MTL - Within Ten Meters, Fly In Situ-Chapter 65 "Wanwan, what are you doing?"...

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Yun Wan collected the spirit bones and went straight to where the senior sister was.

They were all surrounded by a thick and dense mulberry tree. Liu Miaomiao was the first person to notice Yun Wan's approach, her dim eyes lit up instantly, she picked up her skirt and ran over, wanting to hug Yun Wan, but when she finally saw her covered in scars, she chose to restrain herself and just pinched her gently Pinch the placket.

"Junior Sister, did you get the spirit bone?"

"I got it." Yun Wan saw that the senior sister was concerned about her, and gently took Liu Miaomiao's hand, "Senior sister, are you not injured?"

She shook her head and pinched Yunwan's fingers. Seeing that she was very energetic, she finally let go of her hanging heart. She raised her eyes and showed a slight smile, and her tone softened: "We are all fine, as long as Junior Sister is fine."

Several people fought with the villagers all night. After the end, many people were injured to varying degrees. The wounded were all lying on the ground to rest. Chu Lin was hit by Tian Wu. Although he didn't hurt his life, he still fell into a coma. Unable to wake up, Qin Zhiyan took care of them together.

There are a total of eight people here, and they can be scanned at a glance. After Yun Wan counted the number of people, she found that Yu Wuya was the only one here, so she was surprised.

"Where's Yu Wuya?"

Liu Miaomiao's eyes dimmed: "It disappeared when the Gongtai was destroyed last night. My juniors and I searched for it all night but couldn't find it. We just wanted to wait for you to come back before we could find a solution."

The complexions of the few people were not good. After thinking about it, they knew that they had not had a good rest all night. Yun Wan would definitely not let them go again, so she patted Liu Miaomiao's hand to comfort her: "Sister, don't worry, maybe she fell asleep somewhere, I will go now Look for it."

Liu Miaomiao was worried, and wanted to go with Yun Wan, but Yun Wan hurriedly stopped her when she saw this: "Senior Sister, you haven't slept all night, rest first, and I will come back as soon as I find him."


"It's all right." Yun Wan smiled reassuringly, "Brother's cultivation is superb, ordinary monsters can't hurt him, I'll come back when I find him."

Liu Miaomiao could only give up.

Yun Wan ran to the direction where Yu Wuya left at first, after Tian Wu's spirit dissipated, the terrain of Xiayu Village had changed, it was completely different from when he first came. With Yu Wuya's personality, he would never leave secretly, either because of an accident or being kidnapped, or because he got lost.

Yun Wan would not look for it alone, knocked on the bracelet, and asked, "Xuan Ling, can you find the Scarlet Shadow Sword?"

It is difficult to find someone, but easy to find a sword. As the owner of the weapon, Xuanling can naturally feel the breath of the red shadow sword.

Xuanling simply and neatly released a white light, Yun Wan followed the white light all the way, after twists and turns, finally came to a hidden underground cave behind Xiayu Mountain.

As if he was afraid of being found, he set up a barrier at the entrance of the cave. Even so, Yunwan could still hear strange noises coming from inside. Every time there was a noise, the mountain shook.

Yun Wan was taken aback by this posture, and couldn't stop herself from stepping forward: "Is Yu Wuya inside?"

Xuanling: [There is a red shadow sword breath. ]

She couldn't make up her mind. It stands to reason that Tianwu is dead, and the villagers have all returned to dust. This Xiayu Village should be safe, but it's not necessarily...

Yun Wan cautiously took a step forward.


This sound was louder than the previous ones, the mountain shook and dust was blown up.

Just when Yun Wan was about to punch her fist, Yu Wuya, who was hiding in it, seemed to have guessed her intentions, and suddenly said, "Don't come here." Restraining something.

Yun Wan pondered: "Are you okay?"

He only gritted his teeth and said one word: "Get out." Then he said, "You don't need to meddle in your own business."


what attitude?

When Yun Wan got angry, she didn't bother to put a hot face on someone's cold butt, she turned her head away angrily, and just took a step, Xuan Ling said: [Chi Ying is very restless, I hope we can save him. ]

Yun Wan stopped: "What happened to him?"

Xuan Ling did not answer.

Yun Wan anxiously paced back and forth on the spot, finally took a deep breath, came back to the front of the formation, gathered all the strength in her fists, and swung out fiercely, all the magic circles collapsed under the absolute physical attack. Vulnerable.

The formation formed gaps, and instantly shattered into pieces.

Yun Wan stepped in, the cave was narrow, and she could walk to the end in a few steps. She found Yu Wuya's figure in the icy water.

The opponent fell into the water, his whole body was drenched, the cold spring was stained red by the blood oozing from nowhere, and the red shadow was thrown not far from his body, the hilt of the sword was covered with blood.

