Path of the Berserker-Book 5 - Intro Blurb and Book 4 Recap

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Path of the Berserker – Book 5 (A Daopocalypse Progression fantasy)


A world destroyed. An axe to grind. And a path to infinite power. Welcome to my reality.

I’ve survived my tour of the Hell Worlds…no…scratch that.I did more than just survive—I damn well thrived.

I’ve unlocked secret knowledge, advanced to the edge of the Sacred Soul Realm and even managed to perform feats of cultivation that no one in history has ever done before me.

And now it’s time to put my new-found strength to the test.

My path hasn’t gotten any easier and a new set of trials awaits me upon my return home. Good thing I got a damn good barrister and a family of loyal supporters to back me up.

Theres been a lot of shady business going on while I’ve been away.

But Daddy’s home now and there’s going to be hell to pay.

Path of the Berserker Book 5 is a progression fantasy novel that contains immortal cultivators, an oppressive intergalactic dynasty, rage-inducing imperial bureaucracy, magical spirit beasts, fantastical martial arts and one pissed off MC who’s sick of it all. Fans of western style cultivation fantasy, post apocalypse and Xianxia will enjoy.

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#Max’s Techniques and Abilities

Max’s Berserker Techniques

Taken from the sacred scripts regarding the Path of the Frenzied Flame.

“Thou art indeed a kindled Flame, a frenzied spirit, tempered by struggle and sorrow, fueled by rage and pain…” -Unknown

Shura 1

Think not that we speak for the Flame, for the Flame of Frenzy has no master nor does it seek to create masters of its own accord. We who speak, have through consult agreed to these doctrines, not by direction, but through independent revelations of the Flame. Know with confidence then, that these words are true and are fit for enlightenment along your path.

Shura 2

They call us Berserker, we who follow the Frenzied Flame. Let us embrace the moniker, for it instills fears in our enemies. And fear is our strength.

[Frenzied Flame] – the most basic of all techniques within the Berserker’s domain. Use it to instantly channel your internal energies of Fear, Rage, and Pain into Frenzy. Evoking this technique can also stir the embers of an Unkindled or even reignite the fallen Flame of a Waning Ember.

[Fear the Flame] – the simple baring of one’s fangs is sometimes all that is required to defeat one’s foe. Gather your Frenzy and with a mere look or phrase, exert your dominance and feed from the fears of your enemies or bolster the resolve of your allies.

[Mask of the Despised] – take heed always, kindled one, for the hatred of the Frenzied Flame is great amongst those who follow the path of Qi. Use this technique to mask your strength while in their presence, for their own arrogance shall paint you as a mere fool, simpleton, or dull brute in their eyes. Use this to your advantage to move freely among them while posing no threat.

[Lust for Battle] – not a true technique, but a trait shared by all kindled of the Frenzied Flame. The drawing of blood in battle, even one’s own, can trigger a burst of Frenzy. And to slay one’s enemy will produce even more so. Yet take heed, kindled one, for the pull of the bloodlust is strong and the need to draw blood can easily extend to a friend as well as foe, if left unrestrained. Let not the Demon within you take full control.

[Struggler’s Resolve] – the path of the Struggler is forever filled with tribulation. This technique will convert your Frenzy into an iron will of determination that even others can feel and see.

[Indifference] –Think not, dear kindled, that your power lies in aggression and hostility alone. To induce rage and fear in others can be many more times as effective, for nothing offends the proud and powerful more than indifference. Use this technique to withstand attacks and to demoralize your foes through your apathy when you disregard even their strongest techniques with a scoff.

[Odds Against Me] – there is no greater thrill than a challenge. Without challenge, without struggle, there can be no progression. The cowardly prey on those who are weaker to ensure easy victory, but the Berserker seeks to oppose strength far above his own. When facing greater odds, either by strength, numbers, or both, this technique will generate enormous amounts of Frenzy by suppressing your inner fears and unleashing your Flame’s full potential. The power of this technique is limitless, bound only by the strength of your foe and your ability to withstand him.

[My Turn] – a retaliation technique used best when combined with [Indifference]. Unleash a mighty burst of Frenzy with your next strike by releasing the stored Pain energy of any previous attacks endured.

[Death Mastery] – the fear of death grows only stronger the closer one gets to immortality. Power over this fear defies not only the Heavens, but mocks it to its face. Consider it no small wonder then, dear kindled, that your path shall be blighted with misfortune, for the Heavens are not lightly mocked. In exchange for this rebuke, you shall enjoy the bounty that is clarity of mind, body, and soul in places where others falter and fail. Your words and actions will instill fear and respect in others and your Flame will burn yet brighter with each evolution, heightening the potency of all your abilities.

