MTL - Wife is Not Divorced-Chapter 40 (two)

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Think about what you will do.

Before she can find a solution and be 100% sane and control her actions, she needs to temporarily keep a certain distance from Chu Chisi.

The car stopped in the game town soon after.

Because there were many people in the place to be, Tang Li put on heavy makeup again, this time wearing a black wig and a pair of thick black glasses frames, which blended into the crowd very naturally.

The game city was very lively. Tang Li swayed left and right, and bought a lot of sparkling cards at the Bao X Meng counter. A string of zeros on the bill shocked the system.

The system was dumbfounded: "What kind of thing did you buy? How many flash cards are so expensive?"

Tang Li swiped the card with peace of mind: "It's my wife's money anyway, not my own money."


You make sense, don't you?

Then, Tang Li carried the bag, wandered to the place of the game console, and randomly picked a game of Resident Evil and Zombies.

She is tall and slender, Machine Gun is on her shoulders, her ponytail is fluttering, her long eyelashes are slightly shattered, she is sassy and handsome, and she is full of momentum.

It attracted a bunch of onlookers.

The children babbled: "This is the most difficult game. Sister, you have to prepare more coins to continue your life."

"I guess she can only beat the second level. The witch in the third level is too strong. Many big brothers died under her hands."

"The tanks in the fourth level are even more terrifying! Sister, you have to prepare your hands. Grenades. Grenades are fine."

Tang Li smiled calmly: "It's okay."

She adjusted the scope, her body arched slightly, the corners of her smiling eyes narrowed slightly, and her eyes were fixed on the flashing electronic screen.

"Bang bang bang-!"

The zombie tide is coming, and the momentum is surging. Tang Li's movements were steady and steadfast, and his aim was excellent.

In the end, she relied on a coin (one life) to last to the end, seized the flaws, and died the final boss of power consumption.

The little boy cheered loudly around Tang Li: "Cool! Hit it! Invincible!" "Sister is so strong!" "Sister is amazing!"

Tang Li brushed her long hair and sighed, "It's too simple, there's no challenge."

The little brats cheered even louder.

The system couldn't help but complain: "You are so skilled at aiming, how many games have you played? Can you focus on the task?"

game? Not quite.

Tang Li's attitude was sloppy, and she said lazily, "My lovely wife doesn't pay much attention to me. If she doesn't give her a hug, she doesn't give her a kiss, she doesn't give anything like that, so I have to play games in loneliness."

The system complained: "If you can put half of the attention you spend on the game on the target of the strategy, I can sit back and relax and retire directly."

Tang Li smiled and said nothing.

Electronic fireworks sprinkled down one after another, and player "No. 63" representing Tang Li successfully climbed to the top of the leaderboard, putting the second-place "Pie" down with a 30,000-point advantage.

【Congratulations on your successful clearance! 】

Tang Li took the exchange coupon and was about to go to the front desk to exchange the prize. Who knew that two adults would get in at some point among the children watching.

"I'm going! You scumbag!"

Pai Pai looked excited, so he almost rushed up and grabbed Tang Li by the collar and shouted, "How dare you beat the record I've worked so hard to beat, and you beat me by 30,000 points!"

Tang Li's attention wasn't on her at all.

Because not far behind Pai Pai, stood a very familiar figure.

The man lowered his head, his long hair fell softly on his shoulders, his complexion was even more fair, and his cheeks were small.

She looked at a bunch of noisy children, she didn't seem to like the noisy environment, her long eyelashes were frowning, and her knuckles unconsciously rubbed the corners of her clothes.

"... Chi Si?"

Tang Li was stunned: "Why are you here?"

Chu Chisi glanced at Pai, his voice was cold, and his words were concise: "I want to come here."

Pai Pai: "...?"

Pai Pai turned his head silently, his expression full of incredulity, he stared at Chu Chisi with wide eyes, and silently made a mouth shape:

‘Sister Chi Si, didn’t you want to go to the game city yourself and asked me to come and lead the way? ’

The author says:

Regarding what a certain system thinks, "breaking sweet words into countless petals and sending them to countless beautiful girls":

Tang Li angrily said that this was a false accusation, and that her sweet words were only given to her wife.