MTL - Wife, You Can’t Run After Eating-Chapter 145 Be responsible for

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"Murong Chong, what are you looking at?" Feng Yanyao approached him and asked with a smile.

莲花 "Lotus!" Murong Chong's mouth flickered with a faint smirk, and it disappeared in a flash, then he stopped looking at the beautiful scenery in the lake and did not hit her. This makes Feng Yanyao very depressed.

So Feng Yiyao muttered in a low voice, "What's so beautiful about lotus!"

"What are you talking about?" A man from Minghuang Jinjin walked in the distance, who is not Prince Xuanyuan Haochen, who is it?

"Brother of the Prince." Feng Yanyao shouted with a smile, and said, in order to catch the beautiful man, he shouted that he would not lose a piece of meat anyway, so she shouted sweetly.

Why is it so difficult for Murong Chong to get it? It's tiring to talk to him.

"Cousin, why are you with this 潋 滟 Princess?" Xuanyuan Haochen said in his heart, would it be possible for this boy to know about men and women?

Just Feng Feng Yao shouldn't be his choice!

"Cousin, let's go, today I will take you to Lichun Academy to see and experience!" Xuanyuan Haochen did not hide from the wind, and said to Murong Chong when she did not see her.

Ji Lichun Academy? Where is that Why does she listen to the name like a blue building?

"Where is Li Chun Yuan?" Murong Chong asked, looking at Prince Xuanyuan Hao Chen, a lip-like smile on her lips made Feng Yanyao jealous. She is a beauty, why is he Not attentive?

"Cousin, Li Chun Yuan is a man's Xiao Soul Nest. Poor you are studying in Kunlun Mountain, and you have lost your interest in the world. Now, I just have time, so I will take you to see it." Prince Xuanyuan Hao Chen evil charm He smiled, and said, cousin was too pure.

"Brother Prince, is it okay for Yaoer to meet you?" Feng Yanyao was excited when she heard it. It was not good for her to go to the green house several times before.

"You? No!" Prince Xuanyuan Hao Chen shook his head and refused.

"Why can't I?" Feng Yanyao asked, and promised them to go, could she not go? Cut, what logic?

"You are a woman, what do you say you can do?" Xuanyuan Haochen looked around Feng Jiyao and sighed. This is the first time he has heard a woman actively want to go to that blue house!

"I naturally want to go and see as much as your cousin Murong Chong, just to see and see." Feng Yanyao laughed as he said, without feeling ashamed.

When she finished talking, that Xuanyuan Haochen was shocked when she heard the words, her eyebrows were raised, and she said, "In that kind of place, women can't go!"

"No way? Why can you two go? Believe it or not, I'll tell--" Feng Yanyao was furious, and suddenly a sly light struck under her eyes, she said slowly.

"Okay, just take you with me, huh!" Xuanyuan Haochen stared angrily at Feng Yanyao, annoyed, she dare to use his father to oppress him?

Wu Murong rushed at their lips and swords. When you came to me, he didn't say a word, and his sight always fell on the green lotus leaves.

"Cousin, let's go." Xuanyuan Haochen had already walked out with Feng Yanyao five steps, but Murong Chong did not have any response yet, so Xuanyuan Haochen frowned and shouted.

Wu Murong nodded, but he wondered, how could Princess Wu also go with him?

I just did not expect that Feng Yaoyao, they did not go directly to Lichunyuan, but first went to the East Palace Prince.

"What do you do when you look at me like this?" Xuanyuan Haochen glanced at Feng Yaoya and asked strangely.

"Isn't it about going to Lichunyuan? How did you take us to your princely residence?" Feng Yanyao slipped her lips and asked dissatisfied.

How could this person, Wu Xuanyuan Haochen, not talk?

"You are really stupid enough to open the Lichun Courtyard at night? Is this the main hall to visit during the day?" Xuanyuan Haochen glanced at her coldly, humming, and grinning.

"What? At night? Well, I'll leave first, you two can just go!" Feng Yanyao thought of Dad Feng's serious discipline and immediately shook his head and refused.

