MTL - Why Did You Summon Me?-v2 Chapter 512 .Lines of defense that instantly collapse

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This night, the soldiers and civilians of the Alpine City witnessed a magic miracle comparable to the curse, and the demons who mingled in the city to kill and kill themselves experienced the power of a super artifact. .

All kinds of magic sprayed from the super huge hammerhead shark puppet snow white belly, from the common ones such as fireball flaming ice arrows and ice cones, to the light spears and dark arrows, which are relatively rare, or acid venom, which are relatively unpopular , And the inexplicable white slime. In short, these magics, with no control and no guidance, still have an extremely high hit rate that is difficult to explain with common sense. End their perverted killing.

The Hammerhead Shark Puppet is a commonplace from the beginning, used to coax the little girl to be happy, to accompany the little girl to sleep, to an ordinary self-defense prop, the body of the Voidwalker's suggestion, and finally it has become so human The weapon of terror and trembling has even become a proxy for some goods in this chapter, it has really experienced a lot

The reason why today ’s Hammerhead Shark Puppet can become like this is because Bai Yi has more free time and ca n’t enjoy the love of male and female lovers without sleeping. He likes to toss or toss in captivity when he is idle. The beautiful girls and the beautiful girls are sleeping, they can only toss the Hammerhead Shark Puppet. Considering the continuous increase of Miya's strength, the enemies they face will become more and more powerful. The Hammerhead Shark Puppet will be tossed by him. Getting worse.

Today, Bai Yi himself is about to forget how much precious materials are filled in the white belly of this stuff, how many magical spells are cured, and how many unknown gain effects are attached, similar to the automatic annihilation tonight. Something like that is probably just part of it? Anyway, as long as the sacrifice comes out, it must be a bit of blood and rain, and it is a bit of the style of the gourd flying knife in the **** list.

After the hammerhead shark puppet wiped out all the demons in the city, and then glanced at the siege of the demons in the distance with the dead fish eyes of the sluggish muna, it seemed that it was not the category that should be wiped out, and then changed back to the puppet. Laughing, quickly returned to Xiao Miya's hands.

"Yuyu is awesome!" Miya hugged herself with the hammerhead shark puppet, and couldn't help but admire it, and stunned with a soft face, this big killer that had just created a horrific killing.

Lulu kept staring at this scene, seemingly aware that the crisis had resolved, and feared that it would suddenly come up, sitting on the ground with a butt, crying whine.

"Scared ~" Mia rushed over, grabbed her friend's shoulders from behind, and comforted softly: "It's okay, it's okay, the enemy is gone, it's safe, don't cry, don't be afraid I will protect you"

Then, in order to comfort the crying friend, she took the initiative to put the hammerhead shark puppet in Lulu's arms, walked in front of her, rubbing her cheek, said softly: "There are still many people Need my help, will you wait for me here? It will protect you. If it is with you, you wo n’t be afraid, right? Be stronger and be brave. "

"Woo" Lulu didn't respond, just hugged the hammerhead shark puppet tightly, and buried his face in its furry body.

In this scene, there is always a feeling of acquaintance?

For a moment, Lulu settled, and Mia hurried to help others. The previous bombardment of the one-eyed troll and the invasion of demons made the city mourn and scream everywhere. She must help her to help more More talents.

Just as Mia started walking around, far beyond the command tower, the legion leader Lawrence and the captain Fern were still in shock, looking pale, as if they had experienced something terrible. The demons invaded in a big way. When the form was very severe, they were able to remain calm and relaxed, and seemed to be at ease, but at this time it was like the rest of the life after the disaster.

"What was that thing just now?" The chief of the legion asked in a low voice.

"I don't know why I have never seen such a terrible existence. Why is there such a powerful existence in this world?" The captain replied in a low voice. The magnificent scene of the hammerhead shark before him gave him extreme Strong sensory impact, long unforgettable.

"That seems like a hammerhead shark?" A staff member responded slightly better than the two of them, reminding him tentatively.

"Hammerhead shark? Is it some kind of fish in the sea?" The head of the legion asked doubtfully. "Or some terrible monster?"

"I don't know, but it seems to be on our side. Some soldiers reported in the past that the demons in the city had been solved by the magic of that thing, and we now have no worries." The staff member continued.

