MTL - Zombie: Awaken Green Lotus Earth Heart Fire at the Beginning-Chapter 213

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"Left in the sun? Where is that?"

Ling Xiao raised his brows.

"It's at your feet!!"

However, after hearing Ling Xiao's words, Fa Hai pointed at Ling Xiao's feet and spoke slowly.

"My feet!?"

Ling Xiao's hole shrank slightly, then looked directly down, and saw that the crack just now had actually expanded to an incomparably huge level when he was chatting with Fa Hai.


Suddenly, a huge black big handprint stretched out directly from the crack.


This big handprint instantly grabbed Ling Xiao.

The terrifying power has actually reached a level comparable to that of a Taoist!

Even Ling Xiao couldn't break free.

Then the big hand directly pulled Ling Xiao towards the Ashura Realm below.

"Fuck you, dog Fahai, you are so rude to me!"

Ling Xiao was really angry at this moment!

"This is the so-called trump card of the Black Eyed Emperor. As long as there is obsession, there is absolutely no escape from the Asura world! Daoist priest, go all the way!"

The magical Fahai smiled slightly as he looked at Ling Xiao who was falling towards the bottom of the crack.

"Crack crack crack!!"

However, at this moment, a terrifying black thunder burst out directly from Ling Xiao's body. ’


The next moment, the black power of divine punishment directly slammed into the big hand that was holding Ling Xiao.

The big hand burst open.

"The power of punishment, how is this possible?!"

Fa Hai's face changed drastically when he saw this scene.

How could mortals control the power of divine punishment! ?

Moreover, Ling Xiao was just a Celestial Master.

"How is this going!?"

However, even after breaking free from that big hand, Ling Xiao still solemnly let out that he was sucked into the depths of the space crack by an unmatched force.

Seeing this scene, Fa Hai couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, no one could sense the power of space in the Asura world. Otherwise, if Ling Xiao discovered it while chatting, it would be impossible to pull Ling Xiao down.

"As long as you fully enter the Asura world, even if the Golden Immortal Daluo comes, it is impossible to come out, Daoist, farewell!"

Fa Hai sneered, since he has completely returned, then this world will be dominated by him!

He, who has been completely enchanted, no longer has any compassion!

At that time, what sect, what Nicholas family, everything will be destroyed!

"Law Heaven and Earth!!"

However, at this moment, a low roar that made the world tremble suddenly came from below Ling Xiao disappeared.

"Fa Tianxiangdi? How is this possible!"

The moment he heard the voice, the face of the magical Fahai turned pale.

He bowed suddenly.

However, a big hand suddenly stretched out from the crack.

"This is impossible!"!

The moment he saw the big hand, Fa Hai roared, and endless black light erupted from his body.

The rays of light turned into countless scriptures and slammed into the big hand frantically.

However, any scripture that could instantly kill Satan in an instant hit Ling Xiao's big hand and instantly exploded and turned into black shards that filled the sky.

The frightened Fa Hai wanted to run, but he was instantly pinched by a big hand.


In an instant, the black Nine Dragons Thunder Gangfire and the power of Heavenly Punishment erupted from the big hand!

"Damn, how is this possible!"

In the roar of Fahai, this extremely terrifying Nine Dragons Thunder Gang fire directly burned him into nothingness.

However, which big hand was directly pulled into the crack by the power of the Asura world!


As the big hand completely disappeared, the huge space crack also slowly closed.

The blood light that enveloped the surroundings completely dissipated at this time.

When everything dissipated, the surrounding Demon King Palace appeared again!

All the demon kings in the Demon King Hall, as well as the Celestial Masters, are the same as before.

Just now, everyone entered a blood-colored space, and they couldn't move at all in that space!

It took more than ten minutes to get out of it. ,

"What happened, what happened just now!?"

"Where is the Grandpa Grandpa!? Why is Grandpa Grandpa missing!?"

"And that demon monk is gone, what's going on?"


The four great heavenly masters realized something was wrong in an instant.

Fa Hai and Ling Xiao actually disappeared.

Although they were also in the **** space, because they were not in the same space, they didn't know what happened to Ling Xiao and Fa Hai!

But Ling Xiao's inexplicable disappearance made them extremely anxious.

Given Ling Xiao's strength, it would definitely be a big problem if he disappeared.

"Several Daoists, where did Brother Ling Xiao go!?"

