MTL - World of Immortality-Chapter 13 sink into

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In the world of immortality, on the third floor of the laboratory of Qingshan Theological Seminary, Zhang Yunxi and Dr. Pang sat on the floor in Room 3012 and started talking softly.

"Let me tell you what I know first." Dr. Pang intervened and looked at Zhang Yunxi with a solemn expression: "Before Lao Liang passed away, I went to the hospital and had a private conversation with him. He said that Zhang Zhitao adopted you, probably because Some kind of secret is stored in the memory of your infancy."

"Secret?" Zhang Yunxi looked at him incredulously: "Why don't I know? My father never told me."

"To be honest, I'm not sure about this, because when I saw Lao Liang, he was already dying." Dr. Pang shook his head slowly: "He told me this. Lao Liang had contact with him, and he wanted to commission Lao Liang to study your memory, but before you entered the school, Zhang Zhitao was killed, and Lao Liang also had an accident."

Zhang Yunxi frowned and looked at him: "You mean, my father adopted me for a purpose?"

"No, this is not a conflict. The eighteen years of nurturing grace must be true." Dr. Pang explained wisely: "But it is also true that you have mysteries, otherwise these strange things will not find you .”

The two were silent with each other for a while, Zhang Yunxi lowered his head and asked, "You mean, my parents and sister were killed, AI nanny Li Yun's thinking changed, Dr. Liang An's accidental death, and I was pushed to have an autopsy in the middle of the night?" ...does it all have to do with the secrets I remember?"

"The matter of the AI ​​person Li Yun may be just an accident, so don't think too complicated." Dr. Pang thought for a while and replied, "But the rest of the matter must be related to your memory. Didn't you say it yourself? That night attack Your man in black, the equipment you use is related to stealing memories."

"Yes." Zhang Yunxi looked up at Lao Pang with complicated emotions and asked, "Then what do you say... what should I do?"

"Don't worry, Wei Wu isn't here, I'll show you something first." Dr. Pang manipulated the brain computer with his consciousness, pulled out a set of data out of thin air, and said softly: "This is what Lao Liang gave to me before he passed away. thing."

Zhang Yunxi stared blankly at the data floating in the room, and asked urgently, "What is this?"

"This is the memory data of the AI ​​Li Yun who killed your family that night." Dr. Pang frowned and said, "There are some important information in it, which may help us solve the mystery."

"Li Yun's memory should have been sealed long ago! It should be in the judicial department, how could Dr. Liang An retrieve it?" Zhang Yunxi asked in surprise.

"You haven't understood the influence and status of Qingshan Theological Seminary in society. Our purpose is to provide cutting-edge talents to the judiciary that will manage AI people and virtual crimes in the future, so the relationship between the academy and various judicial departments is very close Yes. Secondly, the AI ​​Li Yun case is somewhat controversial and has research and discussion value for us, so Lao Liang has already obtained Li Yun's memory data." After patiently explaining, Dr. Pang seriously Looking at Zhang Yunxi, he asked, "Do you want to see it?"

Hearing this, Zhang Yunxi trembled unconsciously, because he knew in his heart that this set of memory data contained all the details of the murder of his three close relatives.

"Otherwise forget it?" Dr. Pang understood Zhang Yunxi's emotions and was about to collect the data.

"I see!" Zhang Yunxi looked up and replied.

"If you are too emotional, we will stop." Dr. Pang nodded lightly, composed the data into a picture with his consciousness, and played it indoors.

In a bright living room, Li Yun dragged Zhang Zhitao, his wife, and Zhang Yunxi's younger sister to the edge of the sofa with a frenzied expression.

The picture was very clear. After dragging the three of them, Li Yun looked at their faces with his hips on his hips, walked to the kitchen calmly, took the kitchen knife, bone-crushing sawtooth and other murder weapons, and slowly returned to the living room.

Zhang Yunxi sat on the ground with his fists clenched tightly. He looked at his familiar parents and his lovely younger sister, feeling extremely depressed and excited.


In the picture, Li Yun slashed at her mother's neck and shouted angrily: "I'm fed up with your condescending eyes! I'm going to chop you up!"


Zhang Yunxi couldn't face such a scene at all, he stood up abruptly, trembling all over, his chest hurt from the anger oppressed in his heart, but he couldn't say a word.

In the real world, in the college laboratory, Wei Wu is waiting for the staff to replace his brain computer.


At this moment, Zhang Yunxi, who was lying quietly in the connection cabin next to him, suddenly turned grim, and the brain computer on his head also quickly sounded two alarms.

