My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser-Chapter 530 Four Months? She Couldn’t Wait That Long.

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No one expected Qi Genghis would do something like this, her actions were swift and desperate. The truck that was heading towards her direction wasn't driving slowly so, even when the driver saw that someone jumped in front of his truck and hit the break to stop his truck in a hurry to stop anyone from getting hurt, it was simply futile.

Because of the speed of the truck even when the driver pressed the brake, the truck only stopped when its front tire had driven past Qi Genghis's body. The sight in front of the crowd was gruesome as Qi Genghis's body was torn in half and her internal organs that burst out of her body were dragged out by the tire.

Screams broke out all over the street as Qi Genghis's mother started to scold the driver of the truck as she screamed at top of her voice, but instead of crying over the death of her daughter, the old woman was screaming at the driver to pay them for the loss he has brought them.

Song Yan looked at Qi Genghis's body which was torn in half and then looked at her mother who was screaming at the driver and shook her head. She looked at the sorry end of Qi Genghis's life with a mocking look in her eyes, she did not have the heart to feel sympathetic over the death of this woman because if this woman hadn't pushed her son along with Song Lan, then Fu Chen wouldn't have jumped off a building and killed himself.

She raised her head and looked at the members of the Qi family and from their physiognomy, she could see that the backlash from the curse of resonance had already begun. Resonance was a curse that was never ending if used properly, the old warlock who used the curse on Fu Yu Shen only had limited strength and he couldn't use it to the best of his abilities but Song Yan was different, she was petty and vengeful.

Because even though Qi Genghis was the only one who was behind the cause of Fu Chen's suicide, her family members were not simple people either. The second they found out that Qi Genghis was pregnant with Fu Yu Shen's child, they demanded to be given a house next to the Fu manor and even had the audacity to bully her son.

This was why she used her powers and gave the Qi family a small gift, even though Qi Genghis was dead, a small part of the backlash that was connected to her would be now attached to the Qi family. In the future, this family would be living a life worse than beggars, they would even get hurt if they were to walk without looking and Song Yan would like to see who they will be able to bully in the future.


Song Yan did not stay to watch what was going to happen to Qi Genghis and her family. She walked away at a certain distance from where the accident happened and then took a taxi to the hospital where her father was admitted, once she arrived at the hospital she took the lift and headed straight to the ward where her father was staying.

When she arrived at the ward, the bodyguards who were standing on each side of the door greeted her. She nodded in response before entering the ward, as soon as she walked inside she was surprised to see that Fan Xing who was tending to her father.

" Madam Fu," Fan Xing raised his head from the reports that he was reading and greeted Song Yan when he saw her walk inside the ward. " I was just taking a look at the reports of your father."

Song Yan turned her head and looked at her father who was changed into a new set of clothing, he was looking the same with his sickly body and pale complexion but the caretaker hired by Fu Yu Sheng seemed to have shaved the beard and long hair that was covering her father's face.

Even though he was no longer as resplendent as he once was, he still looked like the haughty and prideful owner of Song corporation, Song Dong Ming.

"Is he doing okay?" She asked as she walked over to the bed of her father and took a glance at him. Compared to the day when she found him, her father looked much better at least his lips were no longer purple and his skin was no longer as yellow as it was when she found him.

" He is getting better but his body seems to be refusing any kind of nutrition that's being given to him," Fan Xing told her as he took a look at the report that was in his hands. " However, this is not something surprising given that he was starved for years, his body is going to refuse for a few weeks at the most but you don't need to worry Madam Song, the recovery rate of your father is really good, he will surely wake up in a few months, if I am not wrong then he will be up in at least four months." ƒ𝗿e𝘦𝚠𝗲𝚋n𝚘ν𝙚𝗹.𝑐o𝙢

"I see, then I will thank you for your hard work, doctor Fan," Song Yan thanked Fan Xing with a smile.

" There is no need to thank me," Fan Xing waved her gratitude away as he took another look at Song Dong Ming who was lying on the bed and then turned to look at Song Yan, even now he was in surprise that the person who was lying in front of him was the real Song Dong Ming. " I will be leaving now, Madam Song. Please take your time, all the tests for the day are done, so you don't need to worry about getting disturbed."

Song Yan smiled at Fan Xing's consideration and thanked him again, she waited until the latter left the ward before she turned to look at her father and took out the porcelain bottle that she has brought with her. " Four months? That will be too long, I need to give Chu Lian a gift on the anniversary of the Song corporation."

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