MTL - World of Immortality-v2 Chapter 419 Disintegrated? died?

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Erhuan Shisanlang drove the suspension car, fully filled the speedometer while obeying the traffic rules as much as possible, and rushed to the Shangdu.

Soon the suspension car left the main urban area and arrived at the ultra-high-speed runway with a fully enclosed space. Thirteen Lang sat in the driver's cab, his eyes were wide open, his hands were lifted up to control the feeling, and he was engrossed in it.

The speed of the car increased, Zhang Yunxi looked at the other person's expression, held the handrail a little nervously and said, "Brother is the priority! Just arrive within ten hours, don't...don't drive too fast."

"It's okay, there are a lot of people in the family to support, we don't dare to die." Thirteen Lang looked forward: "If you are tired, just squint for a while."

"Brother, don't risk your life. I'll add another thousand to you when you get to the place."

"Be careful, little brother!"

"The sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes, one word, righteousness!" Zhang Yunxi was full of jingles.

"Okay, watch me take off."

"Brother, hold on tight!"


While chatting, the two rushed towards Shangdu at high speed.

356 Hospital, in the building of Superbiological Research Institute in Area B.

When Lao Jing and Gu Yuyan were anxiously waiting in the corridor, footsteps finally came from the corridor not far away.

Director Lailai and the Red Flame Army officer named Tan Fei walked out together.

The heavy footsteps caught the attention of Lao Jing and Gu Yuyan. They almost stood up together and greeted them immediately.

"What happened to my son?!" Lao Jing asked the two urgently.

Director Lai Lai's face was pale, and he gritted his teeth when he heard this.

When Lao Jing saw his expression, his heart skipped a beat, and he yelled almost out of composure: "What's wrong? Talk!"


Director Lai Lai let out a sigh of relief, adjusted his emotions, looked at Lao Jing and responded: "Unfortunately, Jing Tianran suddenly became ill this afternoon, his genes disintegrated, his cells collapsed...and he passed away."

As soon as these words came out, the corridor was so quiet that a needle could be heard.

Lao Jing's brain buzzed, and he stared blankly at the two of them, the surrounding scene whirled wildly, his legs went limp, and he knelt down on the ground with a thud.

Next to it, Gu Yuyan asked in disbelief: "Gene disintegration??! How is it possible?! There will be warning signs in advance for this kind of thing. Didn't our medical department find any abnormalities? Ah??!"

"The mutated virus he was infected with was originally unknown. People in our medical department... have not observed any abnormalities before this."


Gu Yuyan looked at the two in disbelief, lost all strength, and hit the wall with a bang on her back.

Gene disintegration is a medical term in the modern super-body circle. The simple explanation is that after a creature is infected with a mutated virus, it does not adapt to the "invasion" gene in the initial mutation stage, causing the body's original cells to collapse and die.

The specific clinical manifestations are also varied, including cell failure, systemic ulceration, and even disintegration and melting.

This kind of thing often happened in the initial stage of human genetic modification and the period when a large number of wild mutants appeared. At that time, the people who were vaccinated were basically terminally ill patients, and they took the initiative to participate in the experiment with the mentality of being a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

But with the deepening of human understanding of mutated cells, the probability of this kind of thing happening has become much smaller.

In terms of human genetic modification, the probability of such an event has dropped to less than 3%. As for wild variants, because of the different genetic characteristics and rules, the risk is much greater, but it is also much better than before.

Therefore, when Gu Yuyan heard that Kaka's gene had disintegrated, she immediately collapsed. It may be too early to talk about love between them, but a deep friendship has long been established through mission after mission.

"Mr. Jing, I can understand how you feel...Please express my condolences." Tan Fei stretched out his hand to help Lao Jing.

"Impossible... Impossible. My son survived after staying underground for so long, lying in a hospital bed for a year, it is impossible for him to just die like this!" Lao Jing shook his head with a painful expression, and suddenly ran away. He got up and shouted: "This is not normal, absolutely not normal! Since he suddenly became ill, why didn't you inform us in advance?!"

"Mr. Jing, please don't get excited. A unit like ours has its own rules and procedures. Jing Tianran is an excellent service member of our Super Management Bureau...We don't want to..."

"Fart! Don't talk to me in official language, I don't want to listen to it. My son was treated by you after he came out, and you restricted our meeting time. This is not normal. You said he died, but I don't admit it! Absolutely not!" Lao Jing Pushing away the other party, he shouted ferociously and excitedly: "Where is he?! I want to see him!"

The dispute and shouts from both sides alarmed the guards at the entrance of the corridor, and six or seven men in uniforms of the Red Flame Army walked over.

Tan Fei glanced at them, waved his hands slightly, and turned his head to look at Director Lailai.