Yes, she forgot it, the ancient green house is equivalent to a modern night club! Of course you can go at night!

Just, if she wants to go, she can go as a man next time. If she really can't make it, she will worry about him.

"I ... don't go anymore, I go to sleep in my room." Murong Chong heard that he would go at night, and he didn't want to go, so he smiled and refused.

"Cousin, you don't have a family room. At night, I will go to Lichun Hospital with my cousin and relax. You are comfortable keeping your whole body, especially the new girl Huaguilanxin, who is talented and beautiful, Maung Saixian ... ... "Prince Xuanyuan Hao said intoxicated.

Xiao Feng Yao Yao sneered at this. He could not imagine that a prince of a country even liked Liulian bush. He was really saved.

"I'm not going, leave." Murong Chong refused it outright, but Xuanyuan Haochen did not retain too much, but he fixed his sight on Feng Yanyao.

"Princess 潋 滟, you are very beautiful today." Xuanyuan Haochen said this sentence suddenly without a reason, which made Feng 芷 yao mistaken. What does this girl mean by saying this?

"Well, thank you for elder brother praise." Feng Yanyao did not understand why he said so, but she was still very polite and polite.

"Yaoer, if you really marry that hemp-faced beggar, you are like a flower in the cow dung." Then Xuanyuan Haochen shook her head and regretted it.

"If I like it, it's cow dung, and I'm willing." Feng Yan Yaoyun smiled lightly and retorted.

Those who don't want to talk are inadvertent, the listeners are intentional. After Murong rushed to hear Feng Yanyao's words, he cast a curious glance at Feng Yanyao.

"Really? Cow dung? Are you willing?" Obviously, Xuanyuan Haochen did not understand her words.

She Fengyao smiled and nodded, "Prince, I'm leaving, I'll talk to you more when I have time."

"Princess 潋 滟, can I send you a ride down?" Murong rushed to see her leaving, and opened up and proposed, this proposal made Feng 芷 Yao stunned, he took her initiative?

Okay, now that the beautiful man speaks, can she not give her a chance?

"That's good." Feng Yan Yao smiled and nodded.

Xun then the two left the Prince's House in Donggong Palace one after the other. Behind them was Xuanyuan Haochen's thoughtful look.

怎么 "Why, your sweetheart has left, you are not keeping your soul?" Such a sweet and mean voice comes from the voice of Princess Gu Xiner.

"Xin Er, where do you want to go, my heart has always been on your body." Xuan Yuan Haochen heard the words, Jun Mei slightly raised, but smiled on his face, and reached out to embrace Gu Xiner.

"Really? Then why did you seem a little nostalgic when Princess 潋 滟 left?" Gu Xin'er smiled coldly, but she observed carefully.

"Princess Xi is the first beauty of Nanzhao. As a man, just admire it. Xiner, don't be angry. Xiner, don't guess. My heart is full of you now, but other people can't hold it. "Xuanyuan Haochen embraced her, her thin lips gently biting Gu Xiner's jade earlobe, and warming her breath, she let Gu Xiner's blushed white pigeon feather tremble, and said, His Royal Highness Crown Prince is really a veteran in love. She was almost deceived by his sweet words.

"You remember, Gu Xiner has always been the fate of Wang Fu, you must eat the bowl and look at the pot." Gu Xiner cursed at him.

"Yes, Xiner, you let me go west, I will never go east!" Xuanyuan Haochen lowered her eyes, concealing a thick disgust at the bottom of her eyes, and couldn't help thinking of her tenderness towards herself, Xiaoyiyi The human wind is linlin.

I seem to have no love with Feng Linglin for three days. Gu Xiner's training, on the contrary, made him miss Feng Linglin's tenderness and beauty, as well as her wonderful boudoir.

"What are you thinking? But thinking of another woman?" Gu Xiner leaned forward to Xuanyuan Haochen, asked suspiciously, and there was a shadow over his eyes.

"No ... who else can I miss besides thinking of you?" Xuanyuan Haochen said as he hugged Gu Xin'er, his big hand slightly moved and took a red soft cigarette from her waist. belt.

