New Life : A Second Chance-Chapter 16 - First Friend

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The entire exchange was heard by a few people, and the words uttered by a seemingly innocent boy made a few a bit uncomfortable. Delilah had kept quiet during the entire exchange, and smiled to herself.

Patting Kyle on the shoulder, she then said to them, "Kyle is right about one thing though. You shouldn't hold hands in school. Try to be more independent, Kay. You can't rely on your brother all the time."

Kay sighed, and let go of Kyle's hand but he didn't loosen his grip. Instead, he gave her hand a squeeze and said, "At least until we get to class". Then, in mind-speech, he said "and you know you can depend on me. Always."

Kay brightened up at that and hugged Kyle. Well, hugged him as best as she could with one hand being held by him. Truth be told, the whole school experience was rather scary. She had only been inside, with her family and Kyle.

Now, there were a whole load of people all around them. A lot of them kept looking at them, which made her feel a bit uncomfortable so holding Kyle's hand gave her some courage. She wasn't used to being the center of attention and it felt ... weird. At this time, she actually missed that circle of bodyguards that would shield them whenever they went out.

"You'll be fine," assured Kyle confidently.

For Kyle, this was nothing but Kay had yet to learn how to be sociable. Being cooped up all this time did not help in her social development, so Kyle was relieved that his mother agreed to sending them to school.

Initially, Delilah had felt that being home schooled was enough since they were both so bright. What is the point of going to school and be 'dumbed down'? They already knew so much more than what the school could provide, after all. What they needed was more knowledge, not less.

Luckily, their father managed to change her mind.

Life wasn't about being in a cocoon, but to be able to adapt and live within society. That included knowing how to interact, and behave, with people. Those were skills that cannot be taught, but learned. They did meet a lot of people while growing up but they were all adults. The rules were different. One is always polite, followed the rules and the adults would be careful around you. Your peers, however, had no such restrictions.

As Kyle and Kay walked towards the main notice board, a pair of eyes were looking at them in excitement. It was a boy who had just arrived and was lucky enough to catch the exchange between Kyle and the teacher at the gate.

The boy was 7 years old, with dark hair and hazel eyes. Right now, those eyes were open wide as he looked at Kyle's straight back walking away. His heart was beating excitedly, his eyes glistening and his face broke into a great, big smile.

He could hardly contain his excitement as he turned to the middle-aged man in a butler suit next to him. "Did you see that, Sebastian? Did you? Wasn't he just so awesome?!"

"Yes, Young Master Tan," replied Sebastian, his face hardly showing any expression though inwardly, he was pleased. Looks like his young charge will not cause any trouble in school. Earlier, he had been reluctant to go and even tried to fake a fever by putting his thermometer into a glass of hot water.

Having failed that, he was bundled into the car by his mother. Not satisfied with the whole thing, he had been complaining non-stop throughout the journey to school. Now, however, all of that stopped as he gawked on ahead. ƒ𝓇e𝙚𝔀𝐞𝚋𝓃𝐨𝘷e𝙡.𝒄𝗼m

"I found him," he whispered under his breath as his steps became faster towards the direction where Kyle had headed.

"I'm sorry Young Master Tan. What did you say?" asked the butler politely, following beside him.

"Oh, nothing, nothing," Xing Han (Tan Xing Han) replied, "I was just thinking out loud. Let's see which one is my class!"

"Yes, Young Master Tan," responded the butler stoically.

Xing Han rolled his eyes in his head, "Sebastian. If you're going to act and talk like a robot, you don't need to send me to school anymore."

"Yes, Young Master Tan," responded the butler automatically, and quickly changed it when he saw the way Xing Han's eyes slit narrower to glare at him, "Sorry, Young Master Tan. I mean, yes, will do Young Master Tan." The butler then raised the edges of his lips upwards, trying to smile but it looked like a grimace instead.

