Paragon of Sin-Chapter 1776: Three
Chapter 1776: Three
Young Master Shang's panic was genuine, his emotional state unsettled, and his eyes swirling with-an unsteady fear. Wei Wuyin pinpointed a specific-feeling emanating from him, "What are you afraid of?"
Shang Liu's eyes and mood were flat and icy.
Meanwhile, Shang Wanqing was baffled and curious,-her eyes glinting with questions. Earlier, the three-Shangs had some talk, and Shang Liu had all but-introduced this young man in white who had a penchant for alcohol as her cousin from their familial-lineage from afar. When said, the young man had an-awkward expression as if that wasn't exactly right, but-he didn't outright deny the title after Shang Liu brought-out some of his finest wine.
Young Master Shang tried composing himself with a-serene breathing technique. He failed. In the end, he-only exacerbated his emotions. He said with an unsteady voice, "T-the Council of Yri isn't simple.
They…you see…my—our mother would also refuse that-arrangement. You shouldn't, absolutely, definitely—-YOU just can't take a cavalier approach to this."
"..." Wei Wuyin had immense confidence in himself,-but given what Young Master Shang knew of him, all-his startling feats, great achievements of turning three-galaxies into vassals of his founding empire, alongside-his outstanding comprehension of the Imperial Law, it-was a little unbelievable that Young Master Shang was-now concerned for his life.
Was this rule so impossible to overcome?
Young Master Shang paused briefly, debating internally-about something heavy. However, Shang Liu didn't-have as much consideration, and spoke plainly: "I was-unaware that you had a precious agreement to take-another of our Shang clansmen as a concubine, but-there's a story here that would make that decision a-very fatal one."
Wei Wuyin wasn't interested in this story. He casually-halted Shang Liu from trying to propagate fear while-elevating the Blessed Yri Empire's strength. "All of your-attempts are entirely unnecessary. None of your-opinions matter. Only Miss Wanqing's decision. If she-chooses to accept, then there is no stopping what's to-come."
"..." Young Master Shang.
"..." Shang Liu.
Shang Wanqing's eyes simmered with a wonderful light-of admiration and astonishment. This was domineering! This was tyrannical! And her heart was-pounding fiercely, and her chest was rising and falling,-inducing inner-fire stimulating waves despite the-coverings.
Shang Liu could only silently shake his head, no longer-trying to convince Wei Wuyin of ill-made decisions.
This was why those who pursued the path of Imperial-Law were abnormally troublesome to deal with. Suo-Haoran would agree! He would agree ten thousand-times over!
Young Master Shang could only refill his glass to the-tip, drink it whole, and expel a turbidity and alcoholic-air. "Fine. But don't blame me for not warning you."
"I won't. And don't blame me if the sky doesn't fall,"
Wei Wuyin responded vaguely with an amused smile.
Unbeknownst to Shang Liu or Suo Haoran, Wei Wuyin-wasn't influenced heavily by the Imperial Law or any-Law. The Laws were a source of external power of the-heavens that his Astral Souls had formed, and he-assisted them in cultivating. If King was put into the-situation, its response wouldn't have been more than a-single utterance of 'tch' and a release of total waves of-annihilation and a heaven-splitting saber strike to end-all objections.
Wei Wuyin was far, far, far more reasonable.
Since that was settled, the only remaining decision was-Shang Wanqing. Seeing how starry-eyed and riled up-she was, Shang Liu knew there was no suspense left.
He could only internally sigh with despondent acceptance.
Shang Wanqing, shockingly, looked at her
200,000-year-old father at this moment, and she-turned to Wei Wuyin with steeled resolve. "While I-know that I have little to no bargaining power, and-you're aware that I have no objections and full desire to-become your concubine with this life and body of mine,-may I speak a request?"
In the cultivation world, the term 'concubine' has very-different meanings and importance, and for mortal-kingdoms, concubines, both female and male, were-often considered inferior official wives and husbands,-their children lacking proper induction into the main-familial lineage, their status extremely low, and their-speaking power significantly lacking.
