MTL - Wind Rises in Dragon City-v2 Chapter 1417 Betrayal, will eventually be betrayed!

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Mod Amon led the two most elite divisions under his command, with a total of nearly 20,000 people, and began to attack outwards.

There was no other way, Morde Amon knew that it was unrealistic to count on the rebels to break through at this time, because the other side had to consider what would happen to them once they broke in and their own side collapsed.

Therefore, Mod Amon could only break out of the encirclement on his own in the direction of Hualei Town and Sri Lanka. They carried out a total of four large-scale raids, but after losing a lot of troops, they still failed to fight out.

The western conscription regiment brought by Wang Dingyuan was originally composed of several mercenary regiments. Although these mercenary groups are not good at offensive warfare, as well as extremely tragic encounters and defensive warfare, they are very good at this kind of siege and interception, which is simply commonplace.

The entire Western Conscription Regiment dispersed, and at the ambush site set up along the way of Mord Amon's retreat, they beat the dogs in the water wildly to ensure that the openings in the defense zone could be closed tightly, making Mord Amon's escape extremely struggling and embarrassing.

Not only that, Zhao Weihu also set up the last line of defense at the outermost periphery of the defense zone. This line of defense can not only prevent Lao Mo's red hat army from entering, but also strangle the only way for Morde Amon to escape!

After a series of siege and interception, Mod Amon's troops suffered heavy losses. Finally, under pressure, they had no choice but to retreat to a nearby high mountain.

The battle lasted until after nine o'clock in the evening, and Mod Amon's troops had already established a preliminary and crude defense zone on the mountain.

Many soldiers were wounded and lying on the ground receiving medical treatment. The rest of the soldiers were also disheveled and embarrassed, lying in the defense zone, blocking waves of enemies coming up.

Morde Amon was hiding in a dark cave at this time, and beside him, the members of the entire headquarters were no longer complete. On the way to escape, some died in battle, some were scattered, and the rest were injured a lot. Everyone looked a little tired, and even a little panicked.

Mord Amon sat on a rock with cold sweat on his forehead. Hearing the sound of gunfire outside, he thought for a long time, and finally turned his head to look at the chief of staff sitting next to him, and said, "Tariel, obviously, we can no longer break through this defense zone. But it doesn't matter, we still have There are cards."

Chief of Staff Tariel also wiped the sweat off his face, with a puzzled look on his face, wondering what cards he had.

Mod Amon looked serious, and continued: "If the war in the Guarda area ends now, it will be a very wonderful thing for the Santos regime. Because they can carry out the war while the rebel forces are driving straight in. Shut up and annihilate them with all your strength, thus affecting the battle situation in the entire Laomo area. So, I want to make a phone call with him now!"

Tariel understood what he meant and nodded slowly.

Five minutes later, in the Guarda area, the People's Min Army commanded the front position.

Su Tianyu was waiting for the news of the siege. At this moment, he suddenly received a video call from Santos.

After the call was connected, in addition to Santos himself, some core generals of the old Mexican army, as well as Zhao Weihu, Wang Dingyuan, and Fei Pingsheng all participated in the video conference.

After everyone joined in, Santos took the lead and said: "I called this meeting with you urgently because I just received a call from Mord Amon. He surrendered, agreed to cooperate with us, and is willing to follow our command. They can even fight with us, actively lure the rebels to go deep, and then encircle them. What we have to do is just return the Xinlai area to them.”

Although Santos looked calm, it was not difficult to hear a trace of excitement in his voice.

Before Su Tianyu and the others could make a statement, one of Santos' staff officers followed up and said, "I think it is a rare opportunity for us to accept Mod Amon's surrender. The war in the Guarda area is over. , we can effectively control the loss of troops and complete the assembly of troops. If Morde Amon is willing to hand over his family as a bargaining chip and join forces with us to attack the rebel army that has entered Lao Mo's interior, we are very hopeful that we can directly eat Lose a large part of the enemy's main elite troops!"

