MTL - Wind Rises in Dragon City-v2 Chapter 1411 Negotiate in secret!

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Guarda area, the command post of the Second Army of the People's Min Army.

After receiving Xing Yao's self-recommendation, Su Tianyu and the others held a meeting overnight, and finally agreed to let him be in charge of contacting General Palu.

Xing Yao has a flexible mind and a strong ability to handle affairs, so it is very suitable for him to do this.

At around eight o'clock in the morning, everyone gathered in the conference room and began to discuss the strategic plans for the Guarda area and Dragon City. While discussing, Zhao Weihu answered the phone again, got up and walked to the side for a chat.

When he came back, Su Tianyu asked, "What's going on?"

"It's the news from the people from Santos." Zhao Weihu put down his phone and explained to everyone: "There is a company from the old Mo officer army, and we met with them on the front line. The other party agreed to meet, but there is a condition…"

Su Tianyu asked again: "What conditions?"

Zhao Weihu spread his hands: "The meaning over there is that their people can't come out to talk, and our people must go there. Maybe they are also afraid that we will play tricks, make a video, make a quarrel or something, let him and Morde Amon couldn't explain it, and finally had no way out."

It is not the first time for Su Tianyu to deal with this kind of person, and he has long thought of this possibility: "It seems that it is really appropriate to let Xing Yao go. This kid's current official rank is very low, and he can be found out if he checks it. I realized that if the other party sees him passing by, they will not think of kidnapping him. Otherwise, if we send a chief of staff or something, there is still a certain risk of being detained."

"Okay, call Xing Yao here." Zhao Weihu ordered.

"I'll inform him." Fei Pingsheng stood up and picked up the phone on the side table.

After more than ten minutes, Xing Yao, wearing a neat military uniform, stepped into the military tent and saluted everyone present: "Good morning, Commander!"

"Xiao Xing is here, come, sit down and talk." Zhao Weihu is pleasing to his eyes now, so he beckons him to come and sit down, and then talks about things with him.

After everything was finished, Su Tianyu took over the topic and specifically told Xing Yao: "When you meet Palu, there should not be too many people. At the same time, you can change into the military uniform on the opposite side and simply disguise it. When you arrive at the frontier battlefield in a while, someone will send you You go there. The mission is dangerous, can you accept it?"

"no problem!"

Xing Yao agreed without hesitation.

Su Tianyu nodded, but added solemnly: "I have no other requirements for you, remember, don't be greedy for merit, just play the deck of cards in your hand well, and that's enough."


Xing Yao got up immediately and responded concisely.

Su Tianyu also stood up, patted him on the shoulder and said, "During the negotiation, don't provoke him, and pay attention to your own safety."


After explaining everything, Xing Yao left the camp to make preparations.

After he left, Wang Dingyuan looked away, sighed and said: "I hope it will go well this time. The situation in the Guarda area is a bit tense at present. The rebel army attacked our defense line like crazy. Convergence, we have lost a lot of battle."

Su Tianyu frowned and replied: "No matter what method is used, I must drag it over today!"

Wang Dingyuan nodded and said: "Sure, we finally have the cards in our hands, and we will drag him to death!"

Everyone immediately began to discuss and formulate a battle plan for the Guarda area.

Around twelve noon, Guarda area.

In the front line area, the old Mexican army and the troops of the Western Conscription Corps continued to charge towards Mord Amon's troops.

Taking advantage of one of the charges, Xing Yao was secretly sent to the enemy's hinterland by a unit of the old Mo officer army while wearing the opponent's military uniform.

When they arrived here, General Palu's troops immediately picked them up, and at the same time pulled them into military vehicles, put on hoods, and sent them all the way to a certain military camp.

Because General Palu's family was arrested, this incident happened very suddenly, and the information was also controlled by Xing Yao, so the outside world is still unclear.

In this war, Palu played very roguely. He ordered his troops to extend backwards and "assist" Mod Amon's troops to deploy defenses, with the intention of reducing the battle losses of his troops.

But the intensity of the war was far beyond imagination. He was held in the mountains for two days, and his troops suffered heavy losses, so he couldn't escape.

The military vehicle was rickety, and it was unknown how far it had driven. Along the way, Xing Yao was also very honest and didn't say a word.

After more than twenty minutes, the military vehicle screeched to a stop.

"get off!"

Amid the urging of an opposing officer, Xing Yao was dragged out of the military vehicle and then pushed forward.


The headgear was taken off suddenly, Xing Yao squinted his eyes and found that he was staying in a military tent. Many enemy soldiers surrounded him, confiscated the communication equipment, and then began to inspect him.

The inspection was done very carefully, searching up and down, inside and out, and almost poked the detector into the large intestine for inspection.

After all this was done, Xing Yao was led and pushed into a tent at the back.

General Palu was already sitting inside, smoking a cigar, staring at him deeply.

"General Palu, hello. I am the representative of this negotiation, Xing Yao."

Xing Yao walked up to him very naturally and took the initiative to say hello.

Palu nodded and said lightly, "Sit down."

Xing Yao sat down, and the two looked at each other face to face. Palu was about forty years old, with a very burly figure and a pair of very energetic eyes, staring at Xing Yao closely, with a sense of oppression invisibly.

After a long silence, Palu smoked a cigar and said in a tone that could not be refused: "If you want to make a deal with me, you must first meet my conditions."

Xing Yao paused, and asked, "What conditions?"

Palu took a breath and said again: "You must first release some of my family members, including our two sons and two wives. I will give you a list."

Xing Yao looked at him: "General Palu, it is impossible for us to agree to this condition. To put it bluntly, this deck of cards is a bargaining chip for us to sit at the negotiating table. How can I hand it over?"

General Palu glanced at him, and said condescendingly: "I have investigated your identity, you are just a small battalion commander. With your level of thinking, you can't feel the pressure of my position. I Not only do we have an ally relationship with Morde Amon, but our interests are also tightly bound together. I have already rebelled against the government and the army once. If I betray Morde Amon again, I will commit suicide Road. If one day, Santos wants to liquidate me, not only my family members, but me, even my entire family, and the entire army will perish. The deal you proposed is an important factor for me to survive. decision. Therefore, you must agree to my request and let me see your sincerity."

Xing Yao frowned and did not speak.

General Palu raised his chin and continued: "Yes, you have caught my My children and my wives, I love them too. But, as a region For a leader, and a soldier, a wife can marry again. Children can be reborn! They are not the decisive factors that can control my life. I have inexhaustible wealth here, and I can rebuild a new one at any time. family."

Xing Yao pondered for a long time: "I agree to release some of the family members, but absolutely not this amount."

General Palu didn't mean to give in at all: "You are not qualified to negotiate terms with me. If you want to make a deal, you must first release some people."

Xing Yao felt that this person was very difficult to deal with, and when he was thinking about how to respond to delay, the tent door was suddenly pushed open, interrupting his train of thought.

A black officer stepped in, saluted General Palu, and hurriedly said: "Report! A staff member of the Mord Amon Staff Department and a regimental commander have requested to be interviewed, and they have already arrived at the door! "

Xing Yao was taken aback when he heard the words, not knowing what was going on.

General Palu was obviously flustered when he heard this, his face turned pale, and he immediately shouted to his subordinates: "Hide them immediately, quick!"