But at this moment, Mo Ling ran over in a hurry and asked the four old masters!

"You know Grandpa Taishang? We don't know either, but disappeared with that demon monk!

With the strength of the ancestors, there shouldn't be any problems, right? "

After hearing Mo Ling's words, Ancestor Xuan Zhong spoke solemnly.

But, having said that, the opponent was always a Demon Emperor who had lived for thousands of years, and according to Ling Xiao, the opponent's strength was at least in the fourth and fifth realm of the real monarch.

With such terrifying strength and experience, it was absolutely normal for Ling Xiao, who was only eighteen years old, to be obsessed.

However, the fact is that, although Ling Xiao completely wiped out the other party, he was indeed overshadowed by the other party.

"What should we do? Will big brother Ling Xiao be in danger!"

Mo Ling became anxious when she heard it, the enemy was a magic cultivator who was stronger than Hei Tong Huang.

"Don't worry, ma'am, Grandpa Taishang is extremely powerful, and it is absolutely impossible for something to happen so easily. Maybe, he just got into a fight and will return safely soon!"

Ancestor Wuji also spoke solemnly.

"Humph! You stinky Taoists, you killed dozens of demon kings from my demon clan, how is this amount calculated!?"

However, at this moment, a demon king came out angrily.

As soon as his words came out, the other three or two demon kings also walked out coldly. There are twenty-eight and nine demon kings in the entire demon alliance, and now there are only four or five left!

It can be said that the entire demon clan is a waste!

This account can definitely be regarded as a **** feud.

"If you also want to die, you can do it directly!"

However, at this moment, a very tempting voice came.

Afterwards, I saw a royal sister who was wearing a long white silk dress and had an excellent figure, walking out slowly! .

Chapter 153: Ancestor Fox Demon! Back in the twenty-first century? !

Mo Ling spoke quickly.

This royal sister is the silver moon fox king Mo Yanran!

A powerful demon king.

And with her appearance, the surrounding demon kings dared not speak.

The gap between the big demon king and the demon king is very terrifying, and the ones who can survive are almost all ordinary demon kings from the second and third levels of the demon king.

"Mother, can't you sense other people's positions? Can you look for Brother Ling Xiao's position?"

Mo Ling hurriedly spoke to her mother.

"Alright, alright, you girl already knows about your elder brother Ling Xiao!

I just tried it, and his breath is no longer in this world.

At the same time, I felt a little bit of power from a foreign land. Your elder brother Ling Xiao may have been sent to the Asura world. If this is the case, we can only go back to our ancestors for help! "

Mo Yanran spoke slowly!

However, as soon as his words came out, the expressions of the several old masters around him changed greatly!

"What? Asura world, how is this possible!?"

"If you really get there, it will be very difficult for the Grand Master Taishang to come back!"

"How is this good!?"



As the celestial masters of the cultivation world, they have heard some rumors about the Asura world.

According to legend, the Asura world was destroyed countless years ago, and a place called Asura City was formed after that.

People in the world, whoever have obsessions in their hearts, will fall into Asura City and cannot escape. The only way out is to give up obsessions and wash away the lead!

It's a pity, how can people who can give up their obsessions fall into the city of Asura?

The only thing they didn't understand was why Ling Xiao, an eighteen-year-old man, had obsessions.

If Ling Xiao heard it, he would definitely be speechless, he was thrown in!

"Wait, your fox demon clan still has an ancestor?"

Suddenly, Ancestor Wuji's expression changed, and he remembered what Mo Yanran had just said. ,

The most powerful member of the fox demon clan is Mo Yanran, and she actually said that she has an ancestor! What is the concept of ancestors? At least they are four or five generations older than Mo Yanran or even more.

And Mo Yanran is now over a thousand years old. According to the calculation that it takes almost a thousand years for the Silver Moon Demon Fox clan to give birth to a new generation, then his ancestors are at least five thousand years old.

Although the demon clan, the ghost clan, and the zombie clan all have ten times the lifespan of humans.

But the demon king can only live for three thousand years at most!

Five thousand years, that is definitely the level of the demon emperor.

Thinking of this, the complexions of several old Celestial Masters changed greatly.

"It's inconvenient to say more! Mo Ling, let's go!"

However, after hearing the words of the Four Great Celestial Masters, Mo Yanran's eyes flickered without explanation, and then she took Xiao Moling and walked directly outside the Demon King's Hall.