They were just above mistresses, and in many cases,-they were treated worse than those mistresses as many-concubines were gifts offered to powerful men and-women, almost dehumanized as goods to be traded-away. This was somewhat similar in the cultivation-world, and why countless refused to refer to Xue Yifei-as a concubine given her abnormal influence and levels-of worship, respect, and authority throughout the-empire and beyond.
It was a wonder why any woman would offer herself as-a concubine personally, and even Wei Wuyin had been-taken aback initially given that Shang Wanqing was a-highly sought-after Catalyst Body that Sages would kill-for, and Resonant Soul Realm experts wouldn't mind-having. Moreover, there was a contest being held to-find a young suitor, albeit Wei Wuyin was younger than-Shang Wanqing by a few thousand years…
Concubines weren't given glorious weddings, and-normally their ceremonies were fronts for gift-giving-exploitation and gatherings of old friends and family to-discuss various topics, their existence took a notable-backseat to everything else. This was both for the-mortal world and the cultivation world throughout-many societies, albeit there were differences between-them.
It would often be that the names of concubines weren't-remembered, and those in the cultivation world often-had an unsettling amount of them, which died off and-were replaced almost yearly. For some, this was a-demoralizing title and identity.
One of the few exceptions was Emperors; Imperial-Concubines were significantly more important,
remembered, recognized, and immortalized by empires.
Their children had the birthright to fight to become the-next Emperor and Empress! They had the imperial-bloodline!
Tian Yinwu was a prime example of this!
Shang Liu's expression shifted as Shang Wanqing's-words flowed, his heart pounding as he held back the-urge to instinctively silence her.
"Of course," Wei Wuyin responded lightly.
Shang Wanqing gathered her courage. Wei Wuyin was,-as all the rumors and rankings suggest, an Exalted-Worldly Saint Alchemist, and she had heard from some-servants that Wei Wuyin hadn't gifted an Arising Sage-Elixir to her father after a conflict arose between them.
"I ask that you…help my father ascend!"
"..." Shang Liu couldn't help but be moved. He hadn't-doted on this daughter of his for nothing! But simultaneously, his heart was rending apart, unable to-accept that she was doing all this, potentially-sacrificing her future happiness for him with someone-her age and cultivation range, the potential to have a-Dao Companion!
Wei Wuyin kept his smile, "What a filial act. But I must-ask: are you intent on becoming my concubine just for-this hope? So that I may use my means to assist your-father in reaching his dreams before his light of life is-snuffed out?"
"..." Shang Wanqing went silent, her eyes lowering to-the table, and her fingers clenching into two tight small-fists.
It was valiant to sacrifice your future and life for your-parents, but in Wei Wuyin's eyes, this was an unnecessary gesture. He lifted his teacup and took a-sip. "How about this: I can give you my word that,-regardless of whether you agree to become my
concubine in this lifetime, I will assist your father in-ascending as a Sage using all my might, means, and-methods. Unless he decided to take his own life, there's-very little chance of him failing to achieve his dream."
Wei Wuyin's eyes focused on the stunned Shang Wanqing and Shang Liu. He clarified, "Arising Sage-Elixir? I'll give him a peak-quality elixir. I'll add-refined Mystic Origin Clay to ensure his life wouldn't-experience any significant danger should he fail. And-I'll…" Wei Wuyin went through a comprehensive list of-things, the most suitable products and materials of-heaven and earth that could assist in a cultivator-becoming a Sage. While there was no guarantee of-success, it would be hard for anyone to fail!
"My word is more solid than a Heaven-Bound Mythical-Oath as an Emperor, no different than an imperial edict-that will be carried out no matter what. So what says-you, Miss Wanqing? Do you still wish to become my-concubine? Or you can strive to become a Dao Companion with someone else out there, seeking out-your happiness. No need to use filial piety as a reason-for your choice or sacrifice.
"There is no foundation of sacrifice any longer. Only-your decision. As for the threat of danger, should you-refuse? I have no reason to harm you or anyone connected to you because of this. After all, I have two-well-known Catalyst Bodies. I can take it a step further,-if you refuse, I'll induct you as a disciple of my-Alchemic Knight, Sage Pakhet, to prevent any
concerning rumors of any implied potential romantic-relationship between us."