"His Royal Highness ... Hate ... um ..." Gu Xin'er's body is very sensitive, and with the help of his big hand, she feels that she will be uncomfortable and die now.

"You should say like, Xiner ..." Xuanyuan Haochen held back the disgust in her heart, hugged her horizontally, and ran to the bright pool of Chenming Hall.

"His Royal Highness ... Where is someone taking a bath in the daytime?" Gu Xin'er was a little embarrassed by the surrounding eyes. Although she enjoyed being held so tightly by Xuanyuan Haochen, she was still blushing and shy.

"Yeah, doesn't Xiner like me to spoil you in Damingchi?" Xuanyuan Haochen smiled coldly and scolded the women in the table. If it was not for the sake of forbearance, he would not bother to deal with her poisonous scorpion. Woman.

"Prince ..." The soft voice whispered Xuanyuan Haochen's impetuous fire.

"So, Xin'er is willing to 喽. Haha ..." Xuanyuan Haochen laughed.

"Prince ... um ..." Gu Xin'er looked down slightly, his voice soft and loud, with a tenderness.

Soon, the rough voice of men and the frying of women's cakes rang in Damingchi. The sound was clear. The crowd of people who heard the nose spray of nosebleeds, blushing and blushing, the scene was spectacular.

Uh ...

Let's say after Feng Yaoyao and Murong Chong walked out of the Prince's House of the East Palace together.

"Murongchong, I'll go back in a carriage? What about you?" Feng Yanyao saw that he was not riding the horse when she was rescued yesterday, so she asked.

"Walk." Murong Chong said, but instead of looking at Feng Yaoyao, he looked at Feng Yaoyao's carriage.

"Walk? Oh, where are you going? Or I'll let my coachman take you for a ride." Feng Yanyao asked him.

"No need." After finishing speaking, Murong Chong shook his sleeve gently, and then moved away gracefully.

Feng Feng Yao Yao looked at his back and said angrily, "Weirdo!"

Then Feng Yaoya got into the carriage unhappyly.

"Princess, aren't you happy?" Wan Sanzi asked with concern when he saw Feng Yanyao frowning.

"Yeah." How could that Murong Chong be so difficult? Feng Yanyao answered Wan Sanzi's question and answered.

"Princess, are you going back to Xiangfu now? Or somewhere else?" Wan Sanzi asked.

"Go and see the boy I saved. I will change the medicine for him by the way. After passing through the pharmacy, buy some gold sore medicine, maybe he will use it later." Feng Yiyao thought about the ink-stained injury, so Told Wan Sanzi said.

"OK, please rest assured the princess!" Wan Sanzi nodded.

On the way halfway, Wan Sanzi stopped to buy gold sores, while Feng Yanyao lazily leaned on the wall of the car and looked at a book sideways.

"Princess, I bought it." Wan Sanzi put the gold sore medicine in Feng Yaoyao's car, and he turned to catch the car.

She waited until the inn dyed white inn was set up. Feng Yaoyao ordered Wan Sanzi to wait for her at the alley, and she went to that small inn to see the ink dyed white.

Unexpectedly, she called the door for a long time, and Mo Ranbai wore a white coat before opening the door.

"Brother Dianbai, what did you do in the house that you did not see? Why did you come to open the door so late?" Feng Yanyao teased with a smile.

No one expected that the ink was blushing.

Strange, so weird! Ink dyed white will even blush when you open the door? Is there a beauty girl hidden inside? that? How can that be? Someone came first? hate!

"Brother Dianbai, I have been here for so long, don't you invite me to sit in?" Feng Yan Yaodong looked at him behind him a few times, and said, "Why is there no one?" How good is the ink-dyeing white hiding that woman?

"Ah ... no ... just say it here." Ink dyed white still blushed and shook his head.

"Dirty white brother, is it possible that you have a beautiful lady hidden inside?" Feng Yanyao laughed with her mouth covered.

"Yao Yao, don't talk nonsense!" Ink dyed white frowning, and could not help yelling at her.