This is a reminder of emotional agitation that leads to unstable connection of consciousness. It is not uncommon. For example, this situation will also occur when you play games that are prone to over-excitement.

Wei Wu glanced at Zhang Yunxi: "Damn, so excited, how about watching a movie?"

In the laboratory of the Immortal World, Zhang Yunxi was short of breath and his face was flushed. He saw Li Yun slashing at his father Zhang Zhitao with a murder weapon.

During the cruel and merciless dismemberment, Zhang Zhitao woke up from the severe pain, and shouted at Li Yun covered in blood, "Crazy, you crazy! AI people shouldn't exist in this world! You should all be destroyed and killed. destroy!"

"Aren't you a lunatic? Are you not? You adopted a child and didn't tell him his life experience. On the surface, you cared about him and loved him, but in fact you wanted to study his brain!" Li Yun retorted angrily, clutching the murder weapon: " Humans are the dirtiest group, you are worse than anyone else!"

"Fart!" Zhang Yunxi punched the screen angrily: "Damn her! She's a beast!"

Dr. Pang immediately paused the playback, pulled the data module back, stood up and patted Zhang Yunxi on the shoulder: "It's all over, don't watch it, let's take a rest."

"Hoo hoo!"

Zhang Yunxi's head was covered with sweat, his breathing was short, and he couldn't calm down immediately.

Dr. Pang stood aside, staring at Zhang Yunxi and said: "There is a very important sentence just now. Li Yun claimed that your adoptive father, Zhang Zhitao, has always wanted to study your brain. This should be an allusion to your memory. This shows that she is living Some details were observed in the

"What she said was false, she was making excuses for her murder! In fact, my father never hurt me, he loves me very much!" Zhang Yunxi roared back.

"I believe what you said." Dr. Pang nodded slowly: "However, if we want to solve the mystery, we must do one thing."

"What's the matter?" Zhang Yunxi asked.

"I need to watch your memory, go back to when you were young, and look for some details, so that I may be able to solve the mystery of you." Dr. Pang's voice was deep and steady, with a natural affinity: "But you need to open your two Level memory permission, let me enter, through synchronous playback, to find clues together."

Zhang Yunxi looked at him blankly: "I want to open up my memory to you?"

"Yes, the first-level memory authority will miss your shallow memory, that is, the part you automatically forget can't be recovered, and I can't watch it." Dr. Pang nodded slowly: "You have to enter a deeper sleep, Awaken your shallow memory. It will take time, but you can definitely find clues."

Zhang Yunxi's excitement at this moment has not completely calmed down. His mind is full of the scene of Li Yun killing his own relatives. He really wants to know what the mystery is about himself, so he replied without hesitation: "I am willing."

"Let's open a small portion today. Don't worry, you can take your time." Dr. Pang looked at Zhang Yunxi and asked softly, "Can you still persist? If not, let's take a break."

"No, just now!" Zhang Yunxi replied immediately: "We directly enter the second-level memory to read."

"OK, let's start." Dr. Pang nodded slowly: "If you feel unwell in the middle, you can stop immediately."

"it is good!"

After the two communicated, they sat down again.

In the world of immortality, memory can be read, because the human brain is embedded with electrode chips, which record everything in your real life every moment, including human potential memory, which can also be awakened. activation. As long as you have memory storage in your brain and pass it through consciously, it can be captured and recorded in real time.

Memory reading is divided into three levels in total.

In layman's terms, first-level memory reading is the kind that Zhang Yunxi and Wei Wu did just now, which is equivalent to people intercepting their own memories, turning them into data, and then sharing them for others to watch.

Secondary memory reading is equivalent to someone else entering into your memory playback in the form of consciousness through the data modeling of the immortal world, but they can only watch and cannot change anything, because the remote control to open the memory is here.

But this level of reading, without the consent of the parties, must be illegal.

The third-level memory reading is equivalent to that you put the remote control in someone else's hands, and he is responsible for adding or deleting, fast forwarding or rewinding. This is generally used in the medical field. For example, when a person is about to die, he needs to download the memory and enter the world of immortality to be resurrected. Only after obtaining the permission of the person himself and the relevant department can it be operated by a designated medical unit. But usually no one will open it, because it is too dangerous. The person who has the remote control can erase your memory and kill you at any time.

What Zhang Yunxi wants to open at this moment is the second-level memory permission. He needs to resonate the electrode chip in his brain and Dr. Pang's consciousness to watch his childhood memories together, but this also needs to enter a deeper sleep state.