He looked completely different from before, as if he had just experienced a life-and-death struggle, not a single part of his body was intact, his clothes were messy, and he was in a mess.

Yun Wan was taken aback by the situation in front of her, and couldn't help slowing down her approach.

Yu Wuya was still breathing, very fast, aware of the movement, his muscles tensed, and he immediately clenched Chiying tightly, the veins on his wrists were bulging due to the unstoppable force.

"Yu Wuya, are you alright?" Yun Wan kept a distance from him carefully, carefully observing Yu Wuya's situation, and was ready to punch him if something went wrong.

"Get out, don't come over..."

"Senior Sister asked me to come to you, you..."

"Get out!"

Yu Wuya supported his body with his sword, half kneeled on the ground, and fell heavily when he was about to get up. Through the messy hair that covered his face, the black eyepatch that he had been wearing all the time was nowhere to be seen, twisted ferociously, and the eyelids were covered with red scars like burns.

Yun Wan never thought that there would be such a picture under the blindfold, and her attention was immediately drawn to it.

Her eyes were too blatant, and Yu Wuya's originally nervous nerves finally broke, and he lost control of his reason, and uncontrollably swung a sword energy in her direction, and the red sword energy burst out of the air.

Yun Wan rolled and dodged, and before she could stand on her feet, her body was imprisoned on the bone-piercing ground by Yu Wuya who rushed over, and the ice-like palm grabbed her neck.

Yun Wan didn't expect that he would really kill herself, so she was stunned.

He was obviously enduring the killing intent, every finger was trembling violently, Yun Wan could feel his pulse on the neck, beating wildly and without any rules.

A few strands of wet long hair fell on Yun Wan's chest, within a short distance, Yun Wan saw that his left eye pupil was different from ordinary people's, it was demon red, and was set off by scars like a ghost, just looking at each other made people feel chills .

Yu Wuya's whole body was trembling, just when Yun Wan was about to punch him, the hand around his neck suddenly left, he covered his eyes with one hand, clenched the Scarlet Shadow Sword with the other, stumbled, and ran out without looking back. cliff cave.

Although that blow did not cause any substantial damage to Yun Wan, the skin on her neck still hurt from being pinched, she stood up and rubbed her neck, then patted the dirt off her body, with an inexplicable expression on her face: "Is he sick? "

Xuanling lazily replied: [Eighty percent. ]

Yun Wan's face was full of question marks.

Xuanling: [I don’t know, but there are demonic veins flowing in his body, maybe he was poisoned by some demonic poison, which made the two bloodlines resist each other and caused out of control. ]

Demon pulse?

There was too much information, Yun Wan was stunned for a moment.

After regaining consciousness, he hurriedly chased after it, looked around, and found a string of rising water bubbles in the lake. Yun Wan's eyelids twitched suddenly. Could it be... sinking in? ?

Not caring about anything else for a while, she took off her shoes and socks, and plunged into the water.

In the deep water, Yu Wuya's eyes were closed tightly, and he had lost consciousness. He was unconscious, and his body sank at a slow speed.

Yun Wan held her breath and swam over, strangling his neck and was about to swim upstream, when she found Yu Wuya's body resisted, dead and heavy, obviously concerned about something.

It was not the first day for Yun Wan to come into contact with Sword Cultivator, so he knew what he was worried about without even thinking about it, and he went downstream to catch the sword floating beside him, so he didn't resist, and was honestly brought ashore by Yun Wan.

When he came into contact with the fresh air, Yun Wan took a deep breath, first dropped the red shadow, then threw Yu Wuya onto the grass, dragged his wet dress and crawled up to Yu Wuya, patting the picture with the palm of his hand. The handsome face that responded, "Are you alive?"

No sound.

Yun Wan was so angry that she hit his stomach with a fist, and with the sound of ribs breaking, he coughed up a mouthful of lake water, then tilted her head, and became even more unconscious.

Immediately afterwards.

She saw a large amount of blood smearing the front of her chest.


It's over, shouldn't you punch him to death?

Yun Wan remained silent, looked at the pale, half-dead Yu Wuya, and at the blood on his chest, struggled with his conscience for a long time, and finally chose to save people.

Yun Wan rolled up her sleeves, and began to untie Yu Wuya's clothes. She didn't know how the clothes were wrapped up, and no matter how she tried to untie them, she couldn't untie them.

Her face was getting more and more wrinkled, she was annoyed, she simply exerted force with her hands, only to hear a hiss, two pieces of black cloth were torn off by her, exposing a large tight chest.

When Yun Wan was about to carry out the next inspection, she suddenly heard a familiar cold voice in front of her—

"Wanwan, what are you doing?"