MTL - Yan Yan-Chapter 41 promise

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When she first fell in love with Bai Xingfan, Su Yan still had some concerns in her heart, worried that the gap between herself and him would be too great, which would lead to irreconcilable differences between the two of them in the process of getting along.

But facts and time are proving to her that her worries are superfluous.

Bai Xingfan will accommodate her, be considerate of her, and tolerate her. He will also take the initiative to give in when there is a problem between the two of them, and think about the problem from her perspective. , but adhere to the principle of two-way giving to understand him and tolerate him. Although he occasionally makes a little play with him, this kind of play is a love between lovers, and it will not affect the relationship, but can make the relationship warm up.

Time has come to the second year.

From winter to spring, as soon as March entered, Su Yan was busy, or, in other words, picked up a hot potato—

In September last year, the company assigned her a task: to be the lead screenwriter of a certain S-class big IP costume romance drama.

To be honest, at the moment when she received the job notice, Su Yan was completely stunned. Her first thought was: Was it sent to the wrong person?

In terms of her popularity and qualifications, it is impossible for her to receive such a big IP screenwriting assignment, let alone editor-in-chief.

Then she quickly replied to her superior: "Mr. Li, is this really a task for me?"

Teacher Li gave her a positive answer: "Of course it is."

Su Yan was even more confused: "With such a big IP, can I do it?"

Teacher Li: "The company and investors must have recognized your ability before giving you this opportunity."

Su Yan sat at the computer desk, stared at the phone screen for a while, and couldn't help but ask, "Then do you participate in the creation?"

Teacher Li is more experienced than her, and she is also her teacher. If there is a teacher, Su Yan's heart will be calmer.

However, Teacher Li's answer was: "I have other books, but if you encounter any problems in the middle of creation, you can contact me at any time."

What Su Yan was waiting for was this sentence: "Okay! Thank you, Teacher Li!"

Then she put the phone upside down on the desk and began to take a deep breath.

After the restless energy passed, she became uncontrollably excited, feeling like a pie fell from the sky, and hit her on the head impartially—

If the response of this drama is good after it is broadcast, then her worth and qualifications will also rise with the tide!

That night she was so excited that she couldn't sleep, she made a video call to Bai Xingfan for several hours, and finally he went to the Internet to search for a storybook and read several bedtime stories to her before putting her to sleep. on.

The next day, Su Yan began to review the ancient novel.

In order to facilitate reading, she also bought a physical book - the first time she read this book was three or four years ago, and it was serialized on one of the most well-known women's frequency websites in China.

At that time, when she was chasing the book, she had a hunch that the book would definitely explode. Later facts proved that her hunch was correct. The total collection of this book exceeded 300,000 in less than half a year after the book was finished, and Zhihu , Weibo, Douyin, and Xiaohongshu are all recommended by bloggers in an endless stream, which fully meet the standards of the big explosion.

Later, the IP of this book was bought by her film and television company. After several years of preparation, the project is finally about to start.

After reading the novel carefully for the second time, Su Yan read it a third time from beginning to end—the second time was to review it, and the third time was to summarize the characters and write a biography.

For almost all the characters in the show, Su Yan has written character biographies.

After writing the biography of the characters, start to summarize and write the outline of the story.

Summarizing the outline is not an easy task. The first time I wrote a rough outline, and the second time I wrote a small outline. Maximize the restoration of the novel content, and give an explanation to the original author and readers.

After everything was ready, she started writing the script for the episode.

However, before two episodes were written, she received a call from the person in charge of the investor. To be more specific, it was a call from one of the investors. The main idea was: to add more brilliant scenes to the two characters XXX and XXX. .

Obviously, these two roles have long been determined by default, and investors should support these two actors.

This made Su Yan depressed - when she was working on her creations, she hated being influenced the most - but she didn't dare to offend the investor's father, so she could only agree temporarily.

However, this was just the beginning, and she received several calls from other investors in the follow-up, and without exception, they all asked to add roles to the characters, and they had to be outstanding ones.

Even more extreme is the requirement to add the leading role to the supporting role.

Su Yan was miserable, and she was very overwhelmed: You have to add more dramas, there are only so many dramas, how can you add more? Isn't this embarrassing?

It was also at this time that she realized that this task was not a pie at all, but a rotten pie!

In desperation, she had to call her teacher and ask her what to do.

Mr. Li's answer was: "The company has long expected this situation, but the company's capabilities are also limited, and they dare not offend investors."

Su Yan thought to herself: The company doesn't dare, how dare I, a little screenwriter? I'm afraid of being blocked!

But she couldn't speak so bluntly, and said very euphemistically: "The number of script episodes is limited, and the roles of the characters must also be prioritized. There are more wolves and less meat, so it is impossible for every role to be outstanding."