(Max’s Death Mastery Levels)

Fear of Uncertain Death (Mastery) – [Foundation Realm]

Fear of Certain Death (Mastery) – [Core Realm]

Fear no Death (Mastery) – [Sacred Soul Realm]

Death Wish – [Deity Realm]

[Iron Core] – (internal) use concentrated Frenzy to temporarily form a layer of protective armor around vital organs and bones to withstand tremendous blows.

[Death’s Door] – (internal) should you suffer a fatal wound use concentrated Frenzy to replace any bodily function that is lost.

[Iron Skin] – (external) use concentrated Frenzy to temporarily form a layer of hardened armor on a specific part of the body.Use defensively to avoid critical strikes or offensively on the knuckles, feet, or palms when fighting unarmed.

Marks of the Berserker

Take special care when utilizing the marks. While initially only one Mark may be used at a time, higher levels can sustain as much as two. In very rare practitioners, all three marks can be manifested, but take heed, as such will quickly Frenzy thy Flame towards complete madness.

[Mark of the Beast] – (external) take on the likeness of a frenzied beast, greatly increasing one’s reflexes and speed.

[Mark of the Giant] – (external) grow in physical size, greatly increase all of one’s physical strength and power.

[Mark of the Demon] – (external) take on the likeness of a demon, greatly increasing the potency of one’s Frenzy and the effectiveness of Frenzy techniques.

[Diamond Skin] and [Diamond Core] – enhanced variations of the [Iron/Steel Skin/Core] techniques.

[Soul Shield] – the most elementary of soul techniques. Use it to guard thy Flame from attacks from both without and within the spiritual realm.

[Sacred Soul Shield] – an enhanced variant of [Soul Shield] that can grant protection from even the rays of a Cursed Star.

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[Spectral Body] – the form of one’s soul is forever being molded, but for it to take true shape, it must first develop a body. Use this technique to both envision and inhabit a spectral body within thy own Core. Tread thou carefully however, for the refection of one’s true inner self is forged not by will, but the history of one’s thoughts and deeds.

[Spectral Armor] – once developed, this armor can embody the strength of one’s soul and protect one’s spectral body in the spiritual realm.

[Spectral Weapon] – the extension of one’s will in spiritual form, use it to inflict damage within the spiritual realm.

[Everyone’s Fear] [Everyone’s Sorrow] [Everyone’s Rancor] – the lamentations of the masses can hold much strength when in large numbers. Be they the oppressed or the downtrodden, so long as a focus for their oppression can be challenged, so too can a Frenzied Flame lend its strength to aid the many.

[Furious Flame of the Father]

Know thee not, oh kindled one, from whence thy might doth flow? For we who Struggle against, there is no greater strength, but to succumb is annihilation. In times of dire need, one may use the strength of thy progenitor to greatly multiply the effectiveness of thy Flame, but to do so for too long will see it consumed and returned to its origin.

The next ones seemed to be upgrades to my existing abilities, of [My Turn], [Fear the Flame] and [Indifference].

[I Still Live]

When thou doth suffer a fatal blow by thy enemy and through thy strength doeth survive, use this technique to ensure that such kindness is repaid one hundred-fold.

[Torment of the Frenzied Flame]

Use thy Frenzy to strengthen thy words with the power of the Flame itself, for the [Fear of the Flame] is innate. Do so to sharpen thy tongue as a barb, where thy words prick and shatter the very spirit, mind and soul of one’s foe. For the proud and boastful, often fortify themselves with words, creating confidence where there is truly none, for false confidence is no confidence at all.

[Barren Ground]

Thy inner world can be a place of fortification and also peace. Yet take care, oh kindled one, that thy struggles are not overshadowed by one’s loss and grief. In such time, one’s [Indifference] can be harnessed to produce a void of solace. A place where thy cares can be cast down. Yet, where thy cares lie, thou shalt see not one, for thou carest not and all shall be barren ground.

The last one seemed kind of heavy, and I wasn’t quite sure what to make of it. I searched further through the Shuras for some more practical manifestation techniques.


Combine the strength of ones resolve and indominable will to step forward with a dominance that strikes fear and terror in the hearts of one’s foes. To fly quickly into combat and gain an initiating strike are the tactics of the weak and unsure. Do thou the opposite, for surely, one who marches slowly into the face of battle, or the presence of his foes, will show them no mercy nor weakness. Once initiated, such steps cannot be broken nor stalled. For not even the gates of Heaven nor Hell can withstand the trudge of a Berserker’s iron-willed resolve.