Wei Wuyin was not holding back! Even Young Master-Shang's eyes widened in incredible disbelief. It was as-if Wei Wuyin was ensuring that he was checking off any-boxes that could suggest that Shang Wanqing's choice-to be his concubine was not affected by any temptation-or familial obligation!
This was…kind of brilliant and quite ruthless!
Young Master Shang had heard of and seen situations-like this all the time, and the person in Wei Wuyin's-position always agreed, almost as if they were purchasing a concubine by exchanging goods or worth.
There were situations where women and men were forced as concubines to assist their families or even-former lovers.
Shang Liu's mouth was agape with shock. What in the-absolute freaking heavens?!
If Shang Liu was like this, Shang Wanqing would be-shaken even further! In truth, she was largely seeking-to become a concubine of a Resonant Soul Realm expert-or an Exalted Worldly Saint Alchemist because of her-father. She felt a strong obligation to do so, especially-since she was a Catalyst Body desired by all. She had-value.
Yet Wei Wuyin had flipped the table and rewrote the-script that she had buried in her heart. She was-currently in an extremely awkward position!
Wei Wuyin took additional sips of his tea, enjoying its-rich flavor. It was enhanced by drops of honey. He-wondered if there were Genesis Beast bees that were-reared or something else, enriched through a specific-process. As he enjoyed his tea, the silence in the air was-palpable.
After fifteen minutes, Shang Wanqing's eyes focused on-Wei Wuyin with a searing intensity. "I wish to become-your concubine, World-Saint Wei." She bowed deeply,-showcasing her earnest and complete desire to go-through with this!
This took both Young Master Shang and Shang Liu-aback. If she just refused, she would have a great life-without any issues! This was especially true since Wei-Wuyin genuinely didn't see her as special, possessing-both Yue Songli and Xi Ning!
Wei Wuyin stared at this enchantingly and exceedingly-beautiful girl who exuded an irresistible aura that-beckoned one's desire with her every breath, smile, and-movement. He had originally thought Shang Wanqing-was hoping for this so-called Council of Yri to dissuade-him, but her mental fluctuations were genuine and-lacked the slightest falsehood.
Wei Wuyin nodded in acceptance, placing down his-teacup.
"Then, as long as you, Shang Wanqing wills for it and-exist, you'll be the Concubine of I, the Ascendant-Emperor of the Neo-Dawn Empire." A heaven-shaking-pulse of Imperial Law surged forth from between the-two, causing Shang Liu and Young Master Shang's-expressions to violently change.
This was a binding of Law!
Much akin to how the spoils of war of the Law of War-can take effect, this was an Imperial Edict imbued with-the Law of Heaven! It was inviolable!
However, Wei Wuyin's brows suddenly furrowed. The-binding had taken effect, yet only a single one of her-three souls was affected. If there were colors representative of her souls, they were black, white, and-gold, matching with the colorings of her natural hair.
The soul entwined by the Imperial Law was the Black-Soul of the three.
The execution of the Imperial Law was a test, and it-had all but verified a few of his theories. This Shang-Wanqing, the daughter of Shang Liu, had three different souls! Moreover, the other two souls were-dormant!
Fortunately, Wei Wuyin wasn't the fearful type. Shang-Wanqing seemed to relax greatly after feeling the-warmth of the Imperial Law enter her soul. Moreover,-she knew that this was a very loose binding, completely-attuned to her desire to be Wei Wuyin's concubine,-contingent on her will, without any punishment upon-breaking.
Her alluring eyes softened considerably as she looked at-Wei Wuyin, the early seeds of love were already born.
The earlier conduct of Wei Wuyin hadn't just gained her-complete admiration, but gained her respect, allowing-her to realize that Wei Wuyin was unlike any other-man, not seeking her for just her Catalyst Body. She-much rather be desired for her beauty and demeanor-than such a fickle, insulting thing.
