My Mother Has a System but Won't Use It-Chapter 240: Surprising Visit

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Nearly nine months had passed since Ruo became pregnant. She was bursting with what one could only call a humongous belly by now, and she couldn't even walk well at this point. She was bossing around her husband to get her needs done these days.

And her temper was at an all-time worst. Even though Han Li had once boasted that his children would have enough respect for them not to kick their mother's belly, there was no such thing.

At first, she laughed at the little kicks here and there that she felt. She even boasted about how she already knew the child's gender. She had guessed it by the force of the kick, apparently.

Han Li couldn't even know that with his Soul Sense.

Soul Sense at the Evolution Stage was weak. It could see far and wide, but it was like normal eyes in that it couldn't pierce through solid objects. It couldn't see into Ruo's belly. Only the Soul Sense of a Power Born could do that. Sadly, Han Li was just an Evolved.

A strong Evolved who could give a fight to Power Born, but still just Evolved.

Today, Han Li was grinding a special herb that he had picked up. Ruo had a really sweet mouth and she had been bugging him every night crying for something she had never tasted, he had decided to make something absolutely sweet.

So, so, so sweet, that it would make her hate sweet things forever. Nah, even he was not that mad—she was too vengeful of a woman to play that on.

Just as he was grinding the herb though, his eyes shifted around nervously. Red eyes became cold for a second before they relaxed. "Oh, it is you. Even you entered this illussion?"

A crow fluttered down into the bamboo forest and, amidst a bunch of scattering feathers, transformed into a divine goth beauty. Han Li looked towards the bamboo hut nearby and sighed.

"Thankfully, the little bomb is asleep now, or she would cook me alive. I might honestly not be allowed to see her delivery—she is crazy like that sometimes."

The goth woman straightened silently and looked around. Han Li did the same.

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The old bamboo forest was now very different from nine months ago. It had become a Hamlet with hundreds of little bamboo houses—the bamboo forest remained but there were houses around now—and the houses were filled with people.

"Are you starting some tribe? Didn't expect you to be the type to do that."

"Nah, who are you kidding?" Han Li stretched himself, and his deeply carved physique, bare of any upper cloth, shined in the shadows of waving bamboo. "These people ended up creating houses around my own when they saw no beasts would dare to come near me."

"Oh, if you didn't like it, you could just shoo them away."

"Nah." Han Li smirked. "My wife is the lonely type—she is already friends with all of them."

"Yeah, for all her snarkiness, it's easy to like Ruo. She is very extroverted."

"Don't talk like you know her Spirit. Hmm, have you been watching me?"

"Yep. Since your mother died, I've been watching you."

"I just noticed." Damn. "You really can creep me out in the most subtle of ways. So, did you cast this illusion?"

The Spirit's form… glitched. It was like she was not a part of this reality. Something wrong. Almost like one of those bugs in video games that he had only seen in his mother's memories.

Han Li frowned.

"Well shit," The Spirit shrugged. "As you see, I didn't expect you to be conscious in this Vital Enlightenment. That never happens, you see. But here I am, again surprised by the impossible."

"What is this illusion meant to be?" Han Li asked.

"If I tell you, the chance of failure will be high. It would have been better if you weren't conscious. Sigh, well, you get what you get. I can only guess that your weird red eyes is the cause of you being so conscious now."

"So why did you come to meet me at this specific moment?"

"To give you some vital info, Partner." The goth beauty walked beside him and took a bunch of herbs before she joined him in grinding them. "I didn't want you to emotionally fall in some ditch. Everything here is fake—so don't fall in love with the tribe you would end up building here."

"Do you see me as some kid?" Han Li rolled his shoulders. He only had emotional investment on Ruo and that was it.

"That's it, Han Li. Are you really going to have kids inside an illusion?"

Han Li shrugged. "Ruo wanted them. And you don't have to question what I do."

"I have to. Now we are a team."

"Just shut up and get to the point. Why are you here?"

"I already have a vital weapon, and entering your mind is extremely exhausting because of that. But I still entered because I wanted to tell you one sole thing—live without regrets. Live a life that you'd laugh at no matter who says what."

Suddenly, she glitched out, and the only thing that remained was a black feather.

Han Li caught it and went deep into thought. Live a life without regret.

Such simple words. But the Spirit made the effort to come here and say that... she must have her reasons. But Han Li smiled. The Spirit had a slight misconception of what he was like.

He was already hell-bent on living a life that he wouldn't regret. Of course, he was not going to do anything else. He would listen to what his heart wanted.

The feather, too, transformed into glittering pearls and vanished.

Han Li felt a poke on his back and turned around to look.

Ruo was behind him, her face filled with an expression of consternation and her body dragging a huge belly with her. Face sweaty, she said, "I don't know who that was, and I don't care, Big Brother, but my belly is bursting. I feel like I am dying with pain. Please save your sweet Ruo."

That night, when the moon replaced the sun, a piercing cry of an infant filled the hamlet.

Han Li made something so sweet that day, he felt as if it was the sweetest thing ever. Maybe, sweet things were not so bad after all.

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