"Lao Jing, please calm down first. I have the same attitude as you. No matter what, let's find out the reason and ask for a clear explanation." Director Lai Lai stepped forward and spoke soothing words: "For me, super management Every player in the game is very important, because they are all selected by me."

Lao Jing looked at him with red eyes, leaned against the wall like a walking dead, and responded emotionally: "I left it to you...tell me the result? let me and Kaka's mother live? !"

half an hour later.

Under Director Lailai's constant comfort and persuasion, Lao Jing's mood stabilized a little, but he insisted on seeing Kaka's body.

However, the 356 Hospital couldn't show Kaka's body at all, but brought them to the large conference room on this floor, and released Kaka's last rescue video.

In the holographic projection screen, the process of Kaka being rescued at the end is very complete. From his being pushed into the emergency room to his final death, there are clear video records.

In the clear projection, more than 20 experts from the Institute of Super Biological Sciences injected Kaka with various inhibitory drugs when his mouth and nose were bleeding and his whole body was convulsed. Watch the video.

About ten minutes into the rescue, Kaka's vital signs began to fluctuate violently, his skin was festered, his face and body were covered with abscesses and turquoise liquid.

In the thirteenth minute of the rescue, the intravenous injection of medicine was already difficult to work. The expert team decided to place Kaka in the nutrition cabin and help his body absorb the rolling liquid medicine through the vibration of high-frequency sound waves.

Fifteen minutes into the rescue, the medical plan of high-frequency sound wave vibration failed, and Kaka's vital signs were close to dying.

In the fifteenth minute and thirty seconds of the rescue, Kaka's body and cells began to peel off and disintegrate by themselves.

The body collapsed, and the skin and flesh tissue melted uncontrollably in the nutrient solution, and the living person decomposed itself into necrotic cells that could only be seen under a microscope.

The person disappeared in the nutrition cabin.

Such cell disintegration, although rare, is not without precedent.

Beside the conference table, Lao Jing watched the whole process of his son being rescued blankly, speechless for a long time.

At this moment, as a father, Lao Jing's brain was blank, and he couldn't even feel his own grief, and his whole body was as numb as a zombie.

Beside, Gu Yuyan was already crying. She had observed this kind of video in the cultural class before, and the process was almost the same as Kaka.

She knew that this friend who liked her would leave forever.

The screen froze, and Tan Fei stood up and said: "...Mr. Jing, we feel sorry for Jing Tianran's death. It was our poor management that caused him to fall into the underground cave. Please express your condolences."

Next to him, Director Lai Lai frowned and stared at the picture, feeling an inexplicable emotion in his heart.

"Currently the medical room where Kaka was treated, the medical equipment he used, and the traces of cells in the nutrition cabin have not been destroyed." Tan Fei continued: "Next, we will invite the relevant departments of the Supervision Bureau Come over to verify...make a final death report."

Lao Jing looked at the desktop and didn't respond at all.

After Tan Fei finished speaking, he glanced at Director Lailai next to him, and said softly, "Then...then you sit down for a while."

Director Lai Lai's stern expression was a little stiff, and he didn't reply.

In the quiet room, Lao Jing calmed down for a long time, then raised his head and looked at Chief Lai Lai: " my son... really dead?"

"The medical room for imaging and treatment will be taken over by our Pearl Bureau." Director Lai Lai paused: "We will use the most rigorous attitude to verify, but... on this kind of thing..."

At this point, Director Lai Lai stopped. He also wanted to say that judging from the results given by the 356 Hospital so far, this matter... there should be no falsification in the rescue process. Because from a normal logic point of view, it is difficult to deceive the Pearl Bureau technically by releasing the rescue video and keeping the details of the rescue room intact.


This does not mean that Director Lailai thinks there is nothing tricky about this matter.

The fact that 356 picked up Kaka was abnormal in itself, it didn't conform to the rules, and it seemed sneaky.

But why did they make tricks on Kaka? !

Three hours after the suspension car departed from Zhang Yunxi was sitting in the car, thinking about the person who sent him a text message.


Just then, the communicator beeped loudly.

"Hey, Xiaogu, I have something urgent here, I need to..."

"Yunxi, Kaka is gone! He passed away!" Gu Yuyan cried sadly: "...he is so young...!"

When Zhang Yunxi heard this, his brain buzzed: "Who said that?"

"The 356 Hospital released the rescue video. Kaka disintegrated because of the rejection of the gene infected in the body..."


Hearing this, Zhang Yunxi's brain buzzed: "Did you see the complete image???!"


Dragon City is over, this time I will do my best to live forever! Change again, change again! Climb the list! Ask for votes! Bros! There is another chapter at 10 o'clock!