Xing Han sighed, knowing that getting Sebastian to call him Xing Han was not within his 'programming'. His attempt to look less robotic, however, was appreciated. So Xing Han patted Sebastian on the arm and said, "Good good. Keep on trying!"

Sebastian nodded, and gave a slightly better smile at that. To those observing, it looked like Sebastian was the child and Xing Han was the elder. Xing Han then ran to the notice board excitedly with Sebastian simply picking up the pace and catching up with Xing Han in no time.

The area of registration was set up at the Auditorium, where they would normally have their assemblies in the morning. On the stage were several rows of table set up side-by-side. A teacher was at each table, and two chairs were set up in front of each table. Below the stage, were four huge notice boards which contained the list of students in the school and their respective classes.

Returning students were crowded around those notice boards, trying to see which class they were assigned to for that year. As for the new students, they were required to register themselves at the desk on stage.

Kyle and Kay sat down on the chairs while Delilah and Sophie stood behind them.

"Name?" asked the teacher, not looking up.

Kyle frowned a bit at the teacher's rudeness. Couldn't he even be bothered to look and greet them, at least? Kyle looked at his name tag and replied respectfully nonetheless "Kyle and Kayla Smith, Teacher Micheal."

At that, the teacher looked at them apologetically, "I'm sorry for not greeting you earlier. Things have been so hectic," Teacher Micheal explained as he looked at Kyle and Kay, then at Delilah and Sophie behind them.

Kyle merely smiled in response, nodding while Delilah answered, "We understand. I am Delilah, this is Sophie and these are my two children."

Teacher Micheal looked for their names on the list and said, "Ah. Here it is. Kyle Smith, 1 Van Goh. Kayla Smith, 1 Kahlo."

Kay's lips trembled a bit at that, "What? We're not in the same class?"

Teacher Micheal looked at Kay kindly, explaining, "The school does not encourage relatives to be in the same class. You need to meet new people, not stick to the people that you already know."

Kay looked at Kyle in slight panic, and he squeezed her hand reassuringly, "Don't worry, Kay. You'll be fine! Remember, I'm just but a thought away."

To others, that sounded normal - Kyle simply telling Kay he is nearby. Kay knew that he meant it literally, and her rapidly beating heart quietened down. That's right! Just because they weren't together physically, didn't mean they weren't together.

Kay nodded, biting her lower lip. Yes. She can do this. She needed to be stronger for Kyle. Heck, she is a throwing knife expert!! Co-leader of MIB! She can do this! It's only primary school!!

Delilah rubbed Kay's shoulder reassuringly, and Kay took a deep breath.

Teacher Micheal then gave each of them the school map, the time table, rule book and a list of all their teacher's names and contact. They thanked Teacher Micheal before heading off the stage.

Kyle perused the school map briefly. He noted the position of all Class 1 in the school, and their names. There were six classes for each year, and each class was named after famous figures.

The first year classes were named after artists, the second year classes were named after musicians, the third year classes were named after inventors, the fourth year classes were named after scientists, the fifth year classes were named after doctors and the final year classes were named after Nobel Prize winners.

The six classes of Primary 1 were thus (Vincent) Van Gogh, (Pablo) Picasso, Rembrandt, (Frida) Kahlo, Michelangelo and (Claude) Monet.

Kyle was surprised that Frida Kahlo was listed as well since the painter was female. She was well-known in Mexico and although she did have some international reputation, it wasn't in the same standard as the rest. Kyle was, however, happy that the school did acknowledge female figures as well, which was rather different from most schools at the time.

Suddenly, his thought process was broken by a boy who came over to them excitedly, asking Kyle, "Which class did you get? I am in 1 Van Goh? What about you? And you?" He turned towards Kay, "Are you in the same class as him? Or a different one? I hope I'm in your class though," he continued on at high speed as he looked at Kyle expectantly.

Kyle turned to look at the bundle of energy that was talking non-stop like a bullet train. Would this boy by their first friend?

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