MTL - Who Taught You How To Control Animals Like This?-Chapter 80 Photosynthesis, changes in Laosha!

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 Chapter 80 Photosynthesis, changes in Laosha!

 The sun rises in the east.

 The dazzling fiery red sun always bursts out with eternal light and warmth.

 In addition to being a star of fire, it is also the source of countless lives.

 All things revive, and everything awakens new vitality with the awakening of the sun.

 The dewdrops in the morning were quickly dried, and people living in the city began their busy day.

Su Ping is no exception.

 Although when he got up, relatively speaking, he was already feeling like he was in the morning.

With eye mucus still hanging from the corner of his eyes, Su Ping yawned and did not wash his face in a hurry. He had already arrived at the training ground belonging to Lao Sha outside the jungle.

 This is what he must read first every day.

Only after watching it can you feel confident about the training situation of the Timberwolves.

 However, this morning, when Su Ping looked at it, the remaining drowsiness immediately disappeared.

With his eyes widened, he ran straight into the tempered glass fence and ran beside Lao Sha, regardless of the fact that he was still wearing pajamas and slippers.

 Just because Lao Sha at this moment has new changes and differences from the previous time.

 This change and difference has never appeared even in Sun Chaoju’s records of Wolf of Ten Thousand Trees.

Lao Sha himself was still the same as before. Even after noticing Su Ping's arrival, he moved his eyes, showing a hint of excitement.

It just seemed to maintain that very special breathing frequency and didn't make a sound.

 Obviously, Lao Sha currently has absolutely no risk of his thinking becoming rigid or wooden.

Even Su Ping could tell that as Lao Sha's special breathing frequency emitted, every hair on his body seemed to be breathing, carrying out a very special 'breathing'.

Every hair is constantly stretching out.

This kind of feeling should not appear in a pet with an animal body. Most of it should be in a plant body.

 Because, this ability is called photosynthesis.

 Through sunlight, it absorbs light energy, synthesizes carbon dioxide and water into organic matter, and converts it into oxygen...

  It is the most basic energy conversion step in nature.

Su Ping can accept this. In this magical world of beast control, animal pets can master this ability. Although he does not understand it, he can also accept this setting.

 However, Laosha does not have any problems in itself, but the surrounding problems are huge.

 On this lawn, everything around Lao Sha turned into a withered yellow.

Is this the Heart of Wood forcibly absorbing the life energy of the surrounding plants?

 Lao Sha forcibly activated the effect of using the Heart of Wood? !


Su Ping absolutely believes in Lao Sha's ability to execute his orders!

 This is the trust between family members after so many years of getting along like family members.

So what is the reason for this?

 Will the Heart of Wood really cause some changes and differences in the evolution of Wolf of Ten Thousand Woods?

Su Ping frowned deeply because he didn't know whether this change was good or bad.

 In the final analysis, his cultivation knowledge reserve is too shallow.

However, Su Ping quickly glanced at Lao Sha in front of him with his true eyes:

  【Timberwolf (wild)】

  【Current Level: Commander Level 2】    【Racial Potential: Elite 10th Level】

  【Skills: Sunlight Absorption (Perfect), Tree and Vine Strangulation (Mastery), Self-Healing (Proficiency), Accelerated Growth (Mastery), Wolf King (Beginner), Heart of Wood (Proficient), Photosynthesis (Beginner)】

Sure enough, Lao Sha has already understood photosynthesis, a skill that can only appear on plants.

However, at this moment, Su Ping's eyes were not entirely on photosynthesis, but on another skill that had unexpectedly changed:

 Heart of Wood (skilled)!

That’s right, Lao Sha’s Heart of Wood actually broke through the level again?

  Reached proficiency level.

Perhaps this in itself is really nothing.

 The reason is very simple. Lao Sha was the first to obtain the Heart of Wood skill.

Moreover, if you have the ability to connect and share, the skill level will increase quickly, which should be a natural effect and ability!

After all, let alone Lao Sha, Mu Mu has been here for half a month, and his Heart of Wood has also been improved. His own Xiao Qing has also reached the proficiency level of Poison Wood Heart.

Even in the past few days, there have been a few people with good qualifications who have made the corresponding improvements to Mu Zhixin.

 But, that’s not how it works!

 The reason is very simple. Laosha has not been connected and shared for a long time.

In other words, his wooden heart was purely improved by himself!

How can this be? !

Su Ping is very clear about the difficulty of improving the Heart of Wood.

 Such passive abilities are still acquired abilities. If the level improvement could be completed so easily, then Lao Sha would not have barely broken through the upper limit of the race for more than 40 years, and had not even been able to evolve.

 Then, it is only possible that it appeared at this stage of evolution.

Su Ping didn't even think about it, and without even bothering to say hello to Lao Sha, he came to the direction of the video recorder and played it at eight times speed to find out what happened that night.

This video started when I left last night.

During this night, Lao Sha seemed to be used to this kind of life. He no longer felt as uncomfortable as he did in the first two days. Instead, he integrated himself into the so-called plant state from the inside out, like a lazy person. As a cold-blooded animal, there is no need to be unwilling to move.

 So the changes this night are no different.

As expected, when the sun slowly rose in the sky and the sunlight poured down, Lao Sha continued to use the sunlight as usual.

 However, in fact, after just a few days, Lao Sha has reached a critical value in the second stage of Wolf of Ten Thousand Trees.

As the sunlight continued to absorb, the light on Lao Sha's body became even more intense. Under the light, finally, a different kind of breathing frequency appeared on Lao Sha's body. With every breath, Lao Sha's body became more radiant. The sunlight above the body seemed to be completely integrated with Lao Sha.

 Then, Su Ping's eyes suddenly narrowed.

 Looking at the picture of the high-definition camera:

 Under the concentrated sunlight, after the special breathing frequency started, it seemed that the flowers and plants on the surrounding grass were also affected by it.

  Wisps of faint green light spots seem to be following the dazzling sunlight,

 In Su Ping's eyes, he slowly merged into Lao Sha's body.

Subsequently, a little bit of greenery spread out, and Lao Sha seemed to be suddenly covered by a green blanket.

Together with the sunshine, it went into an extremely strange state.

 It lasted for about three minutes, and then this state slowly disappeared.

The scene like what Su Ping just saw was formed.

 (End of this chapter)