Only when he yelled at her, Feng Yanyao went into the house at a glance, really looked around, but did not find Mei Jiao Niang.

"Oh, no beauty girl?" Feng Yanya murmured softly.

"What do you think?" In addition to the faint tone of interrogation, Inner dyed white hummed for the first time, showing that he was really angry.

"Brother Dirty White, don't be angry, I didn't mean it! Who made you mysterious and secretive without telling me, I will guess randomly, haha ​​..." Feng Yanyao laughed twice , Xindao said, curiosity would kill a cat, she is now stunned by his cold eyes and don't know how many times.

"Have you seen enough?" Ink dyed white don't go over and not look at her.

No one expected the wind. Yao Yao turned around and stopped on his bed.

"Ah? I know why you're blushing?" Feng Yanya smiled lowly at him, but drew the ink and laughed white.

"Why blush?" Asked the ink-dyed white parrot.

"Did you ask me? But I didn't ask it!" After that, Feng Yan Yao thief smiled slowly, his smile ambiguous.

"You——" Ink stained white is not good words, this is not, it was sly wind Fengyao to get around.

"Brother Dianbai, what is this?" Feng Yanyao pointed at his messy bed sheet, and there was still a trace of wet marks on it.

"This ..." Ink-stained white's face became even more red, and his words were incoherent, then he lowered his head and did not dare to look at the bright smiling face of the woman in front of him.

"What's this?" Feng Yanyao settled down on his bed and asked, pointing to the mark on the stall.

"Yao Yao ..." Ink dyed white draped over the moon white jersey and wanted to go out, but was stopped by Feng Yanyao and hugged him.

"Brother Dyeing, this is actually normal! Adult men will do the same in the morning. You just have a larger amount. Of course, there is a lot of this disease. I can help you cure it!" Feng Yanyao thought The opportunity to throw him came, and smiled at him with a smile on his eyebrows.

"Really can heal me?" Mo Ran turned and broke free, then his eyes stared at her cheeky face, but he still didn't believe it.

"Of course, you have to believe me. Do you want the Mongolian doctors to look at these hidden diseases for you?" Feng Yanya sighed softly, then watched his eyes reveal a little pity and did Looks like a decent, but it coaxed the ink dyed white to an eighth letter.

"This ... Is this a hidden disease?" Mo Ranbai didn't believe it, but he really couldn't find a doctor or a sacred doctor, so he asked suspiciously.

"Well, a little bit anyway! I don't know if you want me to treat it? Brother Dye White, I know, we are different between men and women. If you care, I won't help you. I will change it for you now. The medicine on my arm, I just leave this small inn! "Feng Yanyao looked down at his shoe upper and said softly, his tone was as sorry as he was just now, and he looked very sorry.

"Yan Yao, wouldn't you lie to me? How can a girl's family treat the hidden diseases for me?" Although he didn't want to admit it was a hidden disease, he was very uncomfortable in the morning, even thinking about that day. She gave Su Muyan a pill in Yuhu Tower. In her sleep last night, he even imagined that the woman lying under him was Feng Yanyao. When he woke up, his body was wet. one slice.

I happened to knock on the door at this moment, which didn't make her realize his embarrassment.

"If you believe me, I can help you treat it. Brother Dye White, unless you don't want to be treated by me!" Feng Yanyao looked up at him, smiling brightly.

"This ... can you really treat this problem?" Mo Ranbai was skeptical, so he asked for confirmation again.

当然 "Of course, did I lie to you?" Feng Yanyao gave him a pure smile, but this smile made Mo Dangbai feel that Feng Yanyao's motive was impure.

"It's possible!" Ink dyed white sword eyebrows slightly raised. He was very skeptical, especially skeptical, but suffered no evidence.

"Really? Brother Danbai, you are a villain!" Feng Yanyao gave him a white look, said.

"What?" When will he get dyed white with the villain?

"Someone measures the abdomen of a gentleman with the heart of a villain!" Feng Yanyao insinuated him.