Mr. Li replied on the phone: "I understand what you mean, and you don't have to worry so much. The company must have seen your ability before handing over this task to you."

Su Yan was so dumbfounded that she had to tell the truth: "I, I, I don't dare to offend investors!"

Teacher Li: "Then do you have anything to help your friends?"

Su Yan was stunned.

Although Teacher Li's words were very euphemistic, she still clearly understood what she meant: you can go and find your boyfriend.

What Mr. Li means is the meaning of the company.

Only now did Su Yan fully understand why the company dared to hand over such a big IP to her - a hot potato entangled by various forces, the company couldn't solve it, so she kicked it because her boyfriend was Bai Xingfan.

Bai Xingfan has the strength to solve problems.

At that moment, Su Yan's blood pressure soared, and it almost exploded - this group of people is really, as always, watching people eat! shameless! Make the most of it!

Since joining the job, her three views have been constantly refreshed, and this time is probably the most unbearable for her.

Fortunately, the job of a screenwriter is relatively free, and she can work from home, otherwise she will definitely smash the company on the spot.

After hanging up Mr. Li's call, Su Yan had been sulking for a long time by herself, and even wanted to quit the job, but the contract restricted her footsteps - the liquidated damages were very high.

There is no word "simple" in the adult world, money can suppress all anger and unwillingness.

After thinking about it, Su Yan couldn't think of a better way, so she had the cheek to call her boyfriend and ask him for help.

Bai Xingfan's boyfriend, Max, is very efficient in his work. It took less than two days to balance multiple investors, and blocked many unreasonable demands for Su Yan.

Without the constraints of so many rules and regulations, Su Yan can finally start her work smoothly.

The script for a total of forty episodes, the company only gave her three months of writing time, during which time it was revised several times for various reasons before finally completing the writing.

Almost at the end of December, she submitted the complete script to the company, and the film officially started in March this year. The screenwriter needed to follow the filming of the filming group, because this drama was not filmed in the film and television city in the early stage, but went to a remote mountain village. The shooting environment was difficult. Therefore, there will be relatively more unexpected situations during the shooting, which leads to the need to move the script randomly, so the screenwriter must follow the team.

In fact, their crew did not have to choose this remote mountain village, but because this village is a poverty alleviation project village jointly cooperated by their company and the local government, the high-level managers will ask their team to go to the local scene to shoot, to help this poor village increase Social exposure, increase the sales of local agricultural resources, and assist the government in poverty alleviation.

Although Su Yan doesn't like the high-level executives of their company, she agrees with the decision of the high-level executives on this matter, and she is not surprised about the poverty alleviation projects that the company and the government cooperate with, because Haoyuan Group has partnered with them. There is more than one poverty alleviation project cooperating with the government - the greater the ability, the greater the social responsibility. A large group like Haoyuan will only undertake more or less poverty alleviation responsibilities.

In January of this year, Bai Xingfan personally went to one of the poverty alleviation sites to inspect. Su Yan followed him out of curiosity, and finally understood how hard the life of the grassroots poverty alleviation cadres was—not only in terms of living conditions difficulties, and communication difficulties.

Because of this, she felt that their company had finally done something.

But in a mixed place like the entertainment industry, not everyone has a sense of social responsibility.

It's like the original male protagonist, after learning the filming location, he resigned directly because he was unwell and required long-term recuperation, and he pretended to send them a hospital report.

This made the whole crew angry, and the director was even more furious. He yelled at him in public for half an hour. If they didn't offend the capital behind the actor, they would definitely expose him!

Fortunately, there are not only selfish and self-interested people in this society, but also selfless people. The actor who came to save the scene is such a good person. He joined the group without asking about the salary.

The filming time of this drama is three and a half months, the first one and a half months in Xiaoshan Village, and the next two months in the film and television city.

Su Yan knew that being in the crew was like a prison. It was easy to get in and out, but Bai Xingfan was busier than her, which meant that they couldn't stick to the agreement to see each other once a week during these three and a half months. .

Thinking of this, she felt a little melancholy in her heart.

But when it's time to do a business, you still have to do a business.

On March 1, she followed the crew to the initial shooting location.

Although the temperature in March has rebounded, it is still cold and windy, and the remote small mountain village is even more bitterly cold, and it is still wet and cold.

Since the cold-proof equipment was not ready, it was less than a week after being stationed. More than half of the entire crew had a severe cold, including Su Yan, who was dizzy and adjusted the script every day.

What's more frustrating to her is that the internet in this mountain village is not good either. She said a few words in the video with Bai Xingfan at night, which made her even lose the mood to fall in love.

After struggling for half a month in this difficult environment with limited resources, Su Yan finally got a piece of good news: her boyfriend is coming to visit the class!

Before Bai Xingfan went to find Su Yan, he made a special call to ask if she needed to bring anything.