In the video, some generals of the old Mexican army couldn't help but nod their heads.

"I disagree." Hearing this sentence, Su Tianyu finally opened his mouth to refute, and said succinctly: "My opinion is not to talk about peace! This is a war, not a child's game. Fight if you can, Surrender if you can't fight! What about playing? If you don't solve the hidden dangers, these warlords may stab you in the back forever! If you want to rule the army with an iron fist, you must strike hard, kill chickens to warn monkeys, and completely solve the symptoms of rebellion in the Laomo area ! Morde Amon is the best testing stone!"

Santos frowned, and couldn't help saying: "Mr. Su, if this is the case, we may miss the opportunity to launch a counterattack against the rebels!"

Su Tianyu looked at him and said: "Rebellion incidents happen again and again! The root cause is that your regime is too easy to compromise! The other party can't beat it, just say a few good words, and everything can be written off! There is no **** lesson, there is no absolute Obey! There is an old saying in Hua District, that is, you must first settle in if you look outside! I insist on not accepting the surrender of Mord Amon, and must make him pay a painful price for this rebellion! This hole must not be opened, because in the Laomo area , you still have more than a dozen warlords to recruit! Once you open the door, there will be endless troubles!"

Santos fell into silence. At this moment, both Zhao Weihu and Wang Dingyuan agreed with Su Tianyu's suggestion.

Santos thought for a while, and felt that what Su Tianyu said made sense. After exchanging opinions with the chief of staff beside him, he nodded and said, "Okay, then let's solve the problem as soon as possible!"

Everyone communicated briefly, then hung up the phone and started their own actions.

Ten minutes later, Su Tianyu took a military vehicle and came to the foot of the mountain where Mod Amon was hiding.

A large number of soldiers are preparing at the foot of the mountain, ready to launch the next round of storming.

Su Tianyu observed the situation on the mountain, thought for a while, then turned to the guard beside him and asked, "Is there anyone who can speak the local language? Let him come over!"

The guard nodded, took out the communicator and started shouting.

Two minutes later, a young man walked over, stood in front of Su Tianyu, and saluted him: "Report to the chief, I can speak local dialect!"

Su Tianyu immediately pointed at him and said, "Open the public channel and shout a word to the whole army..."

At the same time, Morde Amon was still hiding in the cave, wandering around, anxiously waiting for Santos' response.

At this moment, there was a sudden shout from the foot of the mountain: "Mod Amon, please die on your knees!!"

This sentence, shouted in local and Chinese, came from all directions, resounded on the mountain peak, and then echoed again.

Mod Amon blushed, feeling the unprecedented humiliation, and said viciously: "Since you don't accept my surrender, well, it's a big deal! Tell me all the troops, and charge me down the mountain at all costs! "

With that said, Morde Amon also stepped out of the cave.


At this moment, Tariel, the chief of staff behind him, turned his head and looked around, pulled out his pistol, cocked the bolt, and pointed it at his head.

Mod Amon suddenly turned his head and looked at the other party in astonishment: "Hey, what are you doing?"


Tauriel stepped forward and slapped him, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com slapped Morde Amon on the face, making his eyes stare.

Morde Amon covered his face, and the whole person was in a daze.

"Ever since I was a baby, my daddy has never been willing to beat me!" Tariel pointed at him and cursed, "You **** fool, it's all because of your greed that you brought us to a dead end!"

Mord Amon woke up immediately, and shouted angrily: "Catch him! Catch him!"

Seeing this scene, the other officers around were all expressionless and unmoved.

Tariel pointed at Mord Amon, and ordered to the people around him: "Tie him up, from now on, we will return to justice!"


Several officers stepped forward and pushed Morde Amon down.

Five minutes later, Morde Amon was **** by his own staff, sent down the mountain, and thrown in front of Su Tianyu.