"I almost forgot that the battle is not over yet." The commander finally recovered, patted his face hard, and asked, "How is the condition of the city walls?"

"The situation is great! The demons are also deterred by the sudden presence of terror. They are rapidly retreating. Do you want to chase them?" A relative told the reporter quickly.

The head of the legion was hesitant and didn't answer immediately, but he hadn't waited for his consideration. A horrifying horror wave suddenly passed from outside the city, making everyone on the scene look at it. They knew that the enemy's main lord was out. !!

With a thorn ring on one end and wings on his back, he looks like a human but has no facial features. The demon slowly walked out of the abyss fissure. It exudes a charming and evil purple light all over his body, which looks like Homosexual.

When the surrounding demons saw it, they all kneeled around it, and it looked at the sky where the hammerhead shark puppet appeared before using the face with no facial features but just purple light, and considered it a little, As he dropped the stab ring in his hand, he whispered in a devil's voice, "The Seven Tolls are ringing for me!"

Then, I saw the purple light that gave up the gas disappeared from it, and its entire body began to expand rapidly, becoming larger and stronger, and the black mist was flowing out from all over the body, like It is the essence of evil and darkness condensed into reality, and the black wings behind it are also unfolding high, as if they can cover the sky.

"What is this?" A sharp-eyed soldier on the city wall noticed the eye-catching demon, and just asked, but saw that guy's hand waved randomly in the air, and after a moment, he felt the heart Cool, looking down, a dead gray spear has pierced his chest from behind.

Not only this unfortunate soldier, a dark shadow suddenly appeared behind every soldier on the city wall. They had the same clothes and the same appearance as the soldiers, and they looked like reflections of people. They launched the attack in a manner familiar to soldiers.

There are thousands of soldiers on the city wall, and there are thousands of reflections. The scenes that have been controlled suddenly become chaotic. Although these attacks are not very strong, they are like invisible fog. It was impossible to be wounded by the weapon, which undoubtedly brought great psychological fear to the soldiers. The unstoppable panic erupted instantly, and the defense line became dangerous at once.

"Calm! These things are just your own shadow!" Shouted a mage flying in the sky, seeming to stabilize the military heart, but as soon as his voice fell, he saw a ball of thick, gray gray He flew towards himself, even though he had tried hard to avoid it, and had taken protective measures in advance, but after being hit by this sphere that symbolized paleness and death, he was dropped without resistance and fell under the city wall. , Fell into a pool of meat.

After successfully killing a mage, the demon waved his demon claw again. It split into three in an instant. Each one looked evil and powerful like its own body. It was quickly swaying the dead gray sphere. The mage blasted into the sky, and the demons on the ground also reorganized the messy formation under its command, and rushed towards the city wall again.

At this time, the ordinary soldier was completely caught in the panic caused by the reflection, and the defense line was flawlessly guarded; the own master who was going to use to deal with the enemy's ace was suppressed by the demon with his own power and could not lift his head. In the minutes, several mages were knocked down, apparently no longer capable of fighting, and the demons had a high morale, whispering various groans, and rushing towards the city walls.

"What the **** is this devil? Why can one person defeat my carefully arranged defense line?"

"What about Doton? Where is Doton? What about the assistance he asked for before?"

The two top commanders in the command room issued a mournful sorrow at the same time. There seems to be no suspense in the outcome of this battle? Unless the huge hammerhead shark suddenly shot again.

However, the hammerhead shark did not appear, but a more terrible thing appeared in front of the demon army. A mage armor that looks quite novel in style, and seems to want to block the demon army by its own power?

Since the appearance of the Lord of the Abyss, Dotton, who has been eagerly awaiting, soon found this lonely figure who was going to fight the demon army alone, and suddenly shouted with excitement: "Look at that! It is the Prophet!"

After all, it was a bit of a madness and shouted, "God bless Roser! The honor belongs to my emperor! Victory belongs to us!"

In addition, some wizards who were forced to land on the wall under the abyss of the abyss lord also noticed this inexplicable purchase. What is the prophet? Country stick? What happened to the Dotten Centurion? Are you insane?

While they feel wrong, they also feel a bit ridiculous. In the face of the tide-like demons, aren't you praying with your arms and shaking trees?