MTL - Wind Rises in Dragon City-v2 Chapter 1408 sharp knife camp

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Around twelve o'clock in the evening, the fringe area of ​​Xinlai.

Xing Yao took his own strengthened fourth battalion, and after a period of fighting, he had already dealt with the enemies stationed outside the red building.

But when they cleared the firepower outside and officially entered the vicinity of the red building, they encountered a very tenacious defense.

As soon as Xing Yao entered with the infantry company, he felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere here. The defensive positions in the entire building are very fixed, and it doesn't look like it was made temporarily.

Including the location of these defense areas, the way of reinforcement, and the bunkers built with military steel plates, they are very professional, obviously a defense area that has been carefully arranged long ago.

Several companies under Xing Yao's command are spontaneously organizing and attacking various defensive positions. However, the opponent's firepower is also very fierce, such as machine guns, grenades, and desperately greeted outside, pulling up a dense firepower net.

This style of combat is completely different from those warlord soldiers who used to take guns and bludgeon blindly. The overall combat vigor has been improved by more than one level!

At this time, in front of Xing Yao was the second platoon with the most aggressive fighting style in the entire battalion. They were rushing towards a stairway crazily.


At the defensive position, a black man grabbed a machine gun and let out a roar, sweeping a row of dense bullets downward, preventing the soldiers in the second row from moving forward.

"Sniper, shoot him down!"

The leader of the second row roared with a communicator and issued an order. The sniper squatting in the distance aimed at the opponent and pulled the trigger.



With a gunshot, the black man's head was shattered like a watermelon, and his body flew backwards!

But just as he fell down, another black soldier rushed up, set up his machine gun again, and started firing desperately towards the outside again.

At this time, Xing Yao was squatting outside the gate. Seeing this scene, he frowned. He felt that this group of enemy troops seemed to be taking stimulants.

"Xing Ying, Xiao Xing!"

At this moment, Lao Qianmao, the deputy head of the regiment, ran over with his automatic walking, squatted beside Xing Yao, and shouted at him: "Fucking horse, we seem to have stabbed in the wrong place! Look! The firepower equipment on the first floor and the second floor, as well as the equipment they use, this... doesn't look like a group of defeated troops!"

Xing Yao wiped the dust off his face, and cursed angrily, "I've seen something wrong a long time ago! I feel like we've bumped into something this time!"

"Da da da!"

A row of bullets shot over and hit the wall, splashing a row of dirt.

The two quickly lowered their heads, Lao Qian lay on the ground, covered his helmet and shouted: "Xiao Xing, what do you think? Are you still fighting?"

"Of course we want to fight!" Xing Yao squinted his bright eyes, and responded softly: "We regard them as a defeated army, and they regard us as an army that is going to attack the Red Building, so they bit us red-eyed! Both sides After ignoring the wrong fighting intention, they fought in a daze. However, the reason why they bite so hard and the defense here is so strong shows that this place is not simple!"

As he said that, Xing Yao pulled Lao Qian over, pointed at the main staircase on the first floor and shouted: "See, the defense here is the strongest! I have rushed in three or four times, but I have not been able to get in! Damn, those old black soldiers, it's like they've taken medicine."

Lao Qian followed his gaze and looked towards the main staircase.

A large steel plate bunker was erected there, and there was a machine gun at the top of the stairs, which was firing wildly towards the outside, and the barrel of the gun was already red. A large number of defenders leaned against the bunker, not retreating an inch, resisting the attacks of the second row again and again.

"RPG! Keep playing!"

He was beaten back several times, and the second platoon leader was already red-eyed, pointing at the firing point and yelling.

Two infantrymen stepped forward, holding the RPG, and fired two rocket shots with two bangs!


The missile exploded loudly, but it only bent the steel plate of the bunker a little, and the two defenders were also thrown out. But in the blink of an eye, more defenders filled the vacant positions, continued to unleash their firepower, and counterattacked towards the second row.

"Zoom far away, keep calling me!"

Just when the second platoon leader was about to carry out the second round of bombing, a dozen prisoners in different military uniforms rushed out of the main building.

These captives were strapped with C4 and were pointed at the back with a gun. The defenders spoke the local language, pushed them, and roared something.


Soon, these captives were all pale and covered in cold sweat, roaring and rushing down from upstairs!

"Quick, stop them, don't let them come over!" The second platoon leader's brows jumped wildly, and while shooting with his gun, he shouted at the surrounding soldiers.

"Da da da!"

A row of bullets shot past, and several prisoners fell into a pool of blood. But there were still two captives wailing in despair and rushing into the crowd.


Two violent explosions sounded, and three soldiers were affected by the explosion, fell to the ground, were seriously injured, and lay on the ground wailing. In order to cover a young soldier, the second platoon leader's body was torn apart by the explosion, scattered on the ground in a mess, and blood sprayed all over the place.