[Focused Fury]

It is said that the eyes are the windows to the soul. Use this technique for one to take a glimpse within thy own. As thy eyes become burning embers of rage and pain, use it to shatter the will of thy foes or to bolster thy allies with hope and resolve.

[Burning Soul]

If thy eyes are yet not good enough, use thy entire body instead. Draw upon the strength of thy Flame to create a burning effigy of thy indominable spirit, terrorizing all.

[Three Fold Frenzy]

An advanced manifestation technique that briefly combines all three of thy forms for a single technique or blow, greatly amplifying one’s strength. Do so sparingly however, for such will greatly tax both body and soul, resulting in an immediate slumber. Be assured then, oh kindled one, that a death blow of one’s foe is assured.

[Fury of the Fallen]

The fall of one’s comrades in battle can be a source of great loss and grief, but also power. Use this technique to channel one’s inner rage and despair, drawing in the very essence of the fallen to aid in retribution and recompence.

Max’s Demonic Cultivation Techniques

[Absorption] – a demonic technique that renders Qi essence from solid cores.

[Devil’s Shadow] – a demonic technique that masks one’s Dantian with the Qi gained through [Absorption]. By absorbing the essence of a sliver of Lightning Core implanted in his body, Max is able to mask his Frenzied Core as a normal lightning core.

[Faux Lightning] – by combining [Absorption] and [Devil’s Shadow], a small sliver of lightning core can be sent to Max’s jing meridian to create a small spark of lightning.

Max’s Martial Training

One and Two handed Axe Mastery – derived from a standard training manual.

Phalanx Glaive Mastery – perfected under the tutelage of Venja and Iron Pot Wong

Axe and Glaive Mastery – a combined martial form utilizing the quick strikes of the axe in conjunction with the slow and heave strikes of the Phalanx Glaive

Max’s Self Made Martial Techniques

[One/Two Log Chop] – a powerful vertical cleave utilizing the power of Frenzy

[One Chop Cleave] – a powerful spinning horizontal chop designed to fell a tree in one blow.

[Struggler’s Lightning Fist/Blade/Cleave of Fury] ­– a group of hybrid spiritual techniques involving the partial projection of his [Spectral Body] and [Spectral Weapon] for a single attack that can cause Lightning, physical and spiritual damage simultaneously.

Max’s Lightning Techniques

[Frenzied Lightning] – by utilizing solid frenzy and sending it to his jing meridian, Max is able to produce Lightning the same as a Lightning Qi master.

[Lightning Arc Strike] – manifests an arc of lightning that is cast from the edge of his blade.

[Wrath of a Thousand Slain Souls] – a manifestation technique that releases a large burst of [Frenzied Lightning] from Max’s body.

[Wrath of a Million Slain Souls] – an enhanced variant of [Wrath of a Thousand Slain Souls]

[Lightning Splits the Towering Oak] – a technique combining [Frenzied Lightning] and [Three Log Chop] to produce a devastating killing blow.

[Steel Lightning] – an ablative armor technique utilizing a combination of [Steel Skin] and [Frenzied Lightning]

[Lightning Walk] – a modification of the [Air Walk] technique combining [Frenzied Lightning] to produce the ability to walk on air.

[Ride the Lightning] ­– an advanced form of [Lightning Walk] utilizing the power of [Wrath of a Thousand Slain Souls] to move at incredible speeds.

Max’s group affiliations, titles and martial rankings

Furious Lightning Sect ­– Sect Leader

Terran Sect – Founder, Leader and Warden

Wooden Bracket League – 1st place Ranking and overall winner

Iron Bracket League – 1st place Ranking and overall winner

Gold Bracket League – 92nd Ranking

Du Gok Bhong Academy – Graduate Legionnaire

#The story so far

Max’s mission to the Hell Words is immediately derailed by the appearance of Tai Su Long, a governor from the core worlds and uncle to Jei Su Long. As the Su Long family is a major sponsor of both the Academy and the military transport the Xin Long, Tai Su Long is able to exert his influence over President Tzu Li Zen and forces him to grant Jai Su Long a new title of Senior Platoon Commander above Max.

The mission is further interrupted by a distress call from the planet El’Dshar which has suffered a meteor strike from one of the cursed stars. Max assists in battle and saves a young Lieutenant which he later discovers is Hein.

The two have a rocky reunion at first, but his time in the military has changed Hein greatly and Max and he soon learn to become friends as well as future brothers-in-law. Max suffered a few more trials on the way to the Hell World with first having to participate in an exhibition match with a High Tier Sacred Soul Realm cultivator named Rhe Su Long, which he wins by default, but by embarrassing himself and his opponent. As punishment, Max and the battalion are forced to join a planetary assault on a native world, led by the very same team of Lesser Deity Realm Cultivators who conquered the Earth.