Since Wei Wuyin had two other Catalyst Bodies, he-certainly didn't care about her body's unique properties. She was already thinking of taking the time-to probe his thoughts on why he liked her.
Her whimsical thoughts aside, Wei Wuyin asked directly to Shang Liu: "So why does Wanqing have two-other souls inside her?"
"!!!" Shang Liu initially was baffled, but after recalling-the Soul Perception of Supreme Sages, his eyes widened-in abject shock!
"Hm?" Shang Wanqing blinked, confused. Then, as if-ignited by a mystical power, her turquoise eyes shone-with a fascinating and unexpected glow! It was as if-those words had triggered thoughts she had long-suppressed and suspicions that always hung around her-heart!
"Hm," Wei Wuyin observed this reaction with interest.
Furthermore, when Shang Liu asked a few questions-regarding what exactly Wei Wuyin sensed, and Wei-Wuyin told him without the slightest omission, he grew-pale with realization.
Young Master Shang drank with anticipation, not-expecting this juicy twist.
"You can speak freely. Shang Wanqing deserves to-know," Wei Wuyin could sense Shang Liu's
reservations regarding exposing certain details of-Shang Wanqing's life. Wei Wuyin wasn't in the habit of-keeping things unless it was necessary to do so, such as-keeping the properties of the Catalyst Body from Yue-Songli until she was ready.
The answer was far simpler than Wei Wuyin expected.
Shang Wanqing had a very complicated birth.
Unbeknownst to how, when she was born, she caught-an extremely rare illness that was devouring her body-and would eventually reach her soul. The illness had-tainted her mother, causing her to die in childbirth.
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Shang Liu sought out solutions, but not even the Seers-or Medicinal Sages had any idea what this was or could-determine.
In his desperation, he sought out a Supreme Seer's-advice. He received an immediate response from Supreme Mortaldust, one of the Supreme Seers of the-greater galaxies. The response he received was disastrous. According to Supreme Mortaldust, a shard-of one of the Three Thousand Heavenly Realms, the-Realm of Decay, had fragmented and imbued into her-soul, somehow bypassing the cleansing of samsara.
There was a chance that her former life was besieged by-a wielder of the Major Authority of Decay or stronger.
It was too profound for Shang Liu to understand, but-the solution was exceedingly difficult. Firstly, he-needed to find a Nascent Decay Soul to infuse into her-soul, allowing her to gain immunity to its effects.
Secondly, she needed a body that could withstand the-effects of a Law—a body like a Catalyst Body. Lastly,-this needed to be completed before her 1st year in this-world was completed.
It wasn't as if Shang Liu hadn't heard of these difficult-complications at birth, and many times, strange-illnesses, conditions, or mutations would lead to the-death of the infant, not just the mother. This was the-last daughter of his life; he had sworn an unretractable-oath on it.
Filled with desperation, he did all he could to find a-Nascent Decay Soul, and he traded it with the Arachnids in a secret deal. Just as time was running-out, desperation overwhelmed his soul as he watched-his daughter's body on the verge of true decay, almost-reaching her soul. Then, as if by heaven's will, he-received a strange message from someone informing-him of a recently born infant that had a Catalyst Body-in a nearby stellar region.
The infant, shockingly, was the same age and gender as-his daughter. In fact, if closely compared, they looked-almost like twins when she was healthy. He learned-this child had the Shang Clan bloodline too, making-their souls and body extremely compatible! It was as if-this was destiny!
The next sequence of events was to be expected. Shang-Liu had completed the fusion of Nascent Decay Soul-and his daughter's soul, eradicated the soul of the-infant with a painless spell, and replaced her with his-daughter's.
At least, he thought he eradicated the infant's soul!
Shang Wanqing was ashen pale from listening to the-story, learning all this left her visibly distraught,-unable to do anything but unblinkingly stare at her-palms.
Wei Wuyin thoughtfully considered all this.
There was still a mystery here.
If one of the souls was Shang Wanqing's original soul,-and the other was the failed-to-be-eradicated infant's-soul, then what about the third one?!