"Yao Yao, then ... then what herb do you use to treat me?" Mo Dangbai didn't believe she would heal.

"I ... I naturally have my prescription, um ... yes ... only my prescription can make you out of the man who returned to normal! Anyway, you are all right, I can definitely cure your problem "Feng Yanyao said that his face was not red and gasped.

But because of this, Mo Ranbai began to believe her, but there was still some doubt.

"Brother Dye White, come here." Feng Yanyao elegantly chopped a few strands of blue silk on her forehead, and then slowly seated, she said with a smile.

"Yao Yao, what did you call me?" Ink dyed Bai's intuition that the girl was very strange, but he still walked involuntarily and kept a distance of three inches from her.

"Brother Dianbai, come on, sit down together, I will treat you well." Feng Yanyao stretched out his pink and white hand, and was still amused when he saw him.

She simply took the initiative to hold his big hand, then let his big hand wrap her little hand, and sat down next to each other.

"Yao Yao, you ... don't stay so close." He hurriedly let go of her hand.

"It's not very close." Feng Yiyao muttered quietly, and he must keep up the secret road. How beautiful the ink-dyed beautiful man is, just because his arm is injured, can she use him better?

It is so beautiful! He has fresh and intoxicating beauty all over him! After thinking about it that way, those men warned her of throwing her out of the clouds.

She Feng Yao Yao looked up at her charming and charming little face, "Brother Dirty, what about your other hand?"

给 "Here? What do you want my hands to do?" Mo Ranbai saw her scorchingly wanting to swallow his expression again, but she didn't dislike it, and she was mostly afraid.

"Natural is the first step to help you start treatment!" Feng Yanyao said in a serious way, saying that the serious look really made Mo dyed white a little bit of trust.

She Fengyao's tender feeling pretended to massage the back of his palms and hands, and then pressed him on the couch with a smile.

"Yao Yao, you ... what are you doing?" Ink dyed white definitely has a reason to ask.

第 一次 The first time he encountered such a strange woman, she even sat above him without shame.

"Click on your acupuncture point, and swallow it alive!" Feng Yanyao laughed evil.

"Ah? You?" Ink dyed white was unfortunate, and was really ordered by Feng Yiyao. Feng Yanyao laughed. In the past, she was ordered to be acupunctured by a beautiful man. Today, she turned over to be the master, and she also ordered a beautiful acupuncture to make him unable to move!

"Brother Dianbai, don't look at me like that, I'm here to help you treat, really." Seeing him unable to speak, he knew that this was the point where he had clicked, and could not move or speak.

She ink-dyed white looked at her doubtfully, but saw that she had taken off her clothes, of course, ink-dyed white was also naked.

墨 When Ink dyed white saw her naked, his handsome face quickly turned red, and then he saw his clothes stripped naked, and his heart was frightened. This woman really is so sturdy, should she be strong? He actually ordered his acupoint.

Ink dyed white is funny, is his acupuncture point so good? He wanted to see what else she could do?

That ’s why Feng Yanyao did n’t see any angry eyes in the ink-dyed white eyes, but it was a little more interesting and inquiring.

When he saw Feng Yanyao's hand maliciously stabbing him there, he couldn't calm down anymore. This woman was too shameless. He took the initiative to give Su Muyan a potion, and now he actively points his acupuncture points. Overlord bows hard!

I did n’t expect that I was very hopeful, or even a little looking forward to it. No, the charming woman in front of her is Su Muyan ’s woman. How can he win the love of others? After thinking about it, Ink dyed white immediately broke through Feng Yanyao and gave him something. Acupoint, raised her hand and slapped her.

"Shameless woman!" Ink dyed Bai Yang gave her a slap, angrily reprimanded, and he quickly picked up his clothes and put them on, yelling in his mouth.

"Yes, I am shameless, am I not treating you? NN's, kindly treat as donkey liver and lungs!" Feng Yan Yao died of anger, and his martial arts turned out to be so high, but he is also blamed for his poor academic skills. If you ca n’t eat it once, you can eat it next time. She is the most perfect and unbeatable Xiaoqiang!