While on the planet, Max manages to hide away a small portion of the local population which hopes he can save later save once he has more influence within the empire.

On their descent to the Hell World of Fhae I’ung, Jei Su long double crosses the entire platoon and leaves them all to die, but tells the powers that be that Max killed the entire platoon and that he eventually killed Max in self-defense. He then convinces his uncle to give him authority to go on another two tours as ‘security and oversight’.

Back on Earth Fia is preparing for her upcoming trial against the three bird sister and is helped by her mother to learn a new martial art that will allow her to defend herself without putting stress on her body or the baby.

While Fia trains on Earth, Max trains on the Hell World after finding a refuge underground. He learns how to project his Sacred Soul and in doing so discovered there is a planetary Spirit of Fhae I’ung dwelling deep inside the planet. Max uses his projection technique to teleport his spirit to find her and discovers that she is under attack by a Deep Dweller. After defeating the Deep Dweller, Max realizes Fhae I’ung is already dying. She uses the last of her strength to gift Max with new revelations from the Frenzied Flame as well as secret knowledge of the true relationships between the Frenzied Flame, the Greater Will, I’xol’ukz and the One True Flame which is the embodiment of the Cursed Stars.

Max uses this new knowledge to train and grow stronger while he awaits the next tour of legionnaires to arrive. When they do, Max meets up with them, only to see Jei Su Long again as well as Blue Rose, but through Jei Su Long’s incompetence, the skiff and most of the platoon is lost.

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Max, furious for what Jei Su Long has done, cripples him by destroying his Dantian, but stops just short of killing him thanks to Blue Rose, who counsels him that he will need Jei Su Long alive to face court and help clear his name. Max keeps Jei Su Long alive while they make a plan to trek across the Hell World to the next drop zone.

Kelsey, who has been training under the Bloodmoon, discovers the demonic reincarnation of Hong Feng growing ever stronger. She is able to connect with Max while he is on the Hell World and Max tries to convey to her that he is still alive.

Princess Lunalah learns of Max death and is painfully distraught, but decides to keep the news from reaching Fia so that she may vengefully injure her with the news on the night of her match with the bird sisters.

Princess Lunalah travels to Jurin Province for this sole purpose and ahead of the match, publicly announces Max’s death which causes Fia much emotional distress. Kelsey tries to refute it, but Fia is torn and confused. As a result, when the match begins, the bird sisters get the better of her and manage rip off her robes, revealing Fia to be pregnant. The princess, incensed that Fia now carries a child which she believes should have been hers, orders the Warden to ensure both Fia and the baby are killed in the match.

The Warden relays the order to her nieces and the Lady Silver Hawk manages to kick Fia in the stomach, gravely wounding both her and the baby, but is stopped from causing further damage by Kelsey who jumps into the ring. At the same moment, the demonic Hong Feng breaks into the arena, now super powered by a cosmic gate in his chest and partially inhabited by I’xol’ukz.

In the turmoil, the bird sister flee, leaving Fia going into labor and fearing the baby is already dead. Kelsey tries to connect to Max to convince Fia that he is still alive. She finds Max while he is just about to depart the Hell World and Max uses his [Spectral Projection] technique to appear back on Earth in a spectral form.

He joins Kelsey in defeating I’xol’ukz and Hong Feng, but is enraged when he sees what the bird sisters have done to Fia. He chases after them and brutally slays them as retribution for killing his unborn child. He is about to take on the Warden next, but is out of time and is further stopped by the Princess who is overjoyed to see Max still alive.

The princess promises him a proper match with the Warden upon his return, but envisions her own future with Max, thinking that Fia and the Baby are already dead.

Max returns to Fia to find she has given birth to a son, which somehow survived the trauma. Max names him Bryce and uses his [Sacred Brand of the Frenzied Flame] technique to imbue Kelsey’s axe with a portion of his spirit, turning it into a barrier producing weapon just like Venja.

He then tells Kelsey to take the entire family into the wild as the Warden and Princess already assume them all dead. He still has two weeks to get back to Earth and doesn’t trust what might happen to them while he is still away.

Max returns to his real body just in time to get off the Hell World and reunites with Hein on board the Xin Long. Jei Su Long is sent to the brig to await trial once they return to Du Gok Bhong. Kelsey gets Fia and her family to the settlement out in the wild and they see hope there, but Fia then notices a small birth mark of an inverted triangle on the back of the baby’s neck.

I’xol’ukz, having finally found its true vessel in the form of Max’s son, has marked him to be inhabited once he reaches maturity.

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