MTL - Wind Rises in Dragon City-v2 Chapter 1448 Battle on Mount Tenjin

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Old Mo area, the base of the Red Riding Hood.

Sitting in the command room, Bahiacho turned pale when he heard what the chief of staff said to him. He felt stuffy in his heart, couldn't help stretching out his hand, tightly covering his aging heart, and kept recalling the recent actions of the old Mo coalition forces in his mind...

The officers stood beside him, and their faces were not very good-looking. Some people are worried, some are puzzled, and some are a little frightened.

After a long silence, Bahia Joe stood up suddenly, strode to the sand table, stared at the topographic map above, gritted his teeth and said, "Damn it! I finally figured it out! Dragon City just feigned an attack to contain The sea and air firepower given to us in the first area! At the same time, the old Mo coalition forces launched a general offensive and took the opportunity to oppress our defense line! But their real purpose is to fight the Tianshen Mountain decisively! Not in the two main battlefields!"

The officers immediately gathered around, staring at the sand table with gloomy expressions.

Bahiajo continued: "Here is the middle of our supply line! If this is taken, our supply line will be cut off... a full distance of 1,200 kilometers, what will we rely on to maintain the battle?"

A military officer said in shock: "To be honest, I really can't figure it out. There are all terrible swamps, primeval jungles, and there are planes patrolling and dropping bombs in the sky... My God, how did they get there?"

The chief of staff turned his head quickly. He pointed to the location of Tianshen Mountain and said: "Your Excellency, there is no doubt that Tianshen Mountain is already the key to our battle! We must do everything possible to return to Tianshen Mountain and pull out the enemy troops there. Otherwise, once the attack and supply lines are interrupted, even if the sea and air forces in one area provide assistance, we will be doomed! Because relying on air supply alone, we will not be able to carry out a protracted war here for a long time!"

"Must come back!"

"I agree too!"

The other officers responded.

"Yes, it seems that everyone's opinion is the same!" Bahia Joe also nodded, and then he straightened his expression and said loudly: "Immediately withdraw 30,000 people from the frontal battlefield! Use the fastest speed, Hurry back to Tianshen Mountain! At the same time, inform the garrison troops staying in Desola to send 20,000 people to attack Tianshen Mountain together! Use the fastest speed to pull out the nail stuck in our throats!"


After the words fell, the chief of staff quickly began to dispatch troops.

At the same time, the old Mexican coalition forces commanded the front line.

Su Tianyu stood on a hill, holding binoculars, watching the Red Hat Army that was continuously disintegrated due to the loss of sea and air support in the first area, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

He thought for a while, turned his head to look at the staff officer beside him, and told him: "Notify Wang Dingyuan's department immediately, let him ignore other enemies, and advance at full speed, the further back the better!"


The staff officer immediately turned and left to contact Wang Dingyuan's troops.

After finishing the order, Su Tianyu turned his head again, looked at another staff officer, and continued to order: "Help me contact Tianshen Mountain!"


In the Laomo area, the command base of Tianshen Mountain.

The two brigades under Fei Pingsheng and Xing Yao immediately began to build fortifications after taking a rest.

They relied on the defenses on both sides of the mountain and some natural caves to build shelters. At the same time, a large number of engineers wielded shovels and dug trenches.

"Dang Dang Dang!"

Many soldiers swung their sledgehammers and were hitting iron bolts on the ground to stabilize the base of the turret.

The soldiers next to them pushed the barrel, waiting to be installed on the base.

The entire base was busy, and everyone was suddenly full of energy. This is the state of the rest of the life after a catastrophe.

Fei Pingsheng stood among the crowd and was personally directing everyone to work. Xing Yao is also busy, running around non-stop.

"Drip Lingling!"

Just then, a phone rang.

The guard trotted over and gave Fei Pingsheng a military salute: "Report! Commander Su is calling!"

Fei Pingsheng nodded, reached out to take the satellite phone, and called out, "Hello, Liu Zi?"

Su Tianyu's voice sounded: "Brother Fei, how is the situation over there?"

Fei Pingsheng immediately replied: "Not bad, the defense base is currently being built."

"That's good!" Su Tianyu nodded, and continued: "Our side has also started, and everything is going well so far, and the Red Hat Army's defense line won't last long. But, remember, your side will be exposed soon, The Red Riding Hood Army will definitely return to Tianshen Mountain! They may even send troops from Desola to attack you! From the geographical point of view, their only helicopter group can reach your station within two hours at most .And if the army is dispatched from Desola and walks the mountain road, it should take about four to five hours! Therefore, you must prepare for the battle as soon as possible! However, Wang Dingyuan has just sent out, and our support will Slow down a bit. At that time, you will face a large-scale encirclement and suppression by the enemy alone, and persist for more than ten hours, or even a day! The situation will be very difficult!"

Hearing this, Fei Pingsheng was silent for a long time, and said flatly: "How difficult can it be? Can their soldiers compare with the woods behind me? They stepped on the horse next door. Our side is not exhausted now. Everyone escaped from the dead, regained a life, morale is at its best, soldiers are at their peak, as many as they come, I will bury them!"

Su Tianyu's heart was touched, and he couldn't help being silent for a moment, then said solemnly: "Brother Fei, wait for me! I will definitely call!"

"Okay, that's it!"

The two hung up the phone.

Fei Pingsheng lit a freshly dried cigarette, took a deep breath, and then turned his head and shouted: "Everyone, get ready! It is estimated that we will fight the enemy in four to five hours!"


Soon, five hours passed.

Fei Pingsheng squatted on a mountain top, looking at the rugged mountain road in the distance. In sight, a large number of armored vehicles, military vehicles, and troops carrying the Red Hat Army were already driving towards them.

Before that, they had been strafed by three formations of enemy helicopters.

However, because of the complex mountainous terrain and numerous bunkers, these helicopters cannot pose too much threat to the below without flying at low altitude.

If flying at low altitude, then Fei Pingsheng and the others carried combat equipment that could completely inflict devastating firepower on the enemy.

Therefore, the three waves of air strikes passed, and the troops did not suffer much loss.

At this time watching the approaching enemy convoy, Fei Pingsheng pulled his neck and shouted: "We walked for eight days and measured every inch of land in the dense forest with our feet! This is the moment we have been waiting for! Everyone, adjust the muzzle, load the bullets, and we are ready to do it!"

In the mountains, one of the officers, who had witnessed the suicide of 12 deserters, shouted with red eyes after hearing Fei Pingsheng's order: "Come to fight! Die on Tianshen Mountain!"

Quiet! After a brief silence! !

The 14,000 troops who escaped from the dead shouted in unison.

"Come to fight and die in Tianshen Mountain!!"


One chapter in the morning and eight chapters in the evening, more than half of which are 3,000 words. Jiuzhang, this is the limit of my body! Finishing the book is coming soon, that's all I can do! !

I would like to use this book to commemorate the years we have gone through...

It's Monday, please subscribe, please recommend tickets! No update tomorrow morning, three chapters tonight!