehow was hostile to them and refused Say the trail of Yue Xiaorou. Yi Xichen came up with such a method, and when the monster was put off his guard, he might know something.

Grandson Sun Jun said: "Leave first, come again later."

They then flew towards the ice and snow valley.

Leaving the ice and snow valley, Yi Xichen opened his senses and began to listen to the movement of the worm. However, for a long time, I could only hear the whispering sound of the demon rabbit shuttled in the snow. Gradually, nothing sounded.

They continue to wait patiently.

I don't know how long, Yi Xichen suddenly heard the footsteps of people walking. Walking in the snow will not make footsteps, it seems that the little demon rabbit has come to a place where there is no snow.

Then he heard a tender and cheerful voice called: "Sister Xiaorou!"

Immediately, the softer the voice: "Tuan Tuan."

Yi Xichen immediately came to the spirit and grabbed the kendo: "The more Xiaorou comes, go!"

The hearing bug was raised by him and connected with his consciousness. He could not only hear the sound around the hearing bug, but also detect the whereabouts of the hearing bug. The two immediately imperial sword and flew towards the ice and snow valley! 2k novel reading network