MTL - Wind Rises in Dragon City-v2 Chapter 1391 A long time, own inheritance

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At 10:30 at night, at the Dragon City Frontline Command.

Several military vehicles parked in the compound of the command headquarters. Tan Mingchao opened the door, hurriedly got out of the vehicle with the guards, and walked towards the war room.

Outside the gate of the building, an officer of the headquarters saw Tan Mingchao and immediately saluted him: "Commander Tan!"

Tan Mingchao nodded, and continued to walk in, while asking: "Does the headquarters know that Zhang Xunchen has rebelled?"

The officer immediately replied: "Yes, I already know."

Tan Mingchao continued to ask: "When will the headquarters decide to send people into the city? Su Tianbei's troops alone will definitely not be able to withstand the attack of the rebels."

Hearing this sentence, the officer couldn't help being silent for a while, and finally said in a low voice: "There was a quarrel inside because of this matter. General An and the commander-in-chief had a conflict of decision-making... Our commander-in-chief means to give up Dragon City."

Tan Mingchao was stunned for a moment, subconsciously stopped, and replied with a gloomy face: "Nonsense!"

The officer lowered his head, not daring to answer.

Five minutes later, Tan Mingchao passed through the combat command room and came to the meeting room inside.

At this moment, there was a silence in the room, Anzecheng was sitting alone at the conference table, frowning and thinking about something. Tan Hengqiang stood beside the sand table with his hands behind his back, and he didn't speak, the atmosphere was a bit depressed.

Tan Mingchao thought for a while, then turned to An Zecheng and said, "General An, my dad and I have a few words alone."

"Okay." Anzecheng stood up slowly, turned his head to look at Tan Hengqiang, and said meaningfully: "Since I supported Lao Mo's Guada area, I don't have many troops left, but I won't leave. Lao Mo Tan, war cannot be without purpose, but it can’t be too purposeful! Others shout slogans for sovereignty and independence. There may be absolute profit reasons, but... I always firmly believe that this is the reason why so many soldiers and I stay Here is the reason to fight **** battles!"

After saying this, An Zecheng turned and left the conference room.


The door of the meeting room was gently closed, and only the Tan family and his son were left in the room.

At the same time, China District, South Shanghai Stock Exchange.

Su Tianyu walked in the empty hall, looked at Qin Yu who was sitting on the steps under the portrait, paused for a moment, walked over, and called softly, "Commander-in-Chief."

Qin Yu slowly raised his head and glanced at Su Tianyu. After a long silence, he suddenly asked, "Is there any smoke?"

Su Tianyu was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help saying: "Commander-in-Chief, your body..."

Qin Yu waved his hand: "There are too many people controlling me now, so leave me alone."

Su Tianyu couldn't help but smiled wryly, walked over, took out a cigarette case from his pocket, handed one to the other party, and helped him light it.

Qin Yu took a puff of cigarette and patted the steps beside him at the same time: "Come, sit down."

Su Tianyu nodded, bent over and sat beside Qin Yu.

Immediately afterwards, the two fell silent, and there was only the sound of burning tobacco in the hall.

After being silent for a while, Qin Yu looked into the distance, took a puff of cigarette, and said to Su Tianyu in a soft voice: "At the beginning, before the unification of China, my leader, Commander Gu, passed away. There was also a problem with the internal integration. There are too many warlords and generals in the entire three districts, and the internal voices are also very mixed. In the northeast and south Shanghai, there are millions of troops headed by the Shen family. Outside, there is a steady stream of divisions and reinforcements. At this juncture, the Hua district Unification is difficult and difficult.”

Listening to Qin Yu recalling the past, Su Tianyu listened quietly by the side without making a sound.

Qin Yu took another puff of cigarette, his eyes became deeper, and he continued: "It was in this difficult situation that Gu Xi, the head of the family at the time, rebelled because he was dissatisfied with the internal integration. At the same time, my staunch ally ——Most people in the Chen family were also ready to respond. At that time, I felt that there was no hope for unification, and I might even defeat the North. I can't accept it, because I have reached that position, and it is impossible for me to be judged in the court of the enemy. This is an absolute insult to my life and those who support me. To be honest, at that time, I, He even considered committing suicide in defeat."

Qin Yu paused for a while, Su Tianyu looked at him, and said slowly: "I know this period of history, you still persevered in the end, and completed your ambition."

Qin Yu smiled, flicked the cigarette ash, and told Su Tianyu: "You **** wild hope, all you know is the history in words. It's hard to express my anxiety at that time. I can get out of this desperate situation, A few of them are critical. Two of them, right here—"

As he spoke, Qin Yu stretched out his hand and pointed to the two black and white photos hanging on the wall.

The two generals Chen Jun and Wu Tianyin smiled gently, as if they were responding to Qin Yu's words.

Qin Yu's voice trembled slightly, and he continued: "When everyone was about to move, it was Brother Jun who gave me support. Also, General Wu called me a lot almost every day, and he kept telling me one thing— We have fought all the way from having nothing to the present, and we can finally shoulder the responsibility of the nation on our shoulders. In fact, we are already winners, and we can’t ask for more.”

Su Tianyu looked at the photos of the two of them, as if he could feel the turbulent years, and was in a daze for a while.

Qin Yu paused for a moment, took another puff of cigarette, and then continued: "I thought about this sentence carefully at the time, and felt that what he said was quite right. I went from a poor boy who was killed in a planning area to all the way to In that position at that time, God was kind to me. That’s why I decided to fight to the death with the Gu family’s rebels in the north. I even ignored the opposition and used myself as a bait to change the situation of the war. It’s okay , I finally survived that time..."

Hearing these words, Su Tianyu didn't speak, but nodded slowly.

Qin Yu stretched out his hand, patted him on the shoulder heavily, and said softly: "Boy, sometimes in life, you just have to fight hard! If you don't bring it up, it's just a black and white portrait. But if you do, you have to It's come to the end."

Su Tianyu nodded again, and said solemnly: "I understand what you mean."

Qin Yu didn't say anything more, UU Reading sat on the steps and continued to smoke the little cigarette that was left.

At this moment, Su Tianyu knew that what Qin Yu said today was because he knew the huge disadvantage that Dragon City was currently facing, so he talked to him about his original predicament to cheer and encourage him. Although the old man didn't speak much, his sentences were powerful and resonant.

After a long time, Qin Yu spoke again, and said softly: "Little Yu, our nation has a kind of resilience. Even after decades of the Little Ice Age, we still haven't been able to bury our development, nor have we exterminated our race, not to mention Just a mere military government? Even if it takes ten years, Dragon City will still be Dragon City. There are tens of millions of overseas Chinese, and what will never change is that the same blood as ours flows in their veins. Don’t be afraid, and don’t have too much burden , just do what you want. Even if you fight for ten years and I die, there will still be people in Hua District who will continue to support you."

Su Tianyu's heart was heavy, and he couldn't help but reply: "Thank you, I know all about it."

Qin Yu stubbed out the cigarette butt, got up slowly, and walked out with his hands behind his back. Su Tianyu also hurriedly got up and followed behind him.

An old man and a young man walked to the center of the hall. Qin Yu stopped and turned his head slowly, his tall body slightly bent.

He looked back at the two black-and-white photos hanging on the wall, and whispered softly: "The old man is gradually withering, like leaves falling in the wind... I am old and can hardly wear armor. Fortunately, I also see this generation growing up." It's..."

Su Tianyu heard the words, and replied sonorously: "The battle armor will be worn by descendants!"