My Researching Journey (HxH)-Chapter 105: Within The Devil’s Hand

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This content is taken from (f)reewe(b)novel.𝗰𝗼𝐦

Chapter 105: Within The Devil's Hand


Chapter 105: Within The Devil's Hand


Only now did the light of comprehension appear in everyone's eyes truly understanding Pakunoda's strange behavior and that she was trying to transfer that information somehow at the cost of her life.

Pakunoda seemed in deep thought for a second before asking, "You said there is a chance I'll die... how?"

"I'll want you to use your power on a few dangerous things so there is a chance you'll die doing so but don't worry, I won't do anything that increases that chance nor will I kill you. If you die, it will be your power that killed you."

Answered the Zoldyck without lying but not going into details either.

Pakunoda nodded not fully understanding what he means but getting the gist of what he wants her to do.

'I don't trust him at all... but I have no choice if I want to live and the fact that he'll tell them directly after I agree makes it easier for me to agree so I just have to wait until Chrollo gets the ability to use Nen again.'

Before she could answer, however, Shizuku took the liberty to ask a question that's bugging her but not the rest of the spiders since they still remember the answer.

"You said you'll tell us the information directly after she agrees. What stop us from reneging on the deal?"

The faces of the people in the room couldn't help but twitch even with how used to her short term memory they are, it's still astonishing seeing it reach such a level, and Yasuo was a gentleman enough to patiently responded with a question.

"What's stopping me from teleporting away and killing Chrollo easily in his weakened state?"

"Oh right!" She nodded in understanding as Pakunoda made up her mind and nodding as well, "I accept as long as you tell them all the information I want them to know."

Yasuo nodded and directly started explaining, "The person you're looking for is named Kurapica and is a survivor of the Kurta clan massacre.

And well, he wants revenge as I'm sure you concluded, after all, you guys are the ones responsible for the massacre and that's his goal."

The Zoldyck paid no attention to the surprised glances as well as the confused ones and was about to continue before Shizuku again interrupted.

"The kurta clan massacre? Did such a clan exist, and were we really responsible?", "It's the clan with the scarlet eyes so yes we were, and Don't interrupt again!" Phinks couldn't help but snap at her though only after he explained it to her. 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝘦𝘸𝑒𝒷𝘯𝘰𝓿𝑒𝓁.𝒸ℴ𝑚

Yasuo didn't seem to mind as he just waited for them to finish talking before adding, "The ability he used on Pakunoda and Chrollo is quite simple, by controlling a specific chain that has a blade at its end to enter the victim's body and wrap itself around the victim's heart then giving a condition or an order which if not met trigger the blade to kill the person.

And that's what they have around their heart and what's stopping them from providing any vital information about him and also what's stopping Chrollo from using Nen and not being able to talk to any of the spiders."

Nobunaga frowned noticing a peculiarity, "Don't you know a little too much? How?"

Yasuo just smiled not answering until Shalnark asked, "You specifically said Chrollo and Pakunoda even though just earlier, I said that Hisoka another member who isn't here currently is under the effect of the same ability... Is he not?"

The Zoldyck shook his head, "Well, he isn't. He is simply a traitor and was never a spider, all he wanted was to face Chrollo and he met him in the exchange location and again he is able to talk to Chrollo because he isn't really one of you... and No they obviously didn't end up fighting since Chrollo became Nenless."

Shalnark's eyes couldn't help but widen hearing that and the same could be said for the others in the room especially for Nobunaga as blood droplets started to fall down from the tight fists he's making, veins popping on his forehead as he shouted, "SO HE REALLY SOLD OUT UVO!!!!"

Yasuo stood up not caring about their outburst, instead, he informed them about one last thing.

"By the way, the white-haired kid you had as a hostage is my brother so don't go after him, that'd be disrespectful.

Also, Chrollo walked away directly after that since he can't meet any of you but there is probably a solution to such an ability, and it's up to you to find out..."

Only now did Pakunoda let out a sigh of relief knowing everything she wanted to say was delivered and even more information than she has, she heard Yasuo saying as a portal appeared next to them, "Shall we?"

Pakunoda nodded and with a small smile she turned around to her group saying, "Don't worry, I'll definitely come back."

They then walked through the portal leaving most of the spiders with an expression showing just how unpleasant is the current situation for them.

"We have to get our leader back as soon as possible." Is the line that simultaneously appeared on their minds.

The destination portal appeared not far from the hideout on a tall building's roof as they walked out from it with Yasuo saying.

"Before our partnership continue any further, I want you to know that lying to me is useless and will only make things worse so unless I ask you about things related to your friends then just answer, ok?"

Paku nodded, "As long as it's not something that could endanger my group then I'll answer."

Yasuo then asked, "The ability you were gonna use before I showed up... What is it?"

Paku frowned but answered nonetheless knowing he already got the gist of what her ability is like from her earlier actions.

"I can shoot harmless Nen bullets or what I call memory bombs which have memories I want to transfer and once the bullet hit a person in the head, it transfers the memories to the said person."

A bright light seems to appear in Yasuo's eyes as a smile surfaced on his face, "That's even better than I thought. Well, let's start with our first target, shall we?"

Pakunoda only nodded giving in to her fate whatever it may be in the next three months only to hear something that stunned her.

"But first, I have another question, an important one. You were expecting my arrival earlier or at least you knew there is a possibility I'll show up... How?"

Before she can answer, however, he said, "I knew you lied to me earlier and you want to lie to me now so just don't and answer."

Paku frowned saying, "I can't even if you kill me."

The playful Zoldyck just smiled as he started stroking his earring, "So it's the ability of one of your friends... Let me guess, it's one of Chrollo's abilities. One of his stolen ones that can predict the future so he predicted my arrival and that I'll offer a deal but not what the deal is."

Paku's face couldn't help but twitch finally confirming that he can really detect when she's lying, "If you knew then why did you need to ask?"

Yasuo just shrugged his shoulder, "Just testing something, and well, it appears there is another destination we need to go to."

And so another portal appeared which they went through appearing at the top of another building in the middle of the city and just closed his eyes.

'So Neon's ability can work on me, able to see that I'll appear at that particular moment. Abilities that can see into the future are just that interesting.

However, too dangerous as while not as good as my Vision Eye still dangerous nonetheless especially in the hands of someone like Chrollo So. '

And simply because he wished so... because he saw the ability as a threat, he got rid of it.

You see, Chrollo's ability has one fatal weakness, the stolen abilities will disappear if the original owner dies unless the phenomena of 'Nen after death' happens in which case it will stay but the phenomena are so rare it almost never happens.

And Yasuo happened to somehow know the original owner of the ability Chrollo has, the ability to write poems describing the near future which needn't exist in his work.

So on a rainy evening of September 5th, the world lost a special person among the many normal ones.

The world witnessed the loss of a particular person as a natural incident but to the people who really know her.

They witnessed a tragic loss for someone special making the father of the person become even more broken than he already is losing any hope.

The hope that the special person will be able to use the ability again only to face the hard truth as the person disappeared from within the face of the planet with the ability on Chrollo's book disappearing as well, something he will only find out about after getting his Nen back...