Su Yan replied without hesitation: "Things that keep you warm! We're all freezing to death!"

On the day he came, the crew ended early, and Su Yan went to the village entrance half an hour earlier to wait for her boyfriend.

In order to protect against the cold, she also put a large cotton padded jacket borrowed from a resident under her down jacket, and wrapped a scarf with a hat. She looked like a bloated cotton doll.

The sky dimmed a little bit. Su Yan put her hands in her pockets and stared at the road eagerly. At the moment when the familiar car came into view, she jumped up excitedly, bouncing on the dirt road while moving towards the black Bentley beckons.

Bai Xingfan drove by himself. After stopping the car in front of Su Yan, he got out of the car.

Su Yan instantly turned into a little white rabbit, ran directly into her boyfriend's arms, and began to babble: "You're finally here! I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

The tip of her nose and face were red from the cold, and she looked pitiful and cute.

Bai Xingfan held her face with both hands and kissed her forehead and cheek several times.

Su Yan's eyes sparkled, as if hiding stars: "I'll take you into the village!"

Bai Xingfan said, "No, the road is too narrow to drive in."

Su Yan just wanted to say, "Didn't you already drive in?" However, just when she opened her mouth, she realized that there was a large white truck behind the black Bentley.

Her eyes widened instantly: "What did you bring?"

Bai Xingfan: "The equipment to keep out the cold."

Su Yan: "…"

A whole truckload of equipment?

She was stunned: "How did this, this, this get into the village?"

Bai Xingfan: "Call the director and ask him to bring the crew over to move."

great idea!

Su Yan immediately called the director.

Hearing that the cold protection equipment was coming, the director immediately burst into tears and took the crew to the entrance of the village in less than 15 minutes.

Su Yan and Bai Xingfan sent equipment by head: five packs of baby warmers for one person, one hand warmer, one thick down jacket, one electric blanket and one down quilt.

Everyone who received the supplies cast a grateful look at Bai Xingfan looking at the living Bodhisattva.

After everyone received the supplies, Bai Xingfan moved the little equipment left inside the truck to the trunk of Bentley, and then let the driver drive the truck away.

Su Yan finally got into her boyfriend's co-pilot happily.

Because the area is relatively remote and backward, there are no hotels around the village, and the entire crew stayed in the homes of local villagers. Bai Xingfan followed Su Yan's instructions and drove the car to the small yard where she temporarily lived.

It is said to be a yard, but it is actually a low earth wall surrounding the two-story wooden building.

The earth wall is fragile, and its structure is not as hard as the stone wall. It has long been turned into a ruined wall in the baptism of time.

The wooden building is equally dilapidated, it looks like it can be blown down after a while, and it leaks air everywhere. Living in it at night is like living in an ice cellar.

However, the owner of this house is a kindhearted person. In order to make room for the crew, she deliberately moved her child to a relative's house, so all the crew members who temporarily lived in this yard were all the crew members-except Su Yan, and others. Two female theater managers.

The two female screenwriters lived together in the bedroom on the first floor, and Su Yan lived alone on the second floor—due to the difficult conditions, she was guaranteed not to be disturbed when she was writing the script, which was already the greatest preferential treatment the director could give her. .

Su Yan also didn't want to disturb the two girls who lived together, so before entering the house, she specially told her boyfriend: "Don't talk loudly, be gentle when walking, there are two girls living on the first floor."

In order to implement his girlfriend's request, Bai Xingfan tried his best to lighten his steps when he went upstairs. However, the wooden stairs had been in disrepair for a long time. No matter how carefully he stepped up, there would eventually be a piercing "support" sound.

Su Yan even wondered if this person would break down the stairs.

Her boyfriend is not fat, how could this be? Could it be because muscle is heavier than fat?

After another "support", she couldn't bear to look back at him, but when she saw the big bag and the small bag in his hand, she instantly shut up - an empty-handed person is not qualified to criticize labor.

Bai Xingfan was also choked up by the stairs, and sighed helplessly: "It seems that nothing can be done tonight."

Su Yan: "???"

What else do you want to do? !

She blushed instantly, glared at him angrily, and then looked at the bedroom on the first floor with a guilty conscience.

Although the bedroom door is closed, who knows if the sound insulation of the wooden door is good? !

Bai Xingfan simply let go of his footsteps, and he would make a sound no matter how he walked.

In order to prevent this person from saying anything that would make her shameless, Su Yan also quickened her pace, and the two quickly reached the second floor.

Bai Xingfan gently placed the thing in his hand on the floor, and then looked at the room.

It is not so much a room as it is a loft that has been transformed into a bedroom. There is not even a door, and the stairs lead directly to the room.

The ceiling is triangular, with exposed beams, and a round light bulb is suspended by wires in the center of the beams.