"Are you treating this? The nakedness is dangling in front of my eyes! I changed a man and have already raped you! Fortunately, I am upright, and the so-called friend's wife cannot be deceived. You are my friend Su Muyan's fiancee, I How can you do that kind of thing with you! Look at your flowery jade, such a sign, it is so shabby to seduce a fiance's friend, it is so shameless! "Ink dyed white never knew that he was so Can you say good words for the first time without saying a pause?

Reliance, just say she shamelessly! Even said the second time! Too bullying!

"Ink dyed white, don't be shameless on the left, shameless on the right, who do you think you are? Do you think you are Liu Xiahui? Are you sitting in confusion? Who are you lying to? I just dialed you there, You're already awesome! What other face do you have to say this to me? You're boring! You're the most shameless bad male silver! "Feng Yan Yao died for the first time There is no way to fall, and he thought of it!

"Get out! Get out of here for me!" Ink dyed white was angered by her scolding, especially with a suspicious blush on Jun's face, reminding him of the limited-level picture that reminded him of his mind, and he really felt that he too A bit shameless trend.

"Get off? If you want to get off, you get off! This inn was still the place where I let my driver pay for the silver before I stayed! So go off, naturally you get off!" Feng Yanya sneered while dressing slowly A few channels.

"You only paid for one day. This is the next day. The silver on the second day is paid by myself. It is natural that you roll it! Please—" Ink dyed white pointed the direction outside the door, and also specially for her. Opened the door.

I just didn't expect the lightning flashes and thunder suddenly outside, I was afraid it was going to rain. Ink dyed white thought, if it was normal, he wouldn't drive her away. It is because this girl is not simple in thinking. She always wanted to knock him down. If she stays behind, she wo n’t be allowed. Already.

So even if the lightning flashes outside, he will drive her away!

"Ink dyed white, do you have sympathy for this man? The lightning flashes outside, and you drive me away now, aren't you afraid that I will be hacked to death by lightning?" Feng Yanyao looked up at the cloudy sky and suddenly faced Gloomy and terrible.

"It's okay to die, get out!" Ink dyed Bai Yang pointed his finger outside the door. Most of you don't get out now, I will throw you out!

"You-Mo-Dye-White-I like you so much that you treat me like this, you white-eyed wolf! Huh!" Feng Yan Yao was so angry that he wanted to wave his pink fist to his Jun Face, but she still held back, she was **** soft to the beautiful boy, mainly because he just saw his good body, so good size, she couldn't bear to fight!

Hey, why is she so painful! So unlucky! He couldn't even beat the beautiful man, and now he is being forced away by the beautiful man.

"That's fine, as you wish!" Feng Yan Yaojiao said angrily, tears filled with tears in her eyes, she put on her skirt and slowly went downstairs, slowly her The back disappeared into the dense rain curtain.

I looked at her so pitiful back, so that the ink-stained white heart did not know why it was a bit distressed.

After the lightning flashes and thunder, it is pouring rain!

The rain fell, and the rain became heavier!

Of course, the ink-stained white heart slowly swelled into a piece.

"Here, she doesn't have an umbrella! Isn't she going to catch the cold when you go back?" Although she was wrong, she was so good as his friend Su Muyan's fiancee. In any case, he should take care of her, even in this weather. Drive her away, is he a little cruel?

After thinking about this, Mo dyed white quickly asked the owner of the small inn to borrow an umbrella, and rushed out in a hurry, naturally toward the direction Feng Fengyao had just gone out.

“芷 瑶 ——”

“芷 瑶 ——”

“芷 瑶 ——”

Ran Mo dyed white looking at the empty alley with no one in her heart, and her worry was even worse. Where could she go in such an urgent rain? Could it be taken away by the bad guys?

Let's say that Feng Yaoyao got into the carriage after hearing the voice of Mo Ranbai calling her, and immediately instructed the driver Wan Wanzi to leave first. She jumped out of the carriage directly, curled up in the corner of the wall, and implemented a bitter scheme of making beautiful men.