"Xiao Zhao!"

Seeing his old comrade-in-arms die in front of his eyes, Xing Yao's eyes turned red! He clenched his fists, controlled his surging anger, and glanced around.

Outside the red building, an armored vehicle emitting black smoke broke into his sight.

This armored vehicle should have been damaged before, the tracks were broken, and it was parked diagonally by the roadside, with several corpses lying on it.

Xing Yao raised his voice and roared: "Second row, stop charging and draw the enemy's fire for me! Engineers! Check the condition of this armored vehicle for me! Quick!"


Several engineers ran over quickly and tore off the body on the armored vehicle. Some soldiers got in, and some lay down on the ground for inspection.

Soon, the platoon leader of the engineering platoon trotted over, saluted Xing Yao and said, "The armored vehicle is intact as a whole, but the track is damaged, and it can be put into use after emergency repairs!"

"I'll give you five minutes to repair it!" Xing Yao quickly issued an order.


The entire engineering platoon quickly started to move. They moved quickly and pulled out the equipped maintenance tools directly under the armored vehicle.

Then, two engineers quickly put a jack under the car, and lifted the car body with a few bangs. The rest of the engineers grabbed the track, re-installed the pegs, and then took out the spare materials that came with the armored vehicle, re-welded the track, and repaired it.

These engineers were extremely fast, and the track of the armored vehicle was repaired in less than three minutes. Although there is no way to move for a long time, it is enough to enter the battle for a short time.

The engineer platoon leader ran back again, saluted Xing Yao, and shouted with a flushed face, "Report! The armored vehicle has been repaired!"

"Demolition platoon, put bombs on the walls on both sides of the gate!"

Xing Yao gave the order again.


A few soldiers stepped forward quickly, snapped a few times, and pasted two rows of bombs on both sides of the wall of the gate!

Xing Yao clenched his fists and shouted at the top of his voice, "Blast the gate open! Get on the roof of the armored vehicle, get stuck in the gate and attack me!"


"Boom, boom!"

As the detonator was pressed, violent explosions sounded one after another! Both sides of the gate were blasted open, revealing a huge gap!

Xing Yao pointed at the door and roared angrily: "Armored vehicle! Go inside! Hurry up!"


The entire armored vehicle was emitting black smoke, and with the roar of the motor, it rushed towards the direction of the red building!


Before the guarding soldiers in the building could react, the armored vehicle had already rushed into the stairs, headed straight down, and hit the bottom of the steps, making a loud noise!

"Da da da!"

"Dang Dang Dang!"

The guards woke up suddenly and pulled the trigger on the armored vehicle. The bullet landed on the thick armor, splashing golden sparks.


Lao Qian, who was hiding in the car, pushed open the top cover, grabbed the cannon mounted on it, with bloodshot eyes, and pulled the trigger at the defenders in front of him: "Fuck you horses!"

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The large-caliber artillery shells were fired out, whether it was guards or steel plates, they were all blown up like paper at this time.

The second platoon and other troops also rushed in with the armored vehicles and opened fire on the guards.

"CNM, I'll break it all up for you!"

With the anger of the old money, the machine gun tilted the ammunition crazily, and within ten seconds, all the steel plates were rotten, and even the wall behind was smashed. The ground was full of incomplete corpses, with blood and broken flesh everywhere.

"Surrender, we surrender!"

The remaining dozen or so defenders were completely frightened and stupid, crying and howling to surrender.

"Vote for your horse!"

But at this moment, when Lao Qian saw the **** corpses of his soldiers near the stairs, his eyes were already red, he grabbed the cannon, and continued to pull the trigger!

"Bang bang bang!"

Another row of ammunition swept over, and the bodies of those soldiers who surrendered were exploded one after another, leaving bright red blood on the stairs. Two people climbed upstairs with hands and feet, but they were killed by Xing Yao on the spot with automatic walking!

I don't know how long it Yao climbed up, patted Lao Qian hard, and shouted at him: "Old Qian, Lao Qian! Stop beating, everyone is dead!"


The bullet had also been emptied, Lao Qian's mouth was numb, he let go of the cannon, and he leaned weakly against the armored vehicle.

Xing Yao stretched out his hand and tore him off the armored vehicle.

At the same time, the troops of the reinforced fourth battalion began to approach this side, and at the same time quickly approached upstairs along the opened gap.

Soon, a door on the second floor was pushed open.

Inside the door, more than 20 people who were dressed luxuriously but looked very embarrassed were squatting on the ground, shivering.

One of the middle-aged men, still speaking blunt Chinese, kept begging: "Don't kill us, we surrender, surrender..."

When the investigation company commander saw these people, he recognized their identities at a glance, quickly picked up the communicator, and shouted at Xing Yao excitedly: "Report to the battalion commander! This is really a big fish!"