The bed was on the innermost side of the attic, and there was a low table beside the bed with Su Yan's laptop on it.

Dilapidated, shabby, and in disrepair, this is Bai Xingfan's first impression of this house.

But she never complained to him.

His cub is a somewhat capricious and cute little girl, but also a mature and rational woman.

Su Yan first threw the hat and scarf on the bed, then went to pour a cup of hot water for Bai Xingfan, and said solemnly: "The conditions here are simple, I hope Mr. Bai will not dislike it, please bear with me."

Bai Xingfan smiled: "Under such simple conditions, Miss Su can still take me in, it is fortunate, how can I dare to dislike it?"

Su Yan was coaxed to be happy, walked towards him with a thermos cup, and then handed the cup to him: "Mr. Bai, you can only use my cup, don't you mind?"

Bai Xingfan: "What do you think?"

His tone was soft and slightly oppressive.

Su Yan suddenly felt that something was wrong, and subconsciously wanted to run away, but she didn't. Bai Xingfan raised his hand and clasped the back of her head, lowered his head and kissed her lips.

Another domineering tongue kiss.

It didn't take long for Su Yan's tongue to go numb.

But she still had a water glass in her hand, and she couldn't resist, so she could only obey pitifully.

After a long time of insatiable kisses, Bai Xingfan released her.

Su Yan's face was flushed, and she gasped for breath, like a fish deprived of oxygen.

After taking a few breaths, she stared at him resentfully: "Rogue!"

Bai Xingfan finally took the water glass from her hand, and said in a humble tone, "I just want to prove to Miss Su that I don't mind."

Su Yan: "…"

Only you can put hooliganism so fresh and refined.

She rolled her eyes and asked, "What else did you bring me?"

Bai Xingfan smiled and said, "Snacks, drinks, and the instant noodles in bone broth and ham sausage that you strongly requested."

Su Yan was almost moved to tears.

Before she came to Dashan, she didn't think the instant noodles in bone soup were delicious. After she came, she discovered the deliciousness of the noodles in bone soup. Compared with the light food here, the noodles in bone soup are definitely a feast of gluttony. !

After taking out the snacks from Bai Xingfan's suitcase, Su Yan first divided two small portions and delivered them to the two drama managers who lived on the first floor.

When she returned to the attic again, Bai Xingfan was bending over and laying an electric blanket by the low bed.

As Su Yan walked towards the bed, she said, "Fortunately, the electricity is on here, otherwise we would really have to live the life of the ancients."

After Bai Xingfan laid out the electric blanket, he plugged in the power supply: "You can sleep well tonight."

Su Yan glanced at him and said in a small voice, "You have to be honest."

There was only one bed, and the two of them could only sleep together.

Bai Xingfan sighed and said the truth: "I try my best."

Su Yan: "…"

She blushed again.

It is indeed a bit inhumane to make such a request to a normal man.

But she still couldn't take the last step.

Some ideas are deeply ingrained...

And, she'll never forget the embarrassing incident that happened on their first date.

She was sitting on top of him at the time.

Really, terribly big.

She was a little scared.

Looking down at her toes for a while, Su Yan said, "I want to get married."

In fact, she had already told him her requirements for that matter. After all, when two people who love each other are together, they will always be emotional; Bai Xingfan also respects her choice and has always been very disciplined.

But they had never slept in the same bed before.

What if the gun went off the rails this time?

There are two people downstairs...

"Do you want to get married?" was his answer.

Su Yan froze for a moment and looked up at him.

Bai Xingfan asked again: "Do you want to marry me?"

Su Yan subconsciously held her breath and stared blankly at the man standing in front of her.

Bai Xingfan did not force her to answer the question, but said seriously: "I want to marry you, take you home, and introduce you to everyone I know."

Su Yan's heart began to sway, but she was at a loss.

She is not against marrying him, but she is against the word "marriage".

As long as she thinks of marriage, she can think of weddings.

I am afraid of marriage because I am afraid of the wedding.

She also knew that this was unfair to Bai Xingfan, but she couldn't resist the fear in her heart.

After pursing her lips and hesitating for a long time, Su Yan chose to be open and honest: "I, I don't know, I'm very scared..." Her expression was apologetic to him, but also at a loss and dazed.

Bai Xingfan: "What are you afraid of?"

Su Yan: "I'm afraid of the wedding."


Bai Xingfan promised her like an oath: "I will give you a grand wedding and make you the happiest bride."

This is my obligation, and also, compensation to you...

Su Yan pursed her lips and said nothing. After a long time, she finally summoned up the courage to ask the question she was most worried about: "Can your family accept me?"

Bai Xingsan said firmly: "Of course."

Su Yan: "You didn't lie to me?"

She didn't believe it.

Bai Xingfan did not change his face: "Then go home with me and let my family prove it to you in person."