"Yaoyao! Yaoyao! Yaoyao-where are you?" Mo Ranbai shouted his voice dumb. When he looked back inadvertently, he saw the woman in a wet suit curled up in the corner of the alley, his reason was in He collapsed in a moment, and suddenly his heart was painful, and of course he regretted it. How could he be so pedantic, just to stay a little longer? Why did he drive her away so cruelly!

In fact, he can let her rest in his compartment, and then he can go to the shopkeeper's request for a room, how can he treat a weak girl like this?

"Yao Yao, Yao Yao, are you awake?" Ink dyed Bai Fengyao Feng Yanyao, his forehead rested on her forehead, damn, her forehead was so hot.

Feng Yanyao scolded herself for the sake of being realistic. It was really raining. This time, it ’s okay. Last time, the original sequelae of Feng Yanyao's rain was all given this time. This body was weak. It seems that she was frustrated enough this time!

She just felt that she was getting more and more groggy, her mouth was dry and she wanted to drink water.

"Water ... water ... water ..." Feng Yanyao shouted staggeredly.

Ran Mo dyed white holding her in one hand and holding an umbrella in the other, flying quickly in the rain curtain and heading towards the small inn.

"Mr. Mo, what's wrong with your wife? Is she ill, and her face looks so pale!" The shopkeeper looked up at Feng Yiyao and said with concern.

"Troublemaker, give me a bucket of hot water! I'm going to help my ... Eh ... Madam she bathe." Ink dyed white was afraid of the shopkeeper's suspicion, and followed his words.

"Hello, this is no problem! Xiaoer, help the Mo Zi to send a bucket of hot water for bathing." The shopkeeper smiled and told Xiaoer.

Ran Mo dyed Bai wanted to call the doctor to take a look, but remembered that he was now being searched by the Royal Forest Army, and it was not easy to cause trouble, so he stopped thinking of asking the doctor.

小 When Xiao Er came in carrying hot water, Mo Ranbai ordered him to get a bowl of **** soup from the kitchen.

"Yao Yao, wake up! Yao Yao, wake up! Can you still bathe by yourself?" Ink dyed white raised her hand and touched her forehead, still very hot, and then blushed and touched her whole body, It is also very hot, the temperature is high, and it is time to have a fever.

"Yao Yao, I ... I'll bathe with your eyes closed now. If you don't agree, you can shake your head, or hum it." Ink dyed white felt that her head was big, but this was the first time for a woman speak.

I heard the knock of Xiao Er just outside the door, "Mr. Mo, this is the **** soup you want."

"Little brother, she is my fiancee. I am not very convenient to take a bath with her. You have a wife here. I can pay her money and let her help bathe my fiancee." He dyed white and hesitated. P2 explains the situation.

"Ma'am? There was originally, but that Ma'am has nothing in the family today, so our little inn is now all big men. By the way, since she is your fiancee, you give her a bath, which is justified Ah, you will always marry her anyway! "Xiao Er shook his head and said, then remembered that the woman in the room was his fiancee, so he proposed quickly.

"This? Um, trouble." Mo Ran sighed, and his fiancée said, he was hesitant. If she was really his fiancee, would he be so hesitant?

After waiting for the second child to leave, Mo Ranbai hurriedly yelled a few more winds and yao Yao, but she did not have any movement, but she was still unconscious.

Ran Mo dyed white was very blameful in his heart, because he had no conscience, the victim of the rain infected the wind, and now it is still burning.

He then closed his eyes and thought for a while. Now that he had seen her body, according to the custom, he should treat her. When Su Muyan returned, he would go to the door and plead guilty to him.

He is a man of the highest standing and bright, since he looked at her and her little hand touched him, although he was angry, but he was wrong about this, he should have been long before she took off her clothes Stop it, but it was his curiosity that he allowed her to continue to produce such consequences.

Ink dyed white opened his eyes again, a resolute flash of light under his eyes, and a sense of responsibility resembled in his heart!

After Dian Mo dyed white and drank **** soup a little, aimed at Feng Yanyao's red lips, and slowly crossed it to Feng Yanyao's mouth.