The two lay on the floor, and after connecting the data, a prompt appeared in front of Zhang Yunxi whether to agree to open the secondary memory permission.

He looked at the reminder slogan, glanced at Dr. Pang inexplicably from the corner of his eye, paused for a moment on the other side's face with stern eyes, and then decisively agreed.

Consciousness begins to fall into a deeper slumber.

Zhang Yunxi recalled in Zhang Yunxi's mind that when he was a child, Zhang Zhitao and his wife brought him home, bathed him, and bought him new clothes...

He was weak when he was young, and Zhang's mother saw that he was always sick, so she purposely raised a cow in the backyard.

Every sunny morning, Zhang's mother would get up early, boil milk for him, and make him a nutritionally balanced breakfast. This routine has lasted for seven years. When Zhang Yunxi went to elementary school and became stronger, she could sleep well. Lazy.

In his memory, Zhang Yunxi saw his father teach him how to ride a bicycle for the first time, buy him toys for the first time, take him on a trip for the first time, stand up for him because of the bullying of his classmates for the first time...

There are too many first times that Zhang Yunxi can't forget. He also saw with his own eyes that the father in his memory is getting older day by day, hunchbacked, and the hair on the temples is turning white...

Compared with the scene where Li Yun killed them just now, this memory is so warm that Zhang Yunxi didn't even want to leave, so his consciousness completely sank... into the memory, unwilling to wake up.

The real world, inside the lab.

The urgent siren rang throughout the room, and Wei Wu looked at Zhang Yunxi's connecting cabin and brain computer with a dazed expression, and all of them turned on red lights.


There was a sound of footsteps, and several hospital staff from the laboratory rushed in.

"What happened to him?!" A man in a suit and leather shoes asked Wei Wu.

"I don't know, the alarm went off suddenly." Wei Wu shook his head.

The staff ran to Zhang Yunxi's connecting cabin to take a look, and quickly pressed the manual wake-up button a few times, but Zhang Yunxi didn't respond at all. There was only a happy smile on his face and tears falling from the corners of his eyes.

"It's over, he should have turned on the second-level memory permission, his consciousness has sunk in, and he can't be awakened." The staff shouted urgently: "This is very dangerous, his consciousness has sunk, and once he can't wake up, he may become nothing. The living dead of thinking. Go and call Professor Liu and let him come over!"

Wei Wu didn't know much about brain machines and other equipment, so he immediately urged: "Just unplug the brain machine and forcefully wake it up?"

"Can a vegetative person be forcibly awakened? As I said, his consciousness has sunk into his memory. If you forcibly pull out his brain, it is likely to lock his consciousness directly and never come out again." The staff waved their hands. Shouted: "Don't move, wait for the experts to come!"

About two minutes later, a lot of people gathered in the laboratory, including tutors and instructors who work nearby, as well as the person in charge of the laboratory, and even experts in the brain and computer field from the hospital.

Professor Liu glanced at Zhang Yunxi, and said with a strange expression: "It's hard for people to sink their consciousness into their memories. Is there someone guiding him at UU Reading"

Wei Wu was taken aback when he heard this, and immediately asked, "What should I do with this?!"

"This kind of situation is quite rare, let me think about it." Professor Liu replied with a frown, waving his hands.

"You are the only professor? Damn, when you figure out a way, he will give birth to the baby in his memory!" Wei Wu pulled the professor away and walked up to Zhang Yunxi: "Did you take him out of the room?" Just get it out?"

"Yes, but you don't mess around..."

"Go to the other side!" Wei Wu pushed away the staff, rolled up his sleeves, and slapped Zhang Yunxi **** the cheek.


The crisp sound spread throughout the room, and the twenty or so people present were stunned.

Wei Wu stared at Zhang Yunxi, purposely shouted in a very sharp voice: "You're back?! That's just right, I'll kill you too!"


"Your family of four exploited me like a slave. Have you ever thought about my feelings?! Have you ever treated me like a human being?" Wei Wu was a criminal investigator. So imitating Li Yun's state at this moment, with a crazy expression, and shouted in an extremely sharp voice: "Look, this is your sister! I cut her neck open, and now I have to dig out her eyes and heart. I want you to watch how I dismembered her one by one! Chop her up!"

The roar spread throughout the laboratory, and Zhang Yunxi raised his right hand suddenly.

In the world of memory playback.

An ethereal voice entered Zhang Yunxi's ears: "What a beautiful childhood, your parents really love you...don't go away...!"

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!