After Xun Yao fed Feng Jiyao like this, he closed his eyes and took off Feng Jiyao's wet clothes.

Later, when he thought about it, he decided to treat her, even if he closed his eyes and did nothing?

He then opened his eyes and placed her in a red bath barrel surrounded by water vapor. The water was rippling, revealing that Fengyao Yao was white and tender, enchantingly good, and he saw his blood flow.

Those YY infinitely restricted pictures filled his mind once again, and Junyi's face carved by Ruyu was stained with crimson again, no, no, he couldn't watch it again, and he couldn't help it , Especially remembering how she seduced him just now.

No, I can't think about it anymore, so he closed his eyes again, and according to the texture of her skin, her body was bathed in moonlight silk cloth ...

I washed for about half an hour, and finally carried her out of the red tub.

Fine sweat beads on the forehead stained in white, and the water from her wet hair dripped on his clothes dripping quickly through the body with a slight heat, and the intense heat screamed in his body, he had to admit This is an absolutely hot goblin!

Xu Xu was bathed, and Feng Yaoya had a pink layer all over her body. At this moment, the rain outside had become lighter, and Lili was falling.

Wu Mo dyed white and looked at the unconscious wind Feng Yao Yao sighed. He reached out and probed her forehead again. Oops, it was still very hot.

So he called the second child and asked him to get cold water. He wanted to help Feng Yiyao to cool his forehead.

Xu Xu had the effect of cooling the cold water. Feng Yanyao opened his eyes slightly, but his body was soft and weak. It seems that he should really say, "Illness comes like a mountain, and sickness like a shred!"

This time, she lost money! The beautiful man did not eat, but he made himself sick!

"Yao Yao, are you awake?" Mo Ranbai asked, with a few hints of concern mixed in his tone of salt, which shocked Feng Yanyao, when was he so good to her?

"Um." Feng Yanyao moved, still felt weak, turned over, looked at the drizzling rain outside the window, a slight hum, she was still a little angry with him.

"Yao Yao, wait a minute, I'll ask Xiao Er to buy a suit for you." Ink dyed white frowned and looked at her gorgeous clothes hanging on the screen, apologizing.

"What's wrong with my clothes?" Feng Yanyao was surprised, and suddenly realized that he was lying naked on the bed, wrapped in brocade. Did he treat her? Did you do anything bad to her?

Then why didn't she feel the soreness after having any kindness? Strange, why is he **** himself?

"I just took off your clothes just to help you take a bath, so that you don't get cold wind!" Ink dyed white slowly got up and paced back and forth twice before tangling to Feng Yanyao.

"What? You undressed me? You ... you are as you said, you shameless!" Feng Yanyao immediately gave him back the words he had scolded her for shamelessly.

What kind of friends do people really make! At first Su Muyan also scolded her for being shameless. In the end, she was not obediently taken down by her beautiful lady, but she was willingly taken down by her!

"Yan Yao, I ... I am shameless, so I decided when I took off your clothes before, I looked at your body ... I ... I ... I ... I will treat you!" Bai heard her say he was shameless, so he blushed and said incoherently. At this moment, he had the feeling of catching the ducks on the shelf. He never knew that his life-long event was given by his own confused words Come on!

She Fengyao listened to this, her eyes were so big, she wanted the messy birds in the wind, no, she thought she must be confused, and her ears heard it! He asked her to get out before. Is he crazy or is she caught by him?

-----—— Digression ——————————

Thank you Pro Shi Feiyi for the flowers and pro-purple butterfly Yier's monthly pass, Mody Mody O (n_n) O ~

Sorry, Xiaotao ’s son had a fever of 39 degrees last night. He hanged in the water late at night, and only came back in the early morning, so chapter 095 is later. Go to the message area to see Xiaotao's message! This afternoon, I will take him to hang the water. The painful baby will have a needle and a foot, and it hurts in my heart. Hey, no more, Xiao Tao went to sleep. After he recovers